
    Bombshell Direct Testimony of Joe Biden's Corruption, plus Ukraine Bill Passes Senate with ZERO Border Security

    enFebruary 14, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Chumba Casino, Preborn, and HealthLock: Making Everyday Moments Brighter and Saving LivesChumba Casino offers free entertainment and daily bonuses, Preborn helps mothers hear their babies' heartbeats, HealthLock ensures medical bill accuracy and saves members money, Senator Ted Cruz discusses the impeachment inquiry and Tony Bobolinski's whistleblower testimony on Joe Biden's personal corruption

      Chumba Casino provides free entertainment and daily bonuses, making everyday moments brighter, while Preborn saves lives by helping mothers hear their babies' heartbeats and doubling their chances at life. Meanwhile, HealthLock ensures medical bill accuracy and helps members save significant amounts of money. Elsewhere, Senator Ted Cruz discussed the impeachment inquiry, sharing that Tony Bobolinski, a whistleblower with information on the Biden crime family, was ignored by law enforcement despite having extensive evidence and meetings with Joe Biden himself. Bobolinski's opening statement primarily focused on Joe Biden's personal corruption, emphasizing that the media and Democrats have been focusing too much on Hunter Biden.

    • Joe Biden's family involved in foreign business deals with Chinese entitiesJoe Biden's family received significant funds from foreign business deals involving Chinese Communist Party-linked entities during his time in office. Despite this, Biden claimed he had no involvement. Witnesses testified otherwise, and deals continued even after Biden announced he wouldn't run for president again.

      Joe Biden's family was involved in foreign business deals, with significant sums of money flowing directly to them, due to Joe Biden's high political position. Tony Bobolinski, a key player in these transactions, testified that Joe Biden was aware of and enabled these deals, despite the involvement of known Chinese Communist Party-linked entities. The transactions began around the time Joe Biden announced he would not seek the presidency in 2016, and continued until 2018 when one of the Chinese entities' leaders was detained for corruption in China. The Biden administration had identified this Chinese entity as a tool of the Chinese Communist Party as early as 2016. These facts raise serious concerns about Joe Biden's actions and responsibilities during his time in office. The media has not widely covered these allegations, and it is important for Congress to investigate further.

    • Biden family's foreign business dealings raise concerns of conflicts of interestReports suggest President Biden may have sensitive documents related to foreign business dealings, but investigations are limited by White House or personal attorneys. Allegations of payoffs to the Biden family add to concerns, and a journalist reporting on these issues was recently laid off.

      There are growing concerns about potential conflicts of interest involving President Biden and his family's foreign business dealings. Reports suggest that President Biden may have retained sensitive documents related to specific countries and their involvement in the Biden family's foreign business dealings. These documents were requested by congressional committees, and the committees have expressed concern about potential limitations placed on their investigation by the White House or Biden's personal attorneys. Bob Alinsky's testimony aligns with these concerns, as he has accused the Biden family of seeking out such business dealings. The fact that a journalist, Katherine Harridge, who reported on these issues was recently laid off from CBS, raises further questions about the media's role in holding those in power accountable. The lack of investigation into the nexus between the documents and foreign entities paying the Biden family large sums of money adds to the growing suspicion.

    • Interview discusses journalist firing and Big Mobile funding liberal causesThe interview revealed the connection between Hunter Biden and a Chinese energy company, CEFC, and raised concerns about Joe Biden's personal involvement. It also promoted Patriot Mobile as a conservative alternative to major wireless providers funding liberal causes.

      The firing of a journalist for reporting against the narrative to defeat Donald Trump, and the funding of liberal causes by major wireless providers like Big Mobile, were two topics discussed in the interview. The interview also highlighted the connection between Hunter Biden and the Chinese Communist Party's energy company, CEFC, as revealed in the Rob Walker transcript. According to the testimony, Hunter Biden's associates received a $3,000,000 payment from a CEFC entity at a time when Joe Biden personally met with the chairman of CEFC. This raises concerns about Joe Biden's personal complicity in the dealings between his son and the Chinese energy company. Additionally, the interview promoted Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative wireless provider that donates a percentage of customers' bills to conservative causes, as an alternative to funding the left through major wireless providers.

    • Biden family money laundering allegationsSuspected money laundering activities involving Biden family with payments from China, Ukraine, and Romania, totaling over $1,000,000, to various associates, not linked to any business services, and continued for months to obscure origin of funds.

      The discussion reveals evidence of suspected money laundering activities involving the Biden family, with payments coming from various sources including China, Ukraine, and Romania. These payments, totaling over $1,000,000, were made to various Biden associates, including James Guilliard and Halle Biden, and were not linked to any specific business services. The payments continued for months, and the transactions appeared designed to obscure the origin of the funds. The Biden family's business dealings during the Obama-Biden administration also raised questions, such as a lucrative contract with a Romanian businessman, Gabriel Papaviccu, who was under investigation. The family reportedly received $180,000 a month from this businessman. These findings support the allegations of money laundering made by James Comer and suggest a pattern of financial activities that have been ongoing for an extended period.

    • Biden's Business Dealings with China RevealedPresident Biden lied about having business dealings with China, and he allegedly sold access and favors. Amidst inflation, people are turning to gold as a hedge, and Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless services with the same coverage as leading carriers.

      During a radio discussion, it was revealed that President Joe Biden's past denials about his business dealings with foreign entities, particularly China, were false. Testimony and transcripts have shown that Biden not only had business dealings but also allegedly sold access and favors. Meanwhile, in other news, the Senate recently held an important vote. Regarding the economic front, many are turning to gold as a hedge against inflation, which is eroding purchasing power and putting retirement savings at risk. In the business sphere, Consumer Cellular offers wireless services with the same coverage as leading carriers but at up to half the cost. For those paying too much for wireless service, Consumer Cellular could be a viable alternative.

    • Investing in physical gold and silver for financial securityIndividuals can secure their financial future by investing in physical gold and silver through companies like Freedom Gold USA, but may feel powerless in the face of political decisions prioritizing other nations over their own border security.

      Individuals have the opportunity to safeguard their wealth and secure their financial future by investing in physical gold and silver through companies like Freedom Gold USA. This can be done through an IRA or by having it shipped to one's home. However, during the discussion, there was also a strong expression of frustration towards the political situation in the US, specifically regarding the funding of Ukraine over securing the southern border. The senator shared his disappointment that many Republicans voted in favor of the funding bill despite his and others' objections to the lack of border security measures included. The takeaway is that individuals have control over their financial future through investments, but may feel powerless in the face of political decisions that prioritize other nations over their own.

    • Political maneuvering over military aid to UkraineThe Senate passed a resolution for military aid without border security, while the House insists on it. House Speaker McCarthy may face rebellion if Democrats try to bypass him for a vote.

      The passing of the Senate resolution in favor of providing military aid to Ukraine without attaching strong border security measures is likely to lead to further political maneuvering between the House and the Senate. Speaker McCarthy has indicated that the House will not pass the bill without border security, and the House has already passed HR 2, a strong border security legislation, which the Senate has refused to take up. The Democrats may attempt to bypass the House leadership and force a vote, but this move could lead to rebellion among rank and file Republican members. The Senate Republican leadership's plan to use this bill to attack House Republican leadership is unclear to many, and there is no evidence of any compromising deals made by House Republicans to side with the Democrats on this issue.

    • Republicans believe it's in America's interest for Ukraine to win against RussiaRepublicans support Ukraine against Russia due to potential detrimental effects of a Russian victory and perceived need to appease Democrats, while also considering US oil and gas investments and enjoying British TV with BritBox.

      Among Republicans, there is a strong belief that it is in America's interest for Ukraine to win against Russia. This sentiment is driven by the belief that a Russian victory would be detrimental to America and expensive for taxpayers. However, some Republicans also seem reluctant to engage in fights and expect Democrats to hold strong, leading to a perceived need to appease them. The political landscape is challenging for the Republicans, particularly in the House, following a special election loss in New York. Meanwhile, there are important developments in the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, which we will continue to cover. On a different note, for those interested in investments, US oil and gas could be a good addition to an accredited investor's portfolio. Companies like Labrador Energy offer potential tax advantages and the opportunity to invest in a historically profitable sector. As always, it's important to consult with legal, tax, and financial advisers before making any investment decisions. Lastly, for those who enjoy British television, BritBox is a streaming service worth checking out. It offers a range of acclaimed series and original content featuring talented actors like Jodie Whittaker and Sophie Rundle. Start a free trial at brittbox.com. Stay tuned for more updates on these and other topics on our podcast, which is released Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review. Thank you for listening.

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