
    Brené with Jennifer Rudolph Walsh and Ashley C. Ford on Hungry Hearts

    enFebruary 17, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The power of authentic storytelling in creating communityAuthentic storytelling brings people together, uncovers beauty and potential, and creates meaningful connections through shared experiences.

      The power of authentic and heartfelt storytelling in bringing people together and creating community. Jennifer Rudolph Walsh, a former literary agent and co-founder of Together Live, a traveling women's tour, shares how she has spent nearly 30 years at the nexus of entertainment and media, representing notable clients like Oprah Winfrey and Brene Brown, and creating epic evenings of laughter, music, and wisdom through Together Live. Ashley c Ford, a writer, host, and educator, and contributor to the anthology Hungry Hearts, shares her experiences of uncovering beauty and potential through moments of fear, loss, heartbreak, and uncertainty. Together, they emphasize the importance of sharing stories and finding purpose and community through authentic and heartfelt storytelling. Hungry Hearts, an anthology edited by Jennifer, is a collection of stories from innovators, creatives, and thought leaders that does just that. The conversation is filled with laughter, tears, and hard-won wisdom, highlighting the impact of storytelling on our lives.

    • The power of sharing our stories to heal and connectDiscovering the value of our unique stories can lead to healing and connection, as shown by editor Jennifer Koppelman Huttner's journey in the anthology 'Hungry Hearts'.

      Sharing our stories, no matter how unique or ordinary they may seem, has the power to heal and connect us. Jennifer Koppelman Huttner, the editor of the anthology "Hungry Hearts," shared her personal journey of discovering the value of her own story. She grew up as a curious and empathetic child, always eager to connect with others, but struggled to find her place in the academic world. After being kicked out of high school, she realized the importance of applying herself and went on to discover the works of inspiring women writers. Through the process of editing this anthology and sharing her own story, Jennifer found a sense of intimacy and healing that came from authentic self-expression. The universal theme of love in the anthology, represented by the heart on its cover and Jennifer's birth on Valentine's Day, added to the sense of serendipity and connection.

    • Discovering the power of relatable storiesSharing stories and connecting with others can expand perspectives, deepen understanding of humanity, and create a safer and more inclusive world.

      The power of storytelling transcends boundaries and connects us all, regardless of our backgrounds or experiences. This was a profound realization for the speaker when she discovered the relatability between Maya Angelou's experiences and her own, despite the differences in their upbringings and time periods. This insight fueled her passion to be as close to storytelling and storytellers as possible, leading her to a successful career as a literary agent and eventually the creation of Together Live, a platform for community storytelling and connection. The speaker's journey shows that when we share our stories and connect with others, we can expand our perspectives, deepen our understanding of humanity, and ultimately create a safer and more inclusive world for all.

    • From personal struggles to inspiring others through storytellingSharing personal experiences and stories can inspire and connect people, even during difficult times. Adaptability and humor are valuable tools for overcoming adversity.

      The power of storytelling and sharing personal experiences can help encourage and connect people, even during challenging times. The speaker, who grew up as a "miracle baby" in a single-parent household after her father was arrested, found solace in writing about her experiences and sharing her story with others. She hopes that by telling her personal story, it will inspire others to do the same and recognize the invisible threads of shared humanity that bring us together. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of adaptability and humor in overcoming adversity. Through her writing and speaking engagements, she has been able to connect with other inspiring figures and join important conversations on various platforms. Ultimately, she sees herself as a storyteller and maker, but recognizes the potential harm of perfectionism and strives to use her talents to contribute positively to the human story.

    • The power of personal experiences to shape our perception of realityRecognizing the complexities of our experiences can broaden our understanding of the world

      Our personal experiences shape our perception of reality, and sometimes it takes a significant event to help us see beyond the narrow lens we've created for ourselves. Jennifer's story of discovering her parents' divorce at the age of nine is a powerful example of this. At first, she saw only the facts - her parents were getting divorced, and she had never been on vacation before, so Disney World seemed like the best solution. But when the reality of the situation hit her, she was forced to confront the limitations of her understanding and begin a journey of self-discovery. The difference between simply stating that her parents divorced and sharing the story of how it affected her is profound, illustrating the importance of acknowledging and embracing the complexities of our experiences. Additionally, Jennifer's upbringing in a small, homogenous community further emphasizes the impact of diverse experiences on our worldview.

    • Stories evoke emotions and create connectionsStories help us understand and relate to experiences, creating a sense of belonging and shaping our identity

      Stories have the power to evoke emotions and create connections, while facts appeal more to our cognitive abilities. Stories allow us to understand and relate to experiences, making us feel understood and less alone. They can change our perspective and help us grow. Brene Brown shared a personal story about discovering a loved one's identity and the fear and transformation that followed. I, too, could relate to her experience, having grown up in a family where I didn't always feel a strong sense of belonging. My emotional experiences often felt more complex than my thoughts, making it challenging to communicate them effectively. However, I found solace and a sense of belonging in a group of friends during my teenage years, which became my family and helped shape my identity. This connection through storytelling underscores the importance of understanding and valuing the emotional aspects of our lives.

    • Embracing Change for Stronger RelationshipsChange is inevitable in relationships, and growing and adapting together or separately is crucial for maintaining strong bonds. Authentic storytelling fosters genuine connections and personal growth.

      Change is an inevitable part of relationships, and it's essential to grow and adapt to keep the bond strong. Jennifer's story highlights the importance of building something new or separate when necessary, while also emphasizing the value of self-discovery and personal growth. Additionally, authentic storytelling plays a significant role in fostering genuine connections and creating a sense of belonging. Without it, we may never truly understand ourselves or others, and we risk disappearing in each other's lives. Change, growth, and authentic storytelling are the keys to maintaining meaningful relationships.

    • Overcoming barriers to reclaim past narrativesEmbracing vulnerability and storytelling's power to connect and heal can help individuals reclaim their past narratives and write new endings.

      Overcoming the barriers of shame, lack of imagination, and fear is essential for individuals to reclaim their past narratives and rewrite their endings. This was highlighted in the discussion about Jeanette Walls' memoir, "The Glass Castle," where her fear of shame held her back from sharing her story, but ultimately led to thousands connecting with her through her experiences. Ashley shared her surprise and gratitude for being part of a diverse group where the focus was on the mission and heart of storytelling, rather than just selling a product. These experiences underscore the importance of embracing vulnerability and the power of storytelling to connect and heal.

    • Discovering the joy of serving othersServing others with generosity and without expectation leads to profound connections and personal growth.

      When we approach life with the intention of giving love and service to others, we often find that we are the ones who are most deeply served. This was the experience of the speaker, who created a space for people from diverse backgrounds to come together and connect. She was initially motivated by a desire to serve humanity, but she discovered that her own life was enriched in ways she could never have imagined. The act of giving generously, without expectation of return, led to profound connections and personal growth. It's important to remember that the resources we have, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in someone else's life. By being intentional in our actions and focusing on how we can help others, we create opportunities for transformative experiences that benefit us all.

    • Addressing systemic issues for growthRecognizing and addressing systemic issues is essential for growth and positive change. Jennifer's move to a larger corporation highlighted the importance of valuing all roles and ensuring everyone is seen and heard.

      Recognizing and addressing systemic issues is crucial for growth and positive change. Jennifer's decision to sell her small literary agency to William Morris and join a larger corporation was a brave and bold move, allowing her to expand her reach and impact in the industry. However, it also highlighted the importance of ensuring that everyone, regardless of their role, is seen, heard, and valued. This theme of acknowledging and addressing systemic issues was echoed throughout the conversation, emphasizing the need for a systemic lens when approaching challenges and opportunities. Additionally, Jennifer's impact on the publishing industry, as the single largest content provider in the US, underscores the significance of her role and the importance of storytelling in creating a more balanced and respectful world.

    • The power of equality, collaboration, and abundanceChoosing to prioritize love, equality, collaboration, and abundance over scarcity can lead to inclusive environments where everyone feels valued, despite potential costs.

      Brene Brown and Jennifer Rudolph Walsh believe in the power of equality, collaboration, and abundance. They have learned that there is more than enough to go around when we stop hoarding resources and instead focus on creating opportunities for everyone to succeed. This belief was reinforced during their partnership, as they worked together to create inclusive environments where everyone felt valued. However, they acknowledge that this mindset goes against the scarcity culture perpetuated by systems rooted in white supremacy, patriarchy, toxic masculinity, and greed. Despite potential costs, they chose to prioritize this approach, believing that love and light are the antidotes to fear-based systems. They encourage us to challenge the diminishing of these values and to recognize the eternal truth and importance of equality, collaboration, and abundance.

    • Embracing independence and trusting oneselfSelf-discovery and personal growth can come from trusting oneself and prioritizing personal wants and needs, even during challenging times. Introspection and self-reflection can lead to a deeper understanding of desires and the courage to pursue them.

      Embracing independence and trusting oneself can lead to self-discovery and personal growth, even during challenging times. The speaker shares her experience of learning to prioritize her own wants and needs while being self-employed, which forced her to build trust in herself and ultimately led to self-love and the achievement of her goals. She emphasizes the importance of allowing time for introspection and self-reflection, as this can lead to a deeper understanding of one's desires and the courage to pursue them. The speaker's story highlights the power of perseverance and the belief in one's own worth, even in the face of adversity.

    • Taking time for self-reflection and healingFocusing on personal growth through self-love and reflection during challenging times can lead to healing and becoming our true selves, benefiting future generations.

      Taking the time for self-reflection and self-love is essential for personal growth and healing. The speaker shares her experience of using the pandemic as an opportunity to step back from work and focus on her own desires, leading to the creation of her book. She emphasizes the importance of being a human being before a human doing and the significance of having the space and time to heal and become who we're meant to be. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of letting go of old patterns and the grief that comes with realizing the missed opportunities for loved ones. Ultimately, she believes that healing ourselves can positively impact future generations.

    • Sharing their love for entertainmentJennifer and Ashley bonded over their diverse tastes in movies, TV shows, music, meals, and books, finding common ground in their enjoyment of various forms of media and experiences.

      Both Jennifer and Ashley share a love for various forms of entertainment, including movies and TV shows. Jennifer mentioned her recent rediscovery of the movie "Life is Beautiful" and her favorite concert experience with Simon and Garfunkel in Central Park. Ashley talked about her recent binge-watching of "The Restaurant" and her unforgettable concert experience with Shania Twain. They also shared their favorite meals and discussed their current reads. Despite their different tastes, they found common ground in their enjoyment of various forms of media and experiences. Another notable point from the conversation was Jennifer's desire to be herself without the perceived intimidating shadow that follows her, while Ashley expressed her contentment with her husband's mashed potatoes and the extra flavoring that comes with someone else making the meal. Overall, their conversation showcased their shared love for entertainment and the joy they find in their personal experiences.

    • Finding joy in the everyday and the power of musicJennifer and Ashley cherish simple moments and connect deeply to music, using essentials like books, water, and electronic devices to enhance their experiences. They find joy in the unexpected and appreciate the power of music to bring people closer together.

      Both Jennifer and Ashley find joy in the ordinary moments of life and are deeply connected to music that resonates with the human experience. Their nightstand essentials include books, water, face cream, and electronic devices, and they both use white or brown noise to help them relax. Jennifer shared a memory of getting lost on a walk with her husband and dog, finding joy in the unexpected adventure. Ashley spoke of waking up early and feeling grateful for the simple pleasures in life. When asked to share a mini mixtape of five songs they couldn't live without, both women chose tunes that evoked feelings of connection and peace. Jennifer described her mixtape as a reflection of her connection to the universal consciousness, while Ashley saw hers as a testament to her enjoyment of life and her sense of not being alone. Overall, their conversations highlighted the importance of finding joy in the everyday and the power of music to bring people closer together.

    • Music and Memories: Songs that Connect UsMusic evokes memories and emotions, connecting us to significant moments and people in our lives. Listen to 'General on My Mind' and 'Claudine' for examples of songs with special meanings.

      Music holds a powerful connection to our memories and the people we love. The speaker shared stories about specific songs that remind her of significant moments and relationships in her life. "General on My Mind" is the song she played after getting married, while "Claudine" brings back memories of family time. Each song holds a special meaning and is shared with someone in a unique way. The speaker values fun and never feels alone in that. She expressed her gratitude for the conversation and encouraged listeners to check out the book "Hungry Hearts" for more stories that remind us of the connections that bind us all. The podcast episode page on brenebrown.com provides links to follow the guests and join the mailing list for updates. Music, as expressed by Carrie Rodriguez and Gina Chavez, plays a crucial role in these heartfelt conversations.

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