
    Bornstein's Rule of 30

    enMarch 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying stagnant industries for disruptionThe 'rule of 30' helps pinpoint industries ripe for disruption. However, new entrants must understand the industry's complexities and offer a compelling solution to succeed.

      Industries that have experienced little innovation for decades present ripe opportunities for disruption. The "rule of 30" identifies such industries, and Warby Parker's success in the eyewear industry is a prime example. This concept can be applied to various industries, such as taxis (Uber) and potentially car dealerships (Carvana). However, just because an industry fits the rule of 30 doesn't guarantee that a new entrant will be the breakthrough disrupter. It's essential to understand the industry's unique challenges and develop a compelling solution to succeed. In the case of car dealerships, despite the need for change, no company has emerged as a significant disruptor yet.

    • Heavily regulated industries ripe for disruptionDespite the size and antiquated systems of heavily regulated industries, there's a lack of innovation and ripe opportunity for change. Uber's success in transforming the taxi industry serves as an example, but innovation doesn't guarantee success, as seen with the skepticism surrounding autonomous driving.

      There are industries that have been operating the same way for decades, often due to heavy regulation, creating an opportunity for innovation and disruption. Using the examples of Carvana in the car industry and Epic in healthcare, the speakers emphasize that despite the size of these industries and the antiquated systems in place, there is a lack of innovation and ripe opportunity for change. Uber, with its transformation of the taxi industry, is cited as a successful example of disruption. However, the speakers note that while the potential for innovation is high in heavily regulated industries, it does not guarantee success. In the case of autonomous driving, the speakers express skepticism about it being the next big disruption, as there is a question about whether consumers truly want or need self-driving cars.

    • Innovation in stagnant industries: The bus industryInvestors can identify opportunities for innovation in industries that have been stagnant for a long time, such as the bus industry, by streamlining processes and making services more convenient for customers.

      There are significant opportunities for innovation in industries that have been stagnant for a long time, such as the bus industry. The investor in question, who has experience with the Rule of 30 and has funded a charter bus company called Charter Up, initially knew little about the bus industry but soon realized that it was in desperate need of innovation. The industry is dominated by small, mom-and-pop businesses, which often results in a cumbersome and time-consuming process for customers to book buses and receive reliable customer service. This inefficiency creates a problem for those who frequently book buses. The investor saw an opportunity to streamline the process and make chartering buses easier and more convenient for customers, leading them to become more involved with the company.

    • Joining Charter Up during growthDespite economic uncertainty, essential industries continue to require transportation solutions. Focusing on less innovative areas can lead to greater success.

      The speaker saw an excellent opportunity to join Charter Up during a time of growth, impressed by the company's vision and industry potential, even amidst economic uncertainty. The industry, providing transportation services to other businesses, has remained resilient, with essential services continuing to require transportation solutions. The speaker's background in banking and experience at Bain Capital played a significant role in his career development and understanding of successful business opportunities. He learned that focusing on areas with less recent innovation can lead to greater success.

    • Innovating in seemingly mundane areasFocusing on improving mundane problems with innovative solutions can lead to substantial financial returns. Emphasize capital efficiency and consider AI technology for sustainable growth in various industries.

      While the allure of new and sexy technologies may be appealing to some, there's often significant value in addressing seemingly mundane or solved problems in innovative ways. The speaker in this conversation, for instance, is focusing on improving the distribution of fertilizer in the farming industry, an area that may not sound glamorous but has the potential for substantial financial returns. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of capital efficiency in many industries, contrasting the tech industry's tendency towards high valuations and burning large amounts of money with the potential for more sustainable growth in other sectors. The speaker also shares their plans to grow their business, Charter, which aims to improve group transit by offering a better customer experience and pricing through AI technology. Despite the complexity of implementing AI in bus scheduling, the speaker sees it as a potential "holy grail" for ensuring customers get the right bus at the best price, with confidence that they're not overpaying or dealing with oversold inventory. Overall, the speaker's insights underscore the value of tackling seemingly ordinary problems with innovative solutions and the potential for significant growth in less glamorous industries.

    • Innovation and change are keys to business successHoward Bornstein's rule of 30 is an example of new solutions challenging traditional business methods, tune in to Press Here TV for more insights from Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

      The traditional ways of doing things in business are being challenged and new solutions are emerging that make more sense. Entrepreneur Howard Bornstein and his rule of 30 is an example of this shift. This concept is being explored further on Sandhill Road, a production by Sean Myers under the leadership of Sarah Bueno and Stephanie Adrune. For those interested in more insights from Silicon Valley's most influential entrepreneurs, tune in to Press Here on TV, Sunday mornings on NBC Bay Area, or anywhere in the world on iTunes at pressheretv.com. Overall, the message is that innovation and change are the keys to success in today's business landscape.

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