
    Dems Double Down on Open Borders-Every Senate Dem Votes Against Deporting Illegals who Assault Cops, plus National Security Goes Woke

    enMarch 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting the Vulnerable: Preborn Babies and IndividualsSupport organizations like Preborn for preborn baby protection and truth advocacy. Use tools like HealthLock for individual medical billing error correction.

      Both preborn babies and individuals need protection and advocacy. While a preborn baby's heart begins to beat at conception and their chances of survival increase when a mother hears their heartbeat, many medical bills contain errors that can result in significant financial burden for individuals. The Chinese Communist Party exerts influence over Hollywood, and the Biden administration's National Intelligence Agency has issued guidance to remove references to "radical Islamic terrorism." Meanwhile, some states, like Michigan, offer financial incentives for housing illegal aliens. It's crucial to support organizations like Preborn that help save lives and advocate for the truth, and tools like HealthLock that help individuals navigate and correct medical billing errors. Stay informed and engaged in issues that matter.

    • Democrats Try to Rush Through Funding Bill Without Votes on AmendmentsDemocrats attempted to bypass votes on popular amendments, leading to a standstill. Menendez, facing indictment, was the only Democrat to vote for an amendment preventing $1B to Iran, seen as a defiant move.

      During a recent Senate session, Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, attempted to rush through a massive government funding bill without allowing votes on amendments, many of which were popular and reasonable. Republicans, including Senator Steve Daines, opposed this and introduced several amendments, leading to a standstill. Schumer eventually forced votes on these amendments late at night, and every Democrat except Bob Menendez voted against an amendment that would have prevented the Biden administration from sending $1,000,000,000 to Iran. This vote was seen as a "screw you" to Schumer and the Democrats by Menendez, who is facing indictment and may run as an independent in New Jersey. The importance of this event highlights the political divide between the parties and the importance of transparency in government. Try Blackout Coffee, a premium and values-driven American brand, using the promo code "verdict" for a 20% discount. Be awake, not woke.

    • Senate Approves Funding to Iran with Minimal Media Coverage and Democratic UnanimityDespite Iran's anti-American and anti-Israel actions, Senate approves funding with little media coverage, allowing Democrats to vote in favor without public scrutiny. Democrats also oppose deporting assaulting illegals and stopping illegal immigration, against majority American will.

      During a recent vote in the Senate, a large amount of funding was approved to be sent to Iran, despite the country's history of anti-American and anti-Israel rhetoric and support for terrorist groups like Hamas. This vote took place late at night, with minimal media coverage, allowing many Democrats to vote in favor without facing public scrutiny. Another concerning vote saw Democrats voting against deporting illegal immigrants who assault police officers and against efforts to stop the importation of illegal immigrants into the country. These votes, which went against the will of a majority of Americans, were met with unanimous opposition from the Democratic party. The lack of media coverage and the party's unified stance on these issues highlights the importance of staying informed and engaged in the political process.

    • Frustration with Democratic Party's accountabilityThe speaker expresses concern over the Democratic Party's lack of accountability and transparency, with examples of controversial decisions facing little backlash or media scrutiny, and calls for change through donations to organizations like Preborn.

      The current political climate in America, as discussed, raises concerns about accountability and transparency within the Democratic Party. The speaker expresses shock over the party's decisions, such as flying in illegal immigrants and disregarding controversial votes, without facing significant backlash or media scrutiny. The media's perceived bias towards the Democratic Party, as observed by the speaker, further contributes to this issue. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of issues like protecting unborn babies' lives and calls for action through donations to organizations like Preborn. The overall tone is one of frustration and a call for change.

    • Investing in US oil and gas with Labrador Energy: Tax benefits, experienced leadership, and energy independenceConsider tax benefits, experienced leadership, and energy independence when investing in US oil and gas with Labrador Energy. However, past performance isn't indicative of future results, and all investments involve risk. Be informed about political issues like Social Security's solvency.

      Investing in US oil and gas with Labrador Energy offers potential tax benefits, experienced leadership, and the opportunity to contribute to American energy independence. However, it's crucial to note that past performance is not an indicator of future results, and all investments involve risk. Additionally, the national debt and lack of clear plans for addressing pressing issues like Social Security are significant concerns. During a recent Senate discussion, Janet Yellen, the Biden treasury secretary, admitted that the administration doesn't have a concrete plan for dealing with Social Security's solvency. This highlights the importance of being informed and making well-considered investment decisions while staying engaged with political issues that impact our future.

    • Democrats' Approach to Social Security and Border ControlDemocrats acknowledge Social Security insolvency but lack action, instead using it as a political weapon. They also offer incentives for illegal immigrants, potentially misallocating resources.

      The Democratic Party's approach to addressing pressing issues like Social Security insolvency and border control is lacking in substance and instead relies on political attacks and buying votes. Regarding Social Security, the Democrats acknowledge its impending insolvency but refuse to take action. Instead, they plan to use it as a political weapon. On the other hand, the border crisis sees Democrats doubling down on their open-border policy by offering incentives, such as rental subsidies, to house illegal immigrants, effectively buying votes. These actions raise concerns about the misallocation of resources and the potential for exploitation. The situation highlights the need for responsible and effective solutions to tackle these critical issues. Additionally, the discussion introduced Ammo Squared, a service that allows users to automate their ammunition purchasing and storage. This can be particularly useful during times when ammo availability is limited, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service offers a customizable and budget-friendly solution for gun owners, providing peace of mind and convenience.

    • Democratic housing policies for illegal immigrants under scrutinyCritics argue that Democratic housing policies for illegal immigrants could financially burden American families and the economy, while Democrats argue they can print and spend unlimited money to bring in more voters

      The Democratic party's stance on housing illegal immigrants comes under scrutiny for potential financial implications on American families and the economy. Critics argue that the program could be seen as a form of buying votes, as it provides financial incentives for hosting illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the influx of illegal immigrants under the Biden administration has contributed to rising housing and inflation costs, which some argue undermines hardworking American families. The Democrats' response is that they can spend and print unlimited money, and bring in more voters to maintain their power. The debate continues on the implications of such policies on American families and the economy. The speaker also shared insights into the Democratic senators' lockstep voting pattern, which they attribute to Schumer's behind-the-scenes maneuvering to ensure party unity.

    • Unpredictable Senate Business and Personal ValuesSenate Majority Leader McConnell's control over the calendar led to unpredictable schedules and late-night votes. Supporting companies aligned with personal values, like switching to Patriot Mobile, is important.

      During McConnell's tenure as Senate Majority Leader, his control over the calendar made senators' schedules unpredictable, leading to long waiting periods and late-night votes. This was particularly evident during a funding debate when the senator had to return to the capital after already going home and getting ready for bed. Another key point is the speaker's emphasis on the importance of supporting companies aligned with conservative values, as he switched from a major mobile provider to Patriot Mobile, which supports causes like free speech, religious freedom, and military funding. Lastly, there's the administration's reported memo advising personnel to avoid "problematic phrases" when discussing Islamic terrorism and foreign adversaries, a story that's received little media attention. Overall, these anecdotes highlight the unpredictability of Senate business and the importance of standing firm on personal values.

    • Memo argues for changing terminology related to counterterrorismThe Biden admin is focusing on changing terminology related to counterterrorism, which some argue is a waste of time and a dangerous distraction, potentially making the intelligence community less effective in fighting against Jihadist terrorism and keeping Americans safe.

      The intelligence community under the Biden administration is focusing on changing terminology related to counterterrorism, which some argue is a waste of time and a dangerous distraction from national security. A memo obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, titled "The Dive," argues for disentangling Islam from words and phrases used to discuss terrorism, and suggests removing phrases like "Islamic extremist" and "radical Islamist." Critics argue that this is putting politics above national security and continuing a trend from the Obama administration, which purged references to radical Islamic terrorism from Department of Homeland Security records. The intelligence community's focus on political correctness could make them less effective in fighting against Jihadist terrorism and keeping Americans safe. This comes as Democrats in Congress have prioritized issues like illegal immigration and sending billions of dollars to Iran over protecting American citizens.

    • Investment Opportunity for Accredited Investors and Masculinity Boost for MenAccredited investors can potentially benefit from Labrador Energy's investment opportunity, offering financial gains and tax advantages. Men seeking to boost testosterone levels and maximize masculinity can try CHOC's Chalk Vitality Stack, reportedly increasing testosterone levels by up to 20% within 90 days.

      For accredited investors, considering investing in the energy sector through Labrador Energy could offer potential financial gains and possible tax benefits. Additionally, for men looking to boost their testosterone levels and maximize their masculinity, trying CHOC's Chalk Vitality Stack might be beneficial. Firstly, Labrador Energy, as mentioned by Ben Ferguson, is an investment opportunity for accredited investors. Historically, the energy sector has shown sound returns, and investing with Labrador Energy could potentially allow investors to structure their investments to offset active or passive income, reducing their tax liability. However, it's crucial to consult legal, tax, and financial advisers and read the prospectus before making any investment decisions. Secondly, for men experiencing a decline in strength and vitality, CHOC's Chalk Vitality Stack could help boost testosterone levels by up to 20% within 90 days. Ben Ferguson himself has been taking the stack for over a year and has reported working out effectively and losing weight. The subscription is cancelable at any time, and there's a limited-time offer for a massive discount using the promo code Ben. In summary, for accredited investors looking for potential financial gains and tax benefits, Labrador Energy could be an attractive investment opportunity. Meanwhile, for men aiming to enhance their masculinity, CHOC's Chalk Vitality Stack might be a worthwhile consideration.

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