
    Bongino x Tucker Carlson: The Unfiltered Interview (PART 2)

    enDecember 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing America's readiness for potential threatsSupport companies prioritizing values, address military readiness and cybersecurity, beware of external cyber threats, and be aware of societal distractions that detract from national security.

      During this interview, Dan Vongino and Tucker Carlson discussed various concerns regarding the current state of America and its readiness for potential threats, particularly in the realm of technology and national security. They highlighted the importance of supporting companies like Blackout Coffee that align with their values and expressed concerns over the prioritization of issues like military readiness and cybersecurity over societal distractions. They also criticized the Biden administration for labeling American citizens as the main threat to the homeland, which they argue undermines the country's preparedness for external threats. Additionally, they mentioned the open structure of the internet as a challenge to protection and the importance of being aware of potential dangers, such as cyber warfare from countries like China.

    • Disillusioned with both partiesSpeaker feels unrepresented by Democrats and Republicans, criticizes both for spying and misallocated resources, and questions political allegiance due to perceived harm and lack of consistent leadership.

      The current political climate in the United States has led some individuals to feel alienated and unrepresented by both major political parties. The speaker expresses a belief that the Republican Party, despite not being a perfect solution, is still a better choice due to the perceived harm caused by the Democrats. However, they also criticize the Republican Party for spying on their own voters and diverting resources from addressing external threats to the country. This distrust and frustration towards both parties has led the speaker to question their political allegiance and express a desire for consistent leadership that defends the interests of all voters.

    • Defending and Protecting Those Under Your CareStay focused on outcomes, not personal affections, to effectively lead and ensure transparency and good governance. Accountability and holding officials responsible, even in one-party states, is crucial.

      Leadership, whether in politics, business, or parenting, involves defending and protecting those under your care. The speaker analogy illustrates this point, emphasizing the importance of focusing on outcomes rather than personal affections towards individuals. The lack of competition in one-party states can lead to the rise of mediocre leaders, as seen in the example of Asa Hutchinson. In contrast, holding Republican officials accountable, even in Republican-dominated areas, is essential to ensure transparency and good governance. The China situation underscores the need for standing up for one's principles and values, even if it results in opposition and criticism. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of staying focused on the bigger picture and not being swayed by personal biases or attachments.

    • The power comes from the audience, not the individualDan Bongino found success on independent platforms by focusing on audience engagement and recognizing the power in collective following, rather than personal background or connections.

      The power lies not in individuals or their personal backgrounds, but in the collective following and engagement of audiences. Dan Bongino recognized this when transitioning from Fox News to independent platforms like Tucker Carlson's website, Rumble, and Apple Spotify. He acknowledged that his power comes from people watching and engaging with his content, not from any special abilities or connections he may have. Furthermore, Bongino shared how his perspective on economic growth and trade has evolved, influenced by JD Vance's book "Hillbilly Elegy" and conversations with economists. He now prioritizes fair trade over free trade, recognizing the potential negative impacts on communities, especially in the context of parasitic economies like China. Bongino's experiences in Japan further solidified his belief that economic growth isn't the ultimate goal and that the well-being of communities and individuals should be prioritized over numbers.

    • A call for a more connected and egalitarian societyThe speaker advocates for a society that values its people and treats them with respect and dignity, inspired by observations of Japan's cohesive culture.

      The speaker believes that the current state of society, measured not by economic numbers but by the well-being and happiness of its people, is in dire need of improvement. They express a desire for a more connected and egalitarian society, where everyone is considered morally equal and has an equal shot at success. The speaker also shares their observations of a more cohesive society in Japan, where older generations are given purpose and respect, and where cleanliness and order are valued. They argue that we should strive to learn from such societies and create a functional, cohesive society that values its people, rather than focusing solely on enriching a select few. The speaker's ultimate goal is to live in a society where everyone's basic needs are met and where people are treated with respect and dignity. They believe that our current system, which they describe as a bastardized capitalism, does not live up to these values and needs to be addressed.

    • The U.S. is losing its status as a beacon for good governanceThe U.S. is becoming more authoritarian and interventionist, other countries are not interested in adopting American models, and the U.S. needs to reevaluate its approach to international relations.

      The idea of free markets and democratic values being exported as a model for other countries is no longer the case. The speaker argues that the U.S. is losing its status as a beacon for good governance and is instead becoming more authoritarian and interventionist. They point to the increasing government involvement in various sectors, including healthcare and digital currencies, as well as the aggressive promotion of certain cultural values abroad. The speaker also notes that other countries see this as a power play and are not necessarily interested in adopting these models. Instead, they are looking for new ways to govern that may be more effective for their specific contexts. Overall, the speaker's message is that the U.S. needs to reevaluate its approach to international relations and consider how its actions are perceived by other countries.

    • Power and numbers in politicsPolitics prioritizes power and numbers over ideology and unity, focusing on organizing around successful principles and voting against opposition.

      The political landscape, particularly within the Democratic Party, is driven less by ideology and more by the desire for power and numbers. Individuals' views and diversity are secondary, with the focus being on organizing around a successful principle. This can be concerning as it lacks a clear, unified vision or set of beliefs. The call to action is often to vote against the opposition rather than for a specific cause. This interview also touched on various sponsor messages, including Omaha Steaks and Patreon Mobile. The former offers high-quality meat products and holiday deals, while the latter is a Christian conservative wireless provider standing for free speech and conservative values.

    • Global leaders advocating for authoritarian measures during COVID-19Some global leaders, including atheist Yuval Noah Harari, are advocating for authoritarian measures during the COVID-19 crisis, which is concerning given the potential for massive change and the historical link between atheism and genocidal dictators.

      During the COVID-19 crisis, some global leaders and thinkers have shown a disturbing enthusiasm for authoritarian measures, which they have previously criticized in other contexts. Yuval Noah Harari, a well-known globalist and atheist, has advocated for such measures, arguing that they demonstrate the potential for massive change. Harari's views are concerning because he is an effective communicator and, as an atheist, believes he has no limits to what he can do. Throughout history, genocidal dictators have been atheists, and this mindset is a threat to individual freedoms. It's important to be aware of this potential danger and to question those who advocate for unchecked power.

    • Charisma and political skill of Clinton and ObamaDespite political differences, the speaker was moved by Obama's charisma and feared its potential to sway others, contrasting his ability to connect with all people to Obama's tendency to belittle opponents.

      Charisma and political skill can be disconcerting, especially when it comes from individuals whose political beliefs differ from our own. The speaker shares his experiences with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, both of whom he found to be incredibly charismatic and skilled politicians. However, he was particularly unnerved by Obama, recalling overhearing two Republican men expressing their disdain for him before Clinton entered a room. Despite being a die-hard conservative libertarian, the speaker found himself moved by Obama's speeches and feared the power of his charisma to sway others. He saw the charm, but wishes he had recognized the potential danger earlier. The speaker also contrasts Clinton's ability to connect with people, regardless of their status, with Obama's tendency to belittle those he perceived as trying to challenge him.

    • Trump's Private Side: Making Others Feel ImportantTrump's genuine interest in others sets him apart from his public persona as a self-absorbed billionaire. He goes out of his way to engage, remember names, and cater to preferences to make people feel valued and important.

      Despite Donald Trump's public persona of being an egoistic and wealthy figure, in private, he is deeply concerned about making others feel important and valued. He goes out of his way to engage with people, remember their names, and cater to their preferences. This compulsion to connect with others and make them feel special is a defining characteristic of Trump's personality, and it has contributed significantly to his ability to build a loyal following. Whether it's through hosting dinner parties, DJing music, or connecting people over the phone, Trump's genuine interest in others sets him apart from the caricatured image of him as a self-absorbed billionaire.

    • Media's influence on shaping perceptions of realityInaccurate narratives, especially from the left, can be accepted as truth due to media's influence. Critical thinking and reading older sources are important for accurate understanding of history.

      The power of media and narrative can shape people's perceptions of reality, even when facts contradict them. The speaker expressed frustration with how inaccurate information, particularly from the left, can be repeated and accepted as truth due to the media's influence. He used the example of Bill Clinton's alleged surplus during his presidency, which he argued never happened based on government debt records. The speaker also warned about the potential consequences of accepting false narratives, such as future generations questioning historical events. He encouraged critical thinking and reading older sources to gain a more accurate understanding of history. Nassim Taleb's books, particularly "The Black Swan," were mentioned as thought-provoking resources on the topic of narrative and history.

    • January 6 events: Not the worst thing everWhile important, the January 6 events should be viewed in context, considering potential consequences and global implications.

      While the events of January 6, 2021, were significant, they should not be exaggerated to the extent of being labeled as the worst thing that ever happened. The speaker acknowledges the valid concerns of those who disagreed with the election results but cautions against overdramatizing the situation. He also shares his perspective on the importance of considering the potential consequences of military interventions, drawing from his family's experience with the Vietnam War. The speaker expresses concern over the global implications of recent conflicts and the potential for a global financial reset, and emphasizes the importance of considering the impact on one's own country before getting involved in foreign conflicts.

    • Questioning the motivations of those in powerTucker Carlson encourages asking questions and being skeptical, focusing on what's best for the country, and disregarding name-calling and hysteria. He's learned to ignore labels and concerns about foreign policy's end goals and the left's shift towards warmongering.

      Tucker Carlson encourages asking questions and being skeptical of those who evade answering them with name-calling and hysteria. He believes that people should focus on what's best for their country and question the end goals of certain actions, especially when it comes to foreign policy. Carlson shared his experiences with being labeled as a racist and a Putin defender, and how he learned to disregard such criticisms if they don't contribute to the betterment of his country. He also expressed his concern about the direction of the left and their apparent shift towards warmongering. Overall, Carlson emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and questioning the motivations of those in power.

    • Dan Bongino expresses gratitude and looks forward to future appearancesDan Bongino appreciated the interview experience, invited listeners to follow him on Rumble, and looked forward to future appearances.

      The speaker, Dan Bongino, expressed his gratitude for being a guest on the show and enjoyed the interview experience. He offered to be a future guest and encouraged listeners to check out his Rumble account for more content. The speaker also mentioned the success of their two-part special interview with Tucker Carlson and the holiday season being a great time for such content. He invited listeners to spread the word and download the Rumble app to follow him. With over three million followers, the speaker was overwhelmed by the support and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

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    Rob is an award-winning business speaker (Vistage Rising Star 2018, Outperformer 2019, 2020, 2021, & The USA Club 50 Award in 2021).

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    the world. Rob’s CyberSecurity TED Talk has now had over 500,000 views (on TEDx YouTube and TED.COM combined) He is an author selling his cybersecurity in 7 countries. And he makes complex yet vital subjects’ fun, entertaining, actionable, and very relevant.









    Amy is a Life Purpose Coach, Podcast Strategist, Top 1% Global Podcaster, Speaker and Mastermind Host. Amy works with individuals to improve productivity, engagement and fulfilment, to banish overwhelm, underwhelm and frustration and to welcome clarity, achievement and purpose.



    Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire. If you would to focus on your WHY or launch a purposeful podcast, then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall




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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence. 

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