
    Bill Gurley and Sunny Madra talk open-source vs. proprietary AI | E1825

    en-usOctober 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Role of Open Source in AI and InnovationSome companies aim to limit open source AI models, but this could stifle competition and innovation. Open source solutions offer opportunities for startups and promote a healthy ecosystem for AI advancements.

      The tech industry is having important discussions about the role of open source in AI and innovation. Some companies and investors are pushing for limitations on open source models, fearing it could be their biggest competition. However, there are growing concerns that this could stifle competition and limit innovation. Open source models have shown compelling performance and are gaining market share among startups. Historically, companies have used regulatory capture to protect pricing and reduce competition. If successful in limiting open source AI, these companies would achieve both goals. It's important to remember that open source solutions provide a range of opportunities and promote a healthy ecosystem for innovation. The stats and market trends suggest that open source models are a powerful tool for startups and the future of AI. The ongoing debate underscores the importance of striking a balance between proprietary and open source solutions for the benefit of the tech industry as a whole.

    • Leading tech companies vs open source projects: A shift in approachMicrosoft, Google, and Meta are reluctant to open their algorithms, while Meta and Mistral embrace openness in AI development. This dynamic is common in business-to-business marketing, where openness can lead to higher returns on investment.

      The landscape of AI development is witnessing a shift in approach between leading tech companies and open source projects. While companies like Microsoft, Google, Meta, and Meta's Mistral are experimenting with various degrees of openness, OpenAI, once an advocate for open-source AI, has taken a closed approach. Microsoft and Google, holding dominant positions, are reluctant to open their algorithms. In contrast, newer players like Meta and Mistral, feeling the pressure to catch up, are embracing openness. This trend is reminiscent of the idea that those in the lead tend to close off, while those lagging behind opt for openness. This dynamic is particularly relevant in business-to-business marketing, where platforms like LinkedIn provide a unique opportunity to target decision-makers, increasing the potential for higher returns on investment.

    • Navigating the Complex Landscape of Regulation and Open Source in AIGoogle's history of supporting open source and maintaining proprietary offerings provides a potential roadmap for navigating the complex landscape of regulation and open source in AI. The openness of technology is crucial for driving innovation and societal progress.

      The debate around regulation and open source in the tech industry, particularly in the context of AI, is a complex issue with significant implications for innovation and competition. Companies like Google and Microsoft, which have both proprietary and open source offerings, are navigating this landscape carefully. Startups in this field, such as OpenAI and Anthropic, are opposing regulation and advocating for open source at an unprecedented level due to the disruptive nature and societal benefits of open source technology. However, some incumbents and their backers are pushing for regulation, which could potentially stifle innovation and reek of protectionism. The outcome of this debate will have far-reaching consequences for the tech industry and society as a whole. Google's history of supporting open source through projects like Kubernetes, while also maintaining proprietary offerings, offers a potential roadmap for navigating this complex landscape. Ultimately, the openness of technology and the ability for ideas to spread freely across borders is crucial for driving innovation and societal progress.

    • Debate over open source AI regulation driven by fear of competitionThe debate over open source AI regulation is not about safety or job security, but rather about preserving market dominance.

      The current debate surrounding regulation of open source AI models is driven primarily by those who stand to lose the most from increased competition. The fear of job displacement and the potential dangers of unchecked AI growth are being used as arguments to maintain market dominance. This is not a new phenomenon, as seen in the search industry where stagnation has reigned for decades due to a lack of innovation and competition. However, in the rapidly evolving field of AI, open source models are driving innovation and progress at an unprecedented rate. The success stories of European-based Mistroll and open source projects like Lava demonstrate the benefits of open source in the AI space, including faster innovation and improved performance. It is ironic that the very principles of open source, such as transparency and collaboration, are being dismissed in favor of fear-mongering and protectionism. Ultimately, the debate around open source AI regulation is not about safety or job security, but rather about preserving market dominance.

    • Open source tech: Balancing benefits and risksGovernment intervention or restriction in open source tech can hinder progress, but services like Vanta help companies comply with regulations.

      Open source technology and innovation can have significant benefits, but the potential risks of government intervention or restriction can hinder progress and put societies at a disadvantage. The example of RISC-V, an open source technology that moved its governing body outside the US due to regulation concerns, illustrates this point. Additionally, companies that store customer data in the cloud and want to be compliant with regulations like Sock2 should consider using services like Vanta to streamline and automate the compliance process. The demos showcased, such as LAVA, highlight the advancements in open source multimodal AI and the importance of continued innovation in this space. Ultimately, it's crucial for governments and companies to prioritize collaboration and transparency to foster a thriving technology ecosystem.

    • Race in AI industry: Microsoft's LAVA vs ChatGPTMicrosoft's LAVA and ChatGPT represent different approaches in AI, with LAVA offering open-source control and potential IP development, while ChatGPT provides a quicker solution with less infrastructure costs. The choice depends on specific use cases and business goals.

      The rapid advancements in large language and visual models, such as LAVA and ChatGPT, are leading to a race in the AI industry. Microsoft's support of open-source projects like LAVA offers startups the opportunity to build from the ground up and create their own value proposition. While ChatGPT may have an edge in certain areas, the open-source nature of LAVA allows for more control and potential IP development. However, the decision to use one over the other depends on the specific use case and business goals. For instance, if a startup aims to have full control over its stack, LAVA might be the better choice. On the other hand, if a small feature is the focus, ChatGPT could provide a quicker solution with less infrastructure and scaling costs. The importance of this to the core of what a business is trying to build should also be considered. The open-source models emerging in the AI industry are moving quickly and could pose a significant challenge for companies with large valuations. As an investor, it's crucial to monitor these developments and their potential impact on the valuation of the companies you're invested in.

    • Open source language models could lead to pressure on pricingOpen source language models may lower costs and increase accessibility, but they could also offer unique insights and innovations differentiating them from commoditized providers.

      The open source nature of language model projects like those of OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google, could potentially lead to downward pressure on pricing due to the accessibility of these models for anyone to use on their own servers. However, the diversity and decentralized nature of open source projects could also lead to unique insights and innovations that might not be possible with traditional corporate structures. For startups, it's essential to seek professional accounting and tax services as soon as funding and equity-based compensation come into play, as well as when dealing with foreign activity. In the context of language models, Microsoft and Google aim to lower costs and scale up, while open source projects offer a more decentralized and permissionless approach to development. This could make open AI resemble a commoditized provider like Seagate, but the potential for unique insights and innovations could also set it apart.

    • Exploring smaller, specialized language modelsThe future of language models may shift towards smaller, nimble models tailored to specific tasks, driven by the need for efficiency and decentralization in development

      The field of language models is rapidly evolving, with many projects exploring different approaches to make these models more efficient, smaller, and better suited for specific tasks. The open source community is actively working on numerous language model projects, with a particular focus on smaller models that can run on less compute and energy. This trend is in response to the substantial resources required to run large, general-purpose models, and the belief that specialized models can outperform their larger counterparts in specific areas. This competition and decentralization of language model development could potentially limit the market dominance of large companies or organizations trying to control the space. In essence, the future of language models may lie in smaller, nimble models that cater to specific verticals, rather than large, general-purpose models.

    • Energy costs for running large-scale AI models can be substantialRunning large-scale AI models can cost millions to billions in energy expenses, but advancements in technology and in-house chip development may lower these costs significantly

      Running large-scale AI models, such as GPUs for projects like ChatGPT, comes with substantial energy costs. These costs can amount to millions of dollars a month and even billions over several years. The energy costs might constitute around 25% of the total yearly expenses. With the rapid advancements in technology, the costs are expected to decrease significantly. In fact, some predict that query costs could drop from four cents to as low as 0.04 cents. Moreover, there's an ongoing trend of tech companies developing their own chips to reduce dependency on suppliers like Nvidia and lower costs. This wave of expansion and eventual consolidation is a common pattern in tech industries.

    • Google buying excess fiber optic infrastructureGoogle and other providers are purchasing excess fiber optic infrastructure at low prices, and language models like Hugging Face can provide instant answers to complex queries without an internet connection.

      We are currently witnessing an overabundance of fiber optic infrastructure, leading to a potential oversaturation in the market. Google and other providers have capitalized on this situation by purchasing excess fiber at low prices. This discussion also touched upon a demonstration using Hugging Face, where a language model was able to provide instant answers to complex queries, such as finding the best restaurants in Napa Valley. The model's ability to provide accurate and quick responses, even without an internet connection, was highlighted as a significant advantage. Furthermore, the model was shown to be capable of understanding context and providing detailed instructions, like starting a fire on a desert island. The overall impression was that these language models, when fully trained, could prove to be valuable tools, even in extreme situations where access to the internet is limited.

    • Exploring AI integration with messaging platformsAI integration with messaging platforms like WhatsApp can improve user experience in group chats, but current models are rudimentary and need improvement. Future AI will be more verticalized, providing accurate and thoughtful responses. Open source technology encourages innovation and prevents monopolization.

      AI integration with messaging platforms like WhatsApp can significantly enhance user experience, particularly in group chats. This was discussed during the podcast, where the host shared his experience of creating a WhatsApp group for an AI agent, allowing for real-time assistance and recommendations. However, the current state of AI models, such as Llama, was deemed rudimentary and in need of improvement. The future of AI is predicted to be more verticalized and fine-tuned for specific domains, providing more accurate and thoughtful responses. The importance of open source technology was also emphasized, encouraging a range of opportunities and preventing monopolization by private companies. The discussion also touched on the potential of AI in various industries, including travel and food, and the need for specialized AI models to deliver optimal results. Overall, the conversation highlighted the potential of AI to revolutionize communication and daily life, but also the importance of continuous improvement and the benefits of open source technology.

    • Young group orchestrated a multi-billion dollar insurance fraud using a random number generatorDespite the rarity and difficulty, young individuals managed to commit a multi-billion dollar fraud, highlighting the seriousness of the situation and the need to reconsider sentencing for nonviolent felonies

      Last week, I was shocked to discover an insurance service that was using a random number generator to determine the amount of money insured, which is a clear case of fraud. The individuals involved were part of a group that had been working together for 18 months, but unlike organized crime groups, they lacked the structure and consequences for betrayal. This case is reminiscent of other high-profile frauds, like Theranos, where individuals got ahead of themselves and committed large-scale crimes. However, the consequences for these individuals will likely be more lenient, as they are not part of a criminal organization with the power to retaliate. Despite the rarity and difficulty of pulling off multi-billion dollar crimes, this young group managed to orchestrate one, highlighting the seriousness of the situation. It's important to note that there is a significant disparity in sentencing for crimes of varying scales, and it's crucial to reconsider the justice system's approach to nonviolent felonies.

    • Utilizing AI and Big Data Analysis in Business OperationsThe use of advanced AI and big data analysis is crucial for businesses to stay competitive and make informed decisions. Definitive.io, represented by Sonny, offers effective solutions in this area.

      While the legal proceedings are ongoing, the importance of utilizing advanced AI and big data analysis in business operations cannot be overstated. Cindy Madra emphasized that Definitive.io, represented by Sonny, offers effective solutions in this regard. The consequences for the individual under discussion may be determined by the jury, but the significance of harnessing AI and data analysis for companies is undeniable. If your business requires such capabilities, consider reaching out to Definitive.io by emailing Sonny directly. Stay tuned for the next episode.

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    Todays show:

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    (13:28) Intercom - TWIST listeners can get 90% off Intercom’s platform at intercom.com/TWIST

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    (43:37) Carta data on incorporation to funding stage

    (54:34) Lighting round on recent investments


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    (13:28) Intercom - TWIST listeners can get 90% off Intercom’s platform at intercom.com/TWIST

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    (42:19) Vensure - Visit http://Vensure.com today to schedule an HR evaluation, and learn how they can help you.


    Great TWIST interviews: Will Guidara, Eoghan McCabe, Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Bob Moesta, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJuly 02, 2024

    The MEI vs DEI debate, tech press, Chime buys Salt Labs, and more! | E1974

    The MEI vs DEI debate, tech press, Chime buys Salt Labs, and more! | E1974

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    Northwest Registered Agent. Northwest Registered Agent will form your business quickly and easily. In just 10 clicks and 10 minutes, set up your entire business identity—name, address, mail service, phone, email, website, and domain. For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit ⁠http://northwestregisteredagent.com/twist⁠ today.


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss the weekend debate regarding MEI/DEI (12:12), Amazon buys Adept’s key talent (42:39), Chime buys Salt Labs (52:41), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:47) Weekend recap and political debate analysis

    (10:50) Media's role in political coverage

    (14:49 ) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (16:12) The weekend debate regarding MEI/DEI and that TechCrunch article

    (27:50) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (29:20) Discussion on DEI vs MEI and meritocracy in Silicon Valley

    (41:10) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.

    (42:39) Amazon buys Adept’s key talent

    (52:20) Chime's acquisition of Salt Labs

    (1:16:12) Challenges and strategies for EdTech companies


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    (14:49) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (27:50) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (41:10) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.


    Great TWIST interviews: Will Guidara, Eoghan McCabe, Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Bob Moesta, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


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    Eight Sleep. Good sleep is the ultimate game changer. The newest generation of the pod, the Pod 4 ultra has arrived. Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    DevSquad. Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist.


    Todays show:

    David Weisburd hosts Konstantine Buhler, Ana Marshall, and Jason Calacanis to discuss VCs not raising new funds (3:04), Cisco's $1 billion AI fund (31:36), and more!



    (0:00) David Weisburd intros Konstantine Buhler, Ana Marshall, and Jason Calacanis

    (3:04) VCs not raising new funds, market impact, and the current state of venture capital

    (5:32) Challenges for new fund managers, power laws, and investment strategies

    (10:38) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist⁠

    (12:01) Capital deployment, returns, and portfolio assessment

    (17:28) Emerging managers and market trends

    (29:57) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (31:36) Cisco's $1 billion AI fund

    (40:06) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (41:21) AI applications and business models

    (50:27) Investment strategies for M&A vs. IPO

    (53:19) Lightning round on latest investments


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    (10:38) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (29:57) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (40:06) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist


    Great TWIST interviews: Will Guidara, Eoghan McCabe, Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Bob Moesta, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    TWIST NEWS: AI Music, Circle’s IPO, TWIST500 and more! | E1972

    TWIST NEWS: AI Music, Circle’s IPO, TWIST500 and more! | E1972

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    Northwest Registered Agent. Northwest Registered Agent will form your business quickly and easily. In just 10 clicks and 10 minutes, set up your entire business identity—name, address, mail service, phone, email, website, and domain. For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit ⁠http://northwestregisteredagent.com/twist⁠ today.



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show!

    (2:11) Ai generated memes.

    (7:36) The butler experiences.

    (9:59) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (11:52) The Texan stock exchange.

    (21:03) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:14) Circle’s pending IPO.

    (30:05) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.

    (31:46) Alex breaks down some amazing details around stable-coins like Tether and crypto companies like CoinBase and Circle.


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    (9:59) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (21:03) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (30:05) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.


    All rights for the video shared and linked below belong to the original copyright holder, and we are using the footage under the principle of fair use.


    Great TWIST interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Immigration, The Trump Interview, Air Taxis in the Bay Area and the Future of Remote Work | E1971

    Immigration, The Trump Interview, Air Taxis in the Bay Area and the Future of Remote Work | E1971

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    LinkedIn Ads. To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    Lemon.io. Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss the most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen (9:02), Jason’s recent Donald Trump interview (14:49), JCal becoming a meme (36:34), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:38) Club 33 at Disney.

    (9:02) The most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen.

    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (14:49) A look at the Donald Trump interview on All In.

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (36:34) JCal became a meme!

    (37:15) The gentleman’s RIF and the status of remote workers. (48:26) New air taxi plan from Archer.


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    Mentioned on the show:

    Check out the Donald Trump interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blqIZGXWUpU

    Check out Disney’s Club 33: http://www.disneylandclub33.com/#google_vignette

    Check out Archer: https://news.archer.com/archer-san-francisco-air-mobility-network-connecting-five-locations-across-bay-area-kilroy-oyster-point

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/

    Check out Dell article: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1dl16s2/nearly_half_of_dell_workers_opt_for_fulltime/

    Check out Athena: https://www.athenago.com/


    Follow Alex:

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    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 25, 2024

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    DevSquad - Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist.

    Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or OCI, is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    AssemblyAI - Get maximum value from voice data with AssemblyAI. Build powerful products and features for your end users on the industry’s leading speech-to-text models. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist



    (0:00) Dan Senor joins guest host Mark Suster.

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Dan’s podcast “Call Me Back”: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/call-me-back-with-dan-senor/id1539292794

    Check out Start-Up Nation Central: https://startupnationcentral.org/


    Follow Dan:

    X: https://x.com/dansenor

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-senor/


    Follow Mark:

    X: https://twitter.com/msuster

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marksuster/


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 22, 2024

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Coda. Coda empowers your startup by bringing words, tables, and teams together. Strategize, plan, and track goals effectively with all your valuable data in one place. Go to https://www.coda.io/twist to get started for FREE and get 6 free months of the Team plan.

    OpenPhone. Create business phone numbers for you and your team that work through an app on your smartphone or desktop. TWiST listeners can get an extra 20% off any plan for your first 6 months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex leads us into two great talks from Liquidity Summit 2024. First we have Sky Dayton’s “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight” (3:28), followed by Mike Jones’ with “Lessons in Brand Building” (24:14)



    (0:00) Teaser of both speakers.

    (1:33) Alex kicks off the show.

    (3:28) Sky Dayton’s talk “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight”.

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (24:14) Mike Jones’ talk “Lessons in Brand Building”

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (44:30) Wrap up with Alex.


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Science Inc.: https://www.science-inc.com/

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/


    Follow Sky:

    X: https://x.com/skydayton

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skydayton/


    Follow Mike:

    X: https://x.com/mjones

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjones/


    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 20, 2024

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    .Tech Domains - Don’t miss our “Jam Session with JCal” contest, coming soon! To apply and get more details go to https://jamwithjcal.tech brought to you by .tech domains.

    Lemon.io - Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company (2:34), the GLP-1 phenomenon (11:50), the FTC suing Adobe (34:21), new TWIST500 companies (47:09), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:34) Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company

    (10:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (11:50) Eli Lilly and the GLP-1 Phenomenon

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (25:08) Telehealth and its future

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (34:21) FTC sues Adobe

    (47:09) New TWIST500 Companies

    (1:18:22) Would Amazon buy TikTok?


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:















    New TWIST500 companies:









    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Squarespace. Turn your idea into a new website! Go to http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST for a free trial. When you’re ready to launch, use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

    LinkedIn Ads. To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    Mercury. With Mercury, you can simplify your financial operations with banking and software that power your critical financial workflows, all within the one thing every business needs, a bank account. And with new bill pay and accounting integrations, you can pay bills faster and stay in control of company spend. Apply in minutes at ⁠https://www.Mercury.com


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss woke Google Maps (1:57), Bilt & Wells Fargo dynamics (16:20), AI progress in China and Japan (32:00), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:57) Woke Google Maps

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (16:20) Bilt and Wells Fargo fintech dynamics

    (17:00) CNBC interview with Bilt founder Ankur Jain

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:00) AI progress in China and Japan

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com

    (45:09) Defining AGI and its implications

    (49:06) McDonald's AI ordering systems and their challenges

    (1:04:37) Audience question on EU's AI Act and its impact on startups


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:




    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    Lessons in Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara | E1966

    Lessons in Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara | E1966

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or OCI, is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    DevSquad - Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist.

    LinkedIn Ads - To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups


    Todays show:

    Will Guidara joins Jason to discuss the book Unreasonable Hospitality and how it relates to all businesses including startups (3:44), Will’s annual “The Welcome Conference” in NY (14:32), how the show The Bear lifted Will’s ‘NY street hotdog’ story and made it their own - which then led to his involvement with future seasons (36:19), and more!



    (0:00) Will Guidara of Unreasonable Hospitality joins Jason.

    (3:44) Important premises from the book Unreasonable Hospitality and how it relates to all businesses including startups.

    (6:26) Will explains how it felt to see parts from his book appear on the hit show The Bear.

    (8:13) Iconic examples of hospitality and how it can turn customers into advocates for your brand.

    (10:04) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (11:08) Powerful examples of going above and beyond for your customer.

    (14:32) Will’s annual “The Welcome Conference” in NY.

    (20:57) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist

    (22:13) Jason shares an anecdote of how he helps others.

    (24:17) Will and Jason riff on interesting examples of unreasonable hospitality, including one that should exist for airplane passengers.

    (30:44) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:12) A perspective shift that changes the value of call centers.

    (36:03) How the show The Bear lifted Will’s ‘NY street hotdog’ story and made it their own - leading to his involvement for future seasons.

    (40:21) Will feels that The Bear was able to craft and articulate his message spot on in one of their best episodes.

    (42:22) How to gain from the addictive personality traits in the restaurant business.

    (51:15) The “Chicken for Two” at the NoMad hotel.

    (53:31) Breaking down the state of tipping culture and how its removal from Eleven Madison Park was highly successful.


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Unreasonable Hospitality: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/

    Sign up for Will’s newsletter: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/newsletter

    Check out “The Welcome Conference”: https://www.thewelcomeconference.com/

    Check out Will’s hospitality agency “Thank You”: https://www.thankyou.nyc/


    Follow Will:

    X: https://x.com/wguidara

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willguidara/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:04) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (20:57) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist

    (30:44) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Related Episodes

    Chris Anderson (3D Robotics) - The Ups and Downs of a Drone Startup

    Chris Anderson (3D Robotics) - The Ups and Downs of a Drone Startup
    The tale of 3D Robotics starts in the garage of a teenager in Tijuana, Mexico, who launched a drone-making factory with a $500 check from entrepreneur Chris Anderson, who then flooded the American market with their unmanned aerial vehicles and disrupted the aerospace industry through grassroots, open innovation. Then, China caught on and drove U.S. drone makers into the ground. Anderson, 3DR's CEO, shares his hard-won insights.

    AI’s Future: Opportunity, Regulation & Limits with Vinny Lingham & Sunny Madra | E1729

    AI’s Future: Opportunity, Regulation & Limits with Vinny Lingham & Sunny Madra | E1729

    Vinny and Sunny join Jason to discuss the three phases of AI adoption and the emergence of new business models (1:55), which leads to a conversation about Grimes open-sourcing her AI-generated vocals before debating whether the government should regulate AI (24:57). They wrap with a conversation about AI’s technical constraints, OpenAI’s transparency issues, and the future of startups (39:31).

    (0:00) Show start

    (1:04) Vinny and Sunny join Jason 

    (1:55) The three phases of AI adoption

    (11:15) CacheFly - Get 10 terabytes free by signing up at https://twist.cachefly.com

    (12:41) Building AI applications

    (18:27) House of Macadamias - Get 20% off your first purchase and a free bottle of cold-pressed macadamia oil at http://houseofmacadamias.com/twist by using code twist20

    (19:59) Emerging business models

    (24:57) Grimes’ approach to AI-generated music 

    (28:31) Notion - Take the first step toward an organized, happier team. Apply for Notion for Startups at https://notion.com/jason.

    (30:04) Regulating AI 

    (39:31) The technical constraints of AI 

    (45:33) Becoming more efficient with AI 

    (51:16) OpenAI’s lack of transparency 

    (1:01:44) Lessons from Mahalo

    (1:05:55) The future of startups 

    (1:08:36) Reflecting on the Starship launch

    FOLLOW Sunny: https://twitter.com/sundeep

    FOLLOW Vinny: https://twitter.com/vinnylingham

    FOLLOW Jason: https://linktr.ee/calacanis

    Subscribe to our YouTube to watch all full episodes:


    FOUNDERS! Subscribe to the Founder University podcast:


    Hello and goodbye to the MacBook Air

    Hello and goodbye to the MacBook Air
    The Verge's Nilay Patel, David Pierce, and Alex Cranz discuss Apple's upgraded MacBook Air, the EU's Digital Markets Act deadline for tech’s biggest “gatekeepers”, and a bunch of tech news from this week. Further reading: Apple announces upgraded MacBook Air laptops with M3 chips The MacBook Air’s wedge is truly gone — and I miss it already Apple may not do a spring event this year How the EU’s DMA is changing Big Tech: all of the news and updates How every tech ‘gatekeeper’ is responding to the DMA  iOS 17.4 is here and ready for a whole new Europe  Apple hit with a nearly $2 billion fine following Spotify complaint  Spotify and Epic criticize Apple’s iOS changes as ‘a mockery of the DMA’ Spotify will show pricing options outside its iOS app in the EU — if Apple lets it Apple kills Epic’s iOS game store plans over App Store criticism Apple is bringing sideloading and alternate app stores to the iPhone Apple unbanned Epic so it can make an iOS games store in the EU Alternative iOS app stores won’t work (for long) outside of the EU. Here’s the new iOS default browser nag for iPhone users in Europe. Apple is officially dropping iPhone support for web apps in the EU Apple’s decision to drop iPhone web apps comes under scrutiny in the EU Now Apple says it won’t disable iPhone web apps in the EU Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Magnificent Seven: What if Big Tech Starts to Shrink?

    The Magnificent Seven: What if Big Tech Starts to Shrink?

    The “Magnificent Seven” stocks have reigned supreme this year, accounting for almost all of the S&P 500’s returns. But what if these titans of tech begin to stumble? And in today’s Dumb Question of the Week: How long do companies last?

    Thanks to IG for sponsoring this episode. Find out more about IG Smart Portfolios via https://upl.inc/h46sgc

    IG is also offering new IG Smart Portfolio accounts 50% off the management fees until November 2024 when you open a new account via this link. That’s a management fee of just 0.25%, capped at £250 per year.

    Note that this offer is only open to UK residents, over the age of 18 years old, who meet the eligibility criteria for an IG Smart Portfolio account. The offer only applies to new IG Smart Portfolio accounts opened via the above link on or before 30 November 2024 (and will not apply to existing IG Smart Portfolio accounts or to any other product or service offered by IG). This offer begins on 1 November 2023 and ends on 30 November 2024. Please contact IG at helpdesk.uk@ig.com for any assistance.

    Please be aware that investing puts your capital at risk.


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    This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes and is not financial advice. We do not provide recommendations or endorse any decision to buy, sell or hold any security. We cannot be held responsible for any actions listeners may take and investors are encouraged to seek independent financial advice.

    Copyright 2023 Many Happy Returns

    The Fall Regulatory Season Is Upon

    The Fall Regulatory Season Is Upon

    Summer may be winding down, but with the return of Congress, the regulatory season will soon be in full swing. With agency heads to be appointed and confirms, lawsuits making their way through the courts, and talk of reopening regulations like those created for the Durbin Amendment, things will get busy in Washington and beyond. 

    In this episode, the IPA’s CEO Brian Tate breaks down some of the currents that will drive all of this activity.  

    To learn more and to keep up with the trends driving payments regulation, visit our Web site: Innovative Payments Association