
    Podcast Summary

    • Turning Rejection and Failure into SuccessRejection and failure can be valuable lessons on the path to success. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and innovation.

      Rejection and failure can serve as valuable lessons and stepping stones to success. Many successful entrepreneurs, including Tope Awotona, have faced countless rejections and heard the word "no" repeatedly before achieving their goals. Overcoming the fear of rejection and building resilience comes with practice and persistence. Like previous guests on the show, Tope experienced rejection in his early years as a salesman and faced the disappointment of failed businesses. However, he viewed these experiences as research, learning what not to do and gaining a better understanding of what it takes to succeed. This mindset eventually led him to create Calendly, which has grown into a multimillion-dollar business. Rejection and failure can be powerful catalysts for growth and innovation.

    • Nurturing a balanced upbringing with strictness and indulgenceTope's upbringing, influenced by his strict mother and relaxed father, fostered a balance between discipline and indulgence, shaping his resilience and drive for success.

      Tope Awotona's upbringing was shaped by the different parenting styles of his mother and father. While his mother was strict and emphasized the importance of education, his father was more relaxed and allowed him to indulge in treats like ice cream sandwiches for dinner. Although academic success was expected in their household, there were not many discussions about grades. Tope's parents had high aspirations for him, with his mother even expressing a desire for him to attend Harvard at a young age. Additionally, Tope's father's tragic death had a profound impact on his life, leading to noticeable changes in his behavior and emotional well-being. Despite the challenges he faced, Tope demonstrated resilience and carried on with school, partly guided by Nigerian cultural values of strength and community.

    • Overcoming Challenges and Embracing ChangeTope Awotona's journey highlights the importance of resilience and determination in the face of adversity, as well as the significance of embracing new opportunities and adapting to different environments.

      Tope Awotona faced significant challenges and changes throughout his life. Despite the difficult times his family went through after his father's death, Tope's mother encouraged them to move forward and continue with their lives. Tope's father, who had started several businesses, never fulfilled his dream of making it big, leaving Tope with unanswered questions about his aspirations. Nonetheless, when the opportunity came for Tope to study in the United States, the family relocated to Marietta, Georgia. Adjusting to the American education system and culture was a major transition for Tope, especially socially. However, coming from Lagos, where everyone around him was black, the racial dynamics in America did not come as a surprise to him.

    • From Odd Man Out to Entrepreneur - Tope Awotona's JourneyTope Awotona's ability to connect with different people, combined with his determination and willingness to take risks, paved the way for his entrepreneurial success.

      Tope Awotona's experience of always feeling like the odd man out and being able to connect with different people made him blind to certain issues. This mindset led him to pursue computer science in college, inspired by the success of Bill Gates and the growing demand for software. Despite facing challenges, Awotona thrived as a student at the University of Georgia and even took on part-time jobs to earn more money. His summer job selling alarm systems door-to-door taught him resilience and the value of hard work, as he made $500 on his very first day. This experience shaped Awotona's entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to take risks in the future.

    • Embracing Persistence and Initiative: Tope Awotona's Journey in SalesHard work, skill improvement, and adaptability can lead to immediate financial rewards and shape a successful career.

      Tope Awotona's experience in door-to-door sales taught him the power of persistence and the importance of taking initiative. Despite potential rejection and challenges, Awotona found fulfillment and satisfaction in influencing people's decisions and being able to directly impact his income. This experience shaped his understanding that hard work and skill improvement could lead to immediate financial rewards, unlike waiting months or years in other industries. Additionally, Awotona reflects on how his immigrant background may have hindered his initial understanding of navigating the business world, emphasizing the significance of internships and gaining practical experience. Overall, this story highlights the value of adaptability, perseverance, and seizing opportunities in shaping a successful career.

    • The Importance of Taking Action and Learning in EntrepreneurshipStart your venture now and don't wait for everything to be perfect. Learn from your customers and be resilient in order to succeed as an entrepreneur.

      Tope Awotona learned that entrepreneurship is more attainable than he had previously thought. He realized that successful companies don't always start off with all the answers and a perfectly planned product. Through the founding story of a successful company, he discovered that it took them eight years to achieve product-market fit and their idea pivoted multiple times. What made them successful was their ability to learn from customers and their own resilience. This realization sparked Tope's desire to become a tech entrepreneur and he began dabbling in various small businesses. This takeaway emphasizes the importance of taking action, learning, and persevering, rather than waiting for everything to be perfect before starting a venture.

    • Choosing High Traffic Keywords for a Successful E-commerce BusinessIdentify market opportunities and optimize online presence to effectively meet consumer needs in a high-growth e-commerce business.

      Starting a high-growth e-commerce business can be achieved by focusing on keywords with high search traffic that are not well-served by existing websites. This idea was shared by a business contact who had helped numerous entrepreneurs start e-commerce businesses. Instead of starting a business to sell a specific product, he suggested starting a business around popular keywords, such as light bulbs or projectors. After conducting an analysis, Tope Awotona decided to start a projector business called projector spot.com. By establishing dropshipping relationships with wholesalers, they were able to launch the business within a few months. This takeaway emphasizes the importance of identifying market opportunities and optimizing online presence to meet consumer needs effectively.

    • The Importance of Choosing the Right Product and Following One's Passion in BusinessStarting a business requires selecting a product with higher profit margins and pursuing a venture that aligns with one's interests and expertise.

      Starting a business requires more than just a good idea and initial investment. Tope Awotona learned this when he launched projector spot.com. Despite investing around $20,000 into developing the website and having some success with initial orders, he quickly realized that the margins were too thin. The electronics industry was highly competitive, and most of the profit came from accessories rather than the projectors themselves. Additionally, Tope discovered that he lacked a genuine passion for projectors, which was crucial for his success in the business. This experience taught him the importance of choosing a product with higher profit margins and pursuing a venture that aligns with his interests and expertise.

    • Seizing an opportunity to bridge the market gap.To build a successful business, it's important to identify market gaps and seize opportunities. Building a brand and educating customers are crucial steps for long-term success. Passion can lead to exploring new avenues.

      Tope Awotona recognized a market gap and seized an opportunity to build an e-commerce business. He identified that people were passionate about the big green egg grill but struggled to find it in areas outside major cities. Tope saw potential in this and created YardSteals.com to offer these sought-after grills to a wider customer base. With improved margins and orders coming in, he proved that his second business venture was more successful than the first. However, he realized that to build a truly thriving business, he needed to invest time and effort into building a brand and educating customers. Ultimately, he recognized that his passion lay elsewhere and decided to explore other avenues instead of pursuing the home and garden industry.

    • Finding a Passionate and Problem-solving Business IdeaTope Awotona emphasizes the importance of choosing a business idea that not only solves a genuine problem but also aligns with one's true passion, leading to the creation of a successful enterprise scheduling tool.

      Tope Awotona realized the importance of picking a business idea that solves a genuine problem and one that he was truly passionate about. Instead of starting businesses for the sake of starting a business, he decided to take a break until he found an idea that met these criteria. While working as a national account manager, he noticed the struggle of coordinating meetings with multiple people from different companies. Thinking it was a problem that must have been solved already, he searched for solutions but couldn't find one that met all his needs. This led him to identify the need for a scheduling tool that catered specifically to enterprise software sales reps and considered the perspectives of both the software user and the recipient of the invitation.

    • Prioritizing user experience and identifying potential business opportunities.By studying existing products and identifying gaps, Tope Awotona recognized the potential to develop a scheduling software that offers more features and simplifies the process for casual schedulers.

      Tope Awotona recognized the need to prioritize user experience for all participants when developing a product. He understood that both registered users and those receiving invitations should have a great experience. To gain insights, Tope extensively studied existing products in the market, deconstructing them and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. Despite identifying gaps, he discovered that customers loved these products and found them valuable, indicating a potential business opportunity. Tope believed that by offering even more features and simplifying the process, there was an even bigger opportunity to cater to casual schedulers. After six months of thorough research, Tope couldn't let go of the idea, leading him to pursue the development of his scheduling software.

    • The Importance of Execution in Idea SuccessFinding a partner who shares your passion and focuses on successful execution is crucial for turning ideas into successful ventures.

      Successful execution is more important than the idea itself. Many engineers with entrepreneurial mindsets prefer to pursue their own ideas or take risks on themselves rather than working with someone else. It is challenging to attract talented engineers to work on your idea, as they may prefer to start their own business. Additionally, they may already have well-paid positions and may be hesitant to give it all up to work with a random person. Finding a technical co-founder can be a common problem, leading entrepreneurs to outsource their projects to engineering companies. While many companies focus solely on the budget, it is important to find a partner who shares your passion and sees the opportunity in the idea. Non-disclosure agreements may not always be necessary, as execution and a unique perspective play a vital role in protecting and making an idea successful. Ideas themselves are abundant, but it is the successful execution that sets them apart.

    • Embracing calculated risks and taking action in the face of uncertainty can lead to life-changing outcomes.Seize the moment, take risks, and embrace opportunities, as the perfect time may never come.

      Taking risks and seizing opportunities can lead to life-changing outcomes. Tope Awotona, as a scrappy entrepreneur, proposed giving equity to potential employees in exchange for their work, but they were not willing to take that risk. Despite this setback, Tope flew to Kiev to meet with them and brainstorm the idea. Initially, Tope had doubts about pursuing the idea, but a personal experience with his mother's terminal cancer made him realize the importance of seizing the moment. He decided to go all-in, emptying his 401k, borrowing money, and maxing out his credit cards to fund the project. This bold move paid off, but it could have set him back for years if it hadn't worked out. The key lesson here is to embrace calculated risks and take action, even if it seems daunting, as the perfect time may never come.

    • Overcoming Failure, Leveraging Knowledge, and Persevering Towards SuccessLearning from past failures, utilizing existing expertise, and staying resilient in the face of adversity are essential steps towards achieving success.

      Tope Awotona's previous failures played a crucial role in shaping his success with his current business, Railsware. He felt a strong calling to pursue this venture because of his extensive knowledge in sales, meetings, meeting etiquette, and software businesses. Unlike his previous attempts, he had a clear understanding of what needed to be built and how to build a great business. Before collaborating with Railsware, Tope proactively created a detailed requirements document, showcasing his dedication and preparation. This document included integrating calendars, specifying availability, and focusing on user experience and design. Despite facing personal tragedy with the passing of his mother, Tope persevered and continued building his product. His journey highlights the importance of learning from previous failures, leveraging existing knowledge, and persevering through challenging circumstances.

    • From Financial Challenges to Success: How Tope Awotona Built CalendlyTope Awotona's journey with Calendly illustrates the value of perseverance, seizing opportunities, and finding creative solutions to overcome obstacles in entrepreneurship.

      Tope Awotona's dedication and hard work paid off when Calendly became a huge distraction for him during a difficult time. Despite facing financial challenges and having no money left, Tope found a solution through Sware, who connected him with a potential client. This client loved Calendly and started using it for scheduling onboarding calls with K-12 schools. As word spread, more schools adopted Calendly, particularly for parent-teacher conferences. The positive feedback and demand from a school in Kentucky prompted Tope to develop a business model with a 14-day free trial and subscription fee. This experience highlights the importance of perseverance, seizing opportunities, and finding creative solutions to overcome obstacles in entrepreneurship.

    • From a side hustle to a thriving business: the journey of Calendly and its founder, Tope Awotona.Tope Awotona's determination and strategic approach allowed him to overcome obstacles and grow Calendly organically, showcasing the importance of perseverance and having a support system when pursuing entrepreneurial ventures.

      Tope Awotona faced a dilemma when his product, Calendly, had to be offered for free due to a lack of funds to enforce billing features. He couldn't capture revenue from potential users and had to find a way to restrict features for non-paying customers. This technical complexity required two engineers to work for months to implement. With the product growing organically and gaining users from various industries, Tope's plan was to attract investors once he had a substantial user base. Despite working a full-time job, he kept Calendly as a side hustle, not disclosing it to his employer until he was confident in its growth and decided to leave his job. Throughout the process, he confided in close friends about his idea.

    • Overcoming Challenges in Fundraising for Pre-Revenue StartupsPersistence and resilience are crucial when facing obstacles and skepticism in fundraising for a business venture, emphasizing the importance of believing in one's vision.

      Raising money for a pre-revenue business is challenging, especially in certain regions. Tope Awotona, the founder of Calendly, faced obstacles and skepticism when he decided to pursue his idea. Many people thought it was a solved problem and questioned his choice. Even when he pitched to investors, he faced rejection and condescension. While he believes that race may have played a role, he acknowledges that there is likely more to it than just that. However, despite the difficulties, Tope persevered and eventually connected with investors who believed in his vision. This highlights the importance of persistence and resilience in the face of obstacles when trying to raise funds for a business venture.

    • The Value of Investment and Mentorship for StartupsRaising money and accepting investment can provide startups with valuable mentorship and industry expertise, allowing them to focus on monetization and revenue generation to avoid future fundraising efforts.

      Taking investment and giving up some ownership can be a valuable move for a startup, especially when the investor brings more than just money to the table. Tope Awotona initially felt ambivalent about raising money and giving up some control of his business, but meeting David Cummins, a successful entrepreneur, changed his perspective. He saw the opportunity to learn from someone with experience and knowledge in the industry. The $350,000 investment provided Awotona with nine months of runway and allowed him to focus on monetizing the business. Implementing a premium plan introduced friction with existing users, but generating revenue became a priority to avoid future fundraising efforts.

    • Calendly's Strategic Approach to Revenue Generation and Customer AcquisitionBy offering a limited free plan and focusing on meeting the specific needs of their customers, Calendly was able to generate revenue, attract larger customers, and set themselves apart from competition.

      Tope Awotona strategically developed Calendly's premium plan to generate revenue and extend the company's runway. By limiting the features available on the free plan, they incentivized users to upgrade and pay either $10 monthly or $96 annually. This approach not only allowed them to generate revenue but also attracted larger customers, including departments within big businesses. While there was initially concern about being crushed by big companies with more resources, Tope discovered that Calendly's focus on meeting the specific needs of their customers set them apart. Looking forward, the company's vision is to automate the entire meeting experience and make meetings easier to schedule and manage. Despite their incredible success, Tope remains committed to the journey ahead and has no plans to sell the company.

    • The Role of Luck and Effort in Achieving SuccessWhile luck can create opportunities, true success comes from a combination of hard work, skill, resilience, and a willingness to take risks.

      Luck plays a significant role in our lives. We are fortunate to be born into certain families or circumstances that shape our opportunities and potential. Tope Awotona recognizes this and acknowledges the luck he has experienced. However, he believes that success is not solely determined by luck alone. Hard work, skill, resilience, and a willingness to take risks are essential factors that amplify luck and lead to success. Tope's own journey with Calendly, from a $70 million annual revenue company to a valuation of $3 billion, exemplifies how combining these elements can take us to a whole different level. It's a reminder that while luck may open doors, it's our own efforts that truly drive our achievements.

    Recent Episodes from How I Built This with Guy Raz

    Advice Line with Mark Ramadan of Sir Kensington's

    Advice Line with Mark Ramadan of Sir Kensington's

    Sir Kensington’s co-founder and former CEO Mark Ramadan joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they work through business challenges with three early-stage founders.

    Today we meet Pat, a physician assistant working to bring his solution for clogged sinks to major retailers. Then Lucas, a chef whose local quick service taco joint is fending off national competition. And Beth, a working mom whose baby products brand is caught in the "messy middle" between launch and mass scale.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And to hear the story of how Sir Kensington’s was founded, check out Mark's first appearance on the show in 2023.

    This episode was produced by Sam Paulson with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Spin Master/PAW Patrol: Ronnen Harary (2021)

    Spin Master/PAW Patrol: Ronnen Harary (2021)

    Ronnen Harary built a 4 billion dollar toy company without relying on market research or focus groups. Instead, he believed wholeheartedly in intuition: the "ah-hah" moment that comes from thinking like a 7-year old. Over a 25-year period, he and his Spin Master partners launched innumerable hit toys and amusements, including Air Hogs, Bakugan, and the smash hit franchise PAW Patrol. Spin Master's journey began in the mid-1990s, when Ronnen and his friend Anton Rabie began selling the Earth Buddy, a chia-pet-like novelty gift made of pantyhose, sawdust, and grass seed. Today, it's a publicly traded company with a portfolio that includes TV shows, video games, and toys ranging from puzzles to plush.

    This episode was produced by Casey Herman, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Claire Murashima.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Sarah Kauss of S'well

    Advice Line with Sarah Kauss of S'well

    S’well founder Sarah Kauss joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage founders about positioning their products in competitive markets. 

    Today we meet Chiara, a recent college grad who invented a protein-packed chickpea hot cereal. Then Jesús, who left his tech job to go all-in on a line of greeting cards inspired by his Latino heritage. And Adam, a former X Games gold medalist who launched a brand of razors for men who shave their legs.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And be sure to listen to S’well’s founding story as told by Sarah on the show in 2020.

    This episode was produced by Chris Maccini with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Neal Rauch.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Cronut and Dominique Ansel Bakery: Dominique Ansel

    The Cronut and Dominique Ansel Bakery: Dominique Ansel

    Dominique Ansel’s invention of the Cronut — an inspired liaison between croissant and donut — was supposed to be a one-time indulgence for Mother’s Day. But once word spread about the perfect hybrid pastry, his Manhattan bakery was overwhelmed by endless lines and Cronut scalpers. Dominique eventually learned to manage the hype and grow his business while maintaining his craft. Named the World’s Best Pastry Chef in 2017, he has found an entrepreneurial sweet spot in three brick-and-mortar locations and a mail-order business, which will overnight a Cronut to your door, sans the line, and scalpers be damned.  

    This episode was produced by Carla Esteves with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant with research help from Katherine Sypher. Our audio engineer was Robert Rodriguez.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Randy Goldberg of Bombas

    Advice Line with Randy Goldberg of Bombas

    Bombas co-founder and Chief Brand Officer Randy Goldberg joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage founders about building brands and reaching new communities.

    Today we meet Rivky, an Orthodox Jewish woman who's redefining modest clothing for plus-size women. Then Shyam, a rocket engineer who wants to introduce Americans to a popular South Asian tabletop game. And Änna, a boutique owner who wants to translate her hip brick-and-mortar vibes into the digital space.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out Bombas's founding story from Randy’s first appearance on the show in 2022.

    This episode was produced by Alex Cheng with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Dave’s Hot Chicken: Arman Oganesyan

    Dave’s Hot Chicken: Arman Oganesyan

    Dave’s Hot Chicken began as a tiny pop-up, selling spicy chicken tenders and fries from a tent in East Hollywood. Their homemade take on Nashville Hot Chicken was an overnight sensation in a city that had barely heard of it, and within days, co-founder Arman Oganesyan and his partners were working frantically to serve the long lines out front. Since launching seven years ago, the pop-up has grown into a chain of 200 stores, with franchises across the country, and a beloved rubber chicken mascot.

    This episode was produced by Sam Paulson with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant with research help from Katherine Sypher. Our audio engineers were Robert Rodriguez and Patrick Murray.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Fawn Weaver of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey (April 2024)

    Advice Line with Fawn Weaver of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey (April 2024)

    In case you missed it, we’re rerunning our Advice Line launch episode from a few weeks ago. Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey founder Fawn Weaver joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage entrepreneurs about telling their brand story. 

    In this episode, we’ll meet Kevin, the owner of a coffee trailer and roastery who grew up on a coffee farm in Honduras. Then Elisabeth, whose jewelry company aims to make a difference in the developing world. And finally, Joanne, a home baker looking to turn her love of pecan pie into a full-time business. 

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out the origin story of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey, told by Fawn on the show in 2021.

    This episode was produced by Chris Maccini with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Neal Rauch.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    ECKO UNLTD and COMPLEX: Marc Ecko

    ECKO UNLTD and COMPLEX: Marc Ecko

    Growing up in the ‘80s in New Jersey, Marc Ecko loved hip hop, graffiti art, and painting t-shirts for friends. His passion soon bloomed into a full-on business: ECKO UNLTD, a streetwear brand known for its iconic rhino logo. By the 1990’s, the brand had become a cultural force, but not without its share of bad deals, daunting debt, and a close brush with bankruptcy. 

    Eager to keep innovating, Marc launched COMPLEX, a media company hyper-focused on “convergence” culture: hip hop, fashion, sports and pop culture. Within a decade, COMPLEX had weathered the financial crisis, and emerged profitable. After being bought–and sold–by Buzzfeed, it was purchased by a video shopping company for over $100 million, and ECKO UNLTD just celebrated its 30th anniversary. 

    This episode was researched and produced by Katherine Sypher with music composed by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by Neva Grant. Our audio engineers were Gilly Moon and Kwesi Lee.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Mauren Kelly of Tarte Cosmetics

    Advice Line with Mauren Kelly of Tarte Cosmetics

    Tarte cosmetics founder and CEO Maureen Kelly joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage founders about their marketing strategies.

    Today we meet Kristina, who’s designed sweat-wicking underwear that's both functional and stylish. Then Ashley, who recently launched a line of chemical-free hair care products. And Marcelle, the owner of an international career coaching service.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out Tarte’s founding story from Maureen’s first appearance on the show in 2023.

    This episode was produced by Kerry Thompson with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Robert Rodriguez.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Concept2 Rowing Machines: Dick and Peter Dreissigacker

    Concept2 Rowing Machines: Dick and Peter Dreissigacker

    Brothers Dick and Peter Dreissigacker used their experience as Olympic-level rowers to build a rowing machine that captured the sensation of being on the water. Initially made of bicycle parts in a Vermont barn, the machines had a limited market at first: mostly rowing clubs and schools that competed in the sport. But in the 2000’s, business began to take off when Greg Glassman, the founder of Crossfit, began putting the machines into his gyms. Today Concept2 sells rowing machines to thousands of gyms and teams around the world, plus rowers, stationary bikes and skiing machines for people who train at home.

    This episode was produced by J.C. Howard, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Katherine Sypher.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    She serves as chair and former CEO of I.G. Advisors, an award-winning social impact intelligence agency that consults with the world’s biggest nonprofits, foundations, and corporations on their philanthropy and social initiatives. 

    A graduate of Harvard University and the London School of Economics, her writing has been featured in Vogue, Business Insider, Romper, and Huffington Post. Originally from Miami, she currently lives in Scotland with her husband and children.

    This conversation was so much fun. Alisha shares her story about taking a year off of work to pursue her passions and why she encourages people to try things that they might fail at and how that can lead to the most opportunity and the most growth.

    Connect with Alisha:

    Connect with Lupe:

    Learn from every "no"

    Learn from every "no"

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    Learn more about MacGyver: MacGyver.com

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Briogeo Hair Care: Nancy Twine (2020)

    Briogeo Hair Care: Nancy Twine (2020)

    In 2010, a tragic personal event changed the trajectory of Nancy Twine's life. Suddenly, her promising job at Goldman Sachs no longer seemed fulfilling; she wanted something more.

    Drawing inspiration from the homemade hair treatments she once made with her mom, Nancy created a line of shampoos and conditioners that catered to all textures of hair without using harmful additives. But as a Black entrepreneur pitching beauty products to white, male investors, she had a tough time raising money.

    Finally, in 2013, with an investment of $100K, Nancy launched Briogeo and eventually landed it in Sephora. Today the company’s sales revenue is $100M a year.

    This episode was produced by Casey Herman, with music composed by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Daryth Gales. Our audio engineer was Josh Newell.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

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    E107: Starling Bank: Building a $1.5 Billion Business Against The Odds: Anne Boden

    E107: Starling Bank: Building a $1.5 Billion Business Against The Odds: Anne Boden
    The story of how Anne built her business is a genuine blockbuster of entrepreneurship and perseverance. Starling is one of the biggest FinTech companies in the world, with billions in deposits, but after listening to this you’ll be amazed how it was possible. When her co-founder walked out of the company, and took the funding with him, Anne walked in to an office where she was the only employee on the books, and had to start the company she’d built all over again. Little by little, she came back, and a year later landed a mega investment deal in one of the most incredible stories we’ve ever had on this podcast. What really shines about Anne is the clear sense of mission she’s infused her company with. Anne really cares about doing right by the customer, and cleaning up an industry that historically doesn’t have a record of giving people a fair shake. Anne is in business to make the world a better place, and we think after listening to this you’ll agree that Anne’s story shows business success can come from the most unlikely places. Topics Humble beginnings Entrepreneurship Starting Starling bank & clashes with Tom at Monzo Raising funding What have you learnt about raising investment? Managing your emotions when running Starling Work life balance - maintaining relationships Key advice you would told your younger self Our last guests question Anne: https://www.instagram.com/anneboden/ https://twitter.com/anneboden Anne's book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/BANKING-How-I-Disrupted-Industry-ebook/dp/B084H6N2GS Our Episode with Tom from Monzo: https://g2ul0.app.link/d0u5WwlOmlb Watch the episodes on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/StevenBartlettYT?sub_confirmation=1 THE DIARY OF A CEO LIVE TICKETS ON SALE NOW 🚀- https://g2ul0.app.link/diaryofaceolive Sponsor: https://uk.huel.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices