
    Podcast Summary

    • New report on FBI spying on Trump, media downplaying itThe FBI's alleged malfeasance in spying on Trump is a serious concern, with the media attempting to downplay it. Dan Bongino shares his thoughts and a humorous story, while emphasizing online privacy and offering a deal from Omaha Steaks.

      There's a new report exposing alleged malfeasance in the FBI's spying operation on Trump, and the liberal media is trying to downplay it. Dan Bongino shared his thoughts on the situation, expressing concern about the dangerous implications of this ongoing narrative. He also shared a hilarious story about a liberal friend's reaction to a media collage. In addition, the show had sponsors, including Omaha Steaks, which offered listeners a limited-time stock up sale with free shipping on orders over $69. The importance of online privacy was also emphasized, with a mention of ExpressVPN. The show may go longer than usual due to the severity of the topic and the upcoming political attacks on Donald Trump.

    • Democrats and Media Comparing Coronavirus to 9/11 Despite DifferencesDemocrats and media falsely compare coronavirus response to 9/11, ignoring facts and data, planning investigations and legislation

      Democratic leaders and media figures are using the coronavirus crisis to push a narrative that the Trump administration was slow to respond and that people died as a result. They are making comparisons to 9/11 and implying that the administration's actions were comparable to that tragedy. However, these events are not related, and the administration acted early on intelligence they were receiving. Democrats and media figures are also planning investigations and potential legislation to leverage the crisis to their advantage. It's important to remember that this narrative is not based on facts and data, but on a fictional story being told by the Democrats and media. It's crucial to stay informed and not be swayed by these narratives.

    • Media Bias and False InformationBe aware of media narratives and consider multiple sources for accurate information to make informed decisions.

      There is a significant divide in the way different media outlets present information, leading to vastly different perceptions among Americans on various issues. The speaker expresses concern over the MSNBC host's accusation that Fox News poses a public safety threat due to the dissemination of "false information." The speaker believes this is hypocritical, given MSNBC's own role in promoting hoaxes like the Ukraine and collusion hoaxes. The speaker encourages listeners to be aware of the narratives being presented by different media outlets and to consider multiple sources of information. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that it is important for individuals to make informed decisions based on accurate information, rather than being swayed by media narratives.

    • Media inconsistency during COVID-11 outbreakDuring COVID-19, liberal and conservative media presented conflicting views, but this inconsistency should not be used to silence opposing voices or limit civil liberties.

      During the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, contradictory messages about the severity of the virus were coming from various media outlets. While some liberal media outlets were sounding the alarm, others downplayed the virus's danger and compared it to the flu. This inconsistency undermines the narrative that conservative media and the Trump administration deliberately misled the public, causing harm and deaths. The speaker argues that this inconsistency is being used as a pretext for liberal media and politicians to expand their power by silencing opposing voices and limiting civil liberties. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying informed and not letting the media manipulate the narrative.

    • Liberals seize crisis to expand gov power, suppress speechLiberals exploit COVID crisis to expand gov control, suppress speech, and push for larger welfare state, while suppressing opposing ideas online

      Liberals are using the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to expand government power, suppress free speech, and reset the budget baseline. They want individuals and businesses to accept police state powers and a larger welfare state. The ongoing crisis is being used as an excuse for unprecedented government spending, which will make future budget cuts seem draconian. Additionally, there is a coordinated effort to suppress opposing ideas online under the guise of misinformation and harm caused during the crisis. It's crucial to stay informed and not underestimate these potential developments.

    • Political Clash Over Russian Collusion and COVID-19 ResponseBoth Trump and Clinton camps accuse each other of collusion with Russia and inconsistent views on COVID-19 response. Constitutional experts weigh in on power grabbing and tyranny allegations. Importance of media responsibility and impact of words on public opinion is emphasized.

      The discussion revolves around accusations of collusion and overreaction from both the Trump and Clinton camps regarding Russian involvement and the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The speakers also criticize each other for inconsistent views and changing narratives. Additionally, there are allegations of power grabbing and tyranny from the Trump administration, with constitutional experts weighing in. The conversation is filled with name-calling, sarcasm, and humor, highlighting the polarized political climate. The speakers also mention the importance of media responsibility and the impact of their words on public opinion. The use of humor and sarcasm does not diminish the seriousness of the topics discussed, which include national security, constitutional authority, and public health.

    • Stamps.com offers convenient and cost-effective mailing solution during uncertain timesStamps.com enables users to print official US postage online, avoid post office crowds, and save on USPS rates and UPS services. The FBI's investigation into Trump's campaign lacked proper documentation, making it difficult to verify information used to justify the investigation.

      During these uncertain times, Stamps.com provides a convenient and cost-effective solution for mailing needs, allowing users to print official US postage from their computers and avoid crowds at the post office. Additionally, Stamps.com offers discounts on USPS rates and UPS services, saving time and money. Previously, it was revealed that the FBI's investigation into Trump's campaign lacked proper documentation according to the Woods Procedures, making it difficult to verify the information used to justify the investigation. This weakness in the FBI's story has been discussed for years, as the information obtained from the dossier could not be verified due to its falseness.

    • FBI's mishandling of Woods procedures raises concerns about FISA warrant validityThe FBI's failure to locate or review Woods files for 14% of FISA applications may indicate a lack of compliance with FBI policy, potentially undermining the legitimacy of surveillance operations and civil liberties.

      The FBI's handling of Woods procedures, which are meant to ensure the existence and accuracy of evidence used in securing FISA warrants, has come under scrutiny. The Inspector General's interim report revealed that the FBI could not locate or review the Woods files for four of the 29 randomly selected FISA applications, raising concerns about potential civil liberties abuses. The fact that Woods files were missing or nonexistent in some cases indicates a lack of compliance with FBI policy, which could undermine the legitimacy of these surveillance operations. This issue highlights the importance of proper procedures and oversight in the use of FISA courts to prevent potential misuse of government spying powers.

    • FBI's FISA warrant applications found to be sloppy and inadequately supportedThe DOJ audit revealed errors and omissions in the FBI's FISA warrant applications, raising concerns about civil liberties abuses and the bureau's use of its surveillance powers. The media downplayed the significance of the report, but the public reacted with skepticism and criticism.

      The FBI's use of FISA warrants to spy on Americans, including the Trump campaign, was found to be sloppy and inadequately supported, according to a Department of Justice audit. Despite this revelation of potential civil liberties abuses, the media, specifically the New York Times, downplayed the significance of the report and suggested that the FBI's actions were not politically motivated or unusual. However, the public reacted with skepticism and ridicule, highlighting the New York Times' attempt to minimize the issue as gaslighting. The audit report revealed that the FBI's applications for FISA warrants contained errors and omissions, leading to concerns about the bureau's use of its surveillance powers. The media's response was met with criticism for attempting to deflect attention from the serious implications of the report.

    • FBI's Carter Page investigation editing sparks controversyThe FBI's handling of the Carter Page investigation and The New York Times' editing of an article about it highlights the need for transparency and accountability in government and journalism, as critics argue political targeting and lack of evidence led to the use of FISA courts and falsified information.

      The New York Times' article about the FBI's handling of the Carter Page investigation was edited due to backlash on social media, and the wording was changed to focus on "systemic incompetence" instead of "pattern of abuse." However, critics argue that this editing actually highlights the political targeting of the Trump campaign, as the FBI used the FISA courts to investigate without sufficient evidence, and even falsified information to obtain warrants. The New York Times' failure to recognize this point underscores their lack of journalistic integrity and their bias towards a particular political narrative. Ultimately, the controversy surrounding the FBI's actions and the media's coverage of it underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in government and journalism.

    • FBI's decision to target Trump team based on hoax dossier raises questions of political biasPolitical tensions lead to controversial decisions and debates over principles and agendas in pandemic relief and tax policies

      During the height of political tensions, the FBI's decision to target the Trump team based on a hoax dossier raises questions about political bias as a motive. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi's proposed use of federal funds for state bailouts in the ongoing pandemic relief package has sparked controversy, with some arguing it goes against the principle of helping those in need while others see it as an attempt to bail out profligate spending. Pelosi's push to retroactively undo the SALT cap, which limited state and local tax deductions, has been met with criticism, as it disproportionately affects high-tax states and raises revenue mostly from high-income earners. These events highlight the complex and often contentious political landscape, where principles and agendas collide, and the importance of maintaining a critical perspective.

    • Tax law change disproportionately affects high-income earners in high-tax statesThe recent tax law change limits state and local tax deductions, disproportionately increasing federal tax bills for middle and high-income earners in high-tax states. Some wealthy individuals, major Democratic donors, are exempt.

      The recent change in tax laws, limiting the deduction of state and local taxes to $10,000, disproportionately affects middle and high-income earners in high-tax states, many of which are governed by liberal politicians. This change, part of the phase four coronavirus relief bill, has led to an increase in federal tax bills for these individuals, despite Pelosi's argument that it's for coronavirus-related reasons. However, it seems that some wealthy individuals in these states are exempt from this increase, as they are major Democratic donors. The hypocrisy of Democrats, who often advocate for higher taxes on the rich, is highlighted by their opposition to this tax increase when it affects their own constituents. The hysteria surrounding the use of hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for COVID-19 is another example of political bias and lack of principles, as many Democratic governors have restricted access to the drug for purely political reasons.

    • Michigan Governor's Controversial Decision on PlaquenilGovernor Whitmer faced criticism for restricting Plaquenil access, then reversed decision, highlighting importance of off-label drug use and professionalism of Army Corps of Engineers.

      Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer faced backlash for restricting access to the FDA-approved drug Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) due to her disapproval of President Trump mentioning it as a potential coronavirus treatment. The governor's decision was criticized for potentially denying the drug to those who could benefit from it. Off-label medication use, where doctors can prescribe drugs for unapproved uses, is legal and common. After facing criticism, Whitmer reversed her decision and requested access to the drug for potential coronavirus patients in Michigan. It's important to remember that while a drug may not be approved for a specific use, off-label use can still be beneficial and legal. The Army Corps of Engineers have been praised for their efforts in setting up field hospitals during the crisis, showcasing professionalism and dedication.

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