
    Carrot Top

    enSeptember 01, 2023
    Who is Carrot Top currently touring with?
    How long has Carrot Top lived in Las Vegas?
    Why was Vegas initially intimidating for Carrot Top?
    What does Carrot Top say about audience humor preferences?
    How does Carrot Top feel about jokes made at his expense?

    Podcast Summary

    • Carrot Top's Tour with Bobby Lee and Surprising FactsComedian Carrot Top, despite his muscular appearance, doesn't spend much time at the gym and is smaller in person. He's been living in Las Vegas for over 20 years and performs there weekly. Fans can buy tickets to his tour with Bobby Lee on badfriendspod.com.

      Carrot Top, a well-known comedian, is currently on tour with Bobby Lee and will be visiting various cities in North America and potentially other parts of the world. He has been in the comedy industry for decades and has gained a large following. Despite his reputation for being large and muscular, Carrot Top revealed that he doesn't actually spend much time in the gym and is smaller in person than some might expect. He also shared that he has been living in Las Vegas for over 20 years and performs there six nights a week. Despite his long-standing career and success, he remains humble and down-to-earth. Fans of Carrot Top and Bobby Lee can purchase tickets to their live shows on badfriendspod.com.

    • Comedians never retire, they keep evolvingSuccessful comedians continuously create new material, experiment, and adapt to their audience's tastes.

      Successful comedians, like the one in the interview, don't have a retirement plan. They continue to perform and evolve, trying new jokes and staying current with the news. They don't expect their audience to get the exact same show every night, but they do aim to please with their hits. The transparency of modern comedians helps fans understand the process of creating a new hour-long act. And while some jokes may become classics, comedians continue to experiment and try new material. The interview also highlighted the importance of staying creative and not getting stuck in a rut. The comedian's relationship with Wendy's, for instance, started as a joke but evolved into a full routine based on audience reactions. Overall, the key takeaway is that successful comedians are always growing, learning, and adapting to their audience's tastes.

    • Discovering the appeal of performing in VegasUnderstanding audience expectations and adapting to unique environments are crucial for successful performances, even in intimidating and competitive settings like Vegas.

      Vegas, with its larger-than-life marquees and intense competition, was initially intimidating to the speaker due to his perception of it being an inaccessible world. However, his experiences there, including encounters with fellow performers and unexpected audience feedback, shaped his perspective and made him realize the unique appeal of performing in Vegas. For instance, he shared a story about a couple who disliked a Beatles show they saw, expecting a mix of different music genres, which made him appreciate the importance of understanding and catering to audience expectations. Overall, Vegas served as a reminder of the importance of adapting to unique audiences and embracing the challenges that come with performing in such a high-profile and competitive environment.

    • Comedians pushing boundaries with provocative topicsComedians like Burkhart Sher incorporate props and tackle taboo subjects, bringing joy to audiences by addressing what they may discuss privately but rarely hear in public

      Comedy has seen a resurgence in recent times, with audiences more engaged and open to provocative topics than ever before. Comedians like Burkhart Sher are always pushing boundaries, incorporating props like a Bud Light beer with Barbie and Ken dolls into the act to deepen the connection with the crowd. People find joy in comedians addressing taboo subjects that they may discuss privately but rarely hear in public due to fear of backlash. The fear of cancellation and repercussions has made comedians feel like they're taking risks, but they're just doing their job. Even in a place like Las Vegas, known for its entertainment, comedians are still able to tackle sensitive topics. The fear of alien invasion and military intervention is a far-fetched concern, but the ever-evolving cultural landscape has made comedians feel like they're on the front lines, bringing humor to the forefront of conversations.

    • Jay Leno's unique perspective on wealth and staying connected to cultureLeno's childlike sense of wonder and dedication to performing and connecting with fans have contributed to his successful career for over 40 years. Investing in experiences and passions brings long-term happiness and fulfillment.

      Jay Leno's success as a comedian, particularly his long-running residency in Vegas, has given him a unique perspective on wealth and the importance of staying connected to culture. Despite his significant earnings, Leno maintains a childlike sense of wonder and excitement about his job, which he believes contributes to his ability to stay relevant and engaged with audiences. This approach, combined with his dedication to performing and connecting with fans, has allowed him to maintain a successful career for over four decades. Additionally, Leno's experiences highlight the importance of investing in experiences and passions, rather than just material possessions, for long-term happiness and fulfillment.

    • Sharing private moments and cherishing unique experiencesThe speaker values personal moments and unique experiences, and isn't afraid to break the norm to share them, whether it's hiding under a table or placing bets on college football.

      The speaker values unique experiences and enjoys sharing private moments with others, even if it means breaking the norm. This is evident in his story about Howie Mendel hiding under the table during meet and greets, and his own experience of kissing a girl in Catholic school underneath the table. The speaker also appreciates comfort and privacy, as seen in his preference for Bird Dog pants and his nostalgic reminiscence of his Catholic school days. Additionally, the speaker is a fan of college football and encourages others to place bets on the sport through DraftKings Sportsbook, emphasizing the excitement and fun that comes with being "in on the action." Overall, the speaker's words convey a sense of enjoying the unexpected and cherishing personal moments.

    • Comedian's Influences and AdmirationGrew up in Catholic school, inspired by Carlin, Pryor, and Gallagher. Admired Gallagher's comedy, not just props. Aspires to be like Carlin. Unique approach to prop comedy. Dislikes puns. Busy touring schedule, challenges of taking a break.

      The speaker, who grew up in Catholic school and became a successful comedian, acknowledges the influence of various comedians like George Carlin, Richard Pryor, and Gallagher on his career. He emphasizes that while Gallagher is known for his props, he admired Gallagher's stand-up comedy and incorporated elements of it into his own act, differentiating his prop comedy from Gallagher's. The speaker also mentions his admiration for George Carlin's "God" bit and his aspiration to be like Carlin. He shares that he has a unique approach to props in his comedy and dislikes when people make puns about his act. The speaker also discusses his busy touring schedule and the challenges of taking a break from performing.

    • Understanding the subjectivity of humorWhat one person finds funny, another might not. Comedians must embrace the complexities of humor and learn to take criticism in stride.

      Humor is subjective and what one person finds funny, another might not. Carrot Top shared an experience where he disliked a joke written about him for "Family Guy," but the writers found it hilarious. Despite his reservations, he recorded the part, only to discover that audiences loved it. This incident highlights the importance of understanding that comedic timing and what appeals to different people can vary greatly. Additionally, Carrot Top mentioned that when successful comedians make fun of him, it can sting, but he's learned to take it in stride as part of the job. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the complexities of humor and the importance of embracing the unique perspectives that make comedy so engaging.

    • Focus on your fans and supporters, not criticsSuccess is not determined by critics, focus on your unique perspective and dedication to your craft, and appreciate the support of your fans

      The validation and success of an artist or individual should not be determined by the criticism or opinions of others, especially those who are not in their field or do not understand their work. The speaker shares his personal experiences of being criticized and mocked, but also receiving praise and admiration from respected figures in the industry. He emphasizes that the presentation and uniqueness of one's work is what truly matters, and that even seemingly negative experiences can lead to growth and success. The speaker also mentions the idea that anything can be labeled as "hack" or unoriginal, but ultimately, it's the artist's perspective and dedication to their craft that sets them apart. In essence, the artist should focus on their fans and supporters, and not worry about those who do not appreciate their work.

    • Unexpected opportunities from connections and experiencesEmbracing new experiences and cherishing meaningful connections can lead to surprising opportunities and lasting memories

      The power of connections and experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares his experience of discovering a band called The National, who later headlined a concert he attended. He also recounts giving a gift to Michael Stipe, which the musician still has to this day. The speaker also talks about the unusual gifts he receives from fans, including carrot-themed items and custom Crown bottles due to his public affinity for the brand. The conversation then takes a nostalgic turn as the speaker shares a story about his first drink at a young age, which he had with his father at a NASA launch event. These experiences, both musical and personal, have left lasting impressions on the speaker and highlight the importance of embracing new opportunities and cherishing meaningful connections.

    • Following passions leads to extraordinary resultsPursuing dreams, despite unconventional paths, can lead to remarkable achievements and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

      Passion and dedication can lead to extraordinary results, whether it's in the world of whiskey or comedy. Kaveh Zimani, the founder of Rabbit Hole Distillery, left behind a successful career as a clinical psychologist to pursue his dream of crafting the world's finest spirits. His commitment to no shortcuts and no compromises paid off, earning him a spot in the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame. Similarly, Cara Toppin, a comedian, defied her father's expectations and became a successful performer, resonating with audiences on The Tonight Show. Both stories remind us that it's never too late to follow our passions and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Rabbit Hole Distillery's award-winning whiskeys, made with unique recipes and aged in hand-selected barrels, are a testament to this philosophy. If you're looking to try something new and extraordinary, consider giving Rabbit Hole a try. And for those with unconventional paths in life, remember that our loved ones may not always understand our choices, but their support and pride can be a powerful motivator.

    • Embracing uniqueness leads to humor and connectionEmbracing individuality, even if it goes against societal norms, can lead to humor and connection. Using unique traits as a source of self-expression can bring joy and overcome challenges.

      Self-expression and embracing one's uniqueness, even if it goes against societal norms or expectations, can lead to humor and connection. The speaker, who grew up with red hair in a family without any redheads, used his distinct feature as a source of humor and jokes since childhood. He recounted various instances where he tried to stand out, from impersonating rock stars in school to having unconventional hair colors as an adult. Despite facing challenges, such as being teased or having his mother's bleached hair causing confusion, he continued to find joy in being different. His experiences demonstrate the power of embracing one's individuality and using it as a tool for self-expression and humor.

    • The comedian's journey: embracing challenges and staying true to herselfA comedian values the process of creating new material, staying true to her unique perspective, and finding inspiration in everyday experiences, even amidst criticism and challenges.

      The speaker, a comedian, values the experience of performing on stage and enjoys the process of creating new material, even if it means dealing with criticism and the challenges of everyday life. She also appreciates the importance of staying true to her unique perspective and creativity, rather than relying on others to execute her ideas. The speaker's conversations with others, including a hairdresser and a friend, reveal her resilience and determination to continue pursuing her passion, despite the judgments and obstacles she may face. Additionally, the speaker's ability to find inspiration in everyday experiences, such as shopping at Target or attending a garage sale, demonstrates her resourcefulness and adaptability as a comedian. Overall, the speaker's conversations highlight her commitment to her craft and her ability to turn life's challenges into comedic material.

    • Reflections on the enduring relevance of comedyComedians and comedy evolve with the times, but the enduring relevance of humor remains. Adaptation and staying true to art are key.

      Comedy, like the career of a comedian, evolves with the times. During a conversation, the speaker recalled an old joke about a plate for bulimics that still resonates with audiences today. He mused about doing a comedy special featuring old material and shooting it in black and white, inspired by Seinfeld's similar approach. The speaker also shared Seinfeld's perspective on life as a series of cycles, and expressed a desire to continue performing. The discussion highlighted the enduring relevance of comedy and the importance of adapting to changing times while staying true to one's art.

    • Appreciate the present and be the key to your own happinessCherish the journey and experiences, don't constantly search for something more, and be the key to your own happiness

      The importance of living in the moment and appreciating what you have. Buddy Hackett imparted this wisdom to a young comic by telling him, "The key to the treasure is the treasure." This means that we should enjoy the present and not constantly search for something more, as we are the key to our own happiness. Another valuable lesson came from George Carlin, who reminded the comic not to take his craft lightly and to always give his best performance. These words of advice from comedy legends serve as a reminder to cherish the journey and the experiences along the way.

    • George Carlin's Unapologetic Approach to ComedyGeorge Carlin's unique comedic style, rooted in everyday life experiences, challenged norms and left a lasting impact on comedy. He valued genuine connections but remained true to his art, inspiring generations.

      George Carlin believed in the power of staying true to one's art and not catering to the audience. He shared this perspective during a conversation with the interviewee, expressing his disregard for those who might not understand his comedy. However, despite his tough exterior, Carlin also valued genuine connections and was moved by kind words from peers and fans, such as Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner. Carlin's unique comedic style, which was raw and unapologetic, challenged the norms of his time and left a lasting impact on the comedy world. He didn't rely on writers extensively but rather drew inspiration from everyday life experiences. Carlin's unwavering commitment to his art and his ability to connect with peers and fans made him a true comedy legend.

    • Comedian's act includes Trump, crowd work, and past experiencesTo engage audiences, comedians can use current events, mimic mannerisms, and connect with their backgrounds during auditions.

      The comedian's act incorporates current events and crowd work to engage audiences. He uses Trump as a source of humor, mimicking his mannerisms and using a Pee-wee Herman comparison. The comedian also mentioned his experience working with various opening acts, including Bill Cosby and a 17-year-old named Rob. He prefers an opener who can warm up the crowd and get them angry, so when he comes on, they're ready for his more lighthearted, less edgy style. The comedian also shared a story about Jimmy Brogan, who advised him to ask about the audience's background during auditions to make a connection and improve his chances.

    • Comedian's Corporate Gigs: Hilarious or Disastrous?Performing for large crowds can make comedians nervous, and audience reactions in different industries can impact performance. Early comedy experiences shaped the comedian's career, with a longing to return to improv.

      Comedian's experiences with corporate gigs can vary greatly. Some, like his experience at Starbucks, can result in a hilarious and memorable performance. Others, like his experience with Budweiser, can be a disaster. The comedian shares how nervous he gets performing for large crowds and how audiences in certain industries can affect his performance. He also reminisces about his early days in comedy, mentioning his connections to the Comedy Store and improv scene. Despite these experiences, he expresses a desire to return to smaller venues and perform improv again. Overall, the comedian's anecdotes highlight the unpredictability and excitement of live comedy performances.

    • Carrot Top's fame from TV and commercialsDespite misunderstandings, Carrot Top's diverse career in TV, stand-up comedy, and commercials contributed to his lasting success

      Carrot Top's success in comedy came from a combination of various factors, including television appearances on shows like The Tonight Show, Regis and Kathie Lee, and MTV, as well as AT&T commercials that provided widespread exposure. However, even with his fame, people sometimes mistook him for a phone guy due to the commercials. Despite this, Carrot Top continued to perform stand-up comedy and found that a significant portion of his audience was unaware of his comedic background. Even today, his old commercials are being recycled, showcasing the enduring impact of his past successes.

    • Navigating Challenges with Humor and ResilienceTurning negative experiences into jokes and maintaining a positive attitude can help navigate life's challenges. Humor and resilience are powerful tools for personal and professional success.

      Humor and resilience are powerful tools in navigating life's challenges, whether they be personal or professional. During a conversation with Carrot Top, the topic of his long-lasting career in comedy despite facing criticism and being picked on came up. He shared that his ability to make fun of himself and turn negative experiences into jokes has been the key to his success. This was evident when he spoke about how he got on Bill Maher's show by jokingly asking if he could be a guest. The conversation also touched on the revival of older trends like pickleball and even masturbation during the pandemic, highlighting how people find comfort in simple joys and nostalgia. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and finding humor in everyday situations.

    • Unexpected encounters can lead to opportunitiesConfidently seize opportunities, even in unexpected settings or with famous figures, by approaching them with humor and ease.

      Unexpected encounters with notable figures, even in seemingly mundane situations, can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares a story of running into several famous individuals, including Casey Kasem and Bill Maher, in a restroom during an event. Instead of being starstruck, the speaker struck up a conversation with Bill Maher, making a joke about his penis size, which led to an invitation to appear on Maher's show the next day. This experience highlights the importance of being confident and seizing opportunities when they arise, even if they come in unexpected ways or settings. Additionally, the story underscores the idea that everyone, no matter how famous, is human and can be approached with a sense of humor and ease.

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    014: Alisa Murray - Monologue Advice From The Source

    Today’s guest is one of our most prolific MonologuesToGo writers. Alisa Murray is an actress and writer based in Los Angeles and originally from Philadelphia, “The City of Brotherly Love.” Recent film credits include: The Education of a Negro, I am Homicide, Living for the Sacrifice, The Substitute and Scratch.

    Alisa trained in New York City and performed in the Off-Broadway shows: 10 Ways On a Gun & Nola, and the NAACP Award Winning Play directed by Layon Gray, The Girls of Summer. She had her Los Angeles theater debut at The Stella Adler Theater in the world premiere of The Daughters of Kush by George Corbin, a story about a Caucasian college girl desiring to pledge an historically African American sorority in 1963. Theaterspokenhere.blogspot described her performance saying: "Alisa Murray is a poignant Rhonda."

    Alisa recently performed in Towne Street Theater's Ten Minute Play Festival in the festival winner Sabrina's Christenings and In Response: Year of the Woman Portraying Multiple Characters. She also performed in the Vision's Theatre Festival in Low Down Country. She is a WGA registered screenwriter of: Trapped and In the Name of the Father and the comedic pilot, Coasting. 

    You can learn more about Alisa at: imdb.com Alisa Murray

    Don’t forget to subscribe to The Craft & Biz of Acting so that you don't miss a single episode. While you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to www.MonologuesToGo.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

    015: Bill Timoney - Stories of Inspiration from a Broadway Veteran

    015: Bill Timoney - Stories of Inspiration from a Broadway Veteran

    Bill Timoney is a seasoned actor who’s truly done it all. Currently appearing in “Network” on Broadway, Bill describes his career as “eclectic” with work ranging from acting on Broadway to regional theaters, movies, TV shows and commercials. He is known for his work on All My Children, 12 Monkeys and Mission to Mars.

    A veteran voice actor, he’s heard in hundreds of films, TV shows, and especially animated programs. He also directs recording sessions for dubbed versions of anime, adapts scripts for foreign language films and TV shows, and provides script coverage and assessment for industry clients.

    Bill’s also worked as a stand-up comic and stage combat choreographer.

    He spent the year 2012 working as the line producer for a live one-hour daily morning TV news show. In his own words: “I’ve been around.” He certainly has!

    You can learn more about Bill at: imdb.com Bill Timoney

    If you’d like to contact him for coaching, you can find him on Facebook. Bill Timoney/Facebook

    Don’t forget to subscribe to The Craft & Biz of Acting so that you don't miss a single episode. While you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!

    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to www.MonologuesToGo.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

    Session 20: The Mayor of New York City

    Session 20: The Mayor of New York City
    Start spreading the news…he’s leaving and gayyyy! We’re kicking off our 20th session with another special guest and the newest New Yorker: Michael! In the middle of packing up his entire life, Michael found the time to grace us with his presence before ditching us for the big apple. (Take a shot every time we reference New York in this description.) Michael shares his fears about starting over, exploring the gay dating scene in NYC, and opens up about everything from his drag queen ex to being sexually awakened by a cartoon. Is Michael ready for the concrete jungle where dreams are made of? Let's find out!