
    Building A Brand In 2021 w/ Donny Deutsch

    enMay 11, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Rise of Social Media and Influencer MarketingTraditional advertising still reaches a large audience, but social media's active and targeted audience cannot be ignored in today's marketing landscape.

      The marketing landscape has drastically changed over the past two decades, with the rise of social media and influencer marketing. Donnie Deutsch, a marketing and business expert, shares his perspective on this shift. He notes that social media didn't exist 20 years ago, and traditional media was the primary means of advertising. However, with the power of smartphones and the images we see there, advertising today is heavily influenced by social media. When asked if traditional advertising is still relevant, Deutsch acknowledges that it can reach a large audience, but the passionate and engaged audience on social media cannot be ignored. He emphasizes that followers on social media are not passive viewers, but rather an active and targeted audience. So, while traditional advertising still has its place, the power of social media and influencer marketing cannot be underestimated.

    • Leveraging Social Media for Brand GrowthTraditional media advertising is no longer the primary driver of brand growth. Focus on social media platforms like Instagram to build and expand your brand, especially when trying to reach new audiences.

      In today's world, everything is a brand, and traditional media advertising may not be as effective as leveraging social media and influencers to build and expand your brand. During a conversation with entrepreneur Steve Madden, the importance of building brand awareness through social media platforms like Instagram was discussed. Brands are no longer limited to just businesses or companies, but also extend to celebrities, athletes, and even podcasts. Traditional media advertising may still have a place, but it's not the primary driver of brand growth, especially when trying to reach new audiences. As the media landscape continues to expand with social media and podcasts, it's essential to adapt and focus on these platforms to effectively build and grow your brand.

    • Branding Ourselves: Projecting Values Through MediaBeing intentional about our brand and values, whether through traditional or social media, helps us connect with our audience and make meaningful impacts.

      We are all brands, and everything we do projects a certain value system. This was discussed in the context of a person working in media, but the concept applies to everyone. The speaker emphasized that even non-traditional media platforms like social media can reach a large audience, and it's important to consider what values we want to project as part of our brand. The speaker also noted that the concept of "mass media" is changing, and reaching a large audience doesn't necessarily mean reaching a truly massive one. Additionally, it's important to remember that our perception of what is "big" may not align with reality, and it's crucial to consider the value of our audience, not just their size. Ultimately, being mindful of our brand and the values we want to project can help us make intentional decisions and connect with our audience in a meaningful way.

    • Young consumers and employees prioritize companies with strong values and employee-friendly policiesBusinesses that balance social responsibility, employee satisfaction, and profitability will appeal to young consumers and employees

      Young consumers and employees, particularly millennials, prioritize companies with a strong value system and employee-friendly policies. They want businesses that align with their social values and support causes they care about. Additionally, companies that offer flexible hours, pet-friendly environments, and other employee perks are seen as more attractive workplaces. However, there's an irony to this trend, as some of the most employee-centric companies may also be more manipulative, keeping employees on-site longer to maximize productivity and profits. Ultimately, businesses that can effectively balance social responsibility, employee satisfaction, and profitability will be most successful in appealing to this demographic.

    • Marketing to Different GenerationsFocus on experiences, quality of life for baby boomers. Younger generations prioritize safety and individual growth.

      Marketing strategies for baby boomers, who have already established brand loyalties, should focus on experiences and quality of life, rather than just money. Contrastingly, younger generations prioritize experiences and safety over money. This difference in values could potentially impact the future of the country if a significant portion of the younger generation continues to prioritize safety and security over individual growth and progress. The speaker also emphasized the importance of individual striving and the collective betterment of society. Despite growing up in a liberal household, he believes that this individual drive is what makes America great.

    • Being Hungry and Curious are Essential Qualities for SuccessStrive to be someone who is driven, curious, and always eager to learn and grow to make a positive impact and be successful.

      When it comes to making a positive impact and being successful, having a hungry mindset and being curious are essential qualities. According to the speaker, he values individuals who demonstrate a strong desire to make a difference and learn new things. These qualities not only help in personal growth but also make a strong impression on others. The speaker emphasized the importance of being hungry and not being afraid to fail, as well as being curious and asking insightful questions during interviews or interactions. These traits not only make an individual stand out but also help in building meaningful relationships and achieving success. So, in your pursuit of happiness and success, strive to be someone who is driven, curious, and always eager to learn and grow.

    • Believing in one's entitlement to successSuccessful people believe they deserve success and have the mindset to create opportunities. This belief, called entitlement, is different from arrogance and leads to great achievements.

      Success is not about being a genius, but rather having a mindset of hunger, drive, and a sense of entitlement. These traits, when combined with humility and a touch of self-confidence, can lead to great achievements. Successful people believe they deserve success and have what it takes to make it happen. They don't wait for opportunities to come to them; instead, they go out and create them. This mindset, often referred to as entitlement, is not the same as arrogance. Instead, it's a belief in oneself and a recognition of the role of luck and timing in achieving success. The speaker emphasizes that he has met many successful individuals, from CEOs to politicians to celebrities, and they all share this mindset. An example of this is UFC fighter Michael Chandler, who turned his losing streak around by believing that he deserved to win.

    • Timing and self-actualization in success and happinessSuccess doesn't guarantee happiness, timing matters in opportunities, and self-actualization can prevent happiness by keeping us driven and seeking new challenges

      Both timing and self-actualization play significant roles in personal and professional success, but they don't necessarily guarantee happiness. Timing, as the speaker emphasized, can make or break opportunities, even for the most talented individuals. He used the example of opening a restaurant at the wrong time to illustrate this point. Additionally, self-actualization, or reaching one's full potential, doesn't automatically lead to happiness. The speaker shared his observation that successful people, despite their achievements, are not always happy. He suggested that this might be because the very things that drive us to succeed, such as the need to continually challenge ourselves and feel relevant, can also prevent us from finding happiness. The speaker's advice was to create new challenges or "mountains" to climb in order to keep the energy and motivation going. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship between success, timing, self-actualization, and happiness.

    • Money can't buy happiness, find meaning in life beyond material wealthMoney provides comfort but not happiness, focus on personal growth, relationships, and passions for true joy.

      Money can provide comfort and alleviate problems, but it doesn't guarantee happiness. The person you become in your journey towards success may change, and it's essential to find passion and meaning in life beyond material wealth. Entrepreneurship offers the freedom to work on something that's an extension of yourself and can be a significant source of happiness, especially in today's world where the costs of starting a business are lower than ever. However, it's essential to remember that being an entrepreneur isn't for everyone, and working for someone else can have its advantages. Ultimately, finding a balance between personal and professional growth, and prioritizing relationships and passions, is crucial for true happiness.

    • Starting a business young: Taking risks pays offYoung entrepreneurs can succeed, embrace failure, and keep meetings short to maximize productivity

      Taking risks and starting your own business when you're young can be beneficial, even if it seems risky. The speakers agree that they didn't wait to reach a certain age or position before pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams, and encourage others to do the same. They also discuss the importance of understanding that failure is a possibility, but it's not the end. Additionally, they suggest that attending long meetings is a waste of time and productivity, and should be kept as short as possible. Overall, the speakers emphasize the importance of taking action and seizing opportunities when they arise, rather than waiting for permission or security.

    • Seizing opportunities in economic rebootsEmbrace economic reboots as opportunities for growth and position yourself for success by addressing underlying issues and adapting to change.

      The current economic climate, following the pandemic, presents an opportunity for individuals and businesses to make a comeback and even thrive. Renowned entrepreneur and business expert Donnie Deutsch emphasized the importance of seizing this moment and focusing on what people will need post-pandemic. He highlighted that many fortunes have been made during economic reboots, and this current situation might be the mother of all reboots. By looking at the structural issues that may have caused setbacks and addressing them, individuals can make the most of this period and position themselves for success. Additionally, it's essential to remember that every challenge presents an opportunity for growth and learning. Embrace the reboot and be ready to adapt and innovate.

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    SUMMARY: The Dark Horse Entrepreneur podcast helps entrepreneurs who are struggling with technology, procrastination, and imposter syndrome. In this episode, Tracy Brinkman discusses how to generate endless content ideas. He recommends ten websites that entrepreneurs can use to get ideas for their next piece of content. These websites include sites like BuzzSumo, Quora, and Reddit.


    Tracy discusses how important it is for experts in their field to come up with content ideas, and provides a list of ten websites that can help generate an endless stream of content ideas. The websites listed include: Quora, Reddit, Google Trends, and BuzzSumo. Tracy  emphasizes that the purpose of the list is not to provide ideas that can be copied and pasted, but rather to give experts an idea of what their audience might be interested in.


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    Quora is a website where people can ask and answer questions on any topic. It is a great resource for finding content ideas, as you can easily find questions relevant to your niche or industry.



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    This is a great way to find some visual content that is relevant to your audience to help you come up with ideas that are both interesting as well as being visually appealing.


    Now in this particular example, it's actually the introduction to one of the people Twitter is trying to get me to follow. But if I click on their profile, they have a whole host of great pieces of content in here.


    And as you might expect, these conversations can be a great source of content ideas to get started. Once again, type in the keyword or phrase and see what people are tweeting about.


    How you can as a life coach to keep up with this example and I beat this one down the ground, could give your prospects, your clients, your customers some great ideas for motivational gifts for their loved ones on the holiday season.


    Reddit is one of the most popular websites in the world and it's also a great source of content ideas. Simply browse through all the various Reddits. Some of you may think of them as forums and see what people are talking about.

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    You'll be seeing it announced here on the podcast and all the platforms that I publish on, but you will get your free copy if you're picked as one of the winners.


    Try doing this across a couple of posts, a couple of podcast episodes, a couple of videos on your YouTube and watch the magic happen in your comment section. So let's see if the magic works.


    And there's a couple of big metrics that YouTube uses to determine whether or not they show a video to additional people. Views in the first 24 hours are specifically important if we're talking about YouTube to help get your video seen by more people.


    The more comments you have, the higher your chance of you ranking higher in the searches. And when you get your readers and your viewers and your listeners to interact with your content, by leaving their own comment, you're increasing their perceived ownership of that content.


    Why do you want people to interact with your content?. Well, more often not, it's because it will quite often give you a better standing in the search. And you've talked about social media content.

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    Tracy Brinkmann goes to the garage sales and buys up all the old magazines that he can find. Now, he says the older the better. And I would concur on this because obviously, the recent magazines, everyone's probably already read them, right? So if you can go back and find old magazines, like I said, I got some from the 70s here.
    Maybe you create a tutorial or how to video an article that contains the instruction tips on how to do something. Hey, you're going to do this, then you're going to do this, then you're going to do that.
    Do you want to learn how to make money with magazines? You're like what?. And now here you are listening to it. And then now you give the introduction, the hook.
    Content that you find valuable, that you think your readers will find valuable and relevant. And when you're doing that here, I want to give you a couple of tips here.
    So I want you to consider those four things as you try to choose the right magazines to turn into online content and ensure that content that you create brings value to your audience.

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    Tracy Brinkmann shares that the topic of health is one of the best money generating topics out there. She explains that the health and fitness industry is growing rapidly and is worth billions of dollars. If you are passionate about the topic of health, you can carve out your own niche and make a lot of money.


    Tracy discusses how to become a successful fitness content creator by narrowing down your niche and providing value to your audience. They also talk about the importance of money in the fitness industry, and how to make and save money as a content creator within the fitness arena.


    Tracy discusses different ideas of possible blogging topics that could be profitable. The topics discussed were health, money, food, fitness and.. one other area of passion. It was noted that while not everybody is interested in every topic, there are ways to cater to different interests within each topic. For example, within the topic of food, one could blog about recipes, cooking classes, or the best places to eat in a certain city. It was also noted that food bloggers tend to make a higher median income than bloggers in other industries.



    0:00:00   The Five Best Money Generating Niches for Content

    0:02:21   The Best Money Making Topics in the Blogosphere

    0:03:59   How to Make Money in the Fitness Industry

    0:05:24   3 Profitable Blogging Niches to Start in 2021

    0:08:47   How to Make Money in the Food and Travel Niches

    0:10:21   How to Create a Travel Blog That Makes Money

    0:12:10   How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog, Video, or Podcast

    0:17:29   The Benefits of Leveraging Your Experience to Create Products

    0:19:03   The Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast: Episode #1 – Why These Five Passions Will Work For You



    You'll find it far easier to sustain your blog, your video, your podcast, whatever medium you're choosing to share your passion driven niche. You'll find it far easier to get over the hurdles, to crack through the barriers, to dig under the walls that are going to be placed between you and your goal, which is probably earning some money with it, right?.


    Heck, you could probably get the folks that come on to your videocast or your podcast or your blog to pay you via their marketing funds that they would use to pay for their advertising.


    One of the ladies I'm trying to get on the podcast has five of them  (unique air BnBs) and they're all ones like a spaceship. One is like shaped like a dog crazy.


    Try creating a travel blog about the most unique airbnb's that are out there. Think about that for a moment, just for a moment, would you? There are a number of very unique B and B's out there.


    There are some of them out there that are in the travel industry. So you could get your travel paid for, most likely, and enjoy the process at the same time.


    A special thanks to ConspiracyMusicGuru.com for our new true solfeggio background music

    EP 393 5.5 Simple Steps To 3X Your Email Clicks

    EP 393 5.5 Simple Steps To 3X Your Email Clicks


    SUMMARY: The question is posed: does email marketing still work? The answer is a resounding yes - but times have changed, and so email marketing has to change as well. The key to successful email marketing in the current climate is to understand the needs and wants of your audience, and to craft emails that speak to those needs. This can be done by segmenting your audience and tailoring your message to each segment, or by using personalization to make each email feel like it was written just for the recipient. By staying up-to-date with the latest email marketing trends and techniques, you can ensure that your messages are always relevant and engaging, and that your business continues to thrive.


    Email marketing is still an effective way to reach and sell to customers, but the landscape has changed. Marketers need to be aware of how email promotion has changed in order to be successful.


    Tracy Brinkmann discusses how, in the past, people would write long emails that would often get lost in the shuffle and be forgotten about. However, they suggest that people update their workflow to send shorter emails instead. This way, people are more likely to read them and they can be easily incorporated into other pieces of content, such as articles.


    Tracy is talking about how to increase the open rate for emails. He suggests sending out a short email with a catchy subject line that directs the reader back to the website. He also suggests focusing on creating a database of content, encouraging discussions on the site, and using the phrase to continue reading in emails.



    0:00:00   Email Marketing: Does It Still Work?

    0:03:23   The Benefits of Updating Your Email Workflow

    0:04:54   The Benefits of Sending Short Emails

    0:08:49   5 Tips for Writing Better Email Subject Lines

    0:12:36   Email Marketing: How to Increase Your Click Through Rate

    0:14:03   Email Marketing: How to Write Emails Your Audience Will Love




    Use the to continue reading phrase in your emails that will click that will boost your clicks. You see, by using this method, you're likely to see your click through rates greatly increase over time.


    Step two is place your real efforts on creating a database of content. Here's what I mean by that. Instead of having to write articles and posts in addition to your emails.


    Then send your readers that super catchy email that lets them know if they want to continue reading. Well, here's the link to do that, right? It's like the episode I just shared with you not too long ago on how you can zygarnick your audience into submission.


    By sending out a short email, a short catchy email that directs your subscriber back to your website, you, my friend, are increasing the odds of that email will land in their personal folder, and they'll get to open it and they'll get to read it.


    Those long drawing on emails are a thing of the past. Write like when you write to a friend, right?. Are you usually sending them a thousand words?. I know a few of you who just said, yes, I do.