
    I Thought I Was Over This

    The journey to self-awareness and healing is not for the faint of heart. Just when some new insight leaves you convinced you’ve got everything figured out - Bam! Life hits you over the head and you feel like you’re back at square one. Tragedy, loss, and traumas big and small are all part of our collective human experience that can send us spiraling. However, you don’t need to be alone. Join host Dr. Kimber Del Valle, clinical psychologist and trauma healer, as she dives into the science of “humaning,” shares stories of resilience and overcoming, and offers practical advice for how to find help and hope when mental health and relief seem out of reach. Expect a bit of the unexpected, too. Most of all, tune in to find connection, insight and make friends with the times in life when you feel like you’ve just made it off the proverbial Titantic and are in the ocean asking, now what? I don’t know what the hell to do. Season one is all things sleep (colored raven) and grounding with pause episodes (with white raven) which are mind training practice sessions for how to shift into relaxation. To learn more visit https://www.drkimber.net.
    en-usDr. Kimber87 Episodes

    Episodes (87)

    Pause: Resetting Your Nervous System: Practicing What Safe Feels Like [Pause 51]

    Pause: Resetting Your Nervous System: Practicing What Safe Feels Like [Pause 51]

    Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or disconnected from your body? Join Dr. Kimber for a guided journey to reconnect with yourself and find safety in the present moment. Through gentle movements, breath work, and grounding exercises, you will be reminded that you are a sacred being, capable of navigating whatever challenges you may be facing. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and practice being present with Dr. Kimber. Remember, you are safe, you are loved, and you are not alone.

    Here are 5 key takeaways from the episode:

    1. Practice Being Present: Dr. Kimber encourages us to notice our feet and practice being present in our bodies, helping us to tune into our senses and feel grounded.
    2. Breathing Techniques: Learn the power of a long exhale and the impact it has on relaxing your body and calming your mind.
    3. Exploring the Voo Breath: Discover how the Voo breath can help you vibrate your organs, signaling safety to your entire system.
    4. Embracing Self-Hug: Dr. Kimber shares a self-hug technique that can provide comfort and containment, reminding us that we are always supported, even in trying times.
    5. Finding Gratitude: The episode calls on us to find something we are truly grateful for and notice how it feels in our bodies, promoting a sense of groundedness and peace.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Building Authentic Community with guest Mandy Ream [Friendship Series 2]

    Building Authentic Community with guest Mandy Ream [Friendship Series 2]

    This episode is Part 2 of a conversation between Dr. Kimber and Mandy Ream about community and friendship. Click here to listen to Part 1. In this episode, Mandy shares her own experiences and wisdom on refueling at home after work, navigating differences in opinions, and the importance of bringing one's unique gifts to a community. Together, they discuss the practical benefits and emotional impact of being part of a supportive network, drawing from their personal stories of building, nurturing, and finding strength in various communities.

    From the challenges of creating close-knit communities to the practicalities of living in harmony with neighbors, Dr. Kimber and Mandy touch on the value of being known and cared for by others, the rewards of volunteering, and the joy of finding common ground in diverse interactions.

    Throughout the episode, Mandy and Dr. Kimber offer thoughtful insights, practical tips, and heartwarming anecdotes, encouraging listeners to cultivate meaningful connections and pursue purposeful involvement in their communities. So, grab your favorite beverage and get ready to embark on a journey of reflection and inspiration.

    In this episode, you will discover:

    1. The importance of finding ways to refuel and show up authentically outside of comfort zones, while not overextending oneself in different life seasons.
    2. The value of building and participating in community, recognizing the need for diverse contributions, and the creative ways to do so, like organizing a meal train or cultivating small gatherings.
    3. The power of being part of something bigger than oneself, whether through intentional communities, volunteer work, or involvement in diverse groups, and the rewards of supporting and being known by a diverse range of people.


    Mandy Osterhaus Ream is a professor in Communication Studies in Southern California. She recently published her debut essay collection, Life As I Know It...So Far, which includes stories about parenting, Down Syndrome, mental health, and life in general through the lens of middle age. 

    Her work is also featured in Grub Street, Pink Panther Magazine, Literary Mama, and Remington Review. More can be found at www.mandyosterhausream.com. She is happiest in water. Instagram: @mandy.ream

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Embracing Imperfections: Building Meaningful Relationships with guest Mandy Ream [Friendship Series 1]

    Embracing Imperfections: Building Meaningful Relationships with guest Mandy Ream [Friendship Series 1]

    In this episode, Dr. Kimber and special guest Mandy Ream, author and professor, explore personal growth, healing, and the journey towards self-acceptance. You're in for a heartfelt discussion on the power of friendship, vulnerability, and the challenges of seeking reassurance from others. This episode delves into the intricacies of building and maintaining meaningful relationships, sharing from personal experiences and giving practical insights. From the impact of developmental trauma to the importance of intentionality in friendships, this episode offers valuable lessons on understanding internal emotions, setting boundaries, and celebrating authenticity. Join them as they uncover the transformative power of human connection and the joy of embracing imperfection.

    Three key takeaways for this episode:

    1. The Power of Authentic Friendship: Dr. Kimber and Mandy explore the significance of authentic friendships that provide emotional support, acceptance, and love. They discuss the importance of intentionality in building and maintaining friendships, along with the impact of human connection on emotional well-being.
    2. Vulnerability and Self-Acceptance: The episode delves into the challenges of vulnerability, self-acceptance, and seeking reassurance in friendships. They share personal experiences of struggling with insecurities, comparison to others, and the need for affirmation, emphasizing the power of acceptance and the journey of growth in relationships.
    3. Overcoming Loneliness and Embracing Imperfection: The conversation emphasizes the impact of loneliness and the importance of seeking friendship and support. Dr. Kimber and Mandy highlight the value of play, celebration, and accepting imperfections in oneself and others. The episode provides insights into the significance of embracing imperfection and seeking genuine connections to overcome feelings of isolation.


    Mandy Osterhaus Ream is a professor in Communication Studies in Southern California. She recently published her debut essay collection, Life As I Know It...So Far, which includes stories about parenting, Down Syndrome, mental health, and life in general through the lens of middle age.

    Her work is also featured in Grub Street, Pink Panther Magazine, Literary Mama, and Remington Review. More can be found at www.mandyosterhausream.com. She is happiest in water. Instagram: @mandy.ream

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Before Sleep, A Guided Practice for Settling the Mind [Pause 50]

    Pause: Before Sleep, A Guided Practice for Settling the Mind [Pause 50]

    In this episode, Dr. Kimber Del Valle, a licensed clinical psychologist and somatic experiencing practitioner, guides you through a grounding and relaxation practice to help you prepare for sleep. Dr. Kimber provides gentle encouragement to bring awareness and relaxation to various parts of your body, focusing on breath and the sensations of comfort and safety. Throughout the episode, she emphasizes the importance of accepting and embracing the mundane and boredom as a pathway to relaxation and ultimately, falling asleep. Join Dr. Kimber as she offers her calming voice and supportive guidance to help you find peace and rest.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Living with Purpose: Word for the Year, Spiritual Disciplines, and Mental Intentions

    Living with Purpose: Word for the Year, Spiritual Disciplines, and Mental Intentions

    This episode is all about slowing down, listening for the divine, and finding intention in 2024. So, grab your favorite beverage, get cozy, and let's dive in!

    In this  episode, here are 5 keys that you'll learn and implement:

    1. The power of reflecting and creating intentional practices in our lives to foster spiritual and personal growth.

    2. How to choose a word of the year and Gretchen Rubin's 24 in 24 list to hold yourself accountable.

    3. Pick three actions that cultivate delight no matter your circumstances.

    4. Implementing sustainable habits and spiritual disciplines, such as stewardship and celebration, can give you the character change you hope to achieve.

    5. Identify an intentional mental shift and watch its transformative effects on mood, relationships, and perspectives.

    Gretchen Rubin: 24 in 24 and #Write24in24: https://gretchenrubin.com/resource/24-for-2024-list/

    Abbey of the Arts: https://abbeyofthearts.com

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: A 2023 Review Using Feelings and Cognitive Beliefs [Pause 49]

    Pause: A 2023 Review Using Feelings and Cognitive Beliefs [Pause 49]

    Welcome to I Thought I Was Over This, the podcast where we explore ways to navigate emotions and find inner peace. In this episode, Dr. Kimber does a year in review to examine your coping strategies with the emotions of shame, grief, joy, anger, and gratitude.  Discover the themes from the past year and build awareness around both strengths and areas to grow.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Dr. Kimber encourages listeners to focus on emotional processing and the cultivation of gratitude as important tools for mental well-being.
    2. She emphasizes the significance of adding positive habits and removing negative ones to regulate emotions and promote personal growth.
    3. Dr. Kimber recommends taking the time to review the past year, reflect on significant experiences, and track progress and growth as a means of building awareness.

    Key Moments:

    • 06:07 Practice breathing techniques.
    • 07:42 Reflect on memories and emotions of 2023.
    • 15:10 Reflect on shame triggers, cope, and track progress.
    • 18:02 Manage challenges and emotions in daily life.
    • 23:08 Reflect on anger experiences, process, and express.
    • 29:36 Prepare for challenges, find balance, and stay present.
    • 33:11 Prioritize meditation, introspection, and mindful living.
    • 35:52 Find awe in nature, shifting perspectives positively.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Quiet Your Harsh Judge: Embracing Presence and Self-Compassion for Emotional Well-Being [Pause 48]

    Pause: Quiet Your Harsh Judge: Embracing Presence and Self-Compassion for Emotional Well-Being [Pause 48]

    Welcome to I Thought I Was Over This, the podcast where we explore ways to navigate life's challenges and find inner peace. In this episode, Dr. Kimber shares the keys to unlocking a more present and compassionate self. From regulating emotions to embracing pain and joy, she guides you through mindfulness exercises that awaken the senses. Discover the art of affirming your aliveness, paying attention to your breath, and celebrating your sacred presence.

    Key Takeaways from this episode: 

    1. Regulating Emotions and Practicing Self-Compassion: Dr. Kimber emphasizes the importance of regulating emotions and practicing self-compassion to be fully present and not in a fight or flight response.
    2. Acknowledging Pain and Loss: Listeners are encouraged to bring their pain points, losses, and grief into conversation. Dr. Kimber highlights the significance of acknowledging and holding space for both joy and disappointment, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion.
    3. Mindfulness and Presence: Dr. Kimber guides listeners through various mindfulness exercises, such as noticing their safety, sounds, smells, taste, body temperature, and visual surroundings, to help them become more present and aware of their surroundings. Additionally, she encourages listeners to affirm their aliveness and worth, pay attention to their breath, and physically move to acknowledge their presence.


    • [00:00 - 00:30] Introduction by Dr. Kimber: Introducing the topic of regulating emotions and practicing self-compassion for being fully present and not in a fight or flight response.
    • [00:31 - 01:15] Sponsor Message: The episode is sponsored by Dr. Kimber's book Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing. Her story of loss of a stillborn child, encourages listeners to bring their pain points, losses, and grief into conversation.
    • [01:16 - 05:00] Guided Practice: Dr. Kimber guides listeners through noticing their safety, sounds, smells, taste, body temperature, and visual surroundings to help them become more present and aware of their surroundings.
    • [05:01 - 07:30] Affirmations and Breath: Listeners are encouraged to affirm their aliveness and worth, pay attention to their breath, make sounds on exhalation, place their hand on their chest, and notice where in their body they feel present in the moment.
    • [07:31 - 10:00] Kindness and Reflection: Dr. Kimber encourages listeners to be kind to themselves and notice the positive impact of taking time to reset and be intentional. She urges the audience to reflect on both the positive and negative aspects of their lives, acknowledging and holding space for both joy and disappointment.
    • [10:01 - 12:00] Acknowledging Presence: Dr. Kimber invites the audience to physically move and acknowledge their presence, reminding them that they are a sacred being who matters.
    • [12:01 - 13:30] Conclusion and Resource Promotion: Dr. Kimber promotes her newslett

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Sacred Self-Care: Grounding Practice for Overcoming Stress and Anxieties [Pause 47]

    Pause: Sacred Self-Care: Grounding Practice for Overcoming Stress and Anxieties [Pause 47]

    Welcome to I Thought I Was Over This, the podcast where we explore ways to navigate life's challenges and find inner peace. In this episode, Dr. Kimber guides us through a grounding practice to help reset our nervous systems and find stability amidst the chaos. Through gentle prompts and soothing guidance, she encourages us to acknowledge the weight of our bodies, connect with our breath, and release the burdens we carry. As we join Dr. Kimber on this journey of self-care, we are reminded of our resourcefulness, sufficiency, and divine love. So, find a comfortable space, take a moment to pause, and allow yourself to be re-grounded in this mindful and nurturing practice.

    Key takeaways from this episode are:

    1. Grounding and reset techniques: Dr. Kimber guides listeners through a practice of getting grounded and resetting the nervous system, offering tools to help manage stress and anxiety.

    2. Embracing the present moment: The episode encourages mindfulness and self-awareness, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging one's feelings and creating space for relaxation and self-care.

    3. Self-love and affirmation: Listeners are prompted to embrace self-love, acknowledge their worth, and recognize their intrinsic value, promoting a sense of being deeply loved and enough.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Navigate Overwhelming Emotions in the Present Moment [Pause 46]

    Pause: Navigate Overwhelming Emotions in the Present Moment [Pause 46]

    In today's episode, Dr. Kimber dives into the powerful practice of pausing and allowing our emotions to move through us. We all have moments when we feel overwhelmed, disconnected, or even dissociated, and that's where PAUSE episodes come in. These episodes help us practice being present and finding that sweet spot before our fight or flight response kicks in. By pressing pause, we can let the heightened threat response come down and create space for our emotions to be felt and acknowledged. 

    Being present means welcoming all emotions and giving them the space they deserve. Through simple cues like softening our eyes or noticing our breath, we can bring ourselves back to the present moment. We'll explore techniques to relax our bodies, such as releasing tension in our forehead, hands, and even placing our tongue off the roof of our mouth. 

    Throughout this episode, we'll also practice affirmations, particularly the powerful mantra of "I am enough," to cultivate a sense of self-worth and connection. We'll learn how to bring warmth and support to our bodies, whether through gentle hands on our chests or seeking support from others. 

    As always, we'll emphasize the importance of recognizing when professional help may be needed and how seeking the guidance of a therapist can be instrumental on our healing journey. 

    Together, we'll discover that our bodies are containers for emotions, each with their unique ways of manifesting. We'll explore the significance of naming and acknowledging all our emotions, as suppressing them can lead to unintended consequences. 

    From dominant emotions that may push others aside to the importance of being aware of our emotional patterns and building connections with safe people, it's time to embrace our emotional superpowers. 

    So, join us as we soften and invite emotions into our sacred space and learn to wait for clarity before taking action. Together, we'll uncover the strength and presence within ourselves, fostering connections both with others and with ourselves. 

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Beyond Conception: Exploring Baby Loss, IVF, and the Emotional Impact of Infertility with guest Anietie (Tia) Ukpe-Wallace

    Beyond Conception: Exploring Baby Loss, IVF, and the Emotional Impact of Infertility with guest Anietie (Tia) Ukpe-Wallace

    Today we have a very special guest joining us. Please welcome Anietie Ukpe-Wallace, also known as Tia. Tia is a pelvic health physical therapist who specializes in working with individuals navigating pregnancy, postpartum, and pelvic floor issues, as well as women experiencing pregnancy loss. 

    In today's episode, Tia shares her personal journey with baby loss and infertility and the work she does supporting individuals who have had similar journeys. We'll delve into topics such as manual therapy, emotional and psychological factors that impact fertility, and the importance of finding resilience after loss. Tia's story is a testament to the power of community support and the need to honor and sit with our grief. 

    In this episode you'll discover -
    1. The importance of holistic care: Tia emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing fertility issues and pregnancy loss, considering physical, emotional, and psychological factors. This includes manual therapy, abdominal work, and pelvic floor muscle treatment, which can help release tension and support overall well-being.

    2. The power of community and support: Tia highlights the significance of finding a supportive community when experiencing grief and loss, especially in the context of pregnancy loss. Sharing experiences, seeking understanding, and being heard can greatly aid in the healing process and provide much-needed support during challenging times.

    3. Resilience through self-care and finding joy: Tia emphasizes the importance of self-care and finding moments of joy while navigating grief and loss. This includes rituals and ceremonies as well as exploring practices like yoga and meditation. By acknowledging and honoring their experiences, individuals can cultivate resilience and growth, even in the face of adversity.

    So, let's dive in and explore the world of fertility, loss, and reclaiming hope! Stay tuned for an insightful and heartfelt conversation.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    My Story of Pregnancy Loss: From Darkness to Hope [Grief 7]

    My Story of Pregnancy Loss: From Darkness to Hope [Grief 7]

    In this episode of I Thought I Was Over This, Dr. Kimber delves into her personal journey of grief and loss, sharing insights from her book, Still Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing. Dr. Kimber emphasizes that her book resonates with a wide range of individuals who have experienced various forms of loss, not just pregnancy or baby loss. She discusses the importance of taking time while reading the book, especially when processing birth traumas and grief.

    The episode explores Dr. Kimber's personal struggle with envy and dark thoughts when encountering pregnant women, highlighting the need for self-kindness and acknowledging these feelings. She discusses the complexity of her marriage and the decision they faced about whether to stay together or separate. Despite their issues, she acknowledges her husband's love and tried to avoid bringing more devastation to their daughter's life.

    The episode wraps up by discussing her experience of visiting a cemetery and the emotions and challenges that arise during such visits. She emphasizes the importance of honoring her lost loved one while also taking care of oneself. Dr. Kimber shares personal insights and reflections on her grief journey, highlighting the relief and presence she eventually found after years of grief.

    Throughout the episode, there are practical suggestions for managing grief, such as grounding oneself in the present moment by connecting with the earth and not fixating on signs or messages.

    Overall, this episode of I Thought I Was Over This offers a raw and honest exploration of grief, loss, and healing, with Dr. Kimber sharing her personal experiences and practical advice for navigating the complex emotions surrounding baby loss and other forms of grief. It serves as a compassionate and relatable resource for anyone seeking companionship and understanding in their grief journey.

    Empty Arms
    New Hope Grief Support

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    The Healing Power of Community in Grief: Exploring Grief with Guests David Leonard and Chris Cano of New Hope Grief Support [Grief Series 6]

    The Healing Power of Community in Grief: Exploring Grief with Guests David Leonard and Chris Cano of New Hope Grief Support [Grief Series 6]

    Welcome to another episode of I Thought I Was Over This

    In today's episode, Dr. Kimber is joined by two incredible guests, New Hope Grief Support's David Leonard (executive director) and Chris Cano (Director of Bereavement Services), who will share their insights and experiences in the realm of grief support.

    David, a self-proclaimed "high-functioning griever," takes us on a journey through his own grief and the pivotal moment that led him to seek support. Chris shares with us his journey of being around death for most of his life and how experiencing the layers of grief surrounding divorce eventually led him to New Hope. 

    We'll learn about the transformative power of grief support groups and the profound impact it has on people's journey without loved ones. Together, Chris and David invite us to explore the intersection of death, dying, grief, and spirituality.

    Get ready for a heartfelt and enlightening conversation as we delve into the complexities of grief and the power of community support. 

    Join us as we uncover the stories and lessons that will resonate with anyone who has experienced loss and remind us all that there can indeed be new life (though never without the hole of grief) after death.

    New Hope Grief Support Community: https://www.newhopegrief.org/

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Reducing Your Internal Harsh Judge [Pause 45]

    Pause: Reducing Your Internal Harsh Judge [Pause 45]

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body, promoting reset and presence in any circumstance.

    Today, we will focus on skillfully shifting out of our harsh judge state-of-mind and into a present, embodied, gentle presence in order to find internal stability.

    In this episode we:

    1. Settle in
    2. Practice breathing 
    3. Self hug
    4. Uncover your harsh judge
    5. Feel connected to yourself

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: You Are A Sacred Being (Showing Up With Loving Kindness) [Pause 44]

    Pause: You Are A Sacred Being (Showing Up With Loving Kindness) [Pause 44]

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body, promoting reset and presence in any circumstance.

    Today we will focus on being embodied and getting reset in order to mentally reset for whatever you're facing.

    In this episode we:

    1. Settle in
    2. Practice breathing
    3. Self hug
    4. Remind ourselves "You are a sacred being"
    5. Feel connected to ourselves and our community

    This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering the loss of a baby during pregnancy. 

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Shift out of Anxiety or Internal Harsh Judge [Pause 43]

    Pause: Shift out of Anxiety or Internal Harsh Judge [Pause 43]

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body, promoting reset and presence in any circumstance.

    This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering the loss of a baby during pregnancy.

    Today, we will focus on becoming aware of the present moment and getting grounded in order to shift out of harsh internal judgment, big feelings, and any sort of overwhelm.

    In this episode we:

    1. Get grounded
    2. Sway
    3. Notice our breath 
    4. Practice gratitude 
    5. Identify what needs attention and what support you can add to it
    6. Feel settled and able to either get up and live our day or go to sleep

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Let's Get You Reconnected to Your Body Even In Times Of Stress and Overwhelm [Pause 42]

    Pause: Let's Get You Reconnected to Your Body Even In Times Of Stress and Overwhelm [Pause 42]

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body, promoting reset and presence in any circumstance.

    This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering the loss of a baby during pregnancy.

    Today we will focus on becoming aware of one's body and getting grounded in order to mentally reset for the day or prepare to shift into sleep.

    In this episode we:

    1. Feel our feet
    2. Relax stress-holding body parts
    3. Body scan 
    4. Rocking or swaying
    5. Practice a 5-count box breath
    6. Learn about what our mind does under stress
    7. Butterfly hugs
    8. Feel reset and calm

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Taking Pause - Tools and Support for Overwhelming Feelings and Circumstances [Pause 41]

    Pause: Taking Pause - Tools and Support for Overwhelming Feelings and Circumstances [Pause 41]

    Welcome to another Pause podcast episode with Dr. Kimber Del Valle. In this episode, Dr. Kimber explores grief, stress, and loneliness, offering guidance and practical tools to navigate these overwhelming emotions.

    Through our breath work, journaling, and getting present with our body sensations, we will cover these three takeaways: 

    1. It is normal and expected to feel grief and sadness in response to loss. Whether it's the loss of a loved one or a community, acknowledging these emotions and allowing ourselves to grieve is an important part of the healing process.

    2. Finding a sense of belonging and connection, even in everyday outings, can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. Instead of focusing on what we don't have, we can try to notice the ways we are already connected to others and our surroundings.

    3. Taking time for self-care and reflection is crucial during times of distress. Whether it's through writing, meditation, or simply finding moments to pause and breathe, these practices can help us process our emotions and find clarity amidst difficult situations.

    If you're looking for guidance and support in dealing with overwhelming feelings and circumstances, this episode of Dr. Kimber's "I Thought I Was Over This" podcast is for you. Join us as we explore practical tools and self-care practices to navigate difficult situations and find moments of peace.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Let's Get You To Sleep [Pause 40]

    Pause: Let's Get You To Sleep [Pause 40]

    Are you looking for a simple and effective way to calm racing thoughts and gain a pause in your day, which can help you transition to sleep at night quicker? Look no further! In this episode, Dr. Kimber shares valuable techniques that can help you achieve just that. Here are three key takeaways for you:

    🌟 Track Your Breath: Bring focus and mindfulness into your daily routine by paying attention to your inhalation and exhalation. Deepening your breath and repeating this activity three times can work wonders in training your mind to stop thinking and transition into the ability to calm your mind.

    🌟 Practice the Box Breath: A powerful technique that activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and better sleep. Inhale, hold, exhale, and hold at the bottom. Repeat this cycle several times, experimenting with different durations and counts.

    🌟 Be Present with Your Senses: Mindfulness can be practiced throughout the day by fully engaging with your five senses. Take notice of temperature, smell, taste, sight, touch, and even distant or nearby sounds. Embrace the present moment and nurture a deeper connection with yourself and your surroundings.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    A Couple's Perspective: Navigating Differences in Grief with Guest Dennis Del Valle, MFT [Grief 5]

    A Couple's Perspective: Navigating Differences in Grief with Guest Dennis Del Valle, MFT [Grief 5]

    Grief is a deeply personal journey that can vary significantly between individuals, particularly among couples. Each person may have a unique way of processing their emotions, leading to differences in how they experience and express grief. These divergent approaches can create challenges and strain in a relationship. By acknowledging and understanding these differences, couples can build empathy and compassion, fostering a supportive environment for healing together.

    In this episode of I Thought I Was Over This, my husband, Dennis Del Valle, and I explore the topic of grieving as a couple. We share personal experiences with loss and discuss the benefits of joining support groups for healing. We emphasize that grief is a process, cautioning against seeking quick resolutions or feeling abnormal for still experiencing grief.

    Today we reflect on our own journey, highlighting the importance of support groups like New Hope Grief Support. We stress the significance of processing trauma and acknowledge that couples may grieve differently, which, without tools or support, can contribute to divorce. This episode also touches on helping our daughter through grief and utilizing imaginative ways for expression. This conversation offers powerful insights and encouragement for anyone going through difficult times. Tune in to learn about the power of support groups, love, and commitment in navigating grief and your own childhood attachment style.

    In this episode:
    [01:26] Couples grieve differently; divorce risk high.
    [05:22] Grief and loss impacts couples differently.
    [08:30] Recognize differences, accept and bridge them.
    [14:40] Psychology colleagues formed supportive workplace bond.
    [19:54] Couple's group; grief support; therapy for son.
    [22:48] Grief support group helped with loss processing.

    Resources Mentioned:
    New Hope Grief Support
    Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Creating Space for God [Pause 39]

    Pause: Creating Space for God [Pause 39]

    Do you feel like you've had difficulty in your prayer life? This episode will help you feel the divine love that God is always offering you without any effort of your own. It's an episode that helps you practice being rather than doing.

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body,  through practicing body awareness and paying attention to what's happening internally.

    Today we will focus on shifting out of the mentality that experiencing God is full of effort and doing it "right", and into an experience of creating space for the love that's always present. By the end of the episode, you'll have shifted into a space of feeling loved and noticing that you are enough.

    In this episode we: 

    1. Get grounded
    2. Notice your body 
    3. Practice breath work
    4. Learn the difference between discernment/active listening and being present
    5. Practice being still, and knowing that He is God
    6. Leave the session feeling full of God's love

    This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering losses, especially baby loss during pregnancy. 

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing