
    Biden Woke Easter-No Jesus Allowed, plus CA $20 Minimum Wage Causes 1000s to Lose Their Jobs & NBC Loses Their Minds that Republicans Exist

    enApril 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Preborn babies' heartbeats detected at 3 weeks, and 200 rescued dailyAt three weeks, a preborn baby's heart starts beating, and an organization called Preborn helps save 200 babies from abortion daily through ultrasound encounters.

      The heart of a preborn baby starts beating at just three weeks after conception, and at five weeks, its heartbeat can be heard on ultrasound. Preborn is an organization that helps rescue 200 babies from abortion every day by facilitating encounters between mothers and their babies on ultrasound, significantly increasing the babies' chances of survival. Meanwhile, HealthLock is a technology that securely connects with your insurance to flag and correct errors, helping you save money on medical bills. The Chinese Communist Party reportedly exerts significant influence over Hollywood, as revealed in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover." The Biden administration ignored Easter in favor of promoting "everybody that's transgender day," and California's new $20 minimum wage law has resulted in job losses for thousands of workers. NBC News attempted to hire a Republican on-air talent but faced backlash from left-wing Democrats, ultimately deciding to rescind the offer. AMOS Squared offers a solution for those who want to ensure a steady supply of ammunition, allowing automatic purchases and free storage when not in use.

    • Managing Ammo Needs with AmmoSquaredAmmoSquared allows users to save, store, and even sell back their ammo, acting as a smart investment strategy for gun owners.

      AmmoSquared offers a convenient solution for managing ammunition needs, acting as a savings account or 401k for ammo. Users can build up their supply over time, store it with AmmoSquared, and even sell it back when prices are high. Meanwhile, the White House's announcement on Transgender Day of Visibility during Easter Sunday sparked controversy, with some seeing it as a deliberate attempt to overlook the Christian holiday. The debate revolves around whether this was a political move to appeal to younger voters or a mere oversight from secular officials. Regardless, it highlights the growing divide between faith and politics in the public sphere.

    • Potential Misunderstandings during White House Recognition of Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter SundayThe White House's recognition of Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday sparked controversy, with some questioning if the administration was intentionally offensive or simply unaware of the religious significance of Easter. The subsequent defense of the recognition and the Easter egg decorating contest guidelines led to further backlash.

      During a discussion about the White House recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday, it was suggested that the administration may have been unaware of the religious significance of Easter to many Americans. The White House spokesperson later doubled down on the recognition, leading to backlash from some communities. The speaker expressed skepticism that the White House was intentionally offensive, suggesting instead that they may not have known anyone who would be offended. However, the speaker found the White House's Easter egg decorating contest guidelines, which prohibited religious themes, even more offensive as they directly targeted the religious significance of the holiday. Overall, the conversation highlighted the potential for misunderstandings and unintentional offense when recognizing multiple cultural observances on the same day.

    • White House excludes Christian symbols from Easter egg decorating contestThe White House's Easter egg decorating contest guidelines prohibit religious references, potentially excluding Christian symbols and texts, which some view as discrimination against people of faith.

      The White House's guidelines for an Easter egg decorating contest prohibit any religious references, effectively excluding Christian symbols and texts, despite Easter being a Christian holiday. This policy, according to the speaker, can be seen as a form of discrimination and a sign of vitriol towards people of faith, particularly Christians. The speaker expresses frustration with this situation and encourages listeners to support organizations that protect unborn babies, emphasizing the significance of their heartbeats and the impact of hearing them during ultrasounds. The speaker's text included a biblical verse from Luke 24:6-7, which the speaker believes would have been disqualified from the White House contest due to its religious content. The speaker believes that this policy unfairly targets Christians and infringes on their freedom to express their faith during a holiday celebration.

    • Affordable wireless coverage and exceptional comfort solutionsConsumer Cellular offers affordable wireless coverage, while Lisa ensures customer comfort and support with their mattresses

      Consumer Cellular offers the same reliable wireless coverage as leading carriers at a lower cost, allowing customers to save money. Meanwhile, Lisa, a sleep solutions company, provides exceptional comfort and support with their mattresses, making it easier for customers to achieve better sleep. Additionally, there's a growing concern among some individuals about the erasure of religious symbols and celebrations, specifically during Christmas and Easter, which they believe is being intentionally downplayed or replaced by secular alternatives. Patriot Mobile, an alternative cell phone provider, aims to provide the same coverage as major networks without funding Democratic causes, making it a viable option for those looking to align their wireless service with their political beliefs.

    • Supporting conservative companies contributes to causesChoosing to back conservative companies can align beliefs and support causes, but overly burdensome regulations can lead to job losses and business closures.

      Supporting conservative companies, like Patriotmobile, not only aligns with your beliefs but also contributes to causes you care about. Meanwhile, mandating high minimum wages, as seen in California, can lead to mass layoffs and business closures, ultimately hurting employees. It's essential to consider the potential consequences of political decisions and the role your consumer choices play in shaping the economy.

    • From burgers to better opportunitiesEntry-level jobs in the restaurant industry offer valuable skills and experiences, and can serve as stepping stones for career advancement. However, increasing minimum wage could lead to higher costs and unemployment.

      Restaurant owners are not just in the food business, but in the opportunity business. Entry-level jobs in the industry, such as flipping burgers, provide valuable skills and experiences that help young people get promoted and advance in their careers. Raising the minimum wage may seem beneficial, but it could lead to higher costs for basic necessities and potentially worsen unemployment rates. Personal stories, like that of a man who came to America from Cuba and started by washing dishes, illustrate how these entry-level jobs serve as stepping stones to better opportunities.

    • Democratic policies disproportionately harm vulnerable populationsDemocratic policies, such as minimum wage hikes and school closures, disproportionately harm low-skilled, low-income, young, Hispanic, and African American individuals, leading to job losses and fewer opportunities for skills development.

      Democratic policies, such as minimum wage increases and school closures during COVID, disproportionately harm the most vulnerable populations, including low-skilled, low-income, young, Hispanic, and African American individuals. These policies often result in job losses and reduced opportunities for skills development, while wealthier individuals are less affected. Democrats' actions contradict their claims to help the most vulnerable, as they end up hurting them instead. Additionally, automation and technology can replace human labor when labor costs become too high, leading to further job losses.

    • Values Matter: Supporting Companies and Media that Align with Our BeliefsBe informed and prepared, support companies and media that align with your values, and be discerning consumers to avoid hypocrisy and double standards in the media industry.

      Values matter, especially when it comes to the products we consume and the media we engage with. The speaker emphasized the importance of being informed and prepared, and expressed disappointment in the actions of NBC News regarding the hiring of a former RNC chair. He advocated for supporting companies and brands that align with one's values, using Blackout Coffee as an example of a premium quality product that embodies conservative values. The speaker also highlighted the hypocrisy and double standards in the media industry, using the NBC News situation as an example. In the end, he encouraged listeners to be discerning consumers and to support companies and media outlets that align with their values.

    • Media Bias Against RepublicansMajor news networks like MSNBC and NBC News have been criticized for their apparent bias towards hiring Democrats and against Republicans. NBC's intolerance for actual Republicans extends even to those who have voted for them in the past.

      Major news networks like MSNBC and NBC News have been criticized for their apparent bias towards hiring Democrats and against Republicans. This was highlighted in the case of Ronna McDaniel, who was a Republican National Committee chair and was hired by NBC News, only to be let go shortly after. The speakers argue that NBC News and MSNBC, despite their claims to journalistic integrity, have become advocacy platforms for the Democratic Party. They also mention the cases of George Stephanopoulos, Jen Psaki, and others who went from working for Democratic politicians to working for these networks. The speakers suggest that NBC News' intolerance for actual Republicans extends even to those who have voted for them in the past. They question why Microsoft funds hard-left propaganda through MSNBC and why NBC, which positions itself as a real journalistic outfit, allows such a blatantly biased subsidiary. The speakers also share their personal experiences of working as conservatives in left-leaning media organizations.

    • CNN's Bias Against ConservativesDuring the Trump presidency, CNN hired conservative voices as tokens, gave them minimal airtime, and refused to engage with opposing viewpoints, limiting the value and credibility of their news programs.

      During the time the speaker worked at CNN, the network showed a clear bias against conservatives, particularly during the Trump presidency. They hired conservative voices like the speaker only as tokens, giving them minimal airtime. The network's hosts, including on shows like The View, refused to invite the speaker on despite his previous successful appearances and high ratings. The hosts were intolerant of opposing viewpoints and often responded with personal attacks. The network's echo chamber environment prevented them from acknowledging or understanding issues like Antifa riots or election denial claims made by Democrats. The lack of open dialogue and willingness to engage with diverse perspectives ultimately limited the value and credibility of these news programs.

    • MSNBC's strict guest policy and Hollywood's China tiesMSNBC shuns opposing viewpoints, Hollywood caters to China for business, and opportunities exist for growth in US Oil and Gas and testosterone therapy

      MSNBC and potentially NBC have a rigid stance on inviting certain guests on their shows, and they have no interest in having opposing viewpoints. Ben Ferguson shares his experience of being rejected by MSNBC despite his willingness to engage in a respectful debate. Meanwhile, Hollywood is under scrutiny for catering to the Chinese Communist Party to distribute films in China, which is revealed in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover." For accredited investors, US Oil and Gas presents a tax-advantaged investment opportunity, and CHOC offers a solution for men over 40 looking to boost their testosterone levels. Overall, these topics highlight the importance of standing firm in one's beliefs and seeking opportunities for growth and improvement.

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