
    Bobby Kelly

    enMarch 15, 2024
    What topics did Bobby Kelly and Andrew Santino discuss?
    How did Bobby Kelly's weight loss come up in conversation?
    What was the unexpected reason Bobby canceled a meeting?
    What kind of acts of kindness does the speaker prefer?
    How does the speaker view wealth and its purpose?

    Podcast Summary

    • Friendly banter and humor between Andrew Santino and Bobby KellyAndrew Santino and Bobby Kelly's conversation was filled with jokes, playful insults, and shared love for whiskey ginger drinks, highlighting their easy camaraderie and ability to find humor in everyday situations.

      Learning from this conversation between Andrew Santino and Bobby Kelly is their friendly banter and humor. Bobby Kelly made a surprise appearance on the show, and they discussed various topics including Kelly's upcoming club tour, his recent weight loss, and their shared love for whiskey ginger drinks. The conversation was filled with jokes, playful insults, and reminiscence. Bobby Kelly also shared some unexpected reasons for canceling a meeting with Santino, which led to a humorous exchange about cats versus dogs. The conversation showcased the duo's easy camaraderie and their ability to find humor in everyday situations.

    • Speaker shares stories about fashion, entertainment, and personal experiencesThe speaker's engaging storytelling connects topics of fashion, entertainment, and personal experiences, including a friend's documentary, weight loss journey, and past encounters.

      The conversation revolved around various topics including fashion, entertainment, and personal experiences. The speaker mentioned wearing unique clothing styles and revealed that a friend's niece had won a grant for a documentary about her father's decision to start doing stand-up comedy. The speaker also discussed his own weight loss journey and the use of medication. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's past experiences in New York and encounters with a difficult colleague named Liz. Despite the various topics, the conversation remained connected through the speaker's engaging and fast-paced storytelling. The speaker also mentioned a designer named Zing Wang and his new show on Netflix. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's charisma and ability to move seamlessly between different topics.

    • The value of strong industry relationshipsBeing proactive, persistent, and having supportive friends and mentors can lead to career advancements.

      The importance of building strong relationships in the industry cannot be overstated. This was evident in a conversation where one person expressed frustration over not being included in certain opportunities, despite their past collaborations. The conversation also highlighted the importance of being proactive and persistent in pursuing opportunities, as well as the value of having supportive friends and mentors who can help during tough times. The speaker shared how his friends had saved his career during the pandemic by helping him secure gigs that had been canceled. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the idea that having a strong network and being willing to put in the effort can lead to significant career advancements.

    • Two individuals collaborate on a podcast, one selflessly supports the otherCollaboration and selflessness can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth, even in the face of personal struggles

      Collaboration and selflessness can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth. A year and a half ago, two individuals decided to start a daily podcast together, with each bringing their own fanbase. One of them, who had a successful radio show, refused to take any money from the venture. When the speaker hit a rough patch in his career and was in a difficult situation, his podcast partner stepped in and saved the day by taking over the show. Despite initial reservations, the speaker eventually joined the new podcast and found success in it. This experience not only revived his career but also showed him the power of teamwork and generosity.

    • Misunderstanding and hurtful words in relationshipsEffective communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Listen actively, respond with empathy and respect, and avoid hurtful words and insults.

      Communication and understanding are key in any relationship. The conversation between the two individuals in the text reveals a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of each other's actions, leading to hurt feelings and frustration. The use of insults and humor, while seemingly playful, can actually be hurtful and damaging. It's important to remember that everyone has their own experiences and perspectives, and it's essential to listen actively and respond with empathy and respect. Additionally, the conversation touches on the topic of aging and physical limitations, highlighting the importance of self-care and acceptance of the natural aging process. Overall, the conversation serves as a reminder that effective communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Discovering Fine Bourbons at The Rabbit Hole Distillery and Managing Subscriptions with Rocket MoneyThe Rabbit Hole Distillery produces award-winning bourbons, while Rocket Money helps manage and save on subscriptions.

      The Rabbit Hole Distillery, founded by a former 20-year industry veteran, produces some of the finest small-batch bourbons from the heart of Kentucky. With four distinct expressions, including the Cave Hill fall, 4 grain triple malt bourbon, High Gold high rye double malt bourbon, Boxer grail rye, and Daringer sherry finished bourbon in Pedro Jimenez casks, they've earned a place in the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame. Their commitment to quality is evident in their awards and the smoothness of their spirits. For those looking to manage their subscriptions and save money, Rocket Money, a personal finance app, can help by finding and canceling unwanted subscriptions, monitoring spending, and lowering bills. With over 5 million users and $500 million in canceled subscriptions saved, it's a necessary tool in today's world of excessive subscriptions.

    • Disappointment with festival swagDespite occasional disappointments, the speaker values festivals for their unique experiences and continues to attend, accepting both good and bad experiences as part of the journey.

      Festivals hold a special significance for the speaker as they represent the essence of "swag" or unique style and experiences. However, the speaker often feels disappointed when not receiving expected festival swag, feeling overlooked or undervalued. Despite this, the speaker continues to attend festivals and even receives swag occasionally, but sometimes finds himself in possession of items he doesn't need or want. The speaker's experiences on movie sets and dealing with difficult crowds also add to the sense of collective disappointment and the inability to "pull a parachute" in those situations. Ultimately, the speaker's reflections show a sense of resilience and acceptance, recognizing that both good and bad experiences are part of the journey.

    • Fame and Success: A Divide Among FriendsFame and success can create a divide between people, even among close friends. Honesty and standing up for values can lead to misunderstandings and rifts, but staying true to oneself is important.

      Fame and success can create a divide between people, even among close friends. In the conversation, the speaker recounts an incident where they texted a famous comedian, Kevin Hart, for promoting a friend's special. Hart responded angrily, citing his busy schedule on a movie set. The speaker felt hurt and out of line, but they also felt a sense of satisfaction in standing up for their friend and reconnecting them. However, the incident led to a falling out between the speaker and Hart. The conversation highlights how fame and success can make people seem unreachable and inaccessible, and how even small misunderstandings can lead to significant rifts. It also shows the importance of being honest and true to one's values, even if it means taking a hit or burning a bridge.

    • Bobby Lee's New Comedic Persona and Absurd ImpressionsBobby Lee discussed his new persona, Hollywood Bob, which involves saying the opposite of what he believes for comedic effect. He also shared an impression of a man who could fart out his own balls, expressing admiration for his skill. The conversation touched on various topics including cigars, relationships, and impressions.

      During a conversation with Colin Quinn, Bobby Lee discussed his new persona, Hollywood Bob. This character involves saying the opposite of what he truly believes for comedic effect. The term "facetious," which Bobby used incorrectly, was clarified to mean making light of a situation. The conversation also touched on various topics including cigars, relationships, and impressions. One particularly bizarre impression involved a man who could fart out his own balls. Despite the absurdity, Bobby expressed admiration for the man's skill. The conversation ended with Bobby sharing his past experience with the Puppetry of the Peeps show and their impressive ability to manipulate various objects with their genitals. Bobby also mentioned canceling an improv show to spend time with a colleague's wife.

    • Effective Communication in RelationshipsMisunderstandings, anger, and frustration can escalate in relationships without effective communication, empathy, and mutual respect.

      Communication and understanding are key in maintaining a healthy relationship. The discussion reveals a couple going through various issues, including misunderstandings, anger, and frustration. The husband shares his thoughts about desiring intimacy and feeling disconnected, while the wife seems passive-aggressive and buries her feelings. The husband's attempt to apologize and make amends is met with resistance, leading him to feel misunderstood and angry. The situation escalates, resulting in a physical altercion. However, the husband ultimately acknowledges his mistakes and apologizes, showing a willingness to learn and grow. This incident underscores the importance of effective communication, empathy, and mutual respect in relationships.

    • Embrace gratitude and humility for improved well-beingPracticing gratitude and humility can positively impact mental health, motivate us, and help let go of negativity. Explore therapy options, collect meaningful items, and invest in high-quality underwear for boosted confidence and comfort.

      Practicing gratitude and humility can have a profound impact on our lives. These emotions have the power to motivate us and help us let go of negative experiences. The speaker emphasizes the importance of mental health and encourages exploring therapy options, like BetterHelp, which offers convenience and flexibility. Additionally, collecting meaningful items, such as Displate's metal posters, can add value to our living spaces. Lastly, investing in high-quality underwear, like MeUndies, can boost confidence and provide comfort. By focusing on these simple pleasures and expressing gratitude daily, we can improve our overall well-being.

    • Acts of kindness create unexpected connectionsSimple acts of kindness can lead to unexpected gratitude and interconnectedness. Consider giving food or other items instead of cash to help people in need.

      Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can create a ripple effect and bring unexpected gratitude and connection. In the discussed situation, the speaker received a gift card for gas from a casino, which initially didn't work for them. Instead of getting frustrated, they tried to help the woman in need by using the card for her gas. This simple act of kindness led to a moment of gratitude for both parties and created a sense of interconnectedness. Furthermore, the speaker shared their perspective on giving to people in need. They prefer to give food or other items instead of cash, as they believe it may enable people to use the money for harmful substances. This belief led to a unique "homeless draft" system, where they "hire" specific homeless individuals to protect them from other homeless people. The conversation also touched on the importance of feeling emotions, including pain, and the speaker's desire to attend a comedy show and potentially engage in a physical altercation with the performer. The overall conversation showcases the importance of kindness, connection, and the human experience.

    • Creating a self-sustaining ecosystem for creativesFinancial resources enable creatives to build their own platforms, hire and support peers, and foster a thriving community

      Having financial resources can enable creatives to build their own platforms and support their peers, leading to a thriving community. Joe Rogan's comedy club and Adam Sandler's film productions serve as examples of this dream scenario, where friends and colleagues work together and benefit from each other's success. Boston Comedian Jimmy Dunn expresses his aspiration to recreate this model by focusing on hiring and promoting his friends, rather than relying on external institutions. This sentiment is echoed by Louie C.K., who also prioritized paying his friends before being ousted from the industry. Ultimately, the shared goal is to create a self-sustaining ecosystem where artists can flourish and support one another.

    • Recognizing and enjoying one's worthFocus on present moment and find satisfaction in current achievements, rather than constantly striving for more money or fame, and resolve conflicts effectively to maintain personal relationships and well-being.

      Understanding one's worth and being content with what one has is crucial for personal happiness and success. Bob Marley, a legendary Boston comedian, knew his worth and didn't wait to retire to enjoy life. Instead, he focused on doing what he loved, selling out shows, and buying a massive compound in New Hampshire. It's essential to recognize that trying to constantly strive for more money or fame may lead to neglecting personal relationships and well-being. Instead, we should focus on enjoying the present moment and finding satisfaction in our current achievements. Additionally, holding grudges and engaging in petty arguments with others, as shown in the conversation between Bobby and the speaker, can be detrimental and unproductive. Instead, it's essential to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts in a healthy and respectful manner.

    • Exploring new places for personal growthEmbrace opportunities for growth and exploration, both personally and professionally, to foster happiness and create meaningful connections.

      Living life to the fullest and experiencing new places is an essential part of personal growth and happiness. The speaker shares his regret that his father didn't take advantage of his travel opportunities beyond work engagements. He emphasizes the importance of exploring cities and engaging in experiences outside of work or shows. The speaker also expresses his admiration for those who prioritize travel and adventure, even if they don't have a specific goal or performance in mind. The speaker's reflections on his own career in comedy and the lasting impact of his collaborations illustrate the importance of creating meaningful connections and audiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing opportunities for growth and exploration, both personally and professionally.

    • Wealth as a means to create memories and make a differenceThe speaker values experiences, charity, and creating memories over material possessions like luxury cars or private jets.

      Despite having significant wealth, the speaker finds joy not in material possessions like luxury cars or private jets, but in experiences and making a difference through charity. He shares a dream of traveling with friends for comedy performances and, if given the means, would prefer to buy a private jet for practical reasons. The speaker also expresses a desire for an island to revive and turn it into a meaningful project. These aspirations demonstrate that wealth, for him, is a means to create memories and contribute positively to the world, rather than an end in itself.

    • A tropical island getaway for friends and familyThe speaker dreams of owning a private island for relaxation and bonding with loved ones, but has differing vacation preferences with his conversation partner.

      The speaker expresses a desire for a tropical island, reminiscent of Johnny Depp's portrayal in Pirates of the Caribbean. He envisions sharing this island with others, creating a private getaway for friends and family. However, the conversation shifts to past experiences, including a reference to Epstein and a disagreement about vacation preferences. The speaker expresses discomfort with the idea of sunbathing and prefers to cover up while at the beach. Despite their differences, they acknowledge the shared experience of being comedians and the inherent gossip and competition within their industry.

    • Speakers Admire Jim Jefferies and Robert Kelly's Personal Growth and ComedySpeakers appreciate Jim Jefferies' sobriety and Robert Kelly's comedy, emphasizing the importance of connection and feeling with the audience, and promoting their upcoming performances.

      The speakers express their admiration and appreciation for Jim Jefferies and Robert Kelly, who have made significant personal improvements in their lives. Jim's sobriety has led him to become stronger than ever, and Robert's comedy continues to impress them. The conversation also touches on the topic of body parts and humor, showcasing their raw and uncensored sense of comedy. Despite the sometimes offensive nature of their jokes, they emphasize the importance of feeling and connecting with the audience rather than resorting to negativity. The speakers also promote their upcoming performances and encourage the audience to check them out.

    • Friendship and Comedy with Robert KellyExplore Robert Kelly's live comedy shows for great laughs and enduring friendships. Enjoy the camaraderie and admiration between the speakers, and maybe even try some whiskey while you're at it.

      The strong camaraderie and admiration between the speakers for comedian Robert Kelly. They repeatedly encouraged listeners to check out his live performances at RobertKellyLive.com. The speakers also shared their enjoyment of whiskey during the recording, with one speaker expressing his preference for ginger and the other teasing him about it. Despite some lighthearted banter, the overall tone of the conversation was warm and supportive, showcasing the enduring bond between friends. So, if you're looking for a good laugh and some great company, be sure to check out Robert Kelly's live shows. Cheers to good friends, good comedy, and good whiskey!

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    Bursting onto the scene with a blend of sharp wit and bold creativity, KTLYN is the name to watch. Whether it's captivating audiences with unforgettable performances or pushing boundaries in the entertainment world, KTLYN's talent and charisma are undeniable. Get ready to be inspired and entertained by the unstoppable force that is KTLYN. #KTYLN #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT CUTS CLOTHING 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER! https://cutsclothing.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Sal Vulcano
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    Love Is Blind S5 - GASLIGHTER UCHE

    Hey there, Besties! Get ready to dive into another jam-packed review of Love Is Blind S5, Episode 5, 6, and 7. We're not just spilling the tea today; we're pouring a whole kettle of it! 

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    Today’s Sponsor:

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:50 Four steps to love yourself
    • 03:27 Love Is Blind S - who’s getting married?
    • 05:29 Why are Taylor and JP so awkward?
    • 12:16 When reality sets in for Izzy and Stacy  
    • 17:05 Lydia and Milton’s relationship seems very surface level
    • 18:49 Is Uche gaslighting Aaliyah?
    • 24:25 Maybe Lydia knew that Uche will be in S5
    • 31:42 You’ll know a partner’s bad for you when…
    • 34:41 Still following random girls on IG   

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    How I Stayed At A 50M Dollar House

    How I Stayed At A 50M Dollar House

    Staying at a billionaire's house? That's a dream come true! But girl, don't forget to show your finesse and charm while you're there. 

    Today, Violetta shares a few updates about her life. She starts off with the post-surgery experience after she had her eggs extracted successfully, how it affected her mentally, and what no one tells you about post egg freezing. Then, she talks about her recent trip to Mexico where she stayed at James Packer’s $50M house for a weekend - the place, the view, the food, the fun - bombastic side-eye!

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    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:19 I recently finished freezing my eggs
    • 08:52 My friend called and said, “Do you wanna go to Mexico with me?”
    • 18:24 I don’t normally go on vacation
    • 20:37 I got to meet the billionaire
    • 23:32 Would you rent it for $35,000 - $40, 000 a night?
    • 28:53 How do you finesse staying at a billionaire’s house?
    • 31:57 Other features of the house

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    KEY LIME PIE S*X GONE WRONG - Confession Corner

    KEY LIME PIE S*X GONE WRONG - Confession Corner

    Hey Besties! Ready for another wild ride in the Confession Corner? Violetta's got the juiciest stories for you. Ever been on a date where you had to do some quick thinking, maybe tell a little white lie? Trust me, you're not alone! We're diving into those hilarious and awkward moments as they take unexpected turns. 

    And, oh boy, get ready for some spice! We're talking about turning up the heat in the bedroom, and yes, it involves food. From a delightful encounter with key lime pie that leaves you questioning cleanliness to accidentally turning a passionate moment into a bit of a bloodbath – these stories are wild, unpredictable, and oh-so-relatable. You won't believe where these confessions lead, but one thing's for sure –  it's a rollercoaster of laughs and surprises. 

    If you want to be featured on the next episode, send an email to press@daddyissuesla.com or call Violetta at 424-278-4268 and leave an anonymous voicemail!

    Today’s Sponsors:

    • Lume - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code ADULTING at https://lumedeodorant.com/ 
    • Nutrafol - Find out why over 4,000 healthcare professionals recommend Nutrafol for healthier hair. Visit https://nutrafol.com/ and use promo code ADULTING
    • Urban Outfitters - Shop https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/ and receive an additional 10% off when you use the code VIOLET10 at checkout

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:59 Story #1: He cut himself while opening my window on our first date
    • 05:20 Story #2: Eating key lime pie from her p*ssy
    • 10:14 Story #3: I scrapped his d*ck with my nails while I was about to clim*x
    • 17:57 Story #4: I was broken up by him through his mother

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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