
    Bipartisan Bill to Allow Interstate Traffic of Raw Milk

    enDecember 18, 2019

    About this Episode

    A bipartisan bill has been introduced that would legalize the sale of raw milk across state lines. The Interstate Milk Freedom Act would change an existing regulation by the FDA that restricts the trade of raw milk between states.

    The FDA regulation isn't based on any law or legislation it's simply an edict from the unelected bureaucracy of the FDA. The law would would empower the states to make it legal to sell raw milk across state lines. Speaking about this bill Rep Daniel Webster said “American families can best decide what milk will best serve their sons and daughters," “The FDA has no Congressional directive or safety regulation that justifies interfering in a decision between a consumer and dairy farmer. This is an issue best left up to states and consumers.”

    Rep Lloyd Smucker (R) said Raw milk is a niche product highly valued by educated consumers who understand any risks associated with its consumption. This industry is vital economically for many small family farms in my district, who survive and thrive by selling directly to the consumer. Farmers throughout Pennsylvania’s 11th District and the nation work tirelessly to ensure safe, nutritious dairy products are available to everyone,” “Small family farms have been consuming and distributing raw milk safely for hundreds of years. This bill rightly gets the federal government out of the way and decriminalizes farmers and producers who choose to sell or take unpasteurized milk and other dairy products to willing customers throughout the nation.”

    The legislation has been introduced a number of times in the past but has failed so far. The bill simply says if two states have legalized the sale of unpasteurized milk, then no federal department, agency, or court may take any action to prohibit or restrict the interstate traffic of milk between those two states.

    Rep Thomas Massie owns 50 head of cattle on his off the grid farm in northeast Kentucky. Rep Pingree raises grass-fed beef and chickens on her island farm in North Haven Maine. 

    Read more: https://massie.house.gov/newsroom/press-releases/representatives-massie-pingree-introduce-bipartisan-bill-to-allow-interstate

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