
    Biden Money Trail from China, Secret Biden Emails, China Making Big Bucks on Green New Deal & FBI Sounds Warning on Potential Hamas Terror Attack in USA

    enNovember 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Casino in the Sky and Health Savings, Chinese Influence and Biden Family FinancesChumba Casino offers free, accessible games while HealthLock saves on medical bills. Chinese influence in Hollywood and Biden family finances raise concerns.

      Chumba Casino is gaining popularity with its free, casino-style games accessible anywhere, even at 30,000 feet. Meanwhile, HealthLock offers a solution to potential errors and overbilling in medical bills, helping members save significant amounts. However, a concerning issue comes to light with reports of the Chinese Communist Party exerting influence over Hollywood and major studios. Lastly, the Biden family's financial dealings continue to raise questions, with new intel revealing a $40,000 check from their business to President Biden. These stories highlight the importance of being informed and vigilant in various aspects of life.

    • Biden Family's Dealings with Chinese CompanyThe Biden family received $10M from a Chinese company through complicated transactions, with Hunter Biden demanding $5M be wired directly to him, raising concerns for potential corruption and future blackmail.

      Joe Biden and his family members received funds from a Chinese Communist Party-linked company, CEFC, through a series of complicated transactions. Joe Biden's son, Hunter, demanded a $10,000,000 capital payment from a CEFC associate, threatening consequences if the money wasn't paid. The extortion scheme worked, and $5,000,000 was wired to a joint venture established by Hunter and a CEFC associate. The money then made its way to Joe Biden through a series of transactions involving other family members. This raises concerns about potential corruption and the possibility of future blackmail, especially given that these efforts to secure funds from CEFC began when Joe Biden was still Vice President. The House Oversight Committee is continuing to investigate and hold President Biden accountable for these actions. It's unusual for individuals to receive such large sums of money from Chinese companies, and in this case, it appears that the value of the transaction was in the connections and favors provided by the Biden family rather than any services or talent they offered.

    • Financial Transactions Raising Questions About Biden Family's Ties to ChinaLarge sums of money were transferred between entities linked to the Biden family and individuals from China, with potential favors from Joe Biden being the likely explanation

      There are clear financial transactions taking place between entities linked to the Biden family and individuals from China and other countries, with large sums of money being transferred on the same day or shortly after. For instance, a $5,000,000 wire from China was followed by a $400,000 wire to a Biden entity on August 8, 2017. Six days later, $150,000 was wired to an entity controlled by James and Sarah Biden. On August 28th, Sarah Biden took out $50,000 in cash and deposited $50 into her personal checking account before writing a $40,000 check to Joe Biden. The Biden White House defenders have attempted to dismiss these transactions, but the question remains: what value could Hunter Biden provide to justify such large sums of money? The only plausible answer is that he was able to offer favors from his father, given his lack of capacity to provide significant value otherwise. Additionally, as these financial transactions come to light, Hunter Biden has responded by writing an op-ed in USA Today expressing his displeasure with the media attention and investigation into his father's involvement in the family's business. However, the ongoing corruption within the Biden family, with multiple members receiving payments from Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian sources, is a significant concern.

    • Newly disclosed emails of Joe Biden raise questions of pay-to-play schemesThe discovery of Joe Biden's use of multiple burner email accounts and Hunter Biden's involvement in his father's official business dealings fuel suspicions of influence peddling and pay-to-play schemes, warranting further investigation.

      The discussions surrounding Hunter Biden's business dealings and the newly disclosed emails of Joe Biden's during his tenure as Vice President raise serious questions about potential pay-to-play schemes and influence peddling. Hunter Biden's lack of qualifications and the large sums of money paid to him suggest that he was selling access to his father, who held significant political offices. The discovery of Joe Biden's use of multiple burner email accounts and the involvement of Hunter Biden in his father's official business dealings further fuels these suspicions. The existence of 82,000 pages of Biden emails, some of which were sent to Hunter Biden, adds to the growing body of evidence that warrants further investigation into the Biden family's dealings. The unusual circumstances surrounding the emails and the use of aliases by Joe Biden add to the intrigue and highlight the need for transparency and accountability.

    • Joe Biden's Unusual Email AliasesVP Biden had numerous hidden email accounts with pseudonyms, including 'auxt' linked to Archmere Academy and 'Peter Henderson' from Tom Clancy novels, raising questions about transparency and potential communication concealment.

      Joe Biden, while serving as Vice President, had an unusual number of email aliases, some of which were concealed or pseudonymous. These aliases included "auxt" which was linked to the mascot of Archmere Academy, and "Peter Henderson," a fictional Soviet Union era spy character from Tom Clancy novels. The reason for having multiple email addresses and pseudonyms is unclear, but it is unusual for a high-ranking government official to have such a large number of hidden email accounts. This raises questions about transparency and potential efforts to conceal communications.

    • Exploring wireless savings and Iran's oil profitsConsumers can save on wireless service with Consumer Cellular while Iran earns significant funds from oil sales, fueling terrorism and sponsoring groups

      Consumers don't have to overpay for wireless service when they can get the same fast and reliable coverage from Consumer Cellular for less. Meanwhile, in international news, Iran is making staggering amounts of money from oil sales, funding terrorism and sponsoring groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. This issue of energy independence and the financial benefits it provides to dangerous regimes is explored in detail in Senator Hawley's new book, "Unwoke," which emphasizes the need to address these issues and defeat the cultural Marxism that has infiltrated various institutions in America. The book also highlights China's role as a central nexus in these issues. For wireless savings, call 1 888 Freedom or visit consumercellular.com. For more on Iran and energy independence, read Senator Hawley's "Unwoke," available for preorder now.

    • Renewable energy dependence on ChinaThe Green New Deal could make the US economically dependent on China for renewable energy resources and manufacturing, potentially threatening US energy independence

      The push towards renewable energy under the Green New Deal could lead to energy dependence on China, as they control a significant portion of the necessary minerals and manufacturing for wind, solar, and battery production. This shift could give China the power to potentially cripple the US economy and energy independence. The book, "Make America Great Again: The Antidote to the Radical Left's Lunacy," by Sal Giunta, highlights this issue and explores how the radical left has taken over various institutions in America, including education, journalism, government, and more. The book aims to equip readers with useful information and tell engaging stories to help understand these critical issues.

    • Preparing for the Future with Knowledge and GiftsStay informed with facts, data, and arguments from upcoming book. Get multiple copies as gifts to spread awareness. Support Patriot Mobile, a wireless provider donating to pro-life causes. Be concerned about border security and potential terrorist attacks.

      It's crucial to stay informed about current events and the state of the country, and the upcoming book being discussed offers just that. The book aims to prepare readers with facts, data, and arguments while also being enjoyable. Additionally, the speaker encourages readers to get multiple copies as gifts to spread awareness. Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative wireless provider, is another topic touched upon. For every new customer, they make an initial donation to organizations that protect unborn children, and monthly bills contribute to conservative Christian organizations. The speaker expresses concern about the real threat of terrorist attacks on US soil, emphasizing the importance of border security. Despite FBI Director Christopher Wray's previous focus on homegrown extremists, the speaker acknowledges the potential danger of foreign terrorist organizations like Hamas.

    • FBI Focuses on Hamas Threat Amidst Criticism and Open Border ConcernsFBI prioritizes Hamas threat investigation while critics question focus and open border raises terror concerns, Hollywood's choices for Chinese market raise cultural integrity issues

      There are concerns about the potential threat of Hamas terrorists in the United States, as stated by FBI Director Chris Wray. This comes amidst a perceived focus by the FBI on other threats, such as Klansmen or Nazis, which some argue has been politically motivated. The open southern border and the risk of terrorists entering the country add to the concerns. The administration's handling of the border situation has also been criticized. Meanwhile, Hollywood is under scrutiny for reportedly making choices to appease the Chinese Communist Party, raising concerns about the impact on American values and culture. These issues highlight the need for continued vigilance and open dialogue about national security and cultural integrity.

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