
    Podcast Summary

    • Joe Biden's response to sexual misconduct allegations and Georgia's gubernatorial electionJoe Biden faced criticism for his handling of Tara Reid's sexual misconduct allegations, while the media declared Georgia's gubernatorial election a failure. Evidence of FBI manipulation in Michael Flynn's case added to concerns about accountability and transparency in public figures and institutions.

      During the past 24 hours, several significant news stories have emerged. Joe Biden, who had been silent on accusations of sexual misconduct by Tara Reid, finally addressed the issue but his response did not go well. The media's declaration of Georgia's gubernatorial election opening as a failure also made headlines. Additionally, evidence continues to mount that the FBI manipulated Michael Flynn's case. On a lighter note, if you're working from home and need to look decent for virtual meetings, consider checking out Tommy John's comfortable and stylish undergarments and loungewear, now offering 25% off sitewide with the code BEN. In the serious news, the Tara Reid allegations against Joe Biden have gained momentum with more people coming forward to corroborate her story. The Democratic party, which has championed the #MeToo movement, now faces scrutiny for its inconsistent application of this principle. The FBI's manipulation of Michael Flynn's case also raises concerns about the integrity of the justice system. These stories highlight the importance of accountability and transparency in public figures and institutions.

    • Handling of sexual misconduct allegations against political figuresMedia and public response to sexual misconduct allegations against political figures varies, with some allegations being ignored or downplayed while others receive significant attention. Factors such as the political climate, media bias, and the way allegations are presented can influence the response.

      The handling of sexual misconduct allegations against prominent political figures, such as Bill Clinton and now Joe Biden, has evolved over time. In the late 1990s, allegations against President Clinton were largely ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media, while more recent allegations against Biden have seen a different response. However, the response from the media and public opinion is not consistent, as seen in the different fates of Anita Broderick's and Tara Reid's allegations. Reid's allegations against Biden have been met with silence from mainstream media outlets, while she has only received offers to appear on Fox News. The reasons for this discrepancy are complex, including the global pandemic, the way Reid initially tried to get attention, and the political climate. It is important to hold all political figures to a high standard and ensure that all allegations are thoroughly investigated and given a fair hearing.

    • Media bias in handling presidential allegationsMedia's handling of allegations against Joe Biden differs significantly from how they approached Trump and Kavanaugh, raising questions about bias and accountability.

      There's a notable discrepancy in how the media has handled allegations against different presidential candidates. While Tara Reid's allegation against Joe Biden has been largely ignored by CNN and MSNBC, the media was quick to cover allegations against Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh in the past. Furthermore, Biden's refusal to make his personal papers publicly available during his presidential campaign raises questions about transparency and accountability. This double standard highlights the media's bias and the importance of holding all political figures to the same standard. Moreover, during these challenging times, it's essential to address car issues promptly, and rockauto.com offers a solution. Their site provides cheaper and better-matched parts for your car, ensuring reliably low prices for everyone, regardless of whether you're a professional mechanic or a DIYer. By choosing rockauto.com, you can avoid the hassle and potential risks of going to an auto parts store during the pandemic.

    • Biden's College Records and Personnel Files Under ScrutinyBiden must release his college records and personnel files from the University of Delaware as the National Archives doesn't have them. Controversial statement about being a 'transition candidate' added fuel to scrutiny.

      Joe Biden's campaign has been under scrutiny this week regarding the release of his college records and personnel files from the University of Delaware. Tara Reid, a former staffer, has called for their release, alleging that her complaint form and separation letter may be included. Biden's campaign has denied these claims, stating that there will be no references to the allegations in the records. However, the National Archives confirmed they do not have personnel records from senate offices, meaning Biden must release the records himself. The media has questioned other Democratic candidates about similar issues but have not pressed Biden on the matter. Trump, known for his direct responses, was surprisingly circumspect when asked about the situation. Amidst all this, Biden made a controversial statement suggesting he sees himself as a "transition candidate," which is not a viable campaign strategy for a presidential nominee.

    • Impact of VP pick on 2020 Presidential RaceTrump focusing attacks on Harris if Biden selects her, concerns about Biden's health and cognitive abilities, growing Democratic dissatisfaction with Biden's candidacy, importance of clear business data for informed decisions, NetSuite as a solution for gaining visibility and control.

      The 2020 presidential race is shaping up to be significantly impacted by the vice presidential pick, with Donald Trump focusing his attacks on Kamala Harris if Joe Biden selects her, rather than on Biden himself. The speaker also expressed concerns about Biden's health and cognitive abilities, suggesting that these issues could be exploited by the Trump campaign. Additionally, there is growing speculation within the Democratic party about the strength of Biden's candidacy, with some expressing dissatisfaction and a few even suggesting alternative candidates. Amidst this uncertainty, the speaker emphasized the importance of having clear and accurate business data to make informed decisions, promoting NetSuite as a solution for gaining visibility and control.

    • Pelosi's inconsistent approach to sexual misconduct allegationsDespite calling for investigation into Kavanaugh's allegations, Pelosi now advocates for due process in Biden's case, raising questions about her commitment to Me Too movement and credibility.

      During the confirmation hearings for Justice Kavanaugh, Nancy Pelosi publicly supported Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against him despite a lack of verifiable evidence. However, when it comes to recent allegations against Joe Biden, Pelosi is now advocating for due process and investigation. This inconsistency has led some Democrats to question her stance and call for a serious investigation into the allegations. Pelosi's recent defensive behavior towards reporters and her evasive responses regarding Biden's response to the allegations have raised concerns about her credibility and her commitment to the Me Too movement. The inconsistency in her approach to these two cases highlights the complexity of handling allegations of sexual misconduct and the importance of a fair and thorough investigation.

    • Interview on Mornings Joe questioned Biden's stance on believing all women's accusationsThe standard set by Democrats to believe all women's accusations without question is flawed and unfair, damaging the conversation around consent.

      During a recent interview on Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski questioned Joe Biden about his past stance on believing all women's accusations. Brzezinski's line of questioning mirrored those used during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. Ben Shapiro argues that the standard set by Democrats for believing all accusations without question is flawed and unrealistic. He believes that if someone is accused of something they didn't do, they're allowed to express their disbelief and call the accusation false. However, the standard set by Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings was to believe all women's accusations, regardless of evidence or context. This standard is unsustainable and unfair, and even Biden, who once held this belief, couldn't maintain it during the interview. The interview was criticized for Biden's handling of the questions, but the bigger issue is the flawed standard itself. The standard is not only unrealistic but also damaging to the conversation around accusations and consent.

    • Joe Biden's inconsistent stance on sexual misconduct allegationsBiden called for a serious investigation into Ford's claims against Kavanaugh, but previously held a different standard for himself.

      During the Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh hearing, Joe Biden held a standard that all women's claims should be taken seriously and believed. However, when it came to himself, he shifted his stance and called for a rigorous investigation into the claims. This inconsistency raises questions about the credibility of his previous statements and the standards set for the Kavanaugh hearing. The inconsistency in the standard also highlights the challenges of implementing such a high bar, which is impossible to surpass and may not be sustainable. It is important to acknowledge the complexity of these issues and the need for a fair and consistent approach to handling allegations of sexual misconduct.

    • Inconsistent handling of sexual misconduct allegations in the Democratic PartyThe Democratic Party's approach to handling sexual misconduct allegations lacks consistency, creating confusion and eroding trust in their stance on the issue.

      The standards for handling allegations of sexual misconduct have shifted dramatically among the Democratic Party, depending on who is in the spotlight. From dismissing claims against their own members, to believing every woman's accusation against a Republican, to advocating for due process when it comes to Joe Biden, there seems to be no consistent standard. This inconsistency undermines the credibility of the party's stance on sexual assault and sends mixed messages to the public. It's important for there to be a clear, consistent standard for handling such allegations, regardless of the political affiliations of those involved. In the recent case of Joe Biden, he has been accused of sexual assault by a former staffer. Biden denies the allegations and has released a statement emphasizing his long-standing commitment to women's rights and the Violence Against Women Act. However, the inconsistent handling of similar allegations against Democrats in the past raises questions about the sincerity of these statements.

    • Balancing belief, investigation, and transparency in sexual misconduct allegationsDemands for accountability and transparency are crucial when handling sexual misconduct allegations against public figures, ensuring women are heard and respected while subjecting their stories to appropriate investigation and scrutiny.

      The treatment of allegations of sexual misconduct, particularly those against public figures, requires a balanced approach of belief, investigation, and transparency. In the recent discussion regarding an allegation against Joe Biden, it was emphasized that women deserve to be heard and respected, but their stories should also be subject to appropriate inquiry and scrutiny. However, it was pointed out that responsible news organizations should examine the full record of inconsistencies and corroboration in the allegations. The specific allegation against Biden regarding a complaint filed in 1993 was found to have some factual inaccuracies, and the records from that time are not readily available for public viewing. The bottom line is that both parties, Democrats and Republicans, must hold their leaders to high standards of accountability and transparency when it comes to allegations of sexual misconduct. The public's trust depends on it.

    • Joe Biden's VP search and Blue Light GlassesBiden worked with Dodd despite past allegations. Protect eyes from blue light with Felix Gray glasses. Majority of Americans prefer cautious reopening.

      During the search for a potential female vice president, Joe Biden chose to work closely with Senator Chris Dodd, who was involved in an incident where he and Ted Kennedy allegedly "sandwiched" a waitress. This incident was reportedly consensual but raises questions about judgment and respect. Meanwhile, it's important to protect your eyes from blue light emitted by screens, which can cause headaches, eye strain, and disrupt sleep. Felix Gray glasses offer superior blue light filtration and durability. In the ongoing coronavirus debate, a majority of Americans likely favor a responsible reopening strategy, with measures like wearing masks and social distancing. This Sunday, tune in for an interview with Amity Shlain on relevant topics.

    • Considering unintended consequences of government policies during economic hardshipGovernment policies aimed at alleviating poverty can have unintended consequences, like weakening family structures, and the media's framing of reopening the economy oversimplifies the complexities of balancing economic and public health concerns.

      During times of economic hardship and calls for government intervention, it's important to consider the potential unintended consequences. Amity Shlaes, the author of several influential books on economic history, has argued that some government policies aimed at alleviating poverty, like guaranteed income, can actually weaken family structures and lead to failure. Meanwhile, in the current context, there's a narrative emerging in the media that reopening the economy comes at the cost of human lives. This narrative, pushed by some politicians and the media, paints those advocating for reopening as uncaring. However, it's crucial to remember that responsible governors are looking to reopen in a safe and measured way. The media's polarized framing of the issue oversimplifies the complexities of balancing economic and public health concerns.

    • Comparing coronavirus to Vietnam War is misleadingAvoid comparing pandemic to military conflict, focus on responsible actions, and separate fact from fear-mongering.

      The comparison of the current coronavirus situation to the Vietnam War is misleading and irresponsible. The two situations are fundamentally different, with the coronavirus being a pandemic disease and the Vietnam War being a military conflict. The media's constant use of this comparison is driving a narrative that those who push for reopening the economy are being reckless and irresponsible. However, it is important to protest responsibly, such as socially distancing and wearing masks, to avoid giving the media ammunition to portray protests negatively. Additionally, the media's reaction to the presence of guns at protests is disproportionate, as it is not illegal to carry a gun in most cases. It is crucial to separate fact from fear-mongering and promote responsible actions during these challenging times.

    • Balancing Public Health and Economic Considerations in COVID-19 ResponseThe ongoing COVID-19 response debate emphasizes the need to weigh public health and economic consequences, with inconsistent perceptions of governors adding to the confusion. Unintended consequences of lockdowns and individual responsibility are crucial factors to consider.

      The ongoing debate around COVID-19 response measures highlights the complexities and trade-offs involved in balancing public health and economic considerations. While some argue for prolonged lockdowns to curb the virus's spread, others stress the negative consequences of shutting down the economy and people's livelihoods. The New York Times article acknowledging the rise in poverty due to the pandemic underscores this point. Meanwhile, the inconsistency in how different governors have been perceived despite similar COVID-19 numbers further fuels the confusion. Gavin Newsom's decision to close beaches in California, for instance, has been praised, while Ron DeSantis's approach in Florida has been criticized, despite comparable statistics. The importance of considering the unintended consequences of lockdown measures and the role of individual responsibility in mitigating the virus's spread should not be overlooked.

    • Returning to normalcy will lead to a rise in COVID-19 casesAdvocating for lifting lockdowns doesn't make one evil or irresponsible, young and healthy individuals have a low risk of dying from COVID-19, and governments may prioritize their interests over citizens' lives, ultimately finding a middle ground is key.

      The return to normalcy and lifting lockdowns will lead to an increase in COVID-19 cases, and this is a natural consequence. The media and certain individuals may label those who advocate for this as evil or irresponsible, but the evidence shows that young, healthy individuals have a low risk of dying from the disease. Furthermore, the Waco miniseries serves as a reminder that government agencies, including law enforcement, may prioritize their own interests over the lives of citizens. Ultimately, everyone will end up finding a middle ground in dealing with the pandemic.

    • Exploring the dangers of excessive government powerThe Waco series raises questions about the legality and potential misuse of government power, emphasizing the importance of understanding laws and their consequences.

      The Waco: American Apocalypse series highlights the dangers of giving excessive power to the federal government. The series explores the tragic events surrounding the Branch Davidians and their confrontation with law enforcement, where the use of force resulted in the deaths of many people, including children. The series raises questions about the legality of the government's actions and the potential misuse of power. It also underscores the importance of understanding the laws we make and the potential consequences of their enforcement. The series does not glorify David Koresh or his cult, but it does challenge the viewer to consider the role of the government in regulating citizens' lives and the potential for abuse of power. Ultimately, the series serves as a reminder to be cautious about the power we grant to the government and the potential consequences of its misuse.

    • Media's portrayal of statements taken out of contextAvoid misunderstandings and misinformation by considering full context of statements during complex situations

      The media's portrayal of certain statements made by President Trump and his advisors during the pandemic response has been taken out of context, leading to false narratives. For instance, Trump never claimed that coronavirus itself was a hoax, but the Democrats and some media outlets continued to claim otherwise. More recently, Jared Kushner's statement about the federal government's successful response to the pandemic was twisted to imply that he was celebrating the deaths of 60,000 Americans. However, Kushner was simply acknowledging the government's achievements in providing necessary resources to the states. Despite this, Democrats across the country have consistently praised the federal government's efforts in supplying them with much-needed supplies. It's crucial to consider the full context of statements made during complex and evolving situations like the pandemic to avoid misunderstandings and misinformation.

    • Media's portrayal of federal government's COVID-19 responseDespite media's negative portrayal, the federal government's provision of ventilators and hospital beds during COVID-19 crisis was successful. Jared Kushner's role in this effort was misinterpreted, and Democratic governors publicly praised the federal government's help.

      The federal government's role in providing ventilators and hospital beds during the COVID-19 crisis was a success, despite the media's lack of coverage. Jared Kushner's comments on this topic were deliberately misinterpreted, and the media's portrayal of Kushner and the Trump administration is often negative and sensationalized. The media frequently paints Trump and his associates as uncaring and incompetent, but many Democratic governors have publicly praised the federal government for providing them with the resources they requested. The media's narrative that the federal government's response to the crisis has been poor is not supported by the facts. It's important to remember that nepotism in politics is not a new phenomenon, and it's not unique to the Trump administration. The media's focus on Kushner's relationship to Trump and his role in the administration often overshadows the substance of his comments and achievements.

    • The Matt Walsh Show: A Daily Wire Podcast Focused on Culture, Life, Family, and FaithThe Matt Walsh Show explores the intersection of culture, life, family, and faith, emphasizing their significance in politics and daily life, produced by a team at The Daily Wire.

      The Matt Walsh Show, while available on various podcast platforms alongside other Daily Wire shows, distinguishes itself by focusing on culture rather than just politics. According to Walsh, culture is a significant driver of politics and other aspects of life. Therefore, the primary focuses of his show are life, family, and faith, which he considers fundamental. Listeners are encouraged to tune in for thought-provoking discussions on these topics. The Ben Shapiro Show is produced by a team including Colton Haas, Mike Joyner, Jeremy Boring, Mathis Glover, Robert Sterling, Pavel Wlodowski, Austin Stevens, Nick Sheehan, Katie Swinerton, Adam Syovitz, and Mike Coromina, with hair and makeup by Nica Geneva. It is a Daily Wire production, copyrighted in 2020.

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    Ep. 1996 - Wait, Can Donald Trump DRONE His Political Enemies Now?!

    Ep. 1996 - Wait, Can Donald Trump DRONE His Political Enemies Now?!

    The Supreme Court makes a decision about presidential immunity–and the Left goes predictably insane; Democrats continue to suffer from heartburn over Joe Biden’s dementia; and the French decide whether to go right or left.


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    Ep. 1995 - PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

    Ep. 1995 - PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

    The fallout from Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance continues…and Democrats break into open warfare over whether to toss the dementia-ridden president overboard.


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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 30, 2024

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    We review the first—and likely only—debate between President Biden and former President Trump.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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