
    Biden is not running the government. So, who is?

    enJuly 24, 2024
    What role do Biden's advisors play in government operations?
    Who forms the bulk of the federal government?
    How does the political class enrich themselves?
    What effect does political theater have on public perception?
    Why is staying informed about politics important for the public?

    Podcast Summary

    • Unelected bureaucratsUnelected bureaucrats wield significant power in the federal government, making up the bulk of its workforce and influencing daily decision-making

      President Joe Biden may not be the one running the federal government as we might assume based on our democratic process. While his family members, closest advisors, and White House staff play significant roles, the real power lies in the political class, which includes politicians, their appointees, and the unelected bureaucrats who make up the permanent administrative component of the federal government. The latter group, consisting of close to three million people, forms the bulk of the federal government. Biden's recent debate performance and interview issues have highlighted this fact, as the day-to-day work and decision-making in Washington and beyond are largely handled by this extensive network of individuals and organizations.

    • Political class scamThe political class, made up of court intellectuals, politicians, plutocrats, and bureaucrats, work together to enrich themselves at the expense of the general population through government interventions, creating a cycle of negative consequences and more interventions, all while maintaining the illusion of a democratic republic.

      The political class, which includes court intellectuals, politicians, plutocrats, and bureaucrats, forms a powerful coalition that works together to enrich and advance themselves at the expense of the general population. Court intellectuals use their expertise to justify government interventions, politicians offer to enact them in exchange for votes and donations, plutocrats lobby and pay to manipulate interventions for their own gain, and bureaucrats benefit from the resulting jobs and power. This cycle of interventions and their predictable negative consequences leads to even more interventions, further increasing government power and the wealth and influence of the political class. The political theater of electoral and legislative rituals serves to obscure this scam and maintain the illusion of a representative democratic republic.

    • Political cycle in WashingtonThe political cycle continues in Washington regardless of the president's cognitive abilities, emphasizing the need for public engagement and credible information sources.

      The political cycle in Washington, D.C. continues to churn regardless of the cognitive abilities of the president. This reality may be disillusioning for those who believed that the government works for the people, as taught in elementary school. However, the ongoing churn serves as a reminder that the government operates in its own sphere, and the American public needs to stay informed and engaged to ensure their interests are represented. The discussion also highlights the importance of staying updated with credible sources of information, such as Mises.org, to better understand the complexities of politics.

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