
    Can I Force My Kids To Like Their Dad?

    enNovember 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Combating Loneliness through Community ActivitiesEngaging in community activities, like men's sheds, can help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. Reach out and initiate social interactions to foster bonds and improve mental health.

      Building connections and engaging in community activities can help combat feelings of loneliness and social isolation. The discussion highlighted the creation of "men's sheds" in Australia and their success in bringing people together. These spaces offer opportunities for individuals to work on projects, discuss problems, and form bonds. John Deloney also shared his plans to start a guitar jam session at his office to foster similar connections. The importance of reaching out and initiating social interactions was emphasized. For those interested in starting a men's shed in the US, resources are available through the US Men's Shed Association. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of community involvement in promoting mental health and well-being.

    • Creating spaces for connections and supportBuilding communities and providing resources can foster meaningful relationships and support systems, especially in challenging situations like co-parenting.

      Creating spaces for people to come together and work on projects can lead to meaningful connections and support systems. The Men's Shed movement is an example of this, but it can be applied to any group or community. In the case of co-parenting, it can be challenging to facilitate healthy relationships between children and an unhealthy ex-partner. It's important to encourage open communication and provide resources, but ultimately, it's important to let go of the fantasy of a perfect co-parenting relationship and focus on what is within one's control. The conversation also touched on the importance of seeking support from community leaders and counselors when needed. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of building connections and finding ways to support each other through various challenges.

    • Every relational choice comes with consequencesFocus on positive qualities of both parents and help children understand they inherit good traits from both, focusing on love and healthy perspective can help them navigate feelings and avoid negative self-perceptions.

      While it's understandable to feel regret and heartache over the impact of a divorce on children, it's important to remember that every relational choice comes with consequences. A divorce may create heartache, but staying in an unhappy, unfulfilling marriage could potentially cause even more harm. It's crucial to focus on the positive qualities of both parents and help children understand that they inherit good traits from both. By doing so, we can help them navigate their feelings and avoid internalizing negative self-perceptions. Ultimately, the best thing we can do is love them unconditionally and help them develop a healthy perspective on their family history.

    • Focus on self-care during difficult timesDuring a divorce, prioritize self-love and caring for children, avoid controlling others' actions, encourage children to write to absent parents, and seek help from a therapist to maintain personal well-being.

      During difficult times, especially when dealing with a messy situation like a divorce, it's essential to focus on loving and caring for oneself and one's children. It's important not to try to control the actions of others, but instead, use that extra energy to build new relationships and ensure personal well-being. Encouraging children to write letters to the absent parent can help them process their emotions and keep the lines of communication open. Remember, parents going through a divorce must prioritize showing up for their kids, even if it's challenging. Additionally, when facing personal challenges, consider seeking help from a therapist to recharge your emotional battery and gain valuable insights.

    • Experiencing the complexities of grief during the pandemicAllow yourself to feel the full range of emotions during grief, lean into discomfort, and seek support to manage the shadow of loss over time.

      Grief is a complex and personal process, and it's important to acknowledge and allow oneself to experience the full range of emotions that come with losing a loved one. The speaker shares his experience of losing both his mother and sister within a short time due to COVID-19, and how the anniversary of their passing and the winter season have brought up intense feelings of sadness and grief. He emphasizes that everyone's grieving process is unique, and for those who have lost loved ones during the pandemic, there may be an added layer of hurt due to the way their loss has been politicized or trivialized. The best way to work through grief, according to the speaker, is to lean into the emotions and allow oneself to feel them fully, even if it's uncomfortable or overwhelming. The shadow of loss will always be present, but with time and support, it will become more manageable.

    • Documenting growth during grieving processWriting letters about missed moments helps acknowledge life's continuity, reducing frequency and length over time, allowing for joy and pleasure again, while prioritizing personal health for loved ones.

      Grieving is a process with ups and downs, and it's important to acknowledge and document the growth that occurs over time. It's natural to feel anger, sadness, and guilt, but writing letters about what you've missed can help teach your body and mind that life continues to move forward. Over time, these letters will become less frequent and shorter, and you'll find yourself experiencing joy and pleasure again. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your own physical and emotional health to have the energy to fulfill your roles as a husband, father, and caregiver. Don't rob your loved ones of the opportunity to witness your grieving process and the strength of your love for them.

    • Communicating During Difficult TimesBe open about painful realities, cherish last memories, and redirect negative thoughts to positivity during difficult times.

      Effective communication is crucial during difficult times, especially when dealing with loss. The speaker shares his experience of trying to protect his children from the harsh realities of their mother and sister's hospitalization, but later realized that withholding information only caused more harm. He emphasizes the importance of allowing loved ones to grieve and process their emotions, rather than trying to shield them from pain. The speaker also shares a valuable insight about the significance of cherishing the last memories of those who have passed away, as they become frozen in our minds. Lastly, he encourages acknowledging the choice to meditate on negative thoughts and making a conscious effort to redirect them towards positivity.

    • Focus on creating positive memoriesInstead of dwelling on negative past, recall happy moments, share memories, be vulnerable, lean on loved ones, and write letters to deceased loved ones for healing and growth.

      Instead of dwelling on negative memories, we should focus on replacing them with positive ones. This can be done by recalling happy moments with loved ones and sharing those memories with those close to us. It's important to remember that we're not defined by our past mistakes or hardships, but rather by how we choose to respond to them. Another important step is to be vulnerable and open with loved ones about our struggles, as they may be feeling helpless and unable to support us if we don't reach out for help. By practicing these habits, we can begin to heal and move beyond the shadows of our past. Additionally, writing letters to loved ones who have passed away can be a therapeutic way to process our grief and keep their memories alive for future generations. Overall, the key is to focus on the positive, lean on loved ones for support, and remember that we're not alone in our struggles.

    • Childhood trauma and healthcare appointmentsPast traumatic experiences in healthcare settings can lead to fear or anxiety, but seeking medical help is crucial for overall health and well-being.

      Fear or anxiety surrounding healthcare appointments can stem from past traumatic experiences. The speaker shared her experience of being hospitalized during childhood due to eating disorders, which led to a negative experience in a psych ward. This traumatic event may have contributed to her fear of seeking medical help. It's important to note that disordered eating can have both genetic and environmental factors, and recovery is possible. The speaker mentioned that she has a good relationship with food now but still experiences occasional struggles. The fear of going to the doctor may be related to feelings of guilt or self-blame, as in the case of the speaker's health scare. It's essential to address these fears and seek medical help when needed, despite any past experiences or feelings of guilt.

    • Overcoming Fears and Healing with Trusted RelationshipsReframe past negative experiences, seek help from trusted individuals, and involve loved ones in appointments and commitments for healing from traumas, phobias, and disordered eating.

      Healing from past traumatic experiences and overcoming phobias and disordered eating requires facing them head-on with the support of trusted relationships. The speaker shares their personal experiences of feeling shame and fear towards doctors due to past negative experiences, which led to a fear that caused them to avoid seeking medical help. They also discuss the isolation that disordered eating can bring and how opening up to others and building trusting relationships is essential for healing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reframing negative experiences and seeking help from trusted individuals to face fears and overcome challenges. They also suggest involving friends and loved ones in appointments and commitments to help hold accountability and provide support during the healing process.

    • Seeking support during challenging experiencesBuilding a strong support system and practicing daily self-care can help alleviate anxiety and improve overall well-being.

      Having support from loved ones and professionals during challenging experiences, such as doctor's appointments or counseling sessions, can help alleviate anxiety and make a significant difference in our overall well-being. It's important to remember that we're not alone in feeling anxious or stressed, and seeking help and building a strong support system can lead to a more peaceful and non-anxious life. Additionally, practicing daily choices like mindful breathing and reaching out for help can make a significant impact on managing anxious feelings and responding effectively to life's challenges. As the speaker in the discussion emphasized, "we can't do life by ourselves." So, let's remember to lean on each other and the resources available to us during difficult times.

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    Welcome to another episode of I Thought I Was Over This

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    New Hope Grief Support Community: https://www.newhopegrief.org/

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
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    Kitty's website & IG @fungifemme

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    Here's a list of EVERY regular & bonus Feelin Weird episode :)

    *Please consider contributing $5-50/month to support the show (and receive ~100 bonus episodes)

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    Tune in for this wisdom-filled chat and find encouragement to sail through life's more challenging seas.







    If you need a helpful resource for someone exploring faith or Christianity, you’ll want a copy of my book, Seek: A Woman’s Guide to Meeting God. It’s a must for seekers, new believers, and those who want to be more confident in their faith.


    Connect with Donna

    Instagram: @donnaajones

    Website: www.donnajones.org 



    Connect with Carole :

    Website: www.caroleholiday.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caroleholiday 

    Pick up a copy of Carole’s book on Amazon


    Donna’s speaking schedule:


    For a copy of “15 Things, Jesus Would Say to You if You Met Him for Coffee,” go to www.donnajones.org/blog 

    Pick up a copy of Donna’s book : Seek: A Woman’s Guide to Meeting God 
