
    Part 3 Finale: Exclusive with James Comer-ALL the Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption

    enDecember 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From preborn babies to aging adults, we all deserve carePreborn babies' hearts form at conception and beating at 5 weeks, 200 saved daily from abortion via ultrasound. Older adults face health and financial challenges, CHOQ boosts testosterone, Health Lock saves on medical bills, closed-door depositions aid investigations

      Both preborn babies and adults deserve our care and attention. At the heart of this discussion, we learned that a preborn baby's heart begins to form at conception and can be heard beating at just five weeks. Preborn's clinics rescue 200 babies from abortion every day, and hearing a baby's heartbeat during an ultrasound significantly increases their chances of survival. Meanwhile, as we age, we may face different challenges, such as declining health and increasing expenses. CHOQ offers a solution for men looking to boost their testosterone levels and maximize their masculinity. Additionally, Health Lock helps individuals ensure their medical bills are accurate and save money. Lastly, during an investigation, the advantages of conducting a closed-door deposition before public testimony include having more time to ask questions and review evidence.

    • Public hearing vs private deposition for Hunter BidenA public hearing for Hunter Biden could have political implications for the Biden administration, but it may also limit questioning rounds and cause disruptions. A private deposition allows for more detailed questioning, but it may not be publicly accessible.

      While a private deposition would allow for more detailed and extensive questioning, holding a public hearing with Hunter Biden could have significant political implications for the Biden administration. The speaker argues that despite the limitations of a public hearing, such as shorter questioning rounds and potential disruptions, the public airing of questions related to allegations of corruption could cause substantial legal jeopardy for Joe Biden. The speaker encourages the committee to consider having longer questioning rounds during a public hearing and delegating specific issues to individual members to maximize the value of the public hearing. Ultimately, the decision to pursue a private deposition or a public hearing is a strategic one, and both approaches have their merits and challenges.

    • Act promptly when dealing with legal or political issuesSecuring valuable information and acting promptly in legal or political situations can lead to better outcomes, but accuracy and completeness of information is crucial.

      It's important to act promptly when dealing with potential legal or political issues, as waiting too long could result in missed opportunities or the loss of leverage. This was emphasized in the context of a legal case, where securing a deposition or public statement from a key figure could be valuable, especially considering the uncertainty of election outcomes and potential changes in leadership. Additionally, there have been claims of manipulation and distortion of facts in a recent public hearing involving Hunter Biden. It's important to remember that accurate and complete information is crucial in any discussion or investigation, and allegations of manipulation should be met with evidence and factual responses.

    • Biden administration blocks investigation into alleged shakedown schemeDespite evidence of a potential shakedown scheme involving President Biden and a Chinese business partner, the DOJ under the Biden administration has prevented a search of GPS data, and the media has been criticized for manipulating quotes and deleting crucial words.

      The discussion revolves around the alleged involvement of President Joe Biden in a shakedown scheme, as evidenced by a text message between Hunter Biden and a Chinese business partner. The text message, which includes a Chinese flag next to the business partner's name for identification purposes, is considered direct evidence, yet the Department of Justice under the Biden administration has prevented any search of GPS data that could determine the location of the parties involved during the time the text was sent. The media has also been criticized for manipulating the text by adding the Chinese flag, but the Biden team has not denied the accuracy of the text or claimed that it is a fake. The discussion also highlights the issue of media bias and the deletion of crucial words in quotes attributed to Hunter Biden, which can change the meaning of the statement. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in public figures' business dealings and the potential consequences of selective reporting.

    • Support causes and save money with alternative providersConsumers can save money and align with values by choosing alternative providers like Patriot Mobile and HealthLock.

      Consumers have alternatives to large wireless providers and can support causes they believe in while saving money. Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative wireless provider, stands behind its values and offers exceptional service, including a free smartphone promotion. They provide dependable nationwide coverage and are a 100% US-based company. Meanwhile, the Biden family has been under scrutiny for their foreign business dealings, allegedly involving multiple countries. On the other hand, HealthLock helps consumers ensure medical bills are accurate by reviewing claims for errors and negotiating on their behalf. Lastly, a reminder that out-of-pocket costs are not covered by insurance, and HealthLock can help save money on hidden errors. Consumers have the power to make a difference with their choices, whether it's supporting values-aligned businesses or saving on healthcare costs.

    • Saving Lives with Ultrasounds and SupportFor $28, Preborn offers ultrasounds and support to mothers with unplanned pregnancies, making a significant difference in a child's life. Separately, investigations continue into financial dealings involving Joe Biden's brother James and the Biden Shell Companies, raising concerns about transparency and accountability.

      The formation of a baby's life begins early, with a beating heart detected as early as five weeks. Preborn is an organization that helps save lives by providing ultrasounds and supporting mothers with unplanned pregnancies. For just $28, you can make a difference in a child's life. Meanwhile, in a separate matter, there are ongoing investigations into the financial dealings of Joe Biden's brother, James. Although James Biden may not have been as publicly involved in the family business as Hunter Biden, there are questions regarding transactions between James Biden's LLC and the Biden Shell Companies. The $240,000 that went from the Biden Shell Companies to James Biden's personal account and was then transferred to Joe Biden raises concerns, as there is no evidence to support that it was a loan repayment. Overall, these investigations highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in public figures' financial dealings.

    • Hunter Biden's questionable business dealingsAllegations of Hunter Biden's shady business deals in corrupt countries raise concerns for influence peddling and conflicts of interest

      Hunter Biden's business dealings, particularly those involving countries with corrupt leaders and enemies of America, raise serious concerns about influence peddling and potential conflicts of interest. The fact that these business deals were primarily conducted in shady countries and not with close American allies is a red flag. Additionally, Hunter's sudden shift to selling art as a source of income after Joe Biden became president raises questions about whether influence peddling may still be occurring through art sales. It's important to note that these are allegations and require further investigation. Furthermore, the speaker also endorsed Blackout Coffee, a 100% American company, as a way to start the day despite the current economic situation.

    • GOP Investigates Biden Family's Art Business for Potential CorruptionRepublicans probe Biden family's art deals, seeking info on sales, buyers, conflicts of interest

      The House Republicans are investigating potential corruption involving President Joe Biden, his family members Hunter and Jim, and Hunter's art business. Despite the White House's claim that there is no evidence, the Republicans are determined to get answers to questions like how many paintings have been sold, to whom, and for how much. They plan to depose key figures like the art director and the Hollywood attorney. The investigation also raises questions about potential conflicts of interest, such as artwork being hung in government buildings or the White House, which could increase the value of the artwork. The Republicans believe that someone is blocking the release of this information and are determined to get to the bottom of it. The investigation has uncovered significant evidence of potential corruption, but the Republicans are facing criticism for wasting time and resources on a political stunt. Despite this, they remain committed to their investigation and plan to continue their efforts when they return from the holiday break.

    • House Republicans Pursue Impeachment Inquiry Against President Biden Despite Lack of EvidenceHouse Republicans continue impeachment inquiry against President Biden despite no evidence, while some Hollywood studios appease Chinese Communist Party for distribution rights.

      Despite repeated claims of a lack of evidence, the House Republicans have pushed forward with an impeachment inquiry against President Biden. This comes after a year-long scrutiny of the president and his family, which has yielded no evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors. The lack of evidence has been reported by multiple news outlets, yet the investigation continues. The president's supporters argue that this is a waste of time and resources, and that the Democrats are lying in their pursuit of an offense. Meanwhile, Hollywood faces criticism for appeasing the Chinese Communist Party in exchange for distribution rights in China. The documentary "Hollywood Takeover" by Tiffany Meyer sheds light on this issue, revealing how some major studios make choices to appease the CCP. It's important to stay informed about these issues and to seek out reliable sources of information.

    • Significant savings on mattresses at lisa.com and potential tax advantages with Labrador Energy for accredited investorsAccredited investors can save on mattresses at lisa.com and potentially benefit from tax advantages by investing in Labrador Energy's oil and gas opportunities

      There are current opportunities for significant savings on mattress purchases at lisa.com, with up to $700 off select mattresses and an additional $50 off with the promo code "iheart." Meanwhile, for accredited investors, considering US oil and gas as part of an investment portfolio through Labrador Energy could potentially yield both strong returns and potential tax advantages. By investing with Labrador Energy, accredited investors may be able to structure their investments to offset income, making it a tax-advantaged investment option. As always, it's important to consult legal, tax, and financial advisers and thoroughly read the prospectus before making any investment decisions.

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