
    Brody Stevens-Episode 90-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura

    enOctober 17, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Podcasting Secrets and Personal SharesPodcasters value audience growth through consistency and dedication, sometimes keep download numbers private, and share personal experiences to build connections.

      Podcasting, much like a business, can be secretive as creators often keep their download numbers private. This secrecy may stem from a desire to maintain control, avoid comparisons with others, or simply because it's hard to quantify listenership accurately. However, podcasting is also about building an audience over time through consistency and dedication. During the conversation, the hosts discussed their upcoming tour dates and encouraged listeners to check out other podcasts on the All Things Comedy Network. The hosts also mentioned their recent illnesses and apologized for any missed shows. Despite feeling better, they acknowledged the strength of the flu season and expressed sympathy for those affected. The conversation took a more serious turn when one of the hosts shared some personal and unexpected news, emphasizing the importance of addressing difficult situations, even on a comedy podcast.

    • The Newtown tragedy and its impact on societyThe Newtown shooting was a shocking reminder of the devastating effects of gun violence and the importance of addressing mental health issues, while also finding joy and positivity in difficult times.

      The tragic event in Newtown, Connecticut, which involved the shooting of children at an elementary school, had a profound impact on people, causing widespread shock and grief. The speakers on the podcast were deeply affected by the news, unable to focus on anything else, and noted that such incidents, while devastating, have become too commonplace in society. They also touched upon the complex issue of gun control and mental health, expressing their condolences to the affected families and communities. The podcast then aimed to bring joy and positivity by inviting Steven Brody Stevens to perform a holiday classic, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." The speakers emphasized the importance of addressing difficult issues while also finding ways to uplift and bring happiness during challenging times.

    • Innovation and convenience transform industriesHIMSS revolutionizes men's health care with convenient ED treatments online, Stephen Brody Stevens engages crowds with innovative comedy performances, and Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans, all demonstrating the power of innovation and convenience to make a difference in people's lives.

      HIMSS is revolutionizing men's health care by providing convenient and affordable access to ED treatments online. Stephen Brody Stevens, known for his creativity and positivity in the comedy world, was praised for his innovative and entertaining crowd warm-up performances. Meanwhile, Mint Mobile offers an affordable alternative to expensive wireless plans, allowing customers to save money on their monthly bills. These three examples demonstrate how innovation and convenience are transforming various industries, from healthcare to entertainment and telecommunications. For HIMSS, this means making ED treatments accessible and discreet from the comfort of one's own home. For Stephen Brody Stevens, it's his unique and engaging approach to crowd warm-up that sets him apart. And for Mint Mobile, it's offering unlimited talk, text, and data for an unbeatable price, making wireless services more accessible to everyone. In essence, these innovations are making a difference in people's lives by addressing their needs in more efficient and cost-effective ways. Whether it's through convenient ED treatments, entertaining comedy performances, or affordable wireless plans, these examples show that innovation and convenience are key to improving people's lives.

    • The Importance of an Audience Warm-Up ComedianAn audience warm-up comedian creates an engaging and supportive environment for TV show tapings, bringing the energy of a live comedy club to the studio. They help prep the audience, encourage laughter, and provide consistent payment, mic time, and opportunities to meet interesting people.

      The role of an audience warm-up comedian is crucial in creating an engaging and supportive environment for TV show tapings. This was highlighted in the conversation between the speaker and Chelsea Handler, where they discussed the experience of working with Brody Stevens as a warm-up comedian on Chelsea Lately. The warm-up comedian not only helps to prep the audience and encourage them to laugh but also brings the energy of a live comedy club to the studio setting. The speaker shared his personal journey of getting into audience warm-up, which started when Rich Williams, a comedian he knew, invited him to try it out for a test audience at Fox Sports. The experience was enjoyable, and the speaker continued to do it for five years due to the consistent payment, mic time, and opportunity to meet various athletes and personalities. Overall, the role of an audience warm-up comedian is essential in making TV show tapings successful and enjoyable for both the performers and the audience.

    • From Warm-Up Gigs to Success: An Artist's JourneyTransitioning from warm-up gigs to stand-up comedy and acting requires determination, resilience, and a focus on broader career goals, rather than being content with a limited role.

      While warm-up gigs can provide financial stability and valuable experience, they can also limit an artist's potential for growth and recognition. The speaker shares his personal journey of transitioning from warm-up gigs to stand-up comedy and acting, with encouragement from friends and peers. He acknowledges the challenges of performing in less-than-ideal conditions but also highlights the unique ability to turn around a tough crowd and make a connection. Ultimately, the decision to move on from warm-up gigs was about pursuing a broader career as a comedian and actor, rather than being known solely as a warm-up artist. The speaker also shares a few personal anecdotes about his relationships with his family and pets, adding a touch of relatability and humor to the conversation.

    • Appreciating Authenticity and ConnectionThe speaker values authenticity and connection, whether it's with his dog or his comedy audience. He strives to be genuine and consistent, while also adapting to audience preferences, to create meaningful connections.

      The speaker values authenticity and connection, whether it's with his dog Daisy or his comedy audience. He appreciates the independent nature of Daisy and the way she brings joy to people through her cute face, which he shares on social media. Similarly, he strives to be genuine and consistent in his comedy, connecting with his fans and comedian peers by being true to himself. He acknowledges the importance of building an audience and adapting to their preferences, but also recognizes the potential for feeling disingenuous when catering too much to their expectations. Ultimately, the speaker's goal is to create meaningful connections through authentic expression, whether it's with a beloved pet or a captivated audience.

    • Experiences of rejection and setbacks in comedy careerDespite challenges like dismissals, lack of invitations, and long struggles to build a set, persistence, friendships, and adapting to new situations are key to success in comedy.

      Even established comedians face rejection and setbacks in their careers. The speaker, who appeared in "The Hangover" films, shared his experiences of being dismissed from a talk show and not being invited back to "The Hangover 3." He also spoke about his early struggles in stand-up comedy, taking 7-8 years to build a 15-minute set. Despite these challenges, he emphasized the importance of persistence and the value of friendships in the industry. He also highlighted the importance of adapting to new situations and learning from setbacks. Overall, his story underscores the resilience and determination required to succeed in the entertainment industry.

    • Handling unexpected situations and engaging audiencesComedians need to be adaptable and versatile, engaging audiences through various means like singing contests and crowd work during unexpected long performances. Reading the crowd and connecting with them is essential to tailor performances.

      Adaptability and versatility are crucial skills for a comedian, especially when dealing with unexpected situations or long performance durations. The speaker shared an experience where he had to extend his performance by 40 minutes without preparation and had to engage the audience through various means, including singing contests and crowd work. He also learned from working on longer shows that providing additional elements like candies, pictures, and audience interaction could enhance the experience for both the performers and the audience. The ability to read the crowd and connect with them is also essential, as it allows comedians to tailor their performances to the specific energy and demographics of the audience. Furthermore, the speaker criticized some comedians for looking down upon crowd work, considering it a valuable skill that requires practice and finesse.

    • Crowd work in stand-up comedy: Mixing prepared material and spontaneityCrowd work adds authenticity and unpredictability to stand-up comedy, but challenges include hearing and responding to audience comments on larger stages and TV exec hesitance. Shows like Conan embrace this approach.

      Successful stand-up comedy involves a mix of prepared material and spontaneous crowd work. Comedians like Ian Bagg and Steven Brody Stevens excel at the latter, engaging directly with audience members to create unique, in-the-moment experiences. However, implementing crowd work on larger television stages presents challenges, as it requires the ability to hear and respond to audience comments, which can be difficult from a distance. Additionally, television executives may be hesitant to rely solely on crowd work due to the added editing and potential unpredictability. Despite these challenges, some shows, such as Conan, have embraced this approach, allowing comedians to showcase their crowd work skills and delivering a more authentic, unscripted performance for viewers.

    • Creating a digital series for HBO and growing up in a rough neighborhoodBrody Stevens discusses his experience creating a digital series for HBO and growing up in a rough neighborhood, revealing the challenges and unexpected benefits of both experiences.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable, and even a successful project may not be easily accessible to everyone due to changing platforms and subscription services. Brody Stevens shared his experience of creating a digital series for HBO, which wasn't painful but not entirely painless. He also discussed growing up in the same apartment building as Mike Catherwood and how their shared experiences shaped their comedy. Stevens revealed that he felt taken advantage of as a nice kid, and the rough environment he grew up in made him feel the need to prove himself. The building and the neighborhood were rougher than usual, with a diverse population and some older kids who weren't always kind to the younger ones. Despite the challenges, Stevens found the experience of discovering a shared past with a long-time friend to be improbable and cool.

    • Childhood experiences shaping comediansAdversity during childhood can lead to resilience and creativity in comedians, as shown by Steven Brody Stevens' experiences with bullying and his use of sports and positive thinking to cope.

      One's upbringing and the challenges faced during childhood can significantly shape a person's future, particularly in the case of comedians. Steven Brody Stevens shares his experiences of being bused to different schools in Los Angeles during his childhood, which led to constant bullying and fights. However, he also mentions how these experiences made him more interesting and resilient as a comedian. Stevens believes that playing sports helped him survive and thrive during these difficult times. He also shares how the positive thinking and visualization techniques he learned from his baseball coach at Arizona State have stayed with him and helped him cope with negativity and jadedness in his career. In essence, Stevens' experiences demonstrate how adversity can be transformed into a source of strength and creativity.

    • Staying Positive and Avoiding ComparisonFocusing on personal progress and avoiding comparison can lead to improved mood and better outcomes. Be happy for others' successes to maintain a positive mindset.

      Focusing on your own progress and staying positive can significantly improve your mood and the outcomes you encounter. Comparison, especially through social media, can lead to negative feelings and unhappiness. It's essential to be happy for others' successes and avoid comparison, as it can lead to unhealthy emotions. The internet and DIY world offer opportunities to build your own audience and achieve success at your own pace without relying on external validation. Additionally, the speaker shared some memories of their experiences with Hanukkah and Christmas, expressing that Christmas, being an American holiday, feels simpler and more straightforward for some families.

    • Personal experience with bipolar disorder and impact of medication on anger and moodSpeaker shares how medication helps him manage anger and mood swings, but past experience with antidepressants led to a manic episode after stopping too quickly

      The speaker shares his personal experience with mental health, specifically dealing with bipolar disorder and the impact of medication on his anger and mood. He mentions how he used to get angry easily and even perform comedy with an angry tone, but now, after taking mood stabilizers like Lamictal, he no longer goes into a "red zone" of anger and instead approaches situations with a wink and a smile. He also mentions his past experience with antidepressants like Lexapro and Celexa, which he took for anxiety and self-criticism, but eventually stopped taking too quickly and had a manic episode as a result. The speaker is still resistant to being labeled as bipolar, but acknowledges the role of medication in managing his emotions and behavior.

    • Managing Mental Health in Entertainment: A Comedian's PerspectiveManaging mental health challenges, such as mania and depression, can be complex for entertainers. Consistent routines, finding the right medication, and seeking support are crucial for maintaining stability and continuing to thrive in their careers.

      Mental health struggles, such as mania and depression, can significantly impact a person's life, especially for a comedian whose career thrives on their energy and engagement with audiences. The comedian in this discussion shares their experience of having occasional manic episodes, which didn't manifest in road rage or arguments but rather in intense reactions to lackluster audience engagement during their performances. They also mention the importance of having a consistent routine and structure, which they had from their job as a comedian but now struggle to maintain due to medication that keeps them stable. The comedian also discusses the importance of finding the right medication and the challenges that come with adjusting to new medications and coping with the subsequent depression. They highlight how their manic episode led to grandiose thoughts and actions, including taking shots at past adversaries during their HBO opportunity. However, they also emphasize the importance of seeking help and using their experiences to create inspirational content. In essence, this discussion underscores the complexities of managing mental health while pursuing a career in entertainment and the importance of finding the right support and resources to maintain stability and continue thriving in their personal and professional lives.

    • Personal experiences with mental health and fitnessSharing personal experiences with mental health struggles can help reduce stigma and inspire others to seek help. Mental health issues are common and should be openly discussed.

      Mental health issues, including bipolar disorder, are common and should be openly discussed. The speaker shares his personal experience of struggling with the desire to work out at the gym versus outdoor activities, which he attributes to his medication. He emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health issues and encourages others to seek help if they suspect they may have a problem. The speaker also mentions the stigma surrounding mental health in the entertainment industry and encourages openness and honesty about these issues. He believes that sharing personal experiences can help others feel less alone and may inspire them to seek help. The speaker values honesty and openness, and he finds it therapeutic to discuss his own mental health journey.

    • The journey towards mental health and self-acceptanceEmbrace the present, make progress towards a happier state, and appreciate self-acceptance. Imagination can also provide comfort and joy.

      Mental health struggles can be a difficult and uncertain journey, filled with self-doubt and fear of the future. However, with time and effort, progress can be made towards a more balanced and happier state. It's important to be proud of oneself and appreciate the present, even if it's different from the past. In a lighter moment during their discussion, the speakers played a game where they imagined filling up and sealing shut with love, and the audience voted for their preferred choices. The results showed a clear preference for Barbra Streisand and Mel Brooks, with Belladonna winning in the latest porno edition. The speakers joked about their different preferences and the disconnect with their audience. Overall, the conversation touched on the importance of self-acceptance, progress, and the power of imagination.

    • Discussing admiration for Nina Hartley and preferences for adult film performersThe hosts expressed their appreciation for Nina Hartley's work and advocacy, shared their favorite performers, and invited listeners to participate in upcoming live shows.

      During a discussion about art and pop culture, the hosts expressed admiration for Nina Hartley's work and advocacy in the adult film industry. They also shared their preferences for specific performers like Nina Hartley and Ron Jeremy or Evan Stone. The hosts encouraged listeners to engage with the show by voting on upcoming cities for potential live shows and thanked listeners for sending care packages. A humorous segment involved a "would you rather" question about preferring Clare Huxtable or a cockroach, which led to a discussion about smelly bowel movements and a hypothetical question about whether dogs' diarrhea smells that way because of their food. Overall, the conversation showcased the hosts' sense of humor and their willingness to engage with various topics.

    • A friendly debate on dog vs cat foodDespite personal preferences, the value of dog food may be influenced by its popularity among consumers.

      During a conversation about choosing between dog and cat food, the speakers expressed their personal preferences and opinions, with one stating a preference for dog food due to its solid nature and the other for cat food due to its fishy taste. The conversation also touched upon the idea that dog food might be more valuable if a large portion of the population is consuming it. The speakers also shared some inside jokes and revealed their social media handles. While the conversation was light-hearted and humorous, it also highlighted the diversity of preferences and opinions.

    • Celebrating the Holiday Season with Family and FriendsThe holiday season is a time for connection and togetherness, marked by shared meals, traditions, and joyful experiences with loved ones.

      The holiday season, represented in this text by the festival of friendship during Christmas time in Hollis, Queens, is a time for coming together, love, and sharing of traditional meals and experiences with family and friends. The text conveys a sense of warmth, joy, and connection. The speaker expresses their eagerness to attend this gathering and spread holiday cheer. The mention of traditional foods like chicken, collard greens, rice, and macaroni adds to the sense of nostalgia and familiarity associated with the holiday season. Overall, the text emphasizes the importance of connection and togetherness during the holiday season.

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    Chris Distefano Has A Pride Month Crush | Your Mom's House Ep. 765
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    Happy Juneteenth! (From Some Whites) | Your Mom's House Ep. 764
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM What's up, CHOMOS?!? Happy Juneteenth to all who observe. This week Tommy Bunz and Christine From Mom's House are riding solo and have got a lot of wild things to cover! They open the show with an irritable felon trying to ace a job interview. The Main Mommies next review some arson allegations of a TLC member, check out a "you know what I'm sayin" compilation from a past episode of The Danny Brown Show featuring the Insane Clown Posse, and get a hands-on (nose-on?) take of how bad the stench of women's prisons can get. We are also treated to a crazy Christina hotel story, stories of her hot head stepdad, another legendary Top Dog anecdote, the pitfalls of gender studies in foreign countries, an appreciation of public shaming, plus some more booger emails, some TikToks, and much more. Enjoy! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 764 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    No Bull w/ Johnny Pemberton | Your Mom's House Ep. 763
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://coorslight.com/summermusic to see how Coors Light can amplify your summer. - Download DoorDash and use code YMH24 to get 25% off up to $15 value when you spend $35 or more on drinks through DoorDash. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really cool opening clip of a vintage smut film featuring a very forward bus driver. Christina continues her investigations into Tom's digestive deviations and they read some follow up emails regarding a past clip of an Indian military ball bag exam and adults who eat boogers. Tom also gets a special shoutout from his neighbor Ted Cruz. Johnny Pemberton joins the Main Mommies fresh off the hype from his role in Amazon's adaptation of "Fallout". Tom, Christina, and Johnny discuss Pasadena, leaving notes on people's cars, HOA's, Disney adults, shits & giggles, and sharp minds. They also check out some horrible or hilarious clips, some TikToks curated by Christina, and an update from a guy who crashed his flying machine. I love you. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 763 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Pooping on the Tires Set w/Shane Gillis & Matt McCusker | Your Mom's House Ep. 762

    Pooping on the Tires Set w/Shane Gillis & Matt McCusker | Your Mom's House Ep. 762
    SPONSORS: - Get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/momshouse What's up, chomos?!? Tim and Kristin are back and open the show being serenaded by classic cool guy, Bill Tapley aka The Third Eagle. They check in on what he's been up to lately before truly opening the show with a clip from a bad guess on "Wheel of Fortune". Christina also gets to the bottom of some mysterious things going on with Tom's bottom. The Main Mommies are next joined by a couple of white guys named Matt McCusker and Shane Gillis, who you may know from Matt & Shane's Secret Podcast, Tires, and a few other neat things. Tom and Christina welcome them to the show some incredibly thoughtful gifts, before they get into a conversation about teachers, hippies, Bridgerton, and blowing up toilets on the set of "Tires". Matt and Shane next meet the Double Soul Shaman and get a double dose of clips via Christina's Curations and some choice Horrible or Hilarious selections. They also check out some back adjustments, fat girl pride, and celebrity farts. Enjoy! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 762 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Shart Heard Round The World | Your Mom's House Ep. 761

    The Shart Heard Round The World | Your Mom's House Ep. 761
    SPONSORS: - Download the Doordash app and use promo code YMH24 - Get 20% Off + Free Shipping, with the code YMH at https://Manscaped.com - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://trueclassictees.com/YMH Here's the deal man, we are back once again with Tommy Bunz and Chistine from Mom's House riding solo! Tom's got some dental updates that you'll be able to hear for yourself and opens the show with a clip of a very giving lover. Before Christina gets too grossed out, Tom offers her the spotlight to share a shart story for the ages. The Main Mommies next talk about a recent trip to Italy and review some of the most fattening treats for all the Disney Adults out there. Tom also receives a very kind uplifting video message about a certain body part that's sure to warm the heart. We also dive into the comments section of an IG influencer nicknamed Baby Head, watch some clips of people making huge mistakes, and discuss the topic of "adult recess". TA TA THERE! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 761 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Raised by a MILF w/ Nick Thune | Your Mom's House Ep. 760
    SPONSORS: - Go to https://www.squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really cool guy with a really cool chicken joke before get into some benefits of how bad Christina's memory is. Tom and Christina also talk about overhearing confrontations from much more volatile marriages and show some video clips of their cool bathroom. Then, we welcome our guest, comedian Nick Thune who is currently touring with fellow comedian Nate Bargatze and he's looking quite fashionable these days. Nick and the Main Mommies talk about pop music, bread, parenting, accents, sitcom acting, Apatow comedies, hot moms, and things kids do that are just super annoying! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 760 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Happy Birthday Tom Segura! | Your Mom's House Ep. 759

    Happy Birthday Tom Segura! | Your Mom's House Ep. 759
    SPONSORS: - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code YMH for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). https://Gametime.co - Head to https://policygenius.com/YMH to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. What’s up, chomos?! We open the show with a real banger of a track and because Tommy Bunz celebrated a birthday a little while ago, this week we’re going to get around and celebrate it! The YMH producers gathered a team of special well wishers and put together a birthday shoutout for Tom to watch including the likes of RPC, The King, Gene & Nick Simmons, and even Ernie Hudson just to name a few. Other fun stuff covered in this episode include, choosing a life partner, women’s prisons, #FartWalk, swearing in other languages, and we also found a dating site for Disney adults! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 759 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Coming Up In May w/ Harland Williams | Your Mom's House Ep. 758

    Coming Up In May w/ Harland Williams | Your Mom's House Ep. 758
    SPONSORS: - Download DoorDash and get 25% off your next alcohol order of $35 or more, up to $15 off max value. For eligible users only. Terms apply. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Get Coors Light delivered straight to your door with Instacart by going to https://coorslight.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://Shopify.com/momshouse Put down Grandpa's cough medicine, it's a new episode of Your Mom's House with Tim and Kirsten! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P open the show by being serenaded by Gary Busey. They go off on some gross food video clips, before following up on an underdog story that happened because of some knucklehead soccer players in Thailand. They also do some accent work and look up the meanings behind some English words with French origins. Comedian and podcaster Harland Williams joins the Main Mommies and his hair is looking great! He's got a new movie coming out and he shares some fun stories from his very first movie role in "Dumb and Dumber". They also talk about the new plus size section at Target, "Terminator 2", aging, Naked Martin, and some natural health benefits from the Double Soul Shaman. And just to butter him up, Harland also reacts to some classic Horrible or Hilarious clips! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 758 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ian Fidance | Your Mom's House Ep. 757

    The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ian Fidance | Your Mom's House Ep. 757
    SPONSORS: - Get up to 60% off your subscription at https://Babbel.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. Hi Mommies! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P have some new music tastes to talk about before opening the show with a guy who has a size question for all the ladies out there. They then show a video clip of their fully customized bathroom. This is the kinda guy ya gettin. Tom also plays a snippet from an old YMH episode where he predicts how his nose would turn out as an older man and then plays a clip of an old man senator having fun with some old timey words. Comedian and podcaster Ian Fidance joins the Main Mommies and he recently dropped a new comedy special "Wild, Happy & Free" which led to him filling out his childhood fantasy of being a ghostbuster and filming at the firehouse from the movie. Ian debates Tim and Kristin about his bisexuality, specifically the male kind, and determine if it's cap. They check-in with the Double Soul Shaman, check out Christina's new footwear choices, and play a quick would you rather, before getting into some of Christina's infamous TikTok curations. Are bi dudes cap? Chime in below! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 757 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Make America Laugh Again w/ David Lucas | Your Mom's House Ep. 756

    Make America Laugh Again w/ David Lucas | Your Mom's House Ep. 756
    SPONSORS: - Download DoorDash and use code YMH24 to get 25% off your next alcohol order of $35 or more, up to $15 off max value. For eligible users only. Terms apply. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. - Head to https://www.squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code MOM It’s another episode of YMH with Todd and Kristine! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P have Kate Moss on the brain and open up with a deep dive on the world famous model's personal life. They then open the show for real with a clip of a very cool guy introducing us to a very cool game he likes to play! Tom and Christina then go into gross things they don't like in the opposite sex and personal dealbreakers they each have. Comedian David Lucas joins the Main Mommies and he recently dropped a new comedy special Live From The Comedy Mothership. He's become a polarizing figure recently as well, stemming from material poking fun at BLM and George Floyd. But David embraces the controversy and believes that jokes and humor can help with grief rather than hurt. The man's got some interesting opinions for sure. Tom and Christina show David some clips featuring a really cool guy's favorite game, modern dating, and scatting (not what you think). They chat about Kevin Samuels, things missed in LA, and jump into some of Christina's curations! Try it out. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 756 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Going out his way, a BAFTA tribute and a rebirth reincarnation. Our survey says... it's Les Dennis! Want the episodes ad free AND extra content from Kathy? 6 Feet Under steps away from fantasy and rifles through your real funeral tales. Head to wheretheresawilltheresawake.com to subscribe. A Sony Music Entertainment production.   Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts and follow us at @sonypodcasts.    To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Howie Mandel

    Howie Mandel
    Santino sits down with Howie Mandel to chat about passing out in prosthetics, going into the void of silence on stage, finding his voice for Bobby's World and we prank Howie's daughter much to her dismay... ORDER SOME MERCH!!! https://www.andrewsantinostore.com Join our Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/whiskeygingerpodcast SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! STAT HERO Daily fantasy sports book YOU vs. THE HOUSE http://stathero.com/whiskey Sign up for FREE!!! SQUARESPACE - Help design your website today with amazing templates and the help of professionals https://squarespace.com/whiskey Use promo code WHISKEY for 10% off! Follow Santino on Insta and Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Whiskey Ginger Insta and Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeygingerpodcast/ & https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Whiskey Ginger Clips: http://www.youtube.com/c/WhiskeyGingerPodcastClips Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Episode 262: Thriving Through the Holi-DAZE

    Episode 262: Thriving Through the Holi-DAZE

    While the holiday season can usher in joy, celebration, and fun, it can also bring with it a hefty dose of stress. Family, social events, travel, and gift-giving can feel like a LOT on top of an already overflowing schedule.

    In this episode of the Grace & Grit podcast, I give listeners a few ideas about how to travel through the holidays with your mental and physical health intact, so you can start the year ahead feeling strong, grounded, and ready for whatever comes:)

    You can listen here: https://graceandgrit.com/podcast-262/


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    A quandary for the shorter lady

    A quandary for the shorter lady

    Last night, Jane and Fi were at an extremely important corporate event. Fi made a faux pas, and Jane fell off a chair.

    We're wrapping up the week with the essentials; cats, loyalty cards, and famous people in toilets. Jane and Fi are also joined by Chris Atkins, documentary maker and author of the prison memoir A Bit of a Stretch. The sequel, Time After Time, is out now.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Assistant Producer: Megan McElroy

    Times Radio Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Roger Saul: Mulberry Founder Reveals How to Grow a Global Brand & Pivot Recessions [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Roger Saul: Mulberry Founder Reveals How to Grow a Global Brand & Pivot Recessions [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    In this episode Rob brings the co-founder of Mulberry, and sustainability pioneer Roger Saul to the podcast. We previously heard from Roger at the young entrepreneurs summit and he had so much wisdom to share Rob wanted to go more in depth with him on all things entrepreneurship! An inspiring and educational conversation full of value for both the young and established entrepreneur alike.



    • Roger’s first job was as a boutique assistant when he was studying in London. He would go out and source accessories for the boutique to sell. He realised that there was a huge mark-up and he could be doing this himself and be making a lot more money. He started Mulberry with a singer sewing machine with his mother and girlfriend and he soon went global.

    • Pivoting is a key part to any successful business and entrepreneur and Roger has demonstrated this many times over, including riding the 1980s recession by creating collections based on what had previously worked and designing Mulberry home products when people started travelling less in the 80’s/90’s.

    • Key to Roger’s and Mulberry’s success was recognising that it wasn’t sustainable to be at the top of fashion season in, season out. What he did instead was create a brand and products that stayed with people. One of his biggest success stories was the Mulberry planner, as this meant people would see the Mulberry brand every day and would also come back to Mulberry each year for the new inserts.

    • Roger has had his own share of incredibly tough times, including be ousted from the brand he built and created.

    • You don’t have to ‘stay in your lane’ in business. Roger started in fashion, moved over to homewares, then hotels, onto food and more. Being able to adapt and do so with passion, energy and knowing your customers and audience is key.

    • Opportunities don’t often drop into your lap, you have to be creative and make them happen yourself. You can get through tough times by putting your ego aside and doing what it takes to come out the other side, keep adapting, keep improving and focus on the end goal.



    “The 70s are where everything changed and fashion became what we know today”


    “Belts were the handbags of today, every season they changed shape”


    “That was crippling none of us had experienced anything like it before”


    “How do I maintain control?”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com