
    UNCUT! ALL the Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption with James Comer

    enDecember 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Free casino games and saving livesChumba Casino offers free games with prizes, Pre Born saves lives, check medical bills for errors, HealthLock corrects inaccuracies, remember the true meaning of Christmas, and Senator Cruz shares investigation into Biden family

      Chumba Casino offers over 100 free casino games with the chance to win prizes, while Pre Born saves lives by helping mothers hear their baby's heartbeat and doubling their chances at life. Another crucial takeaway is the importance of checking medical bills for errors, as over 50% may contain inaccuracies. HealthLock can help securely identify and correct these issues, saving members over $130 million to date. Lastly, during the holiday season, it's essential to remember the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of Jesus – and take time to share this message with loved ones. Additionally, Senator Ted Cruz and Ben Ferguson are sharing an unedited 3-part series with James Comer, who is leading the investigation into the Biden crime family in the House.

    • Biden family's influence peddling scheme: New evidence of Joe Biden's involvementInvestigation reveals Joe Biden's brother, James Biden, defrauded AmeriCorps Health of $600,000 without providing any services, while the Biden family allegedly changed payment methods to evade detection. Ongoing investigation uncovers at least 20 suspicious transactions involving Biden family shell companies.

      The ongoing impeachment inquiry has led to the discovery of financial dealings involving Joe Biden's brother, James Biden, and potential fraud against AmeriCorps Health. This is the first instance where it appears Joe Biden directly benefited from the Biden family's influence peddling scheme. James Biden allegedly defrauded AmeriCorps Health out of $600,000, but never provided any funding or services in return. The investigative team is currently deposing individuals related to this case, and there are reports of other suspicious transactions involving Biden family shell companies, numbering at least 20. Despite claims from Democrats and the media that there's no evidence of Joe Biden's involvement, this investigation suggests otherwise. The Bidens have been accused of changing the way they received payments to avoid detection from authorities. The case against James Biden is currently in federal bankruptcy court, and he is expected to be subpoenaed for further questioning.

    • Banks flagged suspicious transactions involving Biden family's shell companiesBanks filed 170 suspicious activity reports on Biden family's accounts due to transactions with overseas shell companies, raising concerns about potential criminal conduct and national security risks.

      Shell companies, which are legal entities with no assets or known purpose, were used in suspicious transactions involving the Biden family. These transactions, totaling in millions of dollars, were primarily from overseas and raised red flags for banks due to their suspicious nature and the lack of transparency surrounding the companies and the sources of the funds. Suspicious activity reports, which are filed by banks when they believe their clients may have committed a crime, were filed on the Bidens' accounts in unprecedented numbers, totaling 170 from six different banks. The banks' decision to file these reports indicates their concern about potential criminal conduct and the potential national security risks associated with these transactions. The lack of coverage of this issue by major corporate media outlets highlights the importance of scrutinizing financial transactions and the role of shell companies in money laundering and other illicit activities.

    • Biden brothers change payment method to avoid IRS scrutinyThe Biden brothers allegedly changed how they received funds from foreign sources, labeling them as loans to avoid reporting and paying taxes, but lack evidence of collateral or loan documentation, raising concerns about their legitimacy, and their bank records show few, if any, principal or interest payments.

      Hunter and Jim Biden allegedly changed how they received funds from foreign sources around 2018, switching from wires labeled as payments to loans. This change was made in response to IRS scrutiny. By labeling the funds as loans, they didn't have to report the transactions to the IRS or pay taxes on them. However, there's no evidence of collateral or loan documentation to support these claims, raising concerns about their legitimacy. Furthermore, the Bidens' bank records show that they received large sums of money labeled as loans but made few, if any, principal or interest payments, suggesting questionable transactions. Despite this, neither Hunter nor Jim Biden have disputed these findings.

    • Allegations of questionable financial dealings involving the Biden familyIRS identified over $24 million in suspicious transactions, whistleblowers claim potential wrongdoing, investigations hindered, complex web of transactions, statute of limitations running out

      There are allegations of questionable financial dealings involving the Biden family, with large sums of money being transferred through various business deals and loans. The exact amounts paid back are unclear, and there are concerns about potential tax fraud and money laundering. The IRS has reportedly identified over $24 million in transactions that are difficult to explain. Whistleblowers have come forward with evidence of potential wrongdoing, but investigations have been hindered or halted. The complex web of transactions, involving multiple shell companies and bank accounts, has made it challenging to trace the money's origin and destination. The statute of limitations for some of these transactions is running out, adding urgency to the situation.

    • Joe Biden's Denials of Involvement in Son's Business Dealings Contradicted by New EvidenceNew evidence contradicts Joe Biden's repeated denials of involvement in son Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings during his tenure as Vice President, including emails, text messages, and pictures showing communications using pseudonyms and burner phones.

      During Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President, there were numerous reports of suspicious activities related to his son Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine and China. Despite these reports, investigations were halted, and the Biden administration continued to deny any involvement or knowledge of these dealings. However, evidence has since emerged, including emails, text messages, and pictures, showing that Joe Biden did indeed communicate with individuals involved in these businesses and used pseudonyms to hide his involvement. The Biden administration's claims of a wall between personal and private dealings were also found to be false, as there were hundreds of emails between Joe Biden and these individuals. The use of pseudonyms and burner phones indicates an attempt to conceal their communications. These findings contradict Joe Biden's repeated denials of any involvement in his son's overseas business dealings while he was Vice President.

    • Emails between Biden team and individuals involved in Hunter's business dealingsDuring Biden's Vice Presidency, emails about Hunter's business dealings with Ukraine's Burisma were exchanged using pseudonyms and hidden from public view, raising concerns about transparency and potential conflicts of interest.

      During Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President, there were emails exchanged between his team and individuals involved in business dealings with his son Hunter, despite claims that there was no business involvement. These emails, some of which were using pseudonyms and were copied to Hunter, were about matters related to Ukraine and Hunter's position on the board of Burisma. This raises questions about the transparency and potential conflicts of interest in the Biden family's business dealings. Additionally, these emails were discovered on Hunter Biden's laptop, which was initially dismissed as Russian disinformation but later acknowledged as authentic. The use of pseudonyms and secret communications suggests an attempt to hide these dealings from public view.

    • Ensuring medical billing accuracy saves consumers moneyHealthLock helps review claims for potential errors, saving members over $130 million. Biden family corruption allegations persist, with reports of potential quid pro quo arrangements.

      Ensuring accuracy in medical billing is crucial for consumers to avoid overpaying, as errors are estimated to be present in over 50% of bills. HealthLock, a healthcare technology company, can help review claims for potential errors, saving members over $130 million to date. Meanwhile, concerns about potential corruption involving the Biden family and international associates persist, with reports of at least 20 phone calls and meetings between them. One notable instance involves a Russian oligarch who sent $3.5 million to Hunter Biden while Joe Biden was vice president, and was later not sanctioned when Russia invaded Ukraine. This raises questions about potential quid pro quo arrangements, as the oligarch had direct access and conversations with Joe Biden. It's important to note that bribery requires both a payment and something of value in return, and there's currently no evidence of Hunter providing any expertise, services, or skills worth $3.5 million. These are significant issues that warrant further investigation and transparency.

    • Allegations of conflicts of interest and bribery involving Biden familyUnproven allegations suggest potential conflicts of interest and bribery regarding Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, involving millions from foreign oligarchs and influence on U.S. sanctions.

      There are concerns about potential conflicts of interest and bribery involving President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. The discussions revolve around millions of dollars paid to Hunter Biden by foreign oligarchs, including one who was miraculously left off U.S. sanctions lists despite being an oligarch from Russia. Additionally, there are allegations that Joe Biden may have played a role in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the company owned by this oligarch. These actions could potentially support bribery claims, as not listing someone for sanctions for the sake of a family member's financial gain is considered bribery. It's important to note that these are allegations and not proven facts. However, the unusual nature of these circumstances raises eyebrows and warrants further investigation.

    • Hunter Biden's Indictment and Alleged Financial IrregularitiesHunter Biden was indicted on tax crimes related to Burisma earnings, but allegations of unreported income, fake write-offs, and potential loans add complexity to the situation. President Biden maintains no wrongdoing, but $1.05 million in payments from influence peddling schemes, including $250,000 to him, remain unclear.

      Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, was indicted on tax crimes related to earnings from his work with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. However, there are allegations of questionable financial dealings beyond this, including unreported income and fake write-offs involving prostitutes and drugs, as well as potential loans. Despite these allegations, President Biden has consistently stated that there is no evidence of wrongdoing on his or his son's part. The most compelling evidence to date includes five payments totaling $1.05 million that were traced back to Hunter Biden's influence peddling schemes, with $250,000 directly going to Joe Biden. These payments have been described as loan repayments, but the circumstances surrounding them remain unclear.

    • Allegations of questionable financial transactions involving Biden family$400,000 from China to Biden family, $40,000 to Joe Biden, potential tax implications, suspicions of money laundering

      There are allegations of substantial financial transactions involving Joe and Jim Biden, as well as Sarah Biden, with questionable origins. The discussion suggests that $650,000 was transferred to the Bidens, with $400,000 coming directly from China. This $400,000 was then distributed to various Biden family members, including Joe Biden, who received $40,000. This $40,000 represents 10% of the $400,000, and it is a significant point because it aligns with the 10% referred to in a WhatsApp message where Hunter Biden was demanding fulfillment of a commitment from Chinese nationals. The timeframe between this commitment and the payment is quite compressed, leading to suspicions of money laundering. Additionally, there are concerns about potential tax implications for President Biden, given the involvement of shell companies and potential benefits received that were not directly deposited into his account.

    • Hunter Biden's Financial Dealings and Potential Illegal ActivitiesThe investigation into Hunter Biden's financial dealings uncovered potential money laundering, tax evasion, securities fraud, and human trafficking, some of which allegedly occurred at Joe Biden's house. Hunter Biden refused to testify in a congressional deposition despite being subpoenaed.

      The investigation into Hunter Biden's financial dealings and potential involvement in questionable activities is complex and ongoing. According to the laptop, Hunter Biden paid for expenses for Joe Biden, including a new roof and cell phone bills. Hunter Biden refused to testify in a congressional deposition despite being subpoenaed. The investigation has uncovered potential money laundering, tax evasion, securities fraud, and even possible human trafficking, some of which allegedly occurred at Joe Biden's house. A suspicious activity report from JPMorgan identified Hunter Biden as a customer of an escort service, with two prostitutes, one from Russia and one from Ukraine, engaging in illegal activities. The next step is for the House Oversight Committee to issue contempt of congress charges against Hunter Biden, which involves a lot of paperwork and procedural steps. The investigation is significant due to potential ties between Hunter Biden's activities and Joe Biden, and the potential for illegal activities, including human trafficking.

    • Congressional investigations require careful planning and preparationThe House Oversight Committee is conducting a corruption investigation, amassing evidence, and planning a closed-door deposition for Hunter Biden to allow for thorough questioning before a public hearing.

      The process of issuing subpoenas and conducting investigations in Congress involves significant bureaucracy and preparation. The speaker's general counsel must sign off on subpoenas, and there are limitations on the amount of time and questions allowed during public hearings. In the ongoing investigation into public corruption, the House Oversight Committee has amassed a large amount of evidence and has hundreds of questions for Hunter Biden. A closed-door deposition would allow for a more thorough and substantive line of questioning compared to a public hearing, where time is limited and disruptions can occur. The committee plans to have a public hearing, but only after Hunter Biden has been deposed. Meanwhile, the importance of the investigation and the potential impact on lives, as demonstrated by the work of organizations like Preborn, should not be overlooked.

    • Considering Public Hearing with Hunter BidenSenator Dershowitz suggests holding a public hearing with Hunter Biden for longer questioning rounds and potential focus on Joe Biden's legal jeopardy.

      While a private deposition of Hunter Biden may yield more detailed information, holding a public hearing with him could provide significant value as well. Senator and lawyer Alan Dershowitz argues that public hearings in the Senate often have longer questioning rounds, allowing for more thorough examination of issues. He also emphasizes that the focus should be on Joe Biden and the potential legal jeopardy for him if Hunter Biden publicly answers questions related to their financial dealings. Dershowitz advises against letting the perfect be the enemy of the good and encourages the committee to consider holding a public hearing with Hunter Biden, even if it may not be as effective as a private deposition. Hunter Biden himself has publicly denied any financial involvement with his father in his business dealings, and such a hearing could potentially bring more transparency and clarity to the situation.

    • Politicians and Media Cherry-pick Information to Allegedly Link Father and Son in BusinessPoliticians and media manipulate context and selectively present information to falsely link a person's father to their business, undermining trust and accuracy in reporting.

      The allegations against a person's father being financially involved in their business lack evidence due to selectively presented information and manipulated context. The individuals making these allegations, including James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Jason Smith, have been accused of cherry-picking lines from bank statements, editing testimonies, and manipulating text messages. The person argues that these actions are misrepresentations and entitlement from someone who has previously gotten away with such behavior due to their political influence. The media's role in this issue is also criticized for not asking critical questions, such as whether the father was present during certain incidents. The person also highlights the importance of direct evidence, such as a WhatsApp text message, which can provide clear information about potential involvement, but is being withheld by the Biden Department of Justice. The media's role in accurately reporting such information is emphasized, as well as the potential implications of selectively presenting or manipulating information.

    • Biden family's business dealings in corrupt and adversarial countriesThe Biden family's business dealings in countries like China, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, and Uzbekistan, and Jim Biden's operations in the Middle East, raise concerns of influence peddling and targeting bad actors and enemies of America.

      The Biden family's business dealings span across various corrupt and adversarial countries, raising concerns about influence peddling schemes. Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings in countries like China, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, and Uzbekistan, along with Jim Biden's operations in the Middle East, suggest a pattern of targeting bad actors and enemies of America. The lack of business dealings with close US allies adds to the suspicion. The family's financial transactions, such as the $240,000 from Hunter's companies going through James Biden's personal account, also warrant further investigation. Despite Joe Biden's claims of no evidence, the absence of bank records and loans to support these transactions raises serious questions.

    • Biden family art sales under investigation for potential influence peddlingInvestigation ongoing into Biden family art sales for possible influence peddling, some art sold to individuals of interest, transparency needed to quell suspicions

      There are serious concerns regarding potential influence peddling by the Biden family, particularly Hunter Biden, involving art sales since Joe Biden became president. The family's business model changed from direct wire transfers to claiming the money was from loans, and later to art sales. It is essential to know who is purchasing this artwork and how they are paying. The investigation is ongoing, but it appears that some art has been sold to individuals of interest, and there are questions about whether any artwork has been hung in government buildings or the White House. The Biden family's sudden shift to art sales raises suspicions, and transparency is necessary to ensure there is no ongoing influence peddling. The lack of evidence presented by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre does not change the mounting evidence of potential corruption involving the Biden family.

    • House Republicans' Impeachment Inquiry Against Biden: A Waste of Time and Resources?Some criticize House Republicans for focusing on a baseless impeachment inquiry against President Biden, while important issues like Ukraine funding and the border crisis remain unresolved. The lack of concrete evidence has been acknowledged even by Republican-aligned news outlets.

      House Republicans are facing criticism for what some see as a baseless impeachment inquiry against President Biden, with no concrete evidence of wrongdoing being presented. Instead, they are accused of wasting time and resources on this investigation while important issues like funding for Ukraine and addressing the border crisis remain unresolved. The lack of evidence has been acknowledged even by Republican-aligned news outlets. The White House and its supporters argue that this is a political stunt and a distraction from the real issues facing the country. It's important to note that social media and podcasts, like the one discussed in this text, can provide alternative perspectives and information that may not be covered in the mainstream media. However, it's essential to critically evaluate the sources and the accuracy of the information presented.

    • Money, Politics, and Power: Shaping Government DecisionsExplore how campaign financing, lobbying, and political maneuvering impact government policies and decisions through 'The Big Take DC' podcast.

      Money, politics, and power significantly influence the functioning of government, and voters bear the consequences. The Big Take DC podcast delves into these complex issues, exploring how campaign financing, lobbying, and political maneuvering shape policies and decisions. Listeners can tune in every Thursday on the Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or other podcast platforms to gain insights into this intricate relationship. By understanding the connections between money, politics, and power, we can make informed decisions as voters and active citizens.

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