
    Biden’s Laughable “Solution” To High Gas Prices (Ep 1796)

    enJune 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Criticizing the January 6 committee and promoting productsThe host criticizes the January 6 committee's investigation and unfair targeting of Republicans, while promoting products and emphasizing individual freedoms and online privacy.

      The host, Dan Bongino, expresses strong criticism towards the current political situation in America, particularly the January 6 committee's investigation and the President's actions. He believes that the committee is targeting Republicans unfairly and that certain actions are only considered scandals when committed by the Republican party. Bongino also promotes various products throughout the show, including ExpressVPN and Henry Repeating Arms. He encourages listeners to stay informed and be aware of what he believes to be deceitful tactics used by the Democratic party. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of individual freedoms and protecting one's privacy online.

    • Decreased public interest in Jan 6 committee hearings due to hypocrisy and concerns over Safer Communities ActPublic interest wanes as Jan 6 hearings face criticism for hypocrisy and fears over potential consequences of Safer Communities Act, including red flag laws and lack of legal representation

      The public's interest in the January 6 committee hearings has decreased significantly due to perceived hypocrisy from both sides of the aisle regarding election integrity and questioning the electoral process. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential consequences of the Safer Communities Act, specifically the inclusion of red flag laws and the lack of government-funded legal representation for those whose guns are taken. The speaker also expressed their view that President Joe Biden is causing unprecedented damage to the United States in a short period of time.

    • Biden's Claims on Oil Production are MisleadingBiden's statements on oil production under his administration being higher than Trump's are misleading. US oil production has decreased since 2019, from 12.29 million to 11.85 million barrels per day.

      President Biden's recent claims about oil and gas production under his administration being higher than under the Trump administration are misleading. During his speech, Biden mentioned the "average" production under the Trump administration, rather than the actual production numbers during Trump's tenure. In reality, US oil production has decreased since 2019, dropping from 12.29 million barrels per day to an estimated 11.85 million barrels per day in 2022. The decrease in production can be attributed to Biden's efforts to limit fossil fuel supplies. The speaker emphasized that Biden's statements are not in line with the facts and encouraged listeners to fact-check his claims.

    • Biden Administration's Actions Against Oil and Gas IndustryThe Biden administration's policies are limiting oil and gas production, increasing costs for consumers, and creating challenges for financing, drilling, and regulation in the industry.

      The Biden administration's actions against the oil and gas industry are limiting production and driving up costs for consumers, despite claims to the contrary. From financing projects to drilling sites, the industry faces numerous challenges due to leftist pressure and policies. Financing for oil and gas projects has become difficult as Wall Street banks and financial firms are being pressured to cut fossil fuel financing. Organizing drilling sites is also a challenge due to pressure from investors and insurance companies to avoid involvement in fossil fuel projects. At the drilling end, regulations and policies are increasing costs and making it harder for companies to produce oil and gas. Overall, the Biden administration's actions are resulting in less production, higher costs, and a double standard when it comes to accusations of greed in the industry.

    • Biden administration's energy policies impacting high gas prices and inflationThe cancellation of oil and gas leases and blocking of refinery expansions have limited supply, leading to higher gas prices and overall inflation.

      The Biden administration's decisions regarding oil and gas leases and refinery expansions have contributed to current issues with high gas prices and inflation. The cancellation of Alaska oil and gas leases and the blocking of a Virgin Islands refinery expansion permit have limited the supply of oil and gas, making it more difficult for companies to drill, finance, and refine. This, in turn, has led to increased prices at the pump and overall inflation. The administration's stance on these issues has been met with criticism, with some questioning why they aren't taking steps to increase supply or approve new refineries. The ongoing crisis has left many Americans feeling the financial pinch, with some struggling to make ends meet.

    • Biden Administration's Gas Price Policies: Intentional or Contradictory?Some claim the Biden administration's inconsistent messages and actions regarding high gas prices are deliberate, aiming to push for a green economy and undermine capitalism.

      The Biden administration's handling of high gas prices is not accidental. Some believe that the administration, under pressure from socialist green groups, is intentionally keeping gas prices high to push for a transition to a green economy and destroy capitalism. The administration's messages about the high prices being temporary and the need to transition to clean energy are contradictory, and only one of these stories can be true. The administration's call for lower gas prices from gas station owners is seen as a contradictory and insincere attempt to appease voters while pushing for a green economy. The speaker argues that these actions are not only bad for the economy but also an attempt to rework society into a top-down authoritarian manner.

    • Political Discussion on Biden's Proposal and Industry ProfitsDespite Biden's proposal for a windfall profits tax on oil and gas companies, their profit margins are actually lower than tech giants. Biden's selective targeting of oil and gas companies is criticized as political favoritism.

      During political discussions, it's essential to consider all facts and not be misled by misinformation or false narratives. In the recent discussion, President Biden's proposal for windfall profits tax on oil and gas companies was analyzed, and it was highlighted that the industry's profit margins were not as high as Biden implied. The net profit margin for oil and gas production was only 4.7%, which is less than that of tech companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and Apple. Despite this, Biden is not targeting tech company profits. The speaker suggested that Biden is doing this due to political favoritism towards tech companies. Another example was given of Buttigieg's approach to flight cancellations, where he suggested airlines hire more staff. The speaker criticized this suggestion, stating that airlines have already considered this solution. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of fact-checking and not being swayed by simplistic solutions or misinformation.

    • Relying too much on experts can lead to harmful consequencesQuestion the actions of experts and consider alternative perspectives to avoid detrimental decisions

      Relying too heavily on experts and their supposed knowledge in various fields can lead to detrimental consequences. The speaker used examples of individuals like Pete Buttigieg, Anthony Fauci, Janet Yellen, and John Kerry to illustrate this point. These experts, despite their expertise in specific areas, have made decisions that proved to be harmful or ineffective in other areas. William F. Buckley's quote, "I'd rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the phone book than the faculty staff at Harvard," highlights the skepticism towards the assumption that experts possess superior knowledge in all areas. The speaker emphasized the importance of questioning the actions of experts and considering alternative perspectives. The Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill serves as a current example of how relying on experts without questioning their decisions can put individuals at risk. It's crucial to remain informed and engaged in the decision-making process, rather than blindly trusting the expertise of others.

    • Experts and Politicians: Words vs. ActionsDespite repeated mistakes and lack of fact-checking, some Democrats face little accountability, contributing to a cycle of destructive policies and mistrust. It's crucial to demand accuracy and accountability from all parties for informed decision-making.

      There is a disconnect between the actions and words of some experts and politicians, particularly those affiliated with the Democratic Party. Nina Jankowitz and Mark Millie, despite their expertise, have made mistakes and promoted disinformation, yet they face little accountability. This pattern of repeated mistakes and lack of fact-checking contributes to a cycle of destructive policies, such as the perpetual push for socialism, despite its continued failure. The media plays a role in this cycle by not holding Democrats accountable for their words and actions, leading to a lack of transparency and trust. It's essential to call out these inconsistencies and demand accuracy and accountability from all parties to promote informed decision-making and break the cycle of destructive policies.

    • Political Frustration and Education CrisisThe speaker expresses frustration with a political candidate who refuses to concede an election and criticizes the media for not holding her accountable. He also discusses the high cost of education and the lack of proficiency in reading and math as a human rights crisis.

      The speaker expresses frustration with a specific political candidate who refuses to concede an election and labels her as an "election denier." He also criticizes the media for not holding her accountable for her actions and claims that they contribute to a cycle of misinformation. Additionally, he discusses the high cost of education in the public system and the lack of proficiency in reading and math, which he considers a human rights crisis and a civil rights issue. The speaker also mentions the impending demise of the Google Podcasts app and encourages listeners to follow the show on alternative platforms. Overall, the speaker's message conveys a sense of disillusionment with the political process and a call for transparency and accountability.

    • Government childcare benefit may lead to price increaseThe proposed childcare benefit could result in higher costs due to supply and demand dynamics, debunked claims about parents leaving workforce, and potential housing market impact from rising interest rates.

      The proposed new childcare benefit from the government may lead to an increase in childcare costs due to the supply and demand dynamics. Childcare providers, knowing that parents will receive financial assistance from the government, may raise their prices to match or exceed the benefit amount. This is a common occurrence with government spending in areas like education and healthcare, where costs tend to rise. Additionally, the claim that parents left the workforce in large numbers during the pandemic due to childcare issues has been debunked by recent studies. Lastly, rising interest rates could negatively impact the housing market, making it harder for people to afford monthly mortgage payments, leading to a potential housing market slowdown or crash.

    • Housing market correction and Free SpeechThe housing market may experience a correction, but cash buyers and alternative payment processors supporting free speech mitigate the risk of a recession-like crisis.

      The housing market may experience some correction, but it's unlikely to reach recession-like levels due to the presence of cash buyers who have no urgency to sell. Bloomberg, a left-leaning news source, has warned about this potential crisis. Meanwhile, the importance of free speech and the potential risks of using left-leaning payment processors like Stripe have led to the success of Paralleleconomy.com, a new payment processor that welcomes users of all political affiliations. The Twitter censorship incident and Elon Musk's takeover of the platform have highlighted the need for alternative platforms that support free speech. The housing market correction and the importance of free speech are two significant issues to keep an eye on.

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