
    About this Episode

    Being single and feeling like your window to have a baby is closing is painful! I dedicate this episode to you. Kristen Burris aka The Baby Maker works miracles all over the country. She helps couples who are struggling to conceive AND she also helps single people increase their fertility and keep that window open longer. Knowledge is power, find yours here. Plus learn about at-home tests to give you all the answers you need! 

    Recent Episodes from Secrets with Kate McGwire

    The Late Blooming Groom

    The Late Blooming Groom

    Love is not a gender thing, it's a human thing. In my mind it was hard for women to find love, but not for men. If they were single later in life it's because they chose to be. This episode shows how small minded that thought is. Men crave that human connection as much as we do and as time races by they feel just as frustrated and hopeless as we do. Well at least the good ones do.