
    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of Beauty Culture on IndividualsBeauty culture can lead to both positive and negative experiences, and recognizing the mechanisms that perpetuate standards can help individuals regain control and confidence.

      Beauty culture can significantly impact individuals' lives, leading to both positive and negative experiences. Many people, regardless of their background or gender, have struggled with beauty standards and the pressure to conform. These struggles can manifest in various ways, from daily routines and self-care to more extreme measures like cosmetic procedures. It's essential to recognize that these feelings are not unique and that everyone deserves kindness and understanding. The power to define one's own beauty lies within, and becoming aware of the mechanisms that perpetuate these standards can help individuals regain control and confidence. In this episode, listeners shared their personal stories, highlighting the universality of these experiences and offering validation and solidarity.

    • Impact of societal standards on self-confidence and well-beingSocietal standards and social media can negatively impact self-confidence, but remembering personal confidence and embracing individuality are key to feeling beautiful.

      Our perception of beauty and the pressure to conform to societal standards can have a significant impact on our self-confidence and overall well-being. Social media, with its curated and idealized images, can contribute to this pressure, leading us to compare ourselves unfavorably and judge ourselves based on external validation. However, it's important to remember that confidence is a key factor in feeling beautiful, and everyone has the right to express themselves and embrace what makes them happy, whether that's following dogs on Instagram, wearing makeup, or simply being true to oneself. Ultimately, the most important thing is to recognize and celebrate the unique beauty within each of us.

    • Makeup and Beauty: Art Form or Societal Pressure?Everyone should be allowed to express themselves in the way that makes them feel most comfortable and confident, regardless of societal norms or expectations. It's important to consider the impact of societal pressures on beauty and self-expression, and to promote self-acceptance and body positivity.

      Makeup and beauty culture are complex and multifaceted, with some seeing it as an art form and expression of individuality, while others criticize it for perpetuating societal expectations and pressures. The discussion also touched on the experiences of men and their relationship to beauty standards, as well as the importance of self-acceptance and body positivity. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone should be allowed to express themselves in the way that makes them feel most comfortable and confident, regardless of societal norms or expectations. Additionally, there were discussions about the importance of considering the impact of height discrimination and societal expectations on dating apps, and the need for more resources and education for men on self-care and skin care.

    • Societal pressure to conform to beauty standardsSocietal pressure to conform to beauty standards can negatively impact individuals, particularly women, causing feelings of embarrassment, self-hatred, and a focus on external appearances. The media and societal shift towards embracing diversity is a step in the right direction, but ongoing efforts are needed for acceptance and self-love.

      Societal pressure to conform to beauty standards can negatively impact individuals, particularly women, causing feelings of embarrassment, self-hatred, and a sense of being judged based on their appearance rather than their worth or abilities. Despite knowing that these standards are often arbitrary and harmful, many people continue to feel the pressure to meet them, leading to time-consuming and expensive routines and a focus on external appearances rather than internal value. The media and societal shift towards embracing diversity and challenging traditional beauty norms is a step in the right direction, but there is still a long way to go in terms of acceptance and self-love. Anonymous's observation about the one allowable deviation from the ideal for those who present as female highlights the pervasive nature of these beauty standards and the need for ongoing efforts to challenge and change them.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Us and Beauty StandardsUnderstanding that our worth is not determined by our appearance and finding a balance in our beauty routines that makes us feel good is essential.

      Our relationship with beauty and grooming can be complex and multifaceted. Some people find joy and comfort in their beauty routines, while others feel pressure and discomfort. societal beauty standards can influence our perceptions of ourselves and our worth. The modeling industry, in particular, can perpetuate unrealistic expectations and contribute to body dissatisfaction. Ultimately, it's important to remember that our intrinsic value comes from within and is not determined by our appearance. However, the deeply ingrained belief that what we look like is the primary measure of our worth can be challenging to overcome. Some people cope by avoiding their beauty routines altogether, while others are actively working to redefine what it means to feel beautiful for themselves. The important thing is to find a balance that works for us and to remember that our worth is not defined by external factors.

    • Struggling with societal beauty standards and finding self-love as a parentParents can shift their perspective on beauty standards, finding self-love and acceptance during pregnancy and motherhood, and modeling these values for their children.

      Societal beauty standards can negatively impact individuals, especially women and girls, leading to self-deprecation and body image issues. However, becoming a parent often brings about a shift in perspective, encouraging self-love and acceptance. Many women shared stories of struggling with societal expectations, from being bullied for being too thin or too big, to feeling the pressure to conform to conservative beauty norms. Yet, through the challenges of pregnancy and motherhood, they discovered their own versions of beauty and found strength in their bodies. It's essential for parents to model self-love and acceptance for their children, creating a healthier and more positive environment for them to grow up in.

    • Discussing the impact of societal beauty standards on self-esteem and mental energySocietal beauty standards cause distress, self-criticism, and wasted time, emphasizing the importance of self-love and acceptance.

      Societal beauty standards continue to cause distress and self-criticism for many individuals, impacting their self-esteem and mental energy. People shared their experiences with body image issues related to weight, race, and sexuality, expressing the frustration of not meeting unrealistic expectations. Some discussed the historical and ongoing impact of these standards on their lives, highlighting the importance of self-love and acceptance. Additionally, the conversation touched on the exhaustion and time wasted trying to conform to these standards. It's crucial to remember that everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way, and we should strive for kinder, more inclusive beauty standards.

    • Pressure and Judgment in Beauty StandardsBeauty standards can lead to pressure and judgment for individuals based on their race, gender, and profession, creating a complex and often harmful environment.

      Beauty standards and expectations can be complex and contradictory, leading to pressure and judgment for individuals based on their race, gender, and profession. For some, like Audra and Hai, there's pressure to conform to traditional beauty standards and fit into a specific cultural identity. For others, like Dr. Torrey Epstein and female scientists, there's a stigma against putting effort into appearance, leading to negative judgments and assumptions about intelligence. Trans individuals, such as Tay and Jake, face additional challenges in navigating beauty standards and expectations based on their gender identity. Ultimately, the beauty industry profits off these insecurities and contradictions, creating a confusing and often harmful environment for individuals.

    • Pressure to conform to cisgender appearances harms transgender healthTransgender individuals face societal pressure to conform to cisgender appearances, leading to mental and physical health issues, including dysphoria and invasive procedures. Society's gendered expectations and the beauty industry can contribute to harmful body image issues and disordered eating for all individuals, regardless of gender identity or size.

      Beauty standards, particularly those imposed on transgender and non-binary individuals, can have detrimental effects on mental and physical health. Transgender individuals, including trans men and trans women, often face pressure to conform to cisgender appearances, leading to dysphoria and the need for invasive procedures. The beauty industry, with its gendered expectations and diets, can contribute to harmful body image issues and disordered eating. Additionally, individuals who identify as asexual or plus size can face invalidation and erasure, as their worth and attractiveness are often tied to societal standards. It's crucial to recognize that beauty is subjective and personal, and individuals should be free to express themselves without fear of judgment or societal pressure. The LGBTQ+ community has paved the way for challenging and redefining these standards, allowing people to question societal norms and embrace their authentic selves.

    • Exploring diversity, beauty, and gender through personal stories and expert insightsEngaging with diverse perspectives and challenging societal norms can lead to personal growth and positive change. Seek knowledge, ask questions, and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual.

      Engaging with diverse perspectives and challenging societal norms, particularly around beauty and gender, can lead to profound personal growth and positive change. The speaker's podcast, Ologies, serves as a platform for exploring these topics through interviews with experts and personal stories from listeners. One listener, Alyssa, shared how watching RuPaul's Drag Race with her kids sparked important conversations about acceptance, self-expression, and challenging gender norms. Another listener, Tara, expressed what she finds beautiful in the world, reminding us of the importance of appreciating the natural world and the uniqueness of each individual. The speaker emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and encourages listeners to ask questions and seek knowledge, while also acknowledging the need for continuous self-improvement. Through these stories and reflections, we are reminded of the power of open-mindedness and the beauty that can be found in the world and in ourselves.

    Recent Episodes from Ologies with Alie Ward

    Puffinology (PUFFINS) with Jill Taylor

    Puffinology (PUFFINS) with Jill Taylor

    What exactly IS a puffin? Who are they related to? Are they disco birds? WHY are they so cute? Should you kiss one? Throw one? Are they in danger?  Get up in a blanket burrow and listen to field researcher and legit Puffinologist, Jillian Taylor, give us all the details on who eats them, if they are neat freaks or not, their surprising life expectancy, and how they make their long marriages work. Also: the toilets with the best views, Star Wars trivia, a cereal lore, and who should NOT become a puffinologist.

    Follow Jill on Instagram and TikTok

    A donation was made to CPAWS Newfoundland and Labrador

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    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: Ornithology (BIRDS), Penguinology (PENGUINS), Oceanology (OCEANS), Oology (EGGS), Pelicanology (PELICANS), Island Ecology (ISLANDS), Ophthalmology (EYES), Lutrinology (OTTERS)

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    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Andragogology (300TH EPISODE SPECIAL) with Alie Ward

    Andragogology (300TH EPISODE SPECIAL) with Alie Ward

    Boy howdy hot dang, Ologies has hit its 300th new episode! In celebration of this milestone, we’ve turned the tables and lead editor Mercedes Maitland hosts this episode with special guest… Alie Ward! We talk about Alie’s twists and turns finding her way into a career in science communication, selling art to child actors in LA, how she built Ologies from a small indie podcast into a chart-topping favorite, why it’s important to give adults a fun space in SciComm, putting yourself out there, how fear can kill curiosity, what it takes to be a science communicator and so much more. Buckle in for Mercedes’ debut as a host and find out whether she can be trusted to carry this beloved Fabergé egg we know as Ologies.

    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Find @Alie_ologies on TikTok

    A donation went to TheScienceHaven.org

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    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: Pedagogology (SCIENCE COMMUNICATION), Tiktokology (THE TIKTOK APP), Alieology (YOUR HOST), FIELD TRIP: How to Change Your Life via the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD), Volitional Psychology (PROCRASTINATION), Agnotology (IGNORANCE), Fearology (FEAR), Victimology (CRIME VICTIMS)

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    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, hoodies, totes!

    Follow @Ologies on Instagram and X

    Hosted by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions

    Editing by Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 2 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

    Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 2 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

    Part 2 of mosquitoes is here! Now that you know WHY they would like to eat you mosquito expert and Culicidologist, Dr. Fhallon Ware-Gilmore of the CDC gives us SOLUTIONS. How do we avoid bites? Why do they itch so much? Which repellents are safe for whom? What should you use in your yard? Does climate change mean an ongoing hellscape thick with mosquitos? Could Jurassic Park happen? What if mosquitoes were to, say… go extinct? Also: how do we learn to love these things that vex us? 

    Follow Dr. Ware-Gilmore on Google Scholar and X

    A donation went to Malaria No More

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    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: Dolorology (PAIN), Entomology (INSECTS), Dipterology (FLIES), Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE), Spheksology (WASPS), Melittology (BEES), Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES), Environmental Toxicology (POISONS), Neuroendocrinology (SEX & GENDER)

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    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, hoodies, totes!

    Follow @Ologies on Instagram and X

    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 1 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

    Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 1 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

    They’re gorgeous. They’re picky moms, and tremendous flirts. They are sparkly. And they drink blood. We hopped on the line with mosquito researcher, medical entomologist, CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service officers, and Culicidologist, Dr. Fhallon Ware-Gilmore to chat about mozzies. Why do skeeters bite you, specifically? Which ones should we watch out for? Why do they make high-pitched sounds? WHAT DO THEIR HELL MOUTHS LOOK LIKE? And how can I learn to love them? But also, how can I keep them away from me? Scream in your date's face and drink blood, if you’re a mosquito, because things are about to heat up. Next week: we’ll cover diseases and repellents, just for you. 

    Follow Dr. Ware-Gilmore on Google Scholar and X

    A donation went to Malaria No More

    More episode sources and links

    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: Entomology (INSECTS), Dipterology (FLIES), Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE), Spheksology (WASPS), Melittology (BEES), Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES), Environmental Toxicology (POISONS)

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    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, hoodies, totes!

    Follow @Ologies on Instagram and X

    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 05, 2024

    Anagnosology (READING) with Adrian Johns

    Anagnosology (READING) with Adrian Johns

    Clay tablets! Printing presses! Old timey audio books! Speed reading strategies! Attention spans! Dyslexia history! Literacy campaigns! Dr. Adrian Johns is an historian, professor, and author of the book “The Science of Reading” and we have a nice mellow chat about when humans started to “read,” what that means, being Hooked on Phonics, Dick, Jane, character languages, audiobooks, e-readers, school segregation, literacy rates, and how long we can focus at a time. He literally wrote the book on it. 

    Visit Dr. Adrian Johns’ faculty bio at University of Chicago

    Shop Dr. Johns’ books including The Science of Reading: Information, Media, and Mind in Modern America (2023) and The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making (1998)

    A donation went to 826LA.org and Glioblastoma Research Organization

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    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: Anthropodermic Biocodicology (HUMAN LEATHER BOOKS), Egyptology (ANCIENT EGYPT), Curiology (EMOJI), Attention Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD), Witchology (WITCHES & WITCHCRAFT), Quantum Ontology (WHAT IS REAL?), Abstract Mathemetology (UH, IS MATH REAL?), Pedagogology (SCIENCE COMMUNICATION) with Bill Nye

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    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, hoodies, totes!

    Follow @Ologies on Instagram and X

    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usMay 29, 2024

    Mantodeology (PRAYING MANTISES) with Lohitashwa Garikipati

    Mantodeology (PRAYING MANTISES) with Lohitashwa Garikipati

    Pointy heads. Spiked arms. Tragic romance. It’s a whole episode about praying mantises with a real life Mantodeologist, Lohit Garikipati. Do they really eat hummingbirds? Are they endangered? Invasive? Smart? Extraterrestrial? Get your fill of mantid mythology, evolutionary gossip, sexual cannibalism, mantis motherhood, their alien egg cases, huge eyes, pet advice, and why they can show you the way to hell with this delightful entomologist, UC Davis entomology graduate and longtime keeper of mantids. You’ll lose your mind, but not your head. 

    Follow Lohit on Instagram and iNaturalist

    A donation went to the World Wildlife Fund

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    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: Entomology (INSECTS), Spheksology (WASPS), Melittology (BEES), Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES), Myrmecology (ANTS), Etymology (WORD ORIGINS), Mythology (STORYTELLING)

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    Follow @Ologies on Instagram and X

    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    Minisode: Some Small/Smol Announcements

    Minisode: Some Small/Smol Announcements

    A short little episode to tell you about a change we're making to Ologies that I am genuinely very pumped about, as well as some weird secrets I did not intend to tell. But my point is that you can now have a kid-safe show and feed that is safe for kids and classrooms and a road trip with your shy parents. 

    Subscribe to Smologies on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Podcast Addict, or wherever you get podcasts.

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    Follow @Ologies on Instagram and X

    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jacob Chaffee, and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usMay 16, 2024

    Genocidology (CRIMES OF ATROCITY) with Dirk Moses

    Genocidology (CRIMES OF ATROCITY) with Dirk Moses

    The world is confusing, but there are experts in everything. In our least funny episode ever, we thankfully convinced a global expert, professor, researcher, author, and Genocidologist (it’s a real word) Dr. Dirk Moses to answer the questions that we may secretly have: What exactly is genocide? How long has it been happening? Is it a war crime? Is it a crime of atrocity? Who makes up humanitarian law? What's self-defense — and what's offense? How is it litigated? Whose business is it? Why do we do this to each other? What can be done? It’s a dense, long episode with lots of asides for history and context, but it might be just what you need to give you perspective on the conditions — and cycles of trauma — that can lead to crimes of atrocities. 

    Follow Dr. Dirk Moses on  X

    Read his book, “The Problems of Genocide: Permanent Security and the Language of Transgression

    A donation went to student tuition at City College of New York

    More episode sources and links

    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: 

    Agnotology (IGNORANCE), Genealogy (FAMILY TREES), Nomology (THE CONSTITUTION), Indigenous Fire Ecology (GOOD FIRE),  Indigenous Cuisinology (NATIVE FOODS), Indigenous Pedology (SOIL SCIENCE),  Ethnoecology (ETHNOBOTANY/NATIVE PLANTS),  Bryology (MOSS), Black American Magirology (FOOD, RACE & CULTURE), Bisonology (BISON)

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    Follow @Ologies on Instagram and X

    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jacob Chaffee, and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

    Additional producing and research by Mercedes Maitland

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Smologies #43: CICADAS with Gene Kritsky

    Smologies #43: CICADAS with Gene Kritsky

    They are numerous. They are patient. They are COMING for the United States in droves this spring: They are cicadas. *The* Cicada guy Dr. Gene Kritsky joins to chat all about the annual cicadas you may see every summer vs. the periodical ones that cycle through the states in broods of giant numbers. Learn how they survive underground for decades, what they are doing down there, all about their lifecycle, why some cozy up underground for 17 years while others get moving 4 years quicker, plus get inspired to take a cicada safari, download Cicada Safari, and appreciate their songs, which can be as loud as an ambulance. By the end, you’ll want to don a bug costume and take a road trip to one of the 18 states expecting a periodical emergence this spring!

    Dr. Gene Kritsky’s new cicada book A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX

    Download the Cicada Safari app at the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

    Check out Gene’s website

    Also see CicadaMania.com, and follow them on Instagram

    A donation was made to Mount Saint Joseph’s cicada research in the School of Behavioral and Natural Sciences

    Full-length (*not* G-rated) Cicadology episode + tons of science links

    More kid-friendly Smologies episodes!

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    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, masks, totes!

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    Follow @AlieWard on X and Instagram

    Sound editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media and Steven Ray Morris

    Made possible by work from Noel Dilworth, Susan Hale, Kelly R. Dwyer, Emily White, & Erin Talbert

    Smologies theme song by Harold Malcolm

    Foraging Ecology (EATING WILD PLANTS) Encore with @BlackForager, Alexis Nikole Nelson

    Foraging Ecology (EATING WILD PLANTS) Encore with @BlackForager, Alexis Nikole Nelson

    Mustard gossip. Knotweed recipes. Cow parsnips. Serviceberry appreciation. Hogweed warnings. Dead man’s fingers. The incredibly knowledgeable and entertaining Alexis Nikole Nelson a.k.a. @BlackForager walks us through Foraging Ecology with a ginormous bushel of tips & tricks for finding edibles at all times of the year, from blossoms to fungus. Belly up for this encore detailing invasive snacks, elusive mushrooms, magnolia cookies, mugwort potatoes, violet cocktails, foraging guides, weed trivia and tips to avoid poisonous berries. Also: finding community, history, land stewardship and why foraging is important, empowering and quite tasty.

    Follow Alexis @BlackForager on Instagram, TikTok, X, and Youtube

    A donation went to Backyard Basecamp

    More episode sources and links

    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: Indigenous Fire Ecology (GOOD FIRE), Indigenous Cuisinology (NATIVE FOODS), Indigenous Pedology (SOIL SCIENCE), Ethnoecology (ETHNOBOTANY/NATIVE PLANTS), Bryology (MOSS), Mycology (MUSHROOMS), Cucurbitology (PUMPKINS), Carobology (NOT-CHOCOLATE TREES), Pomology (APPLES), Black American Magirology (FOOD, RACE & CULTURE)

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    Become a patron of Ologies for as little as a buck a month

    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, hoodies, totes!

    Follow @Ologies on Instagram and X

    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jacob Chaffee, and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

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    We love it. We hate it. BEAUTY CULTURE.

    Looking good can make us feel decorated, empowered and more confident -- but why?

    And why are certain groups subtly told to "make-up" for their appearance?

    What's the line between self-care and oppression?

    Psychologist and beauty-researcher Dr. Renee Engeln shines a huge bright floodlight on the sometimes ugly machinery of the billion-dollar beauty and "fitness" industry. This is an episode for make-up lovers, haters and the millions of us confused about being both at once. It's also an opportunity for dudes to learn just how how skewed the standards are. Buckle up -- this ologist will change the way you see the world, others and hopefully, yourself.

    Dr. Renee Engeln's work

    "Beauty Sick," the book

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    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, pins, totes!

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    Follow @AlieWard on Twitter and Instagram

    Sound editing by Steven Ray Morris

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn


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    Follow Alysha on Instagram

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    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, pins, totes!

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    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

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    Sexology (SEX) with Shan Boody  aka Shannon Boodram

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    Shanboody on Twitter and Instagram

    Shan's YouTube channel

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    Support Ologies on Patreon for as little as a buck a month

    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, pins, totes!

    Follow @Ologies on Twitter and Instagram

    Follow @AlieWard on Twitter and Instagram

    Editing by Steven Ray Morris

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    Gynecology (NETHER HEALTH) with Philippa Ribbink

    Let's get intimate with the mechanics of nether parts via a frank chat with the calmest, coolest gyno in Portland, Dr. Philippa Ribbink. She visited Alie's weird hotel to chat about vaginas (vs. vulvas), self-care, mental health, imposter syndrome, trans care, childbirth, body image, the accuracy of assault statistics, grooming, hygiene and more. NO QUESTION WAS TOO DELICATE, FOLKS.

    Language alert: In considering the inclusion of trans women, I opted for the use of the term "women's health" and "women" -- as gynecology is currently (yet antiquatedly) defined. In so doing, I fucked up and overlooked and excluded non-binary and trans men friends in that language and I'm so so so sorry. Some amazing Ologites alerted me to this and I just want to say I'm so so sorry that the language I used (women/lady) made anyone feel unseen. So please know that trans inclusion was on my mind, but I'm super embarrassed to have missed the mark and overlooked the non-binary community and trans men community. I see you, I love you, and I care a bunch, and I will strive to do better when it comes to inclusionary language. Curiosity and compassion are so key to social health, and as you know I'm all about asking smart people dumb questions. So thank you for patience as we all learn new things and evolve into an even more inclusive, better-linguistically-equipped society. Please continue being patient and kind to each other and as always, keep your mind open to learning new things, whether it's about snake butts or bee dancing or the origins of the Universe or another person's perspective. Learning shit is cool.

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    Follow @AlieWard on Twitter and Instagram

    Sound editing by Steven Ray Morris

    Music by Nick Thorburn

    Island Ecology (ISLANDS) with Andy Kraemer

    Island Ecology (ISLANDS) with Andy Kraemer

    What IS an island? How do birds and plants and mammals GET there? Why do we like going to islands? Dr. Andy Kraemer studies how life populates and survives on hunks of remote rock and chats all about the Galapagos Islands -- where he does his research. We address the smallest island in the world, the largest, some bananas biological adaptations, Darwin's finchy mistakes, some nude people and a Baroness who got caught up in a homicide scandal, and shrinking skeletons. Also: pirates and prison islands.

    Follow Dr. Andy Kraemer at www.twitter.com/andykraemer

    Donations went to: islandconservation.org and ecologyproject.org

    Sponsor links: Podcast "YOU" by Okta, TakeCareOf.com (code OLOGIES), Trueandco.com/ologies (code: OLOGIES), Progressive.com

    More links at alieward.com/ologies/islandecology

    You Are That podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/00WJ2qzCeIeetwRy23ABEZ

    Become a patron of Ologies for as little as a buck a month: www.Patreon.com/ologies

    OlogiesMerch.com has hats, shirts, pins, totes!

    Follow twitter.com/ologies or instagram.com/ologies

    Follow twitter.com/AlieWard or instagram.com/AlieWard

    Sound editing by Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media & Steven Ray Morris

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Support the show: http://Patreon.com/ologies