
    BONUS: Prison Brides - Proposal On Parole

    en-usJanuary 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Complexities of Women Dating Men in PrisonDespite controversies, there's potential for redemption and understanding in relationships between women and men in prison. Clarity of intentions and practical considerations are essential.

      Despite the controversial nature of women dating and marrying men in prison, there's a deeper connection and potential for redemption in these relationships. The speaker expresses hope for some of the couples and acknowledges the possibility of understanding and even forming friendships through correspondence. However, she also emphasizes that the intention behind writing to someone in prison should be clear and that the potential for a relationship exists. The speaker also raises questions about the practicalities of starting a new life with an inmate, such as financial considerations and post-prison arrangements. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances of these relationships, challenging simplistic judgments and encouraging empathy and open-mindedness.

    • Michael's Prison Proposal Raises Financial QuestionsMichael's plan to propose to Erin in prison raises doubts about his sources of funds, as prison jobs typically don't cover larger expenses and his financial history is unclear.

      The financial aspects of Michael's plan to propose to Erin while in prison raise valid questions about the sources of his funds. Prison jobs typically only cover commissary expenses and may not provide enough for larger purchases like an engagement ring. The listener also points out that if Michael had a job or savings before his incarceration, that information hasn't been shared. Additionally, given Michael's lengthy prison record, there are concerns about the legitimacy of his actions. A new couple, Andrea and Cage, are introduced, with Cage serving 50 years for aggravated robbery, adding to the discussion about the consequences of criminal actions.

    • Aggravated Robbery: A Violent Crime with Complex EmotionsAggravated robbery involves the use of a deadly weapon or infliction of serious bodily harm, with perpetrators potentially intending to kill. Families of those charged show unconditional love, but the speaker expresses fear and skepticism. Long prison sentences raise concerns.

      Aggravated robbery is a serious crime involving the use of a deadly weapon or infliction of serious bodily harm during the robbery. According to the discussion, perpetrators of aggravated robbery may intend to kill their victims, unlike daytime robberies where the goal is usually to find valuables and leave unharmed. Parents of individuals charged with aggravated robbery were described as being emotionally supportive, demonstrating unconditional love for their child. However, the speaker expressed her own fear and skepticism towards those committing such violent crimes, questioning their ability to redeem themselves. The lengthy prison sentence associated with aggravated robbery, often 50 years, was also a topic of concern. Overall, the discussion highlighted the severity of aggravated robbery and the complex emotions surrounding it.

    • Exploring the complexities of relationships and personal desiresThe sacrifices people make in relationships raise questions, and understanding each other's perspectives is crucial.

      The complexities of relationships and personal desires were explored in the discussion about the mom's feelings towards her daughter's upcoming marriage to a man with a lengthy prison sentence. The mom's statement about wanting her daughter to be happy but desiring a different happiness for her raises questions about the sacrifices people make in their relationships. The conversation also touched upon the irony of the couple's situation, as their wedding was canceled due to prison lockdowns. The mom's sadness was expressed over the idea of being unable to physically connect with her daughter's husband for the next 50 years, and the limitations of their relationship within the prison system. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding each other's perspectives and values in relationships, and the difficult questions that arise when considering the line between acceptance and personal boundaries.

    • Understanding Michael's past and future plansMichael's proposal to Aaron raised questions about his past, including his marital status and children, and the feasibility of his sudden plans to move to Germany with her. The conversation also touched on the challenges and temptations ex-convicts may face, and the importance of asking thoughtful questions to better understand complex situations.

      The complexity of the situation surrounding Aaron's relationship with Michael, and the potential implications it may have on their future together. The conversation raised questions about Michael's past, including his marital status and whether he has children. While Michael proposed to Aaron in this episode, the source of his engagement ring and the feasibility of his sudden plans to move to Germany with her were left unanswered. The conversation also touched on the challenges and temptations that ex-convicts may face upon release, and the potential impact on their relationships. The supportive role of Svea's mother in the conversation added another layer to the discussion, highlighting the importance of family and friendship in navigating difficult situations. Overall, the conversation underscored the intricacies of human relationships and the importance of asking thoughtful questions to better understand the situations of those around us.

    • Parole status impacts eligibility for U.S. passport for felonsFelons can get a passport if they've completed their sentences, but parole can add challenges and potential benefits when traveling abroad

      While most felons can obtain a U.S. passport after completing their sentences, the eligibility depends on their parole status. Parole is a form of early release with stipulations, and if an individual serves their full sentence without parole, they may be able to travel abroad. However, entering a new environment with different cultural norms and a language barrier could potentially reduce the temptation to reoffend. During the discussion, it was mentioned that a character in the show, Joseph, was considering moving to Germany to live with his cousin after serving his sentence. The living arrangements were described as harsh, with no bed or basic amenities, which could present additional challenges for Joseph in adjusting to post-prison life. The decision for Joseph's wife, Feya, to move with him to Germany might have been influenced by her established career and clientele there. Ultimately, the potential benefits and challenges of traveling abroad for a felon should be carefully considered before making a decision.

    • Support and acceptance in difficult circumstancesDespite challenging decisions, the show highlights the importance of support and acceptance in relationships. Characters show compassion towards each other's choices, and parents express unwavering love for their daughters, even when they may not fully understand their decisions.

      The theme of support and acceptance, despite difficult circumstances, is prevalent in the relationships portrayed in the show. Sabaya's cousin allows her brother to stay with them in the basement without proper accommodations, and Erin's mother expresses her unwavering support for her daughter's engagement to a man she has not met in person. In contrast, there is a notable absence of individuals attempting to dissuade the women from their choices. Additionally, the emotional depth of the characters, particularly the fathers, is highlighted as they grapple with the reality of their daughters' decisions. The episode also touches upon the complexities of love and commitment, leaving the audience pondering the thoughts and motivations of the characters, especially Andrea, who is marrying a man serving a 50-year prison sentence.

    • Love and relationships in unusual circumstancesMaintaining emotional connections with incarcerated loved ones can present complexities and challenges, and the simple pleasure of a long bath is often desired upon release from prison.

      Love and relationships can take various forms, even in unusual circumstances such as when one partner is in prison for an extended period. While some may find it unacceptable, others might be open to the idea of maintaining emotional connections with their incarcerated loved ones. In such cases, it's essential to consider the potential complexities and challenges that may arise when introducing new romantic partners into the equation. As for the experience of being in prison, the speaker muses that taking a long, relaxing bath might be the most desired luxury upon release.

    • Anticipation and excitement for upcoming 'Prison Brides' episodesViewers eager to explore storylines of Speya-Joseph relationship, new character Jessica, and Craig's backstory. Tune in Wednesdays at 9:30 PM on Lifetime for more.

      Learning from the discussion about the "Prison Brides" episode 2 on Lifetime is the anticipation and excitement for the upcoming episodes. The cliffhanger ending left many questions unanswered, particularly about the relationship between Speya and Joseph, and the introduction of a new character, Jessica, from Australia. Craig's backstory as a convicted robber was also revealed, but the length of his sentence remains unknown. Viewers are eager to explore these storylines further and will be tuning in to Lifetime on Wednesdays at 9:30 PM for more. The podcast "Barely Famous" will continue to provide recaps and in-depth analysis of each episode. Overall, the conversation reflected the captivating nature of the show and the audience's investment in the characters' lives.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 28, 2024

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    Life After Lock Up - Is This My Life?

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Life After Lock Up - Independence is Scary

    Life After Lock Up - Independence is Scary

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Life After Lock Up - So This is Freedom?

    Life After Lock Up - So This is Freedom?

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 31, 2024

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 24, 2024

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    May is Definitely Maying

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 17, 2024

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    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    This week on Barely Famous, join Kail as she opens up about some recent life updates, including a mortifying experience during a home visit and handling an emergency while waiting in the school pickup line. She also dives into listener-submitted topics such as whether all men cheat or not, discussing her relationship with Lindsay, sharing thoughts on overrated authors, and offering advice on how to encourage partners to pull their own weight. Tune in for these engaging discussions and much more!

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    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews
    Kail journeys to Alabama to do farm chores with Matt Mathews, and talk about kids, thirst traps, coming out, pivoting, naming chickens & ducks, and sleeping nekkid & robes. They also get serious about traumatic childhoods, and growing up around addiction and loss. Thanks for supporting our sponsors! Quince: Go to https://quince.com/famous for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. Redfin: Download the Refin app today to find your forever home. Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to https://RocketMoney.com/FAMOUS Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/barelyfamous Zocdoc: Go to https://https://Zocdoc.com/BARELY and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. To watch the full episode + other exclusive content, join my Patreon community! Patreon.com/kaillowry

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    Resources Mentioned

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    2991 Overcome Any Obstacle

    2991 Overcome Any Obstacle

    As you navigate through the ups and downs of life, it's easy to become consumed with fear and worry. But when you rely on God's strength and courage, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

    In Joshua 1:9, God tells Joshua, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." This same promise holds true for us today.

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    When we feel overwhelmed or unsure, it's important to remember that we are never alone.

    God is always with us, providing us with the comfort, guidance, and strength we need to persevere.

    By trusting in His love and faithfulness, we can find the courage to face our fears and move forward with confidence.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Overcome any obstacle!

    But how do we cultivate a deeper relationship with God and experience His unwavering presence in our lives?

    PRAYER - One of the most important ways is through prayer. When you spend time in conversation with God, you open your hearts and minds to His wisdom and guidance. You can share your fears and doubts with Him, and ask Him to fill you with His peace and strength.

    STUDY - Another way to deepen our relationship with God is through the study of His Word. By reading and meditating on the Bible, you can gain a deeper understanding of God's character, His promises, and His plan for your lives. We can learn from the stories of the heroes of faith who faced incredible challenges and overcame them with God's help.

    TRUST - You can cultivate a deeper sense of God's presence in your lives by trusting in His promises. As you read and study His Word, you can be reminded of the many times God has shown His faithfulness and love to His people. You can hold onto these promises, knowing that God is with us, even in the darkest moments of our lives.

    As you face the challenges and uncertainties of life, you can take comfort in knowing that God is always with you.

    By spending time in prayer, studying His Word, and trusting in His promises, we can deepen our relationship with Him and experience His unwavering presence in our lives. 

    PRAYER: May you be strong and courageous, knowing that God goes with you always.

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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.



    Fran Barker is an award winning business owner; she's a baker.

    After enjoying what she calls a very privileged childhood, she runs two successful shops and has a great reputation within the business world and her community.

    Yet, less than three years ago she was facing a prison sentence and a life-threatening addiction after a series of extraordinary mistakes and painful revelations.

    How does one person get themselves into so much trouble, then find their way out again?