
    I Thought I Was Over This

    The journey to self-awareness and healing is not for the faint of heart. Just when some new insight leaves you convinced you’ve got everything figured out - Bam! Life hits you over the head and you feel like you’re back at square one. Tragedy, loss, and traumas big and small are all part of our collective human experience that can send us spiraling. However, you don’t need to be alone. Join host Dr. Kimber Del Valle, clinical psychologist and trauma healer, as she dives into the science of “humaning,” shares stories of resilience and overcoming, and offers practical advice for how to find help and hope when mental health and relief seem out of reach. Expect a bit of the unexpected, too. Most of all, tune in to find connection, insight and make friends with the times in life when you feel like you’ve just made it off the proverbial Titantic and are in the ocean asking, now what? I don’t know what the hell to do. Season one is all things sleep (colored raven) and grounding with pause episodes (with white raven) which are mind training practice sessions for how to shift into relaxation. To learn more visit https://www.drkimber.net.
    en-usDr. Kimber87 Episodes

    Episodes (87)

    Pause: It's Past Your Bedtime - Let's Get You To Sleep Even When You Think You're Not Tired [Pause 38]

    Pause: It's Past Your Bedtime - Let's Get You To Sleep Even When You Think You're Not Tired [Pause 38]

    Are you or someone you know having difficulty falling asleep even though you've been up for more than 16 hours? Fear not! In this podcast episode, you'll learn techniques for calming the nervous system, even when your mind thinks you can't get to sleep.

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body,  through practicing body awareness and paying attention to what's happening internally.

    Today we will focus on shifting out of feeling awake even though your mind is exhausted to feeling tired and ready to sleep. By the end of the episode, you'll have shifted from adrenaline keeping you awake into a calmer, more grounded state.

    In this episode we: 

    1. Discuss good sleep hygiene
    2. Notice your body 
    3. Use movement 
    4. Practice hand on your heart and/or belly
    5. Feel a heaviness in your body indicating relaxation

    This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering losses, especially baby loss during pregnancy. 

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Let Me Help — Shifting Out of Bad Dreams and Night Terrors [Pause 37]

    Pause: Let Me Help — Shifting Out of Bad Dreams and Night Terrors [Pause 37]

    Are you or someone you know experiencing night terrors? Fear not! In this podcast episode, we learn about techniques for calming the nervous system, such as regulating the body through physical squeezing and focusing on our breath.

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body, promoting reset and presence in any circumstance.

    This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering the loss of a baby during pregnancy. 

    Today we will focus on shifting out of the fear and terror that comes when having an event that you'd describe as a bad dream, night terrors or nightmares. By the end of the episode, you'll have shifted from a racing heart into a calmer, more grounded state quicker.

    In this episode we: 

    1. Discuss what night terrors are 
    2. Determine if it's trauma-induced or emotionally-induced
    3. Practice hand on your heart and/or belly
    4. Self-hug
    5. Practice rocking/swaying
    6. Feel a reduction in heart rate and muscle tension

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Being Present for Those in Grief: Reflections on Comforting Words and What Not To Say [Grief Series 4]

    Being Present for Those in Grief: Reflections on Comforting Words and What Not To Say [Grief Series 4]

    On this episode of I Thought I Was Over This, I share personal experiences with grief and suffering, offering insights and tips on how to effectively communicate with those who are going through difficult times. From the importance of authentic conversation to the use of healing cards, we discuss various approaches to supporting those dealing with trauma or illness. Along the way, I offer anecdotes of what not to say, especially to a person or family experiencing the aggressiveness of cancer. Join us as we explore how to create space for those struggling with grief and trauma, and how to offer words of comfort that truly help instead of hinder.

    Key Moments:

    [00:03:26] Acknowledging and processing pain is necessary when dealing with grief, rather than ignoring or overriding it. Comments like "You're strong, you'll get through this" may not be helpful. Caring is more important than finding the right words to say.

    [00:05:31] Unprocessed grief can lead to ignoring other people's pain, so it's important to know your own history with grief before trying to offer comfort.

    [00:13:42] I share a story about a friend who died from cancer and read a post from her about accepting comfort during her illness.

    [00:16:19] We ponder how to handle conversations regarding cancer with a focus on responding with authenticity and empathy toward the other person's pain, especially using Christian language. I advocate for asking how to help and offering support as a gift.

    [00:24:01] Cards from friends bring hope, laughter, and encouragement; their heartfelt words were appreciated the most by Dr. Beth Fletcher Brokaw.

    [00:28:16] Avoid offering silver linings or biblical scriptures out of context.

    Resources mentioned: 

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: A Mental Reset [Pause 36]

    Pause: A Mental Reset [Pause 36]

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body, promoting reset and presence in any circumstance.

    This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering the loss of a baby during pregnancy. 

    Today we will focus on becoming aware of one's body and getting grounded in order to cope with stress and any sort of overwhelm. 

    In this episode we:

    1. Get grounded
    2. Practice breathing exercises
    3. Identify what is most important 
    4. Self-hug
    5. Practice the Voo Breath
    6. Feel reset in the face of any circumstance

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Get Grounded: Practicing Resiliency in the Face of Grief and Depression [Pause 35]

    Pause: Get Grounded: Practicing Resiliency in the Face of Grief and Depression [Pause 35]

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body, promoting reset and presence in any circumstance. The timing of this episode is to help mothers grieving the loss of children, people who have lost their mothers and feel intense grief, as well as people who grieve they aren't closer to their mothers and feel that weighty reality around Mother's Day.

    This episode is sponsored by Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is a resource for those suffering the loss of a baby during pregnancy. 

    Today we will focus on becoming aware of one's body and increasing resilience for coping with stress and grief.

    In this episode we:

    1. Get grounded
    2. Speak "I'm alive"
    3. Imagine what safe feels like
    4. Use our senses
    5. Practice movement as grounding

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    I Thought I Was Over This
    en-usMay 10, 2023

    Pause: Getting Out of Destructive Thoughts [Pause 34]

    Pause: Getting Out of Destructive Thoughts [Pause 34]

    In this episode, we will be mostly standing, but if you prefer sitting, you can sit. Remember that you can do whatever you want here, and the idea is to have some tools that you can use to distract yourself from destructive thought patterns.

    Our internal harsh judge has a habit of thinking that we are omnipotent and omniscient, and it starts berating us from a pretty simple perspective, which is that everything is our fault. This negative filter is not sophisticated and cannot help us create a story that holds the complexity of the issues.

    Therefore, distraction is a fantastic thing that we can use to change our filter and the way we filter information through. Neuroscience has shown that distraction is the way to change our filter and create a story that holds the complexity of the issues.

    The first step is to notice when we are thinking negative thoughts and then distract ourselves from them. There are several cognitive behavioral techniques that we can try, but the idea is not to find something that works all the time but to have some tools that we can use.

    In this episode we: 

    1. Discuss Mindful Movement
    2. Movement Exercise
    3. Breath Exercise
    4. Tapping Exercise
    5. Dancing

    At the end of this episode, you will likely find yourself more grounded and regulated. If not, repeat. It means your body needs more time. Do not let the harsh judge tell you that you've failed. You are a sacred being. You matter. You are resourceful. Don't forget that.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Processing Grief: Giving it the Time and Space it Needs [Grief Series 3]

    Processing Grief: Giving it the Time and Space it Needs [Grief Series 3]

    Complex emotions and experiences are a part of grief and loss. Whether you are in the midst of grieving or supporting a loved one through their journey, finding healing and peace during this difficult time is crucial.

    In this episode, I discuss the complex internal roadmaps of grief and examine how it does not follow any one predictable path. Grief needs space and time to be integrated and it can show up unexpectedly. To prepare for events likely to bring grief to the surface, I talk about the importance of journaling and paying attention to important milestones, not just the day of death.

    I also explore the five stages of grief, finding meaning in grief, and allowing yourself to experience and express your emotions fully, with the goal of helping listeners find healing and peace during a challenging time.

    Resources mentioned:

    Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing: https://www.drkimber.net/books

    The Five Stages of Grief (from On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross)

    The Five Stages of Grief by Linda Pastan

    Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief by David Kessler

    Preparation (Article from The Sun Magazine)

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    I Thought I Was Over This
    en-usApril 26, 2023

    Pause: Making Friends with Unfamiliar Feelings [Pause 33]

    Pause: Making Friends with Unfamiliar Feelings [Pause 33]

    Pause episodes aim to improve the connection between your mind and body. It will help you reset and get present no matter the circumstances. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in the left hemisphere of the brain. These episodes are identified by the white raven on the podcast cover art, and each episode addresses a different topic to assist you in practicing being settled and grounded.

    In this episode, I share some valuable insights on how to cope with the feelings of trauma and isolation that many of us may experience at some point in our lives. You are not alone in your struggles. During times of survival, we often have to simplify our lives, but as we heal and grow, we make room for more complex aspects.

    Trauma can make us believe that we are alone in our survival, but this episode reminds us that we are never alone. Here we use our imagination to practice doing things differently, and we take steps to reach out to the community, which can help us create a sense of belonging and purpose.

    Grab a comfortable position and let's get started.

    In this episode we:

    1. Box Breath
    2. Get Present
    3. Practice Hand on Heart and Belly and Gratitude
    4. Build Awareness
    5. Use our Five Senses

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Finding Calm Instead of Anxiety While Taking Tests [Pause 32]

    Pause: Finding Calm Instead of Anxiety While Taking Tests [Pause 32]

    Pause episodes are designed to enhance the connection between your mind and body, promoting reset and presence in any circumstance. Today, we will focus on overcoming "test anxiety," the fear associated with exams. Through a variety of tricks and techniques, we will learn how to lower heightened anxiety and shift our perspective to view tests as setbacks, rather than defining factors of ourselves.

    In this episode, I will assist you in your self-discovery journey, teaching you how to relax your tense body and mind. We will also explore ways to shift focus towards the aspects that are within our control, enabling us to show up in the best possible way.

    In this episode, we will:

    1. Learn effective relaxation techniques.
    2. Identify and eliminate feelings of helplessness.
    3. Cultivate mindfulness by training the mind to focus on more active thoughts.
    4. Practice Box Breathing.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Orange Coast College: https://orangecoastcollege.edu/ 

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    A Teenage Perspective - When Cancer Shows Up and Changes Everything: Sofia Montiel's Grief Story [Grief Series 2]

    A Teenage Perspective -  When Cancer Shows Up and Changes Everything: Sofia Montiel's Grief Story [Grief Series 2]

    Grieving the loss of someone you love is never an easy journey. In this second episode of our series on Grief, I am joined by special guest Sofia, whose mother was diagnosed with cancer in 2016 and passed away in 2018.

    Now a high school senior and the oldest of three children, Sofia took on a leadership role in the family in her mother’s absence, and today she's sharing her journey of navigating her grief and balancing responsibilities. By rewiring some of her habits and acknowledging her grief, Sofia experienced self-discovery and healing, and learned to lean on the support of her loved ones while also establishing healthy boundaries and coping mechanisms to help her through the tough times.

    I am privileged to share with you Sofia's inspiring story of resilience and strength — please join us today.

    Segment 1: Taking on a Parental Role

    Sofia starts with talking about how her mother's death forced her to step up and become a parental figure in her family, sharing her experience of taking care of her younger siblings, handling household responsibilities at a young age, and balancing this new role with her own needs and desires.

    Segment 2: Realizing the Importance of Self-Care

    Sofia discusses how she continued to push herself until the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and then she realized that she needed to take a break and prioritize her own well-being.

    Segment 3: Finding Support from Friends

    In this segment, Sofia and I discuss how her friends played a crucial role in helping her cope with her mother's passing.

    Segment 4: Navigating Her Father's Grief

    Sophia discusses how her father coped with her mother's death and how she navigated his efforts to keep her presence alive in their lives. She shares how she found a balance between honoring their mother's memory while also moving forward with their own lives.

    Segment 5: Setting Boundaries

    In this segment, Sofia shares the importance of setting boundaries, taking me-time, and making mistakes as a way of showing that you care.

    Segment 6: Reintegrating into Real Life

    Sofia shares her experiences of going back to school soon after her mother's passing, the pressure of being known as the girl whose mother had died, and the fear of being judged by others.

    Resources Mentioned:

    New Hope Grief Organization: https://www.newhopegrief.org/
    Help with Hope: https://helpwithhope.org/
    Camp Kesem: https://www.kesem.org/
    Donate on behalf of Danielle Montiel: https://donate.kesem.org/fundraiser/4385292
    Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing: https://www.drkimber.net/books

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Grief and Children: Navigating Their Developmental Stages and What They Need [Grief Series 1]

    Grief and Children: Navigating Their Developmental Stages and What They Need [Grief Series 1]

    Experiencing loss can be particularly challenging for children. They may struggle to comprehend and manage their emotions, and since they don’t have the same coping mechanisms as adults, it's crucial to offer them empathy, affection, and assistance. 

    In this episode, I will guide you in establishing a secure environment where your children can openly express their feelings and patiently process their grief. Together, we will explore practical ways to manage emotions and cope with the pain of loss.

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Free PDF: How to Support Children Grieving Losses
    No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model  by Richard Schawrtz

    Book List for Children, Grief, and Emotions:

    My Many Colored Days  by Dr. Seuss
    In My Heart: A Book of Feelings  by Jo Witek and Christine Roussey
    The Feelings Book  by Todd Parr
    What is Goodbye?  by Nikki Grimes
    Because of Winn-Dixie  by Kate DiCamillo (you may also find the movie here)
    The Good-bye Book  by Todd Parr
    A Kid's Journey of Grief  by Susan K. Beeney and Jo Anne Chung (you may also buy this book directly from the H. Norman Wright store)
    Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing  by Dr. Kimber Del Valle

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Get Grounded and Feel Embodied - Hitting Reset [Pause 31]

    Pause: Get Grounded and Feel Embodied - Hitting Reset [Pause 31]

    Pause episodes aim to improve the connection between your mind and body. It will help you reset and get present no matter what circumstances. We practice somatic experiencing techniques as well as other somatic practices to help your nervous system find calm. These episodes are identified by the white raven on the podcast cover art, and each episode addresses a different topic to assist you in practicing being settled and grounded.

    In this episode, I help you get mentally reset and practice getting connected to your body.

    In this episode we:

    1. Box Breath
    2. Become Aware of Our Senses
    3. Build Awareness around Beliefs
    4. Feel Energized

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Navigating Illness, Cancer, or Getting Connected to Your Body [Pause 30]

    Pause: Navigating Illness, Cancer, or Getting Connected to Your Body [Pause 30]

    Pause episodes aim to improve the connection between your mind and body. It will help you reset and get present no matter what circumstances. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in your left hemisphere of the brain. These episodes are identified by the white raven on the podcast cover art, and each episode addresses a different topic to assist you in practicing being settled and grounded.

    In this episode, I help you get mentally reset and practice getting connected to your body when navigating chronic illness or cancer.

    In this episode we:

    1. Box Breath
    2. Get Present
    3. Build Awareness of Thought Patterns
    4. Feel Into Your Capability
    5. Feel Energized

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Let's Get You to the Dentist - Navigating Dental Chair Anxiety [Pause 29]

    Pause: Let's Get You to the Dentist - Navigating Dental Chair Anxiety [Pause 29]

    Let's get you feeling safe and secure in going to the dentist! This is a huge anxiety trigger for many of my clients so I'm offering some of my tried and true methods for helping you to feel safe and not needing to take the entire day off after a cleaning or procedure!

    In this episode,  I help get you mentally reset and ready to go to the dentist (and to take me with you)! While I am with you in your earbuds, I lead you in some guided practices as you're sitting in the dental chair.

    In this episode we:

    1. Get Present
    2. Prepare to Leave for the Dentist
    3. Sit Together in the Waiting Room
    4. Practice Activities as Your Dental Work is Being Done
    5. Celebrate that You Did It!

    Pause episodes aim to improve the connection between your mind and body. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in your left hemisphere of the brain. These episodes are identified by the white raven on the podcast cover art, and each episode addresses a different topic to assist you in practicing being settled and grounded.

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    I Thought I Was Over This
    en-usMarch 08, 2023

    Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing Author's Note and Chapter 1

    Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing Author's Note and Chapter 1

    Today's episode is sponsored by my new book, Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing, which is out now.

    In this episode, I’m sharing my writing journey, author's note addressing grief, and part of chapter 1 where I share my experience of hearing the news my son has died. This episode is for everyone who has been impacted by grief, and I hope it offers some ideas and resources to help us so we can make it something more than we ever imagined.

    Links and Resources Mentioned:
    PDF to support children grieving loss: https://www.drkimber.net/resources
    Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing: https://www.drkimber.net/books

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Grounding and Finding Calm Before Uncomfortable Conversations or Events [Pause 28]

    Pause: Grounding and Finding Calm Before Uncomfortable Conversations or Events [Pause 28]

    Pause episodes aim to improve the connection between your mind and body. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in your left hemisphere of the brain. These episodes are identified by the white raven on the podcast cover art, and each episode addresses a different topic to assist you in practicing being settled and grounded.

    In this episode, I help you get mentally reset to be mentally ready and emotionally available for an uncomfortable conversation or event.

    In this episode we:

    1. Box Breath
    2. Get Present with the Senses
    3. Raise Anxiety and Body Sensations through Imagination
    4. Build Awareness of Thought Patterns Around Uncomfortable Feelings
    5. Feel Into Your Capability
    6. Self-Hug
    7. Identify Who is With You - You are not alone
    8. Feel Energized, Not Nervous

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Resetting When Navigating Negative Feelings or Hard Situations [Pause 27]

    Pause: Resetting When Navigating Negative Feelings or Hard Situations [Pause 27]

    Pause episodes aim to improve the connection between your mind and body. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in your left hemisphere of the brain. These episodes are identified by the white raven on the podcast cover art, and each episode addresses a different topic to assist you in practicing being settled and grounded.

    In this episode, I help you get mentally reset when processing hard situations and negative feelings like anger, disappointment, and sadness by slowing down your mind in order to reconnect to your whole brain. Intense feelings can pull you into fight or flight, which limits your ability to process the situation with your thoughts, empathy, creativity, and feeling seen and connected. Join me for settling your mind and body.

    In this episode we:

    2:36 - Get into a Comfortable Position
    11:53 - Acknowledge the Situation
    14:20 - Practice Voo Breathing (Dr. Peter Levine's technique)
    17:45 - Practice Box Breathing
    23:37 - Feel Connected and Ready to Approach the Situation 

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Stop the Racing Thoughts and Anxiety Spirals [Pause 26]

    Pause: Stop the Racing Thoughts and Anxiety Spirals [Pause 26]

    Pause episodes aim to improve the connection between your mind and body. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in your left hemisphere of the brain. These episodes are identified by the white raven on the podcast cover art, and each episode addresses a different topic to assist you in practicing being settled and grounded.

    In this episode, I help you get mentally reset through slowing down your mind in order to stop any racing thoughts, anxiousness, fatigue, or overwhelm. Join me for settling your mind and body. 

    In this episode we:

    1. Notice Your Body
    2. Body Scan
    3. Breath Work
    4. Using Sound to Get More Settled
    5. Feel Reset and Ready to Tackle the Rest of the Day

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Creating Space for Losses - Big or Small [Pause 25]

    Pause: Creating Space for Losses - Big or Small [Pause 25]

    Pause episodes, identified by the white raven on the podcast cover, aim to strengthen the connection between your mind and body and help you develop a sense of calm and grounding. Through practicing mindfulness and mental focus, we enhance blood flow to the brain's left hemisphere and promote overall well-being.

    Today, we'll work on maintaining a connection with our bodies as we respectfully acknowledge and process feelings of grief. I'll guide you in shifting your perspective and provide a set of mindful exercises to help you realign your internal roadmap.

    In this episode we:

    3:54 – Seek to reorganize our internal strategy in the face of grief

    11:13 – Practice breathing exercises to gently hold space for and stay with our grief

    17:53 – Stay in touch with our grief and give ourselves comfort

    18:04 – Reset our body with the help of the "Butterfly Hug" 

    23:19 – Practice the "Fog Horn" exercise

    29:01 – Look for safe people who can help support us in holding space for the grief we're feeling

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing

    Pause: Cultivating the Inner Mystic - Reflections and Practice [Pause 24]

    Pause: Cultivating the Inner Mystic - Reflections and Practice [Pause 24]

    Pause episodes, identified by the white raven on the cover, aim to improve the connection between your mind and body, along with assisting you in practicing being settled and grounded. We practice mindfulness and mental focus, which have been found to improve the blood flow in your left hemisphere of the brain.

    In this episode, we will dive into embodying ourselves and treating our bodies as sacred. Please take a moment to gather a candle, pen, and paper, and find a comfortable place to sit as I guide you through exercises designed to help you slow down, stay grounded, and fully embrace the present moment.

    In this episode we:

    1:30 – Practice the art of slowing down and self-reflection

    4:18 – Value how our minds work by paying attention to it

    5:39 – Journal and reflect on the innermost parts of ourselves

    6:12 – Try the mindfulness exercise

    15:18 – Honor ourselves; we are made to be seen

    25:11 – Put put on paper and write our feelings through

    Resources to check out:

    Natalie Goldberg’s works: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781451641257
    Natalie’s website: https://nataliegoldberg.com/
    Mirabai Starr’s website: https://www.mirabaistarr.com/

    Check out past episodes and more information here: https://www.drkimber.net/podcast-info

    Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare or mental health professional. This content is created for education and entertainment purposes only.

    Join 'A Moment of Pause' Newsletter: https://drkimber.activehosted.com/f/5

    Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com

    Connect with Dr. Kimber:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_kimber/
    About My Work: https://www.drkimber.net
    Book: Still: Making A Whole When Parts Go Missing