
    Bill Maher Makes the Crowd Go Quiet with This Chilling Warning

    enApril 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the Importance of a Reliable POS System and Open DialogueEmphasizing the significance of a dependable POS system for retail businesses and promoting open dialogue to bridge political differences, preventing potential conflicts.

      During the discussion on The Rubin Report, Dave Rubin highlighted the importance of having a reliable point of sale system for retail businesses, emphasizing Shopify POS as a trusted solution. Additionally, Rubin touched upon the political climate and the need for clearer liberal values to prevent the potential escalation of conflicts like World War 3. A notable moment was Bill Maher's pro-life arguments during a Real Time segment, which Rubin acknowledged as a step towards understanding opposing viewpoints. Overall, the conversation revolved around the importance of open dialogue and finding common ground, even in the face of political disagreements.

    • Abortion: Murder but Pro-Choice, Moral Complexities and Population ControlBill acknowledges the moral complexities of abortion, supports pro-choice stance but believes it's murder, and discusses population control and the potential consequences of extremist policies, using Canada as an example. He also touches upon transgender issues and immigration, emphasizing the importance of evidence and facts over labels.

      During a discussion about abortion, Bill expressed his belief that it's murder but still supports the pro-choice stance. He acknowledged the moral complexities and even made a controversial statement about the vast population. The conversation also touched upon the left's perceived extremism and the potential consequences of pushing policies too far, using Canada as an example. Additionally, the topic of transgender issues and immigration was brought up, highlighting the potential negative impacts of certain policies and the importance of considering evidence and facts rather than labels. Overall, the discussion emphasized the need for nuanced and thoughtful perspectives on complex issues.

    • Liberal Policies Lead to Negative ConsequencesLiberal policies like open borders and abortion can lead to social service collapse, crime, and drug problems. Some liberals may shift to conservative candidates due to these concerns, potentially helping Trump. Europe's mass immigration example illustrates potential dangers. Analyze issues honestly, considering long-term consequences.

      The speaker argues that liberal policies, such as open borders and abortion, have negative consequences and ultimately lead to the destruction of social services and an increase in crime and drugs. He believes that many liberals who acknowledge these issues will end up voting for conservative candidates, which could help elect Donald Trump. The speaker also mentions the example of Europe, where mass immigration led to social unrest and collapsing services, and warns of the potential dangers of American propaganda and anti-American sentiments in the US. The speaker encourages honest analysis of each issue and emphasizes the importance of considering the long-term consequences of political decisions.

    • Chanting 'death to America' in the US and food safety concernsThe rhetoric of 'death to America' is spreading in the US, raising concerns about unity and inclusivity. Plus, 60% US pork is controlled by a Chinese company, raising food safety and independence issues. Choose MOIC for grass-fed, finished beef, lamb, pastured pork, and sustainable salmon to support American farms and enjoy healthier options.

      The rhetoric of chanting "death to America" is not confined to foreign countries anymore, but it's now happening in the United States, particularly among certain groups. This is deeply concerning as it goes against the values of unity and inclusivity that America stands for. Furthermore, the speaker highlighted the issue of 60% of US pork production being controlled by a Chinese company, which raises concerns about food safety and independence. To support American farming and get better quality meat, the speaker introduced MOIC (MOO plus OINC), a company that delivers grass-fed and finished beef, lamb, pastured pork, and sustainable wild-caught Alaskan salmon. By choosing the meat delivered in every box and canceling anytime, consumers can help keep family farms financially independent while enjoying delicious and healthier meat options.

    • Political Figures Advocating for Anti-American SentimentsSome US political figures refuse to condemn anti-American chants and instead accuse critics of racism and homophobia. This undermines America's reputation as a land of individual rights and opportunities, potentially aligning with jihadists and harming various minorities.

      There are political figures and groups in the US advocating for violence against America and expressing anti-American sentiments. These individuals, such as Rashida Tlaib, refuse to condemn such chants and instead accuse their critics of racism and homophobia. The speaker argues that this is a problem, as America is seen as the greatest country for individual rights and opportunities, and those who do not share this view are essentially "foreign invaders." The issue is not limited to Dearborn, Michigan, but is prevalent across the country. The speaker also touches upon the potential alliance between the woke left and jihadists, which could have negative consequences for various minorities. The overall tone of the discussion is serious and concerned, emphasizing the need for America to address these issues and remain a serious and united country.

    • Hamas supporters spreading threats across countriesHamas supporters making threats against public figures and institutions, advocating for violence and death to opponents, seen in US, Canada, and other countries, requires zero tolerance and swift action.

      The enemy is not just confined to specific locations or groups, but it's an extension of organizations like Hamas, and their supporters are spreading across the country, making threats against public figures and institutions. These individuals, often in the context of political meetings, are advocating for violence and even death to their opponents. This was evident in the cases of Chicago and Bakersfield, where individuals made threats against public figures and were subsequently arrested. The rhetoric of violence and hate is not limited to the United States, as seen in Toronto, Canada, where Iran's attack on Israel was met with applause from Hamas supporters. The threats and disregard for rules and laws pose a significant danger to society and must be addressed with zero tolerance and swift action.

    • Middle East Conflicts: No World War 3, But Complex SituationIsraeli Iron Dome and coordinated defense efforts prevented major damage during Middle East conflicts. The Middle East situation remains complex, and potential for a new digital currency brings financial change and privacy concerns.

      The weekend's events in the Middle East did not lead to World War 3, despite initial fears. Instead, there was a realignment of defense assets, with Israel, America, and other countries coordinating to shoot down incoming drones and rockets. This technology, including Israel's Iron Dome system, proved effective in preventing any major damage. It's worth noting that this is not the first time such conflicts have occurred, and the situation in the Middle East remains complex, with tensions between various countries and groups. Additionally, the potential for a new central bank digital currency could bring about significant changes to our financial systems and personal freedoms, making it essential for individuals to consider diversifying their wealth with physical gold and silver.

    • Long-term conflict between Israel and Iran, Iron Dome's role in protecting lives and preventing escalationIsrael's Iron Dome defense system saves lives and prevents escalation in the long-term conflict with Iran. Strong deterrent policies are crucial.

      The recent conflict between Israel and Iran is part of a long-term conflict that has been ongoing for decades. The Iron Dome system not only protects Israeli lives and holy sites but also prevents potential escalation into a larger war involving Iran. The defense system saved lives on both sides, but it's essential to deter further attacks. The Israeli-American cooperation over the weekend was successful in preventing a significant onslaught of missiles, but defense is not a deterrent. The Iranians are frustrated by their inability to penetrate Israel's defenses and are likely to try again. The conflict highlights the importance of a strong deterrent policy and the right for any country, including Israel, to defend itself against consistent attacks. The recent events resonated with people online, with many recognizing Israel's right to defend itself against rocket attacks. Trump's statement supporting Israel further emphasizes this point.

    • Concerns over America's role in the world and effective response to threatsThe current administration's foreign affairs handling raises concerns, with unclear actions and lack of transparency, potentially endangering American institutions and military personnel.

      The current administration's handling of foreign affairs, as seen in the contrast between the simple and clear approach of capital letters and the seemingly disconnected actions such as giving large sums of money to Iran and the singing of theme songs from old sitcoms at the White House, has raised concerns about America's role in the world and its ability to respond effectively to global threats. Additionally, the lack of transparency regarding the use of funds given to Iran and the subsequent attacks on American institutions have added to the confusion and potential danger. It is crucial for leaders to understand the causes of "white rage" and maintain open minds to analyze it, as our military personnel come from the American people. The importance of strong and capable leadership in foreign policy cannot be overstated.

    • The importance of clear communication and action in international relationsA passive approach towards aggressive actions in international relations may not deter conflicts, while a clear and firm stance can lead to peace deals and a more stable region.

      The current situation in the Middle East, specifically regarding Israel and its neighbors, highlights the importance of strong and clear communication and action in international relations. The repeated message of "don't" from U.S. officials towards Iran and its proxies has not deterred aggressive actions, leading some to question the effectiveness of such a passive approach. In contrast, the past record of a more assertive leader, such as former President Trump, shows that a clear and firm stance can lead to peace deals and a more stable region. The current weakness and lack of clarity from the U.S. administration, coupled with the hope for peace, has unfortunately allowed tensions to escalate and potentially lead to larger conflicts.

    • Democrats and the Threat of Nuclear WarThe speaker argues that Democrats' foreign policies create instability and fear, with the potential for nuclear war between the U.S. and Iran being a significant concern. He emphasizes the importance of peace through strength and using historical examples to illustrate his point.

      The current geopolitical situation between various countries, particularly the U.S., Israel, and Iran, is tense and volatile. The speaker argues that the Democrats, specifically President Biden, have a history of creating fear and instability through their foreign policies. He cites the potential for nuclear war between the U.S. and Iran as a significant concern. The speaker also criticizes those who vote for Democrats but are against wars, arguing that there is a disconnect between their votes and the results. He emphasizes the importance of peace through strength and using historical examples like Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill to illustrate his point. The speaker also touches on the issue of anti-American sentiment and the potential for it to escalate. Overall, the takeaway is that the current political climate requires careful consideration and a strong stance against potential threats to national security.

    • A Call to Save AmericaThe speaker urges listeners to vote for candidates who will address divisive rhetoric, social unrest, and defend liberal values, admiring individuals who embody the American spirit.

      The speaker expresses deep concern about the state of America, with references to divisive rhetoric, social unrest, and a need for change. He believes that defending liberal values is now a conservative position, and urges listeners to vote for candidates who will address these issues. The speaker also expresses admiration for individuals who embody the American spirit, such as UFC lightweight champion Renato Moicano. Overall, the speaker's message is one of urgency and a call to action to save America from the current state of division and unrest.

    • Tune in to the Rubin Report daily at 11 AM EST and 8 AM Pacific on Rumble, locals, and YouTube.Engage with the Rubin Report daily by tuning in to the show on multiple platforms, rating, reviewing, sharing, and subscribing to the podcast, and joining the postgame wrap-up at rubinreport.locals.com.

      You can tune in to the show live every weekday at 11 AM EST and 8 AM Pacific on Rumble, locals, and YouTube. This means you have multiple platforms to choose from to catch the show at your convenience. Additionally, don't forget to engage with the content by rating, reviewing, sharing, and subscribing to the podcast. After the show, join the host for a postgame wrap-up at rubinreport.locals.com. This is where you can continue the conversation and delve deeper into the topics discussed during the show. Overall, staying engaged with the content and community will enhance your viewing experience.

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 26, 2024

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 24, 2024

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 21, 2024

    Debate over COVID Failures Gets Tense | Chris Cuomo

    Debate over COVID Failures Gets Tense | Chris Cuomo
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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 20, 2024

    Douglas Murray Uses Left's ‘Principles’ to Rip Them to Shreds

    Douglas Murray Uses Left's ‘Principles’ to Rip Them to Shreds
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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 19, 2024

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about “The Daily Show” host Jon Stewart’s failed attempt to debunk the GOP’s city crime narrative by leaving out some key statistical data about rising crime; Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson’s hilarious answer to the press asking him about getting caught in a political corruption scandal; a bizarre plan involving Slurpees to fight youth crime in Takoma Park, Maryland; NYC mayor Eric Adams pushing for a face mask ban in NYC to fight crime; Karine Jean-Pierre labeling the latest viral videos of Biden’s gaffes at the G7 Summit and his Jimmy Kimmel-hosted Hollywood fundraiser as simply misleading "cheap-fake" videos; Elon Musk’s triumphant shareholder meeting after receiving a huge win for his pay package; Argentina President Javier Milei giving an epic no-holds-barred answer to an interviewer's question about “the Left”; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Preserve Gold - Preserve Gold can get physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or inside your IRA, 401k or other qualified retirement account. Rubin Report viewers will get up to $10,000 in free Gold and Silver with a qualifying purchase or retirement account rollover. Preserve Gold will even throw in an immediate $500 account credit if you request your investor guide today. Go to: https://preservegold.com/dave PureHealth Research - Support your liver's natural detoxification processes, shed unwanted pounds, and maintain an enjoyable active lifestyle. Try Liver Health Formula and get a FREE 1 month’s supply of Nano Powered Omega 3 to support your heart health as well. Go to: https://GetLiverHelp.com/Rubin now to claim your exclusive gift Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    The Rubin Report
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Oprah wins over Michelle Obama in democratic poll.
    Memorial Day thanks to those that gave their lives for our countries.

    For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1215/roseanne-barr-moving-to-fox-dueling-dialogues-ep-97/