
    Can Fasting Save Your Life? The Danger Of Visceral Fat & The Incredible Benefits Of Prolonged Water-Only Fasting With Dr. Alan Goldhamer

    enJune 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Plant-based meal planning, fastingThe plant power meal planner can help individuals adopt a nutritious plant-based diet with easy recipes, grocery delivery, and nutrition coaching for a low cost. Fasting, especially prolonged water-only fasting, can have therapeutic benefits for those with chronic diseases, but it should be done under medical supervision.

      The plant power meal planner can significantly help individuals looking to master their plate and adopt a more nutritious and plant-based diet, even if they lack cooking skills or time. The meal planner offers access to thousands of delicious and easy-to-prepare plant-based recipes, unlimited grocery lists, grocery delivery, and a team of nutrition coaches for just $1.90 a week. Additionally, fasting, particularly prolonged water-only fasting, can have therapeutic benefits for those with acute or chronic lifestyle diseases. However, it's essential to note that water fasting should only be done under medical supervision. In the conversation with Dr. Alan Goldhammer, it was emphasized that while intermittent fasting and other fasting mimicking diets can be beneficial for weight loss and behavioral changes, they may not be as effective for those with specific illnesses that require more intensive treatment. Prolonged water-only fasting can be done safely and effectively when needed, and it's the only protocol that can produce the results seen in patients with chronic diseases.

    • Visceral fat and health issuesVisceral fat, which accumulates around the abdomen and organs, contributes to chronic diseases and produces inflammatory components. Losing weight through a whole plant food SOS free diet, exercise, and fasting can help reduce excess visceral fat and improve overall health.

      Visceral fat, which accumulates around the abdomen and organs, is not just a cosmetic issue but a significant contributor to chronic lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. This type of fat produces inflammatory components that can be harmful to the body. When losing weight, the body preferentially mobilizes visceral fat through a process called fasting. A whole plant food SOS free diet and exercise are essential for reducing excess visceral fat. A DEXA scan can help determine if visceral fat is a problem, but adopting a healthy lifestyle is the most important step. Water-only fasting can be an effective way to mobilize visceral fat and other materials for deep-seated health improvements. While medications may be necessary for some individuals, aggressive diet and lifestyle changes, including fasting, can help get people off medications and maintain a healthy weight and blood pressure.

    • Weight control and blood pressureMaintaining a healthy weight through dietary compliance is crucial for controlling high blood pressure. Fasting, which can help manage weight and various health conditions, has been proven safe when done under proper supervision and increases autophagy, a process that helps the body get rid of old or damaged cells.

      Maintaining a healthy weight through dietary compliance is crucial for controlling high blood pressure, as visceral fat is a significant contributor. Studies have shown that people who keep their weight in check can normalize their blood pressure. Additionally, fasting has been effective in managing various health conditions, including cancer, with long-term success stories and upcoming clinical trials. Despite criticisms, fasting has been proven safe when done under proper supervision, as evidenced by numerous studies and safety reports. Autophagy, a process that helps the body get rid of old or damaged cells, is significantly increased during fasting, which could explain temporary drops in white blood cell counts. Both exercise and fasting trigger autophagy, but the specific effects and differences between prolonged water-only fasting and other fasting methods, such as intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating, have yet to be fully researched.

    • Exercise and FastingExercise and fasting increase BDNF production, reducing inflammation and protecting the brain from diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia, by mobilizing and reducing excess fat.

      Exercise and fasting, despite appearing different, induce similar biochemical changes in the body. Both practices lead to increased production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which helps protect the brain from diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. The underlying reason for these similar changes is that both exercise and fasting help the body mobilize and reduce excess fat, particularly visceral fat, which is a significant contributor to inflammation-related diseases. The benefits of these practices persist beyond the actual activity, with changes in enzymatic function and improved biochemical markers. Healthy individuals who practice these habits preventatively tend to experience the most significant improvements. Overall, both exercise and fasting are essential tools for managing health and slowing the aging process.

    • Fasting adaptationFasting allows the brain to adapt from burning glucose to burning beta hydroxybutyric acid, improving liver function and detoxification, and producing beneficial enzymes.

      Fasting, particularly extended fasts, can have significant health benefits beyond just the duration of the fast itself. Fasting allows the body to adapt and convert the brain from burning glucose to burning beta hydroxybutyric acid, which is crucial for humans due to our large brain size. This adaptation has been a key factor in human survival throughout history. Fasting also improves liver function and detoxification, and can lead to the production of beneficial enzymes that persist even after the fasting period ends. While fasting may be challenging at first, the ability to adapt and maintain stable blood sugar and insulin levels improves over time. It's important to note that fasting and starvation are not the same, and fasting involves having labile reserves available.

    • Fasting and SleepFasting and time-restricted eating can improve sleep quality, but disrupted sleep may occur during fasting. Eliminating non-hunger related eating can enhance sleep hygiene, and a whole plant food diet is crucial for optimal weight and health, avoiding salt, oil, and sugar additives that can disrupt satiety signals and lead to obesity and chronic diseases.

      Proper fasting and time-restricted eating can lead to improved sleep quality and overall health. However, during the fasting period, sleep disruption may occur. The absence of eating for reasons other than hunger, such as boredom or emotional distress, can help eliminate late-night eating and improve sleep hygiene. The advocacy of a whole plant food diet free of salt, oil, and sugar is essential to maintaining optimal weight and overall health, as these additives can fool the brain's satiety mechanisms and lead to overeating and obesity. The global health crisis we face today is largely due to the widespread consumption of highly processed foods containing these additives, which contribute to chronic diseases and escalating healthcare costs.

    • Ultra-processed foods additivesExcessive intake of salt, oil, and sugar in ultra-processed foods can lead to health issues and are not beneficial, even in small amounts, for most people due to their addictive properties and negative health outcomes. Adopting a whole plant food, SOS-free diet is recommended to avoid these issues.

      The excessive intake of salt, oil, and sugar in ultra-processed foods can lead to health issues like obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The speaker argues that these substances, when added to food, are not beneficial, even in small amounts, for most people due to their addictive properties and the negative health outcomes associated with them. This is similar to the argument against alcohol for alcoholics, where complete abstinence is seen as the best solution. The speaker also acknowledges that further research is needed to determine the level of strictness required to achieve health benefits and avoid the pleasure trap. The speaker's recommendation is to adopt a whole plant food, SOS-free diet to make it difficult to maintain obesity or overweight and to neuroadapt to the diet. The speaker also challenges the need for added salt, oil, and sugar in the diet, suggesting that whole foods can provide sufficient amounts. The speaker's views have been met with controversy, particularly regarding sodium, and the speaker invites listeners to address their concerns.

    • Progress Reflection, Therapy, DietReflecting on personal goals mid-year, addressing complex issues with therapy, and adopting a whole plant food diet can lead to progress and improved overall wellness. Cravings can be managed, and social pressures navigated with strategies like cognitive behavioral therapy.

      Midway through the year, it's essential to reflect on personal goals and progress. Often, setbacks stem from deeper, complex issues that require professional guidance. Therapy, like BetterHelp, offers expert assistance in assessing progress and creating a customized plan. A whole plant food diet is a key component of overall wellness, focusing on whole grains, legumes, fresh fruit, vegetables, and small quantities of nuts and seeds, while avoiding animal foods and processed items. Cravings can be managed with time and distance, and understanding their dynamic nature can lead to empowerment. Social pressures can make maintaining new habits challenging, so developing strategies to navigate these situations is crucial. Long-term recovering addicts often make the best patients due to their familiarity with behavior modification, but the social aspect of diet changes can present unique challenges. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help individuals manipulate others' behaviors to reduce annoyances and make the journey towards healthier habits smoother.

    • Diet PerspectivesUnderstanding others' perspectives on diets and focusing on bringing solutions instead of being a problem can help navigate diet challenges effectively.

      Understanding others' perspectives and limitations can help us respond in a more compassionate and effective way. Instead of getting angry, we can communicate and help people modify their behavior if possible. When it comes to diet, especially adopting a plant-based one, it can be challenging due to social pressures and availability of processed foods. However, focusing on bringing solutions rather than being a problem can help navigate these situations. People often worry about others' diets because they want support, but it's essential to get internal support and let others make their choices. The tribalism around diets can be passionate and heated, but it's crucial to focus on our own journey and set a good example instead of trying to change others. In the context of food, especially plant-based diets, it's essential to eat enough and avoid highly processed foods. Eating a large volume of whole plant foods can be a significant adjustment, but it's necessary for success in the long run.

    • Long-term health effects of carnivore dietThe carnivore diet may lead to short-term weight loss but it's not a long-term recommendation for overall health improvement due to potential negative consequences of high fat and protein diets. More research is needed to debunk misconceptions and myths surrounding the diet.

      While the carnivore diet may lead to short-term weight loss, it's not a long-term recommendation for overall health improvement due to potential negative consequences of high fat and protein diets. The diet is gaining more acceptance in the medical community, but large-scale studies are needed to further debunk misconceptions and myths. The True North Health Center, which advocates fasting and plant-based diets, is conducting a randomized controlled trial with a major HMO to provide more evidence for the benefits of fasting. Despite the limitations in sample size and the lack of insurance coverage, the center's model has been successful and may become more mainstream as it gets integrated into the conventional healthcare system.

    • Fasting for Health ConditionsFasting can effectively manage or even reverse health conditions like metabolic dysregulation, diabetes, obesity, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis through inflammation reduction and stimulating the body's healing responses.

      While the fasting model discussed may not be profitable for entrepreneurs seeking to make large sums of money, it has proven effective in helping individuals with various health conditions, including metabolic dysregulation, diabetes, obesity, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and autoimmune conditions like psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions, often caused by dietary excess, can be managed or even resolved through fasting. For instance, a case report published in 2023 demonstrated significant improvement in a 61-year-old woman with Hashimoto's thyroiditis after undergoing a 21-day water-only fast. The research also suggests that fasting can help reduce inflammation and stimulate the body's healing responses, leading to impressive results for conditions like plaque psoriasis. While the business model may not cater to those seeking luxury and comfort, it offers a promising approach to managing and even reversing a range of health issues.

    • Fasting for inflammatory gut conditionsFasting can help manage inflammatory gut conditions when combined with a whole plant food diet, managing chronic stress, and proper medical supervision. It's not a cure and requires careful planning and monitoring to avoid complications.

      Fasting can help manage inflammatory gut conditions like irritable bowel, chronic constipation, and ulcerative colitis, but it's not a cure. These conditions often don't respond well to conventional medical treatment and require long-term dietary control. Fasting is most effective when combined with a whole plant food diet and managing chronic stress. It's important to note that fasting isn't a magic pill and requires careful planning, monitoring, and proper refeeding to avoid complications. Remote fasting can be an option for some, but it comes with challenges like ensuring rest and proper refeeding. Finding a supportive doctor is also crucial, and the number of doctors supportive of fasting is growing, with resources like the College of Lifestyle Medicine and Prolon's 10,000 offices. Overall, fasting is a powerful tool when used intelligently and safely as part of a comprehensive approach to managing inflammatory gut conditions.

    • Fasting eligibility assessmentAssessing medical history, medication use, and willingness are crucial before attempting fasting. A detailed medical questionnaire and interview determine eligibility. Fasting can improve health but requires careful planning and consideration.

      Not everyone is a good candidate for fasting, and it's crucial to assess a person's medical history, willingness, and condition before attempting it. Fasting requires careful consideration of medication use and withdrawal, as some medications can be dangerous or ineffective during fasting. It's also essential to have a solid plan for healthy eating after the fast. The process of determining a good candidate involves a detailed medical questionnaire and an interview. While fasting can be beneficial, it's not always pleasurable or easy, and it's essential to prioritize rest and relaxation during the fasting period. The ultimate goal is to optimize health and improve quality of life. In the larger context, addressing the root causes of health issues, such as unhealthy diets and lifestyle choices, requires a collective effort and a focus on educating and influencing those willing to make changes. The ultimate message is that health results from healthful living, and taking small steps towards better habits can lead to significant long-term benefits.

    • Healthy livingMaintain a healthy diet, engage in regular exercise, ensure abundant sleep, minimize stress, read Alan's book for further insights, and visit True North for personalized guidance.

      Leading a healthy life requires commitment and effort, which includes maintaining a healthy diet, such as a whole plant food, SOS-free diet, engaging in regular exercise, ensuring abundant sleep, and minimizing stress. Alan's book, "Can Fasting Save Your Life," provides further insights into these aspects. For personalized guidance, individuals can visit the True North website and register for a no-cost screening call. The book is available at truenorthhealth.com, and Alan's work aims to serve humankind by offering valuable information and resources. The easiest way to support the podcast is by subscribing, leaving a review, and sharing episodes with others. For more information, visit richroll.com, where you can find the entire podcast archive, books, and other resources. The podcast is brought to you by 8 Sleep and aGone, and sponsors help keep it running. Subscribe to the newsletter for updates and special offers. This episode was produced by Jason Camiolo, with video creation by Blake Curtis and creative direction by Dan Drake. Portraits by Davy Greenberg, and graphics and social media assets by Daniel Solis. The theme music was created by Tyler Pyatt, Trapper Pyatt, and Harry Mathis. Appreciate the love and support, and see you back here soon. Peace. Plants. Namaste.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
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