
    Building A Powerful Personal Brand w/ Rory Vaden

    enJuly 26, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Establishing a personal brand builds trust74% of Americans trust someone with an established personal brand, helping to build credibility and trust in the digital age

      Personal branding is more than just social media presence or being an influencer. It's the digitization of reputation. According to a PhD-led research study, 74% of Americans are more likely to trust someone with an established personal brand. This matters because trust is essential in our personal and professional lives. Whether it's our colleagues, family, or peers, having a personal brand can help build that trust. It's not just about vanity or having a large following or a book deal. It's about establishing credibility and trust in the digital age. So, regardless of your career path or current social media usage, considering the importance of personal branding can help you build trust and establish a strong reputation.

    • Why having a personal brand is crucial for professions that require trustBuilding a personal brand is essential for professions where trust is required, validating reputation even with a small following, and increasingly important in the digital age for job seekers.

      Having a personal brand matters, particularly for professions where trust is required. According to a study, doctors were the number one profession Americans want to have an established personal brand. The higher the requirement for trust, the more having a personal brand becomes important. Trust is built through frequent interactions and learning from someone. In the digital age, reputation is increasingly being digitized and amplified through social media and following. Trust precedes revenue, and having a personal brand can validate your reputation, even if you have a small following. Employers are now looking for candidates with strong reputations, making personal branding essential for job seekers as well.

    • Projecting a clear and authentic narrativeBuilding a strong personal brand involves creating a clear and authentic narrative that resonates with your audience, not just having a large following or impressive credentials.

      Building a strong personal brand goes beyond just having a large following or impressive credentials. Instead, it's about projecting a clear and authentic narrative that resonates with your audience. According to a study, followers and best-selling books are less significant factors in building credibility and trust than what you project and who you are. Creating a personal brand is important for both entrepreneurs and those seeking career advancement, as it can act as a trust accelerator. People are more likely to buy from or recommend companies and even date individuals with established personal brands. Testimonials from satisfied customers are the number one driver of credibility for businesses. To get started with personal branding, focus on creating a clear and authentic narrative that resonates with your audience. This can include building a strong online presence, creating valuable content, and engaging with your audience. Remember, it's not just about what you know or who you know, but who knows you.

    • Define who you can serve and add value toBe clear about the problem you solve and express your unique value to attract the right audience and build trust

      Finding and expressing your uniqueness and the value you bring to others is key to building a strong personal brand. Instead of focusing on what your purpose is, ask yourself who you can serve and how you can add value. Clarifying the problem you solve is essential for standing out in a crowded marketplace and attracting the right audience. Being clear and specific about your personal brand helps build trust and understanding, and showing a diversity of who you are can add depth and authenticity. However, avoid confusing messages or inconsistencies that may make it difficult for others to connect with you and trust your expertise.

    • Crafting and curating your reputationBuild a clear, focused message and business model that resonates with your audience, aligns with your image, and sets you apart from competition.

      Building a personal brand is about intentionally crafting and curating your reputation across all aspects of your life, both online and offline. It's essential to consider how your actions and online presence align with the image you want to project. This includes being mindful of your audience and being authentic. When it comes to monetizing your personal brand, it's crucial to focus on a clear business model that leverages your unique strengths and fits the categories of digital, automated, recurring, evergreen, and scalable. By doing so, you can effectively turn your reputation into revenue. Remember, the goal is to have a clear, focused message and business model that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from the competition.

    • Discovering Your Unique Value PropositionFind a problem to solve and leverage passion to stand out, even if they don't align perfectly at first. Use the Brand DNA Helix questions to reveal unique value proposition.

      Creating a successful business involves finding a problem to solve for others and identifying what you're passionate about, even if they don't align perfectly at first. Recurring revenue and evergreen products are valuable, but they don't necessarily have to exist in the same business. For instance, Sarah Blakely of Spanx and Jamie Kern Lima of cosmetics have built thriving businesses selling physical items, while professional service providers offer unique solutions as lawyers, accountants, doctors, and chiropractors. To discover your uniqueness, consider answering the six questions in the Brand DNA Helix: what problem do you solve, what are you passionate about, what is your backstory, what are your core values, what is your unique selling proposition, and what is your brand promise? The intersection of these answers will reveal your unique value proposition. While it's ideal for the problem you solve to be connected to your passion, it doesn't always have to be the case in the beginning. Instead, focus on finding the fastest problem to solve for someone else and leverage your passion to make your business stand out.

    • Identify problems you can solve and follow your passionsTo succeed, focus on your passions and the problems you can solve, as money and fulfillment come from making a meaningful impact.

      To be successful, you must identify the problems you can solve and be passionate about them. Money comes from solving problems, but true fulfillment comes from pursuing your passions. To clarify your unique value proposition, consider what you are passionate about and what you continuously research and have achieved results in. These elements combined will help you stand out and make a meaningful impact. Remember, your unique perspective and expertise are valuable, and by focusing on your passions and the problems you can solve, you can create a rewarding and fulfilling career.

    • Reflect on challenges, obstacles, and setbacks to discover unique position and monetize personal brandIdentify past struggles to offer solutions, serve audience, and create income streams through products, ads, info, coaching, and speaking.

      To discover your unique position and effectively monetize your personal brand, you should reflect on the challenges you have conquered, obstacles you have overcome, and setbacks you have survived. By serving the person you once were, you can change lives, make a fortune, and live a purposeful life. The fifth question to ask is what are all the things people would buy from you, and the sixth question is what business do you want to be in. Monetizing a personal brand involves identifying the five vehicles that convert followers into cash: product, ads and affiliates, information, coaching, and speaking. Remember, there's a significant difference between having a large following and having a substantial income.

    • Making Money by Selling Access to Your Audience or Your UniquenessSuccessful entrepreneurs and experts can make money by selling access to their audience or their unique expertise through various channels. Identifying your uniqueness, determined by past, present, and future, is key to success.

      Successful entrepreneurs and experts can make money by offering their audience information through various channels like video courses, membership sites, certifications, and assessments. This business model is based on selling other people access to your audience. Another way to make money is through deals, such as book, movie, or TV deals, where a third party pays a set fee for the creation of something, often tied to royalties. The fastest path to cash, however, is through services, where you offer your time to help someone do something. While services are the least scalable long-term option because they involve your time, they can be a great starting point. The key to success lies in identifying your uniqueness, which is determined by answering six questions related to your past, present, and future. Your uniqueness is at the intersection of who you have been and who you are called to be. Examples of successful individuals include Janey, who struggled with insecurity about her skin condition and now helps women feel more beautiful, and Andy, who struggled with weight and now helps people get fit and healthy. Similarly, I help people who lack self-confidence or self-esteem and want to become wealthier or live a better life.

    • Find your uniqueness and focus on itTo break through industry obscurity, identify your unique expertise and consistently work on it for persistent growth.

      To become a leader in your industry and break through the "She-Hans Wall" of obscurity, it's essential to find your uniqueness and focus on it. Don't try to be all things to all people or mimic successful figures in your industry. Instead, identify the one thing you can do better than anyone else and consistently work on it. Breaking through the wall requires persistence and focus, and once you make progress, it opens up opportunities for further growth. The key is to identify your specific area of expertise and develop it, rather than spreading yourself too thin by trying to do everything.

    • Stay focused on your unique spacePersist, find your uniqueness, serve others, and make a meaningful impact by staying true to who you are.

      Persistence and staying focused on your unique space, even when it feels like you're not making progress, is key to breaking through and achieving notoriety. Furthermore, personal branding and understanding who you are as a person are deeply connected, and finding your uniqueness and sitting in it will allow you to make a meaningful impact and be activated to do what you were meant to do. Additionally, serving others through your uniqueness leads to only wins. So keep pounding on the wall, stay focused, and make yourself available for use in the way you were intended.

    • The Power of Being Present and Overcoming ProcrastinationBeing present and available can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities. Overcome procrastination by focusing on tasks and breaking them down into manageable steps.

      Being available and present can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities. Rory's story illustrates how showing up and being useful when needed can make a significant impact. Procrastination, on the other hand, is a common obstacle that prevents people from reaching their potential. Rory emphasizes that there are three types of procrastination: classic, where we consciously delay tasks; creative avoidance, where we subconsciously fill our days with trivial work; and distraction, a better term for creative avoidance. To overcome procrastination, Rory suggests focusing on the task at hand and breaking it down into manageable steps. By recognizing and addressing these patterns, we can make progress towards our goals and unlock our full potential.

    • Understanding Priority DilutionPriority dilution occurs when important tasks are neglected for urgent ones, leading to incomplete significant priorities. Multiplying time instead of managing it can help maximize productivity.

      While we all struggle with procrastination, there's a third type called priority dilution that affects even the most productive individuals. Unlike the first two types, which involve laziness or disengagement, priority dilution occurs when attention shifts from important to urgent tasks, leaving significant priorities incomplete. The concept of multiplying time, rather than managing it, can help us make the most of our 24 hours, despite feeling overwhelmed. Contrary to popular belief, time isn't the one resource we can't create more of, and understanding this can lead to increased productivity.

    • Think beyond the present day and focus on creating more time in the future with significance calculationsConsider setting up online bill pay, automating tasks, and building your personal brand for long-term time savings. Surround yourself with multipliers to maximize impact.

      To truly make the most of your time, you need to think beyond the present day and consider the long-term significance of your actions. This concept, known as significance calculations, allows you to break free from the one-day paradigm and instead focus on creating more time in the future. An example of this is setting up online bill pay, which may seem insignificant in the moment but can save you time in the long run. Additionally, investing time in automating tasks or building your personal brand can yield significant returns. Remember, automation is to your time what compound interest is to your money. To maximize your impact, surround yourself with multipliers - people who help you grow and create more time in your life. When it comes to building your personal brand, consider starting with a platform that resonates with you, such as Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube, and focus on creating valuable content consistently.

    • Identify your purpose and clarify your identityTo achieve success, clarify your identity and purpose, choose a platform to express yourself, and focus on building a strong reputation through testimonials and endorsements.

      Finding your uniqueness and building a strong reputation are crucial steps in achieving success. The first step is to identify your purpose and clarify your identity. Freebrandcall.com can help you with that. Once you have a clear sense of who you are and what you offer, choose a platform to express yourself and focus on it. Reputation is the ultimate multiplier, and one endorsement or testimonial can confirm what you already believe about someone's abilities. Whether you're a gardener or a business owner, having testimonials from satisfied customers is essential. Success is not far away; it's just one relationship or one attempt away. Don't get lost in the tactics; focus on your uniqueness and building a strong reputation.

    • Overcoming human nature for successTo achieve success, push past comfort zones, understand learning comes from experience, and take the first step before knowing every step.

      Our brains are not naturally wired for success, but rather for survival. This means that we have to consciously work against our default settings and push ourselves out of our comfort zones to achieve success. Success requires expending energy and doing things that are new and uncomfortable. However, our human nature can make this challenging as we are inclined towards indulgence, temptation, and the easy way out. To overcome this, ultra performers have a lower threshold for what they need to know before taking action. They understand that much of what they need to learn will come from experience. So, to take the stairs towards success, one must be willing to take the first step before knowing every step in front of them. To learn more about this and work with Rory, visit freebrandcall.com/ed. Remember, success is never owned, it's only rented, and the rent is due every day.

    • Embrace your uniqueness and inspire othersEveryone has a unique message to offer, document it to inspire and help others, don't let self-doubt hold you back, embrace your uniqueness and serve those in need.

      Everyone has a unique message or solution to offer the world, and there are people out there who desperately need it. You may feel insignificant or that someone else has already done what you're planning, but the truth is, there's a reason why you're feeling that calling. Someone is tuned into your frequency and needs your perspective. Even if you're not finished with your journey, documenting it can inspire and help others. Remember, you were born to do something great, and every action, no matter how small, can make a difference. So, don't let self-doubt hold you back. Embrace your uniqueness and use it to serve those who need it most. And, for more inspiration, check out Ed Mylett's book "The Power of One More."

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    Episode Highlights

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    How to establish authority

    Importance of authoring content

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    Connecting with your audience via content and conversation

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    Episode Summary:  


    In today’s episode, Alex Quin, Michelle Chia, and Keven Pimentel hold an unplanned interview session discussing what goes on behind the scenes of the Hustle Inspires Hustle Podcast, UADV marketing agency, and other passion projects the team is involved in! 

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    Prepare yourself for lots of wild stories, trips down memory lane, and of course, valuable insight on running successful marketing ventures and building lasting friendships.


    Wisdom Nuggets: 

    • Always be prepared and ready for an opportunity! You can do this by sharpening your skills and adding more exemplary work to your portfolio [ Got this from Michelle working for years on design and marketing, which eventually led to her meeting Mark and Jeff, in turn helping the UADV team close a deal with Ikonic]

    • Kevin shares a simple fact that upcoming marketers seem to ignore. You don’t always have to start your own brand from scratch. There are a lot of resources out there that can help you bypass common mistakes and issues marketers face. Like this podcast, for example! Spend time learning from these sources and watch your business grow.

    • First impressions matter. Michelle shares how important getting your foot in the door is. This helps people remember you easily, thanks to the amazing work you’ve done for them in the past.

    • Make sure your circle inspires you to keep winning. You should also inspire your circle of friends to keep winning. Be grateful to them! This nugget comes from Alex.

    • None of your plans won’t work unless you show up! Take action on things more. Kevin shares this wisdom nugget.

    Podcast Outline:  

    [1:37] So yeah, guys, this is hustle inspires hustle podcast. This is the first episode of 2022.[Alex]

    [02:30 It’s been almost, I think, 80 episodes of the podcasts and 100 countries listening. 

    [03:23] Okay, let’s talk about growth. [Alex]

    [03:35] Ikonic is a brand that we’ve always looked up to. [Alex]

    [04:00] I started graphic designing, I guess like ten years ago [Michelle]

    [06:00] And Kev, let’s talk about your businesses, let’s talk about your online businesses.[Alex]

    [06:18] So for 2022, Uh, let’s just say at the end of 2021, was when I embarked on. [ Kevin]

    [06:52] I currently have a brand of products, of hairline products called the curly mermaid.[Kevin]

    [09:50] From the wholesale side, I have a company called Green Earth products. [Kevin]

    [12:20] Break

    [12:36] Free Access to resources and materials on business management and self-development. [Alex]

    [12:59] Okay, let’s get back into the episode. [Alex]

    [13:51] My main thing was being a server, and I would do marketing and graphic design when I got home at like 11 pm [ Michelle]

    [15:05] Just get your foot in the door [ Michelle chia]

    [17:03] The three of us have grown together a lot [ Alex]

    [18:19] ‘Wild story on booking Japanese flight tickets begins.”

    [23:44] There’s a market out there for everything… [ Do not sell yourself short] [ Alex]

    [26:49] If you liked this episode, make sure you listen to Michelle on Instagram.


    Power Quotes:  

    “Work With Others First, So You Can Understand How To Grow Your Own Business” - Kevin Pimentel [11:55]

    “Just Get Your Foot In The Door” - Michelle Chia. [15:05] 

    “ Be Grateful To Do The People That Are Good To You” - Alex Quin [17:49]

    Resources Mentioned:  

    Michelle Chia’s Instagram

    Kevin Pimentel’s Instagram

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Successful Team Building ft. Guillermo Olivo (Executive Producer at US 27 Studios) with Alex Quin

    Successful Team Building ft. Guillermo Olivo (Executive Producer at US 27 Studios) with Alex Quin

    They say that there is no “I” in team. See why team building is an effective and proven way to reach success. Alex sits down with Guillermo Olivo. Guillermo is the Executive Producer at US 27 Studios and the brain behind many video productions like Plastic Crack Documentary. They discuss the importance of Networking and breaking out of your comfort zone. With many stories and experiences to share, Guillermo and Alex were both able to assemble their own dream teams and cultivate a culture of growing together.

    Podcast Outline

    [03:12] In the toy collecting community, plastic crack is...

    [04:23] A little background of your experience in the industry

    [05:47] Some of the projects that you remember most

    [08:16] This guy is hustling 24/7

    [10:13] One of our projects Take a Ride

    [12:24] Networking is super important

    [13:36] Anybody can make connections out here

    [17:50] During quarantine, you shouldn’t be stationary

    [18:35] Get FREE Resources

    [20:42] Not burning bridges is one of the keys to success

    [24:55] It’s not a matter of quantity but of quality

    [27:40] Never assume that you know it all

    [28:05] She beat the cr*p out of me playing Street Fighter

    [30:43] Our main business is Advertising

    [34:28] Live in the present, learn from the past 

    Check us out on Facebook: @HustleInspiresHustle | @AlexQuin

    Follow us on Instagram: @HustleInspiresHustle | @AlexQuin

    Want more info? : http://hustleinspireshustle.com | http://alexquin.com

    Resources Mentioned 

    Plastic Crack Documentary

    Plastic Crack Instagram

    Plastic Crack Facebook

    US 27 Studios

    Alex Quin’s Instagram

    FREE Resources

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.