
    Border Patrol Sounds The Alarm about Hamas Terrorists plus Coca Cola Quietly Erases BLM Support & Proof of Cash Going Direct to Joe Biden

    enOctober 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrating life and making a differencePlay games at Chumba Casino for fun and cash prizes, or donate $28 to Pre Born to save a baby's life. Be aware of potential terror threats crossing the US southern border.

      While we may celebrate our wins with different gestures, the heartbeat of a baby, both born and unborn, is a powerful reminder of the value of life. At Chumba Casino, players can enjoy social casino style games with the chance to win cash prizes. Meanwhile, at Pre Born, a donation of just $28 can make a significant impact in saving a baby's life. On a different note, federal officials have issued a warning about potential encounters of terror tied individuals from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah, who could be crossing the southern border of the United States. The memo specifically mentions these groups, all designated as terrorist organizations by the US, and warns of the possibility of individuals seeking to travel to or from the Middle East via Mexico. This is a developing story, and we will continue to follow it closely.

    • Biden administration's handling of international conflicts raises concernsThe Biden administration's policies towards Iran and the southern border are criticized for downplaying terrorist threats, inconsistent briefings to Congress, and potential funding of terrorism, increasing US vulnerability to attacks and requiring more transparency and accountability.

      The Biden administration's handling of international conflicts and security issues, particularly regarding Iran and the southern border, raises concerns about transparency and accountability. The administration has been accused of downplaying the role of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, and of providing significant financial support to regions and groups that are likely to fund terrorism. The speaker expresses concern that the administration's policies are making the US more vulnerable to terrorist attacks and criticizes the administration for not acknowledging the risks and taking appropriate measures. The speaker also mentions that classified briefings to Congress have been inconsistent with public statements and that the administration seems to be trying to hide information that could raise questions about its own role in funding terrorism. Overall, the speaker argues that the administration's actions are making America less safe and that more transparency and accountability are needed.

    • Political standoff over funding for various issuesWhite House and Congress clash over budget for international and domestic matters, including Israel, Gaza, illegal immigrants, and Ukraine, while Democrats link Israel aid to other legislation, delaying a bipartisan outcome.

      The current political situation involves a standoff between the White House and Congress over funding for various international and domestic issues. The president's proposed budget includes significant amounts for the Indo Pacific, Gaza, processing illegal immigrants, Ukraine, and Israel. However, Democrats are attempting to link Israel funding to their other priorities, using the tactic of holding Israel military aid hostage to pass their other legislation. This strategy is seen as cynical because it does not include any actual border security measures, but instead focuses on processing illegal immigrants more quickly. The situation highlights the ongoing political divisions and the use of funding as a political tool. A clean military aid package for Israel is expected to pass with bipartisan support, but the current approach is delaying this outcome. Additionally, the CEO of Patriot Mobile shared that listeners switching to their conservative Christian cell phone provider would result in immediate donations to pro-life organizations, providing another way for individuals to make a difference on issues they care about.

    • Impact of informed listeners on corporationsStaying informed and using voices can lead to corporations changing their actions and language, holding them accountable for controversial support.

      Through the power of informed and engaged listeners, meaningful change can be achieved. In a recent episode of "Verdict," it was revealed that Coca-Cola had pledged $500,000 to Black Lives Matter, an organization with known ties to Hamas and anti-Semitic beliefs. Following the podcast's release, the language about the donation was removed from Coca-Cola's website. This is a clear example of the impact that open discussions and awareness can have on corporations and their actions. It's essential to stay informed and use our voices to hold organizations accountable for their support of controversial causes. By shedding light on the connections between Black Lives Matter and Hamas, and the implications of corporate funding for such organizations, the podcast served as a catalyst for change. This victory underscores the importance of staying informed and taking action when necessary.

    • Funding of controversial causes by 'Jewish' groupsDespite their Jewish label, some organizations receive significant funding to fuel controversial causes and spread false narratives, like those opposing Israel's existence. Media amplification of these groups' claims adds to the issue, requiring scrutiny of funding sources and accountability.

      Corporations and organizations, including those labeled as "Jewish" but anti-Zionist, have been receiving significant financial support from foundations and other sources to fuel controversial causes and propagate false narratives. The discussion focused on Coca-Cola's decision to pull an ad following public pressure, but the larger issue lies with the funding of groups and protests that spread misinformation and support extremist causes, such as those related to Hamas. For instance, during the Capitol protests, groups like Jewish Voice For Peace and IfNotNow received substantial funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Tides Foundation. These organizations, despite their Jewish label, are anti-Zionist and oppose the existence of the state of Israel. The corporate media's role in amplifying these groups' false narratives, like the claim that Israel bombed a Palestinian hospital, further highlights the issue. It's crucial to scrutinize the sources of funding and hold these entities accountable for their actions and statements.

    • Radical leftist organizations, dark money, and social issuesRadical leftist organizations receive dark money funding, undermine the rule of law, and support causes like Black Lives Matter and anti-Israel movements. The media's lack of transparency allows for continued manipulation.

      There is a complex web of connections between radical leftist organizations, dark money funding, and various social issues, including attacks on the Supreme Court and support for causes like Black Lives Matter and anti-Israel movements. For instance, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Tides Foundation have reportedly given large sums of money to groups that aim to smear Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and undermine the rule of law. Furthermore, some activist groups, such as Black Lives Matter, have been accused of being inauthentic and paid for by dark money. The media's lack of interest in investigating the sources of funding for these organizations is concerning, as it allows for the continuation of these efforts. Additionally, high-profile figures like Greta Thunberg, who were once celebrated for their activism, have more recently been criticized for supporting terrorist organizations like Hamas. The deletion of Thunberg's pro-Palestinian tweets highlights the need for transparency and accountability in these matters. Overall, it's crucial for the public to be aware of the interconnectedness of these issues and the potential for manipulation by dark money and radical leftist organizations.

    • Greta Thunberg's controversial stance during Israel-Gaza conflictPublic figures should be clear and unequivocal in condemning violence and discrimination, regardless of political context. Choose reputable companies for gold investments and cherish the present moment.

      Greta Thunberg's show of solidarity with Palestinians during the Israel-Gaza conflict raised concerns due to the radical group she aligned herself with, Palestine Speaks, which celebrates Hamas's actions and ignores their terrorism against Israelis. Thunberg later acknowledged the importance of condemning antisemitism but failed to denounce Hamas's violence and human rights abuses. This ambiguity led to criticism, with some viewing her stance as an endorsement of terrorism. It's crucial for public figures to be clear and unequivocal in their condemnation of violence and discrimination, regardless of the political context. Moving on to a different topic, if you're considering investing in gold, especially through an IRA or 401k, it's essential to choose a reputable company to avoid potential scams and make informed decisions. Augusta Precious Metals is one such company that has been vetted and recommended based on their transparency, customer service, and competitive pricing. By using the gold IRA company integrity checklist, you can evaluate and compare various companies, ensuring you make a wise investment. Lastly, it's important to remember the significance of life and cherishing the present moment. As Ryan from the podcast shared, even seemingly mundane experiences like playing a social slot game on a flight can bring a sense of connection with others. So, take a moment to appreciate your heartbeat and the gift of life.

    • Heart of a baby forms at conception, starts beating at three weeks, and hearing it on ultrasound at five weeks doubles chances of survivalPreborn babies have a beating heart by week three and ultrasound detection at five weeks, increasing their chances of survival. Meanwhile, concerns about the Biden family's financial dealings persist, with potential accounting issues involving large sums of cash and questionable business deals.

      The heart of a preborn baby begins to form at conception and starts beating at just three weeks. At five weeks, a baby's heartbeat can be heard on ultrasound. Preborn, an organization that rescues 200 babies from abortion every day, emphasizes the significance of this encounter between mother and baby, as it doubles a baby's chances at life. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, there are growing concerns about the Biden family's financial dealings. Hunter Biden's threatening text to a Chinese business partner demanding a $10,000,000 deal be closed is now linked to Joe Biden's purchase of a $2.75 million beach house in cash just weeks later. Additionally, the Biden's reported income discrepancies between their federal tax returns and Office of Government Ethics filings, totaling over $5 million, have raised eyebrows. The family's financial transactions involve large sums of cash and questionable business deals, adding to the confusion and raising concerns about potential accounting issues.

    • Biden Family Business Dealings and Suspicious Cash TransactionsMounting evidence suggests President Biden and family members were involved in selling favors, producing millions in cash. Hunter Biden's text to a Chinese business partner and suspicious financial transactions add to the suspicion.

      There is mounting evidence suggesting that President Joe Biden and his family were involved in selling favors through their business dealings, producing millions of dollars in cash. An infamous text from Hunter Biden to a Chinese business partner, in which he discusses pressuring someone to fulfill a commitment, was sent just before Biden purchased his $3 million beach house in cash. The Biden DOJ has prevented investigators from examining Hunter's GPS data, but a photo of Hunter outside his father's home on the day of the text's sending and financial transactions involving Biden family members add to the suspicion. Republican Congressman James Comer has been investigating and has hinted that more direct links between the Biden family and the President's financial dealings will be revealed soon. The media has shown little interest in examining these allegations.

    • James Biden's questionable loans from AmeriCorpsJames Biden received $800,000 in loans from AmeriCorps, which were reportedly granted based on his last name and political connections. He wrote a $200,000 check from that account to his brother, Joe Biden, on the same day. This raises questions about Joe Biden's involvement and knowledge of the transactions.

      In 2018, James Biden received questionable loans totaling $800,000 from AmeriCorps, a financially distressed organization. The loans were reportedly granted based on James Biden's last name and political connections. On the same day he received the loans, James Biden wrote a $200,000 check from that account to his brother, Joe Biden. This raises serious questions about Joe Biden's involvement in the transactions and calls into question his claim of having no knowledge of his brother's business dealings. The implications of this story are significant and underscore the importance of transparency and ethical conduct in public life. The Armstrong and Getty show will continue to cover this developing story and bring you the latest updates. Remember to hit the follow or subscribe button to stay informed and check out the Ben Ferguson podcast for more in-depth analysis on the days in between. And for some fun and relaxation, try High 5 Casino, the social casino where you can win free spins, cash, and prizes. I'm Jack Armstrong, and this is the Armstrong and Getty show, where we cover the stories the mainstream media ignores. Listen on demand on the Iheart app.

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