
    Cancelling Cancel Culture w/ Greg Lukianoff & Rikki Schlott

    enFebruary 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Prepare for Fishing and Holiday ShippingProtect yourself from the sun while fishing, manage holiday shipping needs, and stand up for free speech.

      It's essential to be prepared when going fishing with the right gear, such as the Columbia PFG Solar Stream Elite Hoodie for sun protection. Meanwhile, during the holiday season, The UPS Store can help with packing and shipping needs. Elsewhere, Greg Lukianoff and Ricky Schwartz, authors of "The Canceling of the American Mind," argue against cancel culture and offer solutions for preserving democracy. Ricky, a first-time author, shared her experience writing about self-censorship at NYU at age 20. Overall, it's crucial to protect ourselves from the sun while fishing, manage holiday shipping, and stand up for free speech.

    • Impact of cancel culture on authentic expression and democratic discourseCancel culture stifles authentic expression and healthy democratic discourse, leading to a climate of fear and hindering thought experimentation, devil's advocacy, and the exchange of ideas in academia and society.

      The culture of self-censorship and cancel culture are interconnected, with the latter leading to a climate of fear that stifles authentic expression and healthy democratic discourse. The speakers, Greg and Ricky, discussed their experiences with cancel culture and its impact on academia and society as a whole. They highlighted the increase in campaigns to get people fired or deplatformed since 2014 and the resulting culture of fear that discourages people from expressing their authentic political opinions. This is particularly harmful to academia and democracy, as it hinders thought experimentation, devil's advocacy, and the exchange of ideas. Additionally, they noted a generational element to this issue, as many Gen Z members, including themselves, have grown up primarily in a post-2016 world where cancel culture is prevalent. Overall, their book explores the importance of uncensoring ourselves and fostering open and authentic dialogue to promote growth and progress.

    • The Complexities of Cancel Culture in EducationCancel culture in education stifles free speech and academic freedom through public shaming and boycotts, leading to a culture of fear and self-censorship.

      Cancel culture, the practice of publicly shaming and boycotting individuals for expressing controversial opinions, is a complex issue with significant consequences, particularly in educational institutions. While often associated with the left, there is an asymmetry with more instances occurring on predominantly left-leaning campuses, but right-wing institutions also contribute. The intensity of cancel culture has escalated due to student petitions, which are sometimes encouraged and facilitated by administrators. The institutionalization of bias response hotlines sends a chilling message, as it implies that speech requires constant monitoring and potential punishment. This culture of fear can lead individuals to self-censor, hiding their authentic selves and stifling open dialogue and intellectual exploration. Ultimately, cancel culture undermines the values of free speech and academic freedom, threatening the very foundation of a progressive and inclusive educational environment.

    • Suppressing ideas through censorship hinders understandingCensorship hinders understanding of diverse perspectives and can reinforce controversial figures' power, making open dialogue and respectful engagement crucial for an informed society.

      While it's natural to feel unsafe when encountering ideas that challenge us, censorship is not an effective solution. Ideas cannot be stopped entirely, and suppressing them can lead to polarization and radicalization. Instead, it's crucial to engage with diverse perspectives to expand our understanding of the world. The First Amendment's protection of free speech exists for this reason: to foster open dialogue and promote human knowledge. Censorship may provide a sense of safety, but it ultimately hinders our ability to truly understand the beliefs and motivations of others. Furthermore, as seen with platforms like Truth Social, censorship can even reinforce the power of controversial figures by creating echo chambers and insulating them from criticism. Therefore, it's essential to embrace the complexity of ideas and engage in respectful, open-minded dialogue to foster a more informed and inclusive society.

    • Free speech vs incitement to violence and identity protectionFormer President Trump's actions sparked a debate on free speech and incitement to violence. Allegories and literary devices can help engage audiences, but may face criticism. Identity theft is prevalent in the US, and can cause significant harm even if undetected. Services like LifeLock can provide protection.

      The debate around free speech and incitement to violence, as exemplified by former President Trump's actions, raises complex questions in the legal field. Meanwhile, in a different context, the use of allegories and literary devices, as in the example of Pandora's toolbox from the book "Coddling the American Mind," can help engage audiences and encourage productive dialogue. However, it's important to remember that such devices may not always work and can be met with criticism. In the realm of identity protection, it's crucial to be aware of the high number of identity theft victims in the US and the potential harm that can come from it, even if the theft goes unnoticed. Services like LifeLock can help alert individuals to potential identity threats.

    • Identity theft resolution and health supplementsLifeLock provides professional assistance for identity theft cases, while SYNBOTICA offers all-natural, filler-free health supplements. Cancel culture can hinder productive discussions and labeling can limit perspectives.

      Identity theft is a serious issue that requires professional help to resolve. LifeLock offers dedicated restoration specialists to assist in such cases, providing protection that individuals cannot achieve on their own. Meanwhile, in the realm of health supplements, SYNBOTICA promises great-tasting, all-natural products free from fillers and artificial ingredients. The discussion also touched upon cancel culture, which was described as an extreme form of dodging arguments by intimidating or punishing individuals into silence. This regressive approach to debates, rooted in human nature, can lead to less productive discussions and hinder the progression of substantive arguments. Furthermore, labels such as "conservative" or "liberal" can be used to dismiss individuals' perspectives, reflecting the complex and often entrenched nature of argumentative tactics.

    • Rhetorical fortresses limit individual expressionSociety's norms create barriers for individuals to express opinions outside the accepted norms, leading to accusations of biases and a vicious cycle of judgment based on immutable characteristics.

      Our society has created rhetorical fortresses that limit the ability for individuals to express opinions outside the accepted norms, leading to accusations of internalized biases. This can be seen in various groups, including the trans and non-white community, where having the "wrong" opinion can result in greater frustration and hate. For instance, a black person may be told they're not really black for having the wrong opinion, or a woman may be accused of internalized misogyny for not holding the expected opinion as a woman. This creates a vicious cycle where individuals are judged based on their immutable characteristics, yet their opinions are not taken seriously if they deviate from the accepted norms. This phenomenon is not limited to any particular group and can be observed in various contexts. It's essential to recognize and challenge these rhetorical fortresses to foster open and productive conversations.

    • Cancel culture's impact on psychotherapy and authenticityCancel culture's fear can stifle free thought, authenticity, and resilience in psychotherapy, particularly for young people.

      Cancel culture, which involves publicly shaming and boycotting individuals or organizations for perceived wrongdoings, has become a pervasive issue that goes beyond K-12 and universities. It's infiltrating various aspects of society, including psychotherapy and comedy. In the case of psychotherapy, some therapists and students are afraid to express their opinions or treat clients with differing viewpoints for fear of being canceled. This can lead to a lack of authenticity and a stifling of free thought and expression. The fear of being canceled can also be particularly detrimental for young people, who are growing up in an environment where mistakes are not forgiven and forgiveness is in short supply. This can lead to a crisis of authenticity and a lack of resilience. The issue of cancel culture is not limited to any one field or demographic and requires a nuanced and thoughtful approach to address.

    • Challenges of Implicit Bias and Censorship in Mental Health and SocietyImplicit bias in mental health can lead to prejudging individuals, while cancel culture stifles free speech. Both issues impact understanding and open dialogue. Uphold free speech and individual rights, and avoid prejudgment.

      The mental health profession and society at large face significant challenges with implicit bias and censorship. The speaker shared personal experiences of bias within the psychotherapy profession and discussed the issue of cancel culture, specifically as it relates to comedians. Implicit bias, even within the mental health field, can lead to prejudging individuals without getting to know them fully. Cancel culture, on the other hand, can stifle free speech and expression, particularly in the case of comedians. Examples of comedians being canceled or protested have become increasingly common. However, there are signs of hope, such as Netflix's stance on allowing controversial content and comedians fighting back against censorship. These cases demonstrate the importance of upholding free speech and individual rights, even in the face of potential controversy. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember the value of understanding individuals' experiences and avoiding prejudgment, as well as the importance of preserving the space for open dialogue and expression.

    • Political correctness and offense-taking in comedyFear of being politically incorrect has led to a decrease in authentic, self-deprecating comedy. It's important to remember that comedy often involves making fun of oneself and not taking things too seriously.

      The current climate of political correctness and offense-taking in comedy has led to a decrease in the quality and authenticity of comedy. Comedians used to find joy in offending each other, but now there's a heightened sensitivity towards past material that may be considered offensive today. This "offense archeology" can lead to the rewriting of comedy history and the cancellation of comedians for jokes that were intended to be jokes. The fear of being politically incorrect has also led to a pullback from self-referential and self-deprecating comedy. It's important to remember that comedy often involves making fun of oneself and not taking things too seriously. The ability to laugh at oneself and not take rejection personally is a valuable skill for coping with life's challenges. The current trend towards taking offense to comedy is a departure from this, and it's important to encourage a return to the authentic and self-deprecating style of comedy that has been a staple of the art form for generations.

    • Science under attack: The Carol Hoogen incidentCancel culture can undermine credibility and isolate those targeted, while Symbionica offers trustworthy supplements with great-tasting, all-natural ingredients

      Trust in science and expertise is under attack, with instances like the one involving Carol Hoogen at Harvard being a clear demonstration. The incident highlights how cancel culture can lead to the undermining of credibility and the isolation and depression of those who are targeted. This trend has become more prevalent in the last decade, and the pandemic has served as a clarifying instance of the decline in institutional trust. Meanwhile, Symbionica offers a model of trustworthiness in the supplement industry, providing great-tasting, all-natural products made from premium plant-based ingredients, free from seed oils, fillers, and toxins. For those seeking to improve their health, Symbionica's products can make a meaningful difference. To try them out, visit symbionica.com and use code iheart for 15% off plus free shipping on your subscription order.

    • Cancel culture's impact on trust during COVID-19During COVID-19, cancel culture fueled by righteous indignation and social media led to a societal pull towards censorship, hurting trust in voices of authority. Practice humility and consider being wrong before engaging.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a prevalence of cancel culture towards individuals holding heterodox opinions, leading to a devastating impact on trust in voices of authority. This phenomenon was fueled by righteous indignation, as people were tempted to feel superiority and express disgust towards those with opposing views. Aldous Huxley's quote, "The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone," encapsulates this behavior. The reliance on social media and hardwired instincts further exacerbated this trend, leading to a societal pull towards censorship, as Greg described it, akin to a gravitational force. It's crucial to practice humility, check ourselves, and consider the possibility that we might be wrong before engaging in cancel culture.

    • Understanding the difference between cancel culture and censorshipCancel culture and censorship serve distinct purposes, with cancel culture being about public shaming and ostracization, while censorship involves suppression of speech by those in power.

      Cancel culture and censorship are not the same thing, and it's important to make this distinction. Cancel culture refers to the public shaming and ostracization of individuals, often on social media, for expressing controversial opinions or actions. Censorship, on the other hand, is the suppression of speech or expression by those in power, often through legal or institutional means. It's essential to recognize the difference between the two and avoid using the term "canceled" too loosely or as a way to seek attention or financial gain. The line between the two can be blurry, but understanding the nuances can help us engage in productive conversations and avoid perpetuating misunderstandings. Additionally, it's crucial to avoid adopting a victim mentality when faced with criticism or negative feedback, as this can hinder personal growth and productivity. Instead, we should strive to learn from our mistakes and move forward constructively.

    • Cancel culture's impact on democratic societyCancel culture's indiscriminate targeting of individuals can limit free speech and have detrimental effects on our democratic society. Balance between free speech and compassion is crucial.

      While employers have the right to make hiring decisions based on their values and beliefs, the widespread use of cancel culture and the indiscriminate targeting of individuals across all demographics and age groups can have detrimental effects on our democratic society. The freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment can be rendered meaningless if people are unable to express their opinions without fear of losing their jobs. It's essential to recognize that cancel culture is not limited to attacks on the privileged, but rather, it has been a pervasive issue affecting individuals across the board. It's crucial to strive for a balance between free speech and compassion, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to engage in open and respectful dialogue. The ongoing debate around cancel culture underscores the importance of fostering a culture of understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.

    • Believe in your ability to obtain financial successShift your mindset to align with your financial goals and believe in your ability to achieve them, as self-imposed limitations may be holding you back.

      Our mindset plays a significant role in achieving our financial goals. As discussed, it's essential to believe in our ability to obtain financial success and demand the income we desire. This mindset shift can help us overcome self-imposed limitations and reach new heights. By declaring our worth and financial goals confidently, we can start to retrain our brains to align with our aspirations. Remember, the only thing holding us back is our mindset. So, let's adopt a positive and determined attitude towards our financial future, just as we would expect from a trusted advisor, like State Farm.

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    Greg Lukianoff is a journalist, producer, attorney, New York Times bestselling author, and the president and CEO of FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression), which is the nation's leading defender of fundamental rights on college campuses. In 2022, FIRE announced they would expand their coverage to fundamental rights off-campus as well, and at this time added “Expression” to their name and mission statement.

    Rikki Schlott is a New York City-based journalist and political commentator. She is a former research fellow at FIRE, host of the Lost Debate podcast, a columnist at the New York Post, and a regular contributor to numerous publications and television programs. Her commentary focuses on free speech, campus culture, civil liberties, and youth issues from a Generation Z perspective.



    - Links -


    “The Canceling of the American Mind” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Canceling-American-Mind-Undermines-Threatens/dp/1668019140/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2KWJ4S9GF9BI0&keywords=the+cancelling+of+the+american+mind&qid=1697485877&sprefix=the+cancelling+of+the+american+mind%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1


    For Greg Lukianoff:


    FIRE Website https://www.thefire.org/about-us/our-team/greg-lukianoff

    On Twitter https://twitter.com/glukianoff?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/glukianoff/?hl=en

    On Substack https://greglukianoff.substack.com/


    For Rikki Schlott:


    Website https://www.rikkischlott.com

    On Twitter  https://twitter.com/rikkischlott

    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rikkischlott/

    On Substack rikkischlott.substack.com

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