
    Podcast Summary

    • Revisiting 'The Office's Casino Night' episode with Jenna Fisher and Angela KinseyFans are enjoying the stars' rewatch of 'The Office' and gaining new insights through their podcast, including behind-the-scenes stories and answers to fan questions.

      Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, two stars of "The Office," are revisiting the season two finale "Casino Night" episode through their Ultimate Office Rewatch Podcast. They're sharing exclusive behind-the-scenes stories and answering fan questions. They received many positive reactions to their previous conversation with John Krasinski about Jim and Pam's scenes in the episode. A fan named Constance Gorham praised their friendship and the joy they felt while reminiscing. The duo wants to revisit the episode to address missed details, such as who exactly funded the casino night and Michael's role as the host. They'll also interview the episode's director, Ken Kwapas, who directed 13 Office episodes including their pilot and finale. They're excited to share stories about his "ninja mind tricks" during filming. Overall, the podcast offers fans a unique perspective on the beloved show and a chance to engage with the cast.

    • The Casino Night Dilemma: Was it a Friday or a Thursday?Despite careful observation, inconsistencies and unanswered questions remain in 'The Office,' such as the day of the casino night and Dwight's handling of his grandfather's tuxedo.

      The discussion revolved around inconsistencies and unanswered questions in the TV show "The Office." The speakers brought up two main topics: the day of the casino night and Dwight's grandfather's tuxedo. They debated whether the casino night was on a Friday or a Thursday based on conflicting information given in the show. Regarding Dwight's grandfather's tuxedo, they pondered whether Dwight kept it or put it back on his grandfather before reburying him. Additionally, they noticed overlooked details, such as Mindy's hair extensions during the casino night scene and Pam's hairstyle, which had been the subject of a lengthy discussion but was not mentioned during the episode. Overall, the speakers highlighted the intricacies of the show and the importance of paying attention to seemingly minor details.

    • The attention to detail in 'The Office' extended to characters' hairstyles and drink ordersThe production team carefully selected and maintained consistent details like hairstyles, drink orders, and continuity to add depth and authenticity to 'The Office'

      The attention to detail in the production of "The Office" was remarkable, even extending to minor aspects like characters' hairstyles and drink orders. For instance, Pam's signature hairdo had to be achieved without the use of a Pam clip due to the actress' physical limitations. Meanwhile, Mindy's sudden long hair was never questioned. Similarly, the characters' drink orders were carefully chosen and consistent with their personas, such as Jan's cosmopolitan and Jim's seven and seven. Additionally, there were instances of clever continuity, like Billy Merchant's girlfriend being played by the same actress who appeared as a waitress at Chili's in an earlier episode. These small details added depth and authenticity to the show.

    • Michael's impulsive behavior at the poker tableAngela's observation skills reveal Michael's rule-breaking behavior at the poker table, highlighting office dynamics

      During the Casino Night episode of "The Office," Michael's emotional reaction to losing a poker hand to Toby leads him to storm away from the table without revealing his cards. This decision, which goes against the unspoken rule of never walking away from a hand, bothers Jenna Fischer's character, Jenna, and Angela, who both keep detailed files on various aspects of office life. Another notable detail from the episode is Ken Quapas' revelation that he and Jenna both attended high schools in St. Louis, adding to the St. Louis contingent on the show. Ken Quapas, the director of the Casino Night episode, shared his memories of their first meeting during auditions. Michael's impulsive behavior at the poker table, along with Angela's keen observation skills, highlights the complex dynamics among the office employees.

    • Acknowledging confusion leads to connections and solutionsAdmitting what you don't know can lead to unexpected bonds and creative problem-solving during interviews or collaborations

      Admitting what you don't know can lead to unexpected connections and solutions. During a job interview for the role of producing The Office remake, the interviewee, who was nervous about meeting the director Greg Daniels due to his admiration for his work and the skepticism surrounding the remake, found common ground with him when they both expressed confusion about the layout of the paper company in the original British show. Instead of letting this perceived weakness hinder the interview, they sat down and drew out their ideas, forming a bond and ultimately shaping the design of the Dunder Mifflin world. This experience highlights the importance of acknowledging our limitations and collaborating to find answers.

    • Morning exercise scene inspired by Gervais and Merchant's filming approachFilming techniques like establishing shots, director's presence, and intentional camera placement added authenticity to 'The Office' scenes.

      The morning exercise scene in "The Office" was inspired by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's approach to filming, which involved shooting establishing shots before moving into scripted scenes. This practice helped set the tone for the day and allowed cast members, even those without lines, to find their voice. Another key observation was the importance of the director standing next to the camera during filming, allowing them to see every actor and react accordingly. Additionally, the idea of intentionally placing the camera in the "wrong place" to capture unexpected moments was also employed, adding authenticity to the scenes. Overall, these techniques contributed to the unique style and feel of "The Office."

    • Eliminating marks during 'The Office' filmingKen Kwapis' decision to remove marks during 'The Office' filming contributed to the show's authenticity and candidness, allowing actors to focus on performances and natural scene flow.

      During the filming of "The Office," Ken Kwapis, the director of the pilot episode, made a deliberate decision to eliminate the use of marks on the ground for actors, allowing them to focus more on their performances and the scene's natural flow. This choice contributed to the authenticity and candidness of the show, as it created the illusion that the documentary crew was simply observing the characters rather than staging scenes for the camera. Additionally, Kwapis implemented a unique talking head technique where he engaged in conversational prompts with the actors instead of having them deliver lines to an inanimate object. This approach fostered a more organic and human connection in the interviews, further enhancing the overall production.

    • Balancing preparation and spontaneity in storytellingEmpower actors and filmmakers, build trust, value underappreciated moments, create a supportive atmosphere, and allow risks to uncover new depths.

      Effective communication and direction in storytelling, whether it's in a scripted TV show or a documentary, requires a delicate balance between preparation and spontaneity. The actors and filmmakers involved should feel empowered to explore their creativity while being guided by a clear vision. The importance of building relationships and trust between the team and the subjects being filmed cannot be overstated. Moments that may seem insignificant or underappreciated can often be the most impactful, as they can convey complex emotions without the need for excessive dialogue. As a director, it's essential to create an atmosphere of support and freedom, allowing actors to take risks and discover new depths to their characters.

    • Being present and engaged with actors is key to effective directionBuild strong connections with actors and be fully present to help them deliver their best work, using immediate feedback and support.

      Being present and engaged with actors on set is crucial for effective direction. The speaker, Jenna Fischer, emphasizes the importance of being near the cast to provide immediate feedback and support. She shares her experience of working with Steve Carell and how his intense work ethic and serious approach set a positive tone for the whole production. Jenna also talks about how Steve's direction, often delivered with the simple phrase "go ahead," gave her the confidence and permission to fully commit to her performances. Overall, the speaker highlights the importance of building a strong connection with actors and being fully present to help them deliver their best work.

    • A fan favorite episode of The Office directed by Randall EinhornRandall Einhorn's improvisational direction brought out the best in The Office's actors and script, resulting in a beloved episode with romantic storylines and memorable moments.

      The "Casino Night" episode of The Office, directed by Randall Einhorn, stands out for its improvisational elements and romantic storylines. Despite not knowing it at the time, Einhorn directed a monumental episode that became a fan favorite, with moments like Angela slapping Dwight and the subtle looks between Steve and Craig adding to the episode's charm. The deliberate positioning of Jan and Jim's scene outside the car created a sexy and intriguing moment for the audience, and the attention to detail in capturing these small moments made a significant impact. Einhorn's direction brought out the best in the actors and the script, resulting in a beloved episode that showcased the show's unique blend of humor and romance.

    • Considering every detail in directionSmall actions and decisions can significantly impact a scene and the audience's experience. Directors carefully plan and execute each moment to create a cohesive and engaging narrative.

      Effective direction involves careful consideration of every detail, even seemingly insignificant moments. In the scene where Melora throws an object over her shoulder, the director and actress discussed why she would pause and look at it before throwing it. This small action added depth to the scene and made it feel more organic. Another example is Steve's stalking behavior in the background of a scene between Jan and Carol. The director staged this moment carefully to create a funny and suspenseful effect. Even small decisions, like not letting Jenna and John talk before their kiss in Casino Night, can have a big impact on the story and the audience's experience. The director's role is to meticulously plan and execute each moment to create a cohesive and engaging narrative.

    • Filming the iconic kiss scene in 'The Office'Creative and practical decisions led to the successful filming of an iconic kiss scene, despite unexpected challenges.

      Practical considerations and creative decisions played a significant role in filming the iconic kiss scene between Jim and Pam in "The Office." The scene was filmed on a Friday night, after the parking lot confession scene was skipped during rehearsals, leaving the actors feeling off-balance and creating tension. The lighting and camera angles were carefully chosen to put the audience in Pam's shoes and experience the surprise of the moment. Despite the challenges, the scene was successfully recreated later in the summer to capture Pam's reaction. Overall, the practical and creative decisions made during the filming of this scene contributed to its impact and enduring popularity.

    • Unexpected twists on set: Actress finds emotional weight in re-shootDirectors and actors collaborate to create emotional scenes, even during unexpected re-shoots. Trust and flexibility are crucial.

      The dynamic between directors and actors can lead to unexpected twists and emotional experiences on set. During an episode of "The Office," the cast had to recreate a scene from a casino night due to a missing script. Actress Jenna Fischer was surprised to find a gay witch character in the revised script, which had not been present during the initial filming. The emotional weight of the scene took everyone by surprise, making the re-shoot feel less daunting. Director Ken Koppus, who is releasing a book about his experiences behind the camera, emphasizes the importance of a director's gentle and humble approach to set. Jenna also shared that she often added small, personal touches to her character, Pam, such as fidgeting with her engagement ring, which was not in the original script. Overall, the conversation highlighted the collaborative nature of filmmaking and the importance of trust and flexibility between directors and actors.

    • Appreciation for small acting choices and character detailsNoticing and appreciating small acting choices and character details can deeply resonate with audiences.

      The small details in a performance or a character can resonate deeply with audiences, as evidenced by the reaction to the "big buddy" line in the podcast and the discovery of the original commercial featuring the doll that looks like Angela. Additionally, some characters on the show have real names, like Angela, while others have character names, such as Jim and Pam. This was a creative choice made by the writers and not based on any specific permission or significance to the actors. The discussion also touched upon the actress's appreciation for fans noticing the small acting choices she makes and the eerie resemblance between herself and the doll from the commercial.

    • Revisiting 'The Office' with Jenna Fisher and Angela KinseyThe hosts, Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, plan to continue their podcast 'Office Ladies' with deep dives into 'The Office' and welcome fan interaction.

      The hosts, Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, enjoyed revisiting the early days of "The Office" and engaging with fans through their podcast, "Office Ladies." They plan to continue doing deep dives into the show, possibly calling it "The Deep Dive," and welcome fans to submit questions and comments. The hosts also mentioned their appreciation for the original creatives involved in the show, such as Carrie Bennett, Dave Rogers, Kenta Pedia, and Randall Einhorn. They value fan interaction and look forward to continuing the conversation about "The Office" with their listeners.

    Recent Episodes from Office Ladies

    Moving On, Pt 1

    Moving On, Pt 1

    This week we’re breaking down “Moving On, Pt 1”. Andy is grieving over his breakup with Erin, Pam has a job interview in Philly with a manager that is way too similar to Michael Scott, and Angela helps Dwight take care of his aunt. The ladies talk about what it was like to work with the director of this episode Jon Favreau, Angela shares Merriam-Webster's description of the “Aha” moment, Jenna shares some current fashion trends and the ladies talk about Mark Franks (Bob Odenkirk) and Simon Realty in Philly. So while you wonder what it would be like if Bob Dylan was your boss, enjoy this episode! 

    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies

    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    This week the ladies chat with Phyllis Smith! Phyllis played our lovable, snarky sales rep who was also the second half of Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration. The ladies bond over some of their personal favorite “Office” moments which includes a scene both Phyllis and Steve Carell couldn’t get through. Phyllis also talks about her upcoming movie “Inside Out 2” where she plays the voice of Sadness. This episode is guaranteed to warm your heart so no need to get sassy over party planning ideas, just enjoy this episode! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    A Look Back on Counseling

    A Look Back on Counseling

    This week we’re taking a look back on “Counseling”. After spanking his nephew at work, Michael undergoes counseling with Toby. Meanwhile, Dwight attempts to get his “Pretty Woman” revenge at a Steamtown Mall shop and Pam gives herself a promotion. We hear an original “Whispers in the Breakroom” by musician Elyse Myers. Jenna reveals the backstory behind how Michael came to hate Toby, Angela shares why Dwight wanted that wizard statue so badly, and we get a fun audio clip from actress Kate Walsh! If you don’t listen to this episode, Big mistake, HUGE! 


    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    This week the ladies chat with Jake Lacy! Jake played Pete on “The Office” or as Andy liked to call him, Plop. Jake talks about what it was like to audition and join the cast in Season 9. Jake shares memories from his first day on set, answers call sheet questions and they all bond over parenting. Enjoy! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 05, 2024

    Couples Discount

    Couples Discount

    This week we’re breaking down “Couples Discount”. The office pretends to be couples to get a Valentines’ Day discount at a nail salon, and meanwhile Jim and Pam try to celebrate this romantic holiday but it doesn’t go so well. Angela shares the struggle of shoe shopping with tiny feet, Jenna deems that Valentine’s Day is not Jim and Pam’s holiday and the ladies try some fancy chocolate. So relax, get a mani with your office bestie and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 29, 2024

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    This week we're breaking down "Vandalism" and the ladies are joined by the director of this episode and Jenna's husband, Lee Kirk! (You might also remember Lee as Clark the Lactation Consultant.) Pam's mural in the warehouse gets vandalized, Angela and the Senator host a fancy first birthday party for their son and Jim and Darryl are a bit at odds as roommates in Philly. Lee shares what it was like to direct an episode of "The Office" through a fun analogy. Then Jenna shares a Nate moment that made her break, and Angela reveals more deleted party scenes. Plus Josh (Angela's husband in real life) made lemon madeleines for us this week! So keep your 5 lbs of flour away from Jim and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    This week the ladies chat with John Krasinski! John, Jenna and Angela talk about Season 9 of “The Office”, Jenna remembers John pitching a way to wrap up the Jim and Pam storyline, Angela asks John some call sheet questions, and John tells the ladies about his upcoming movie “IF”! This is a wonderful chat so please enjoy, Office Ladies fans! 


    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion


    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    This week we’re taking a look back at “Nepotism”. Michael got his nephew, played by Evan Peters, a job at Dunder Mifflin and he’s terrible. Like soy ice cream and bagel chips terrible. The ladies tell you everything you want to know about the lip dub opening, and Kate Flannery sends in a clip about her experience being strapped to Brian Baumgartner’s back. Then Angela shares a story full of twists and turns about trying to find a Blu-Ray player in her hometown so she could research this episode, Jenna explains a seemingly strange reaction Pam has in a conference room scene and the ladies wonder about being able to pee in the ocean. So bust out those dance moves, guitar riffs and magic tricks, and enjoy “Nepotism”! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Junior Salesman

    Junior Salesman

    This week we’re breaking down “Junior Salesman”. Dwight searches for a part-time salesman to fill in while Jim splits his time between Athlead and Dunder Mifflin. We hear audio clips from editor Dave Rogers who talks about his experience directing this episode. Angela has a very surprising update on the banned mallard duck, Jenna breaks down how fan reactions to the boom operator affected the storyline and the ladies discuss what they can podcast about next after their “Office” rewatch. So no need to go paintballing with Dwight’s friends, just enjoy this great episode! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Customer Loyalty

    Customer Loyalty

    This week we’re breaking down “Customer Loyalty”. Dwight goes out of his way to stop Darryl from leaving Dunder Mifflin, and Jim misses Cece’s recital which leads to a fight that causes Pam to turn to someone from the documentary crew! We hear audio clips from the director of this episode, Kelly Cantley, who talks about taking on such a big reveal. Angela also interviews her daughter, Isabel, who played a ladybug in this episode and Jenna shares a fan letter that pitches many incidents the documentary crew probably should’ve stepped in to help a Dunder Mifflin employee. So no need to “FIRE IN THE HOLE” to enjoy this big episode. It’s a good one!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    The Equipment used: https://tinyurl.com/y78py5g2

    Audio Equipment Used In Podcast:

    Shure SM7B mics, cloud lifters, rodecaster pro audio interface

    Thank you Arjun Krishna and ChatGPT for the timestamps:

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    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    “Start with the steps you don't want to take. -David White”

    “People often get caught up in jumping to something without really knowing why it matters to them or what's important to them.”

    Kirsty Maynor is a change expert and the author of the recently released book, "Untangled: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Change You Choose and Change You Don't". She’s an expert in helping individuals navigate and master both chosen and thrust-upon changes in life. Despite working in change management for 25 years, Kirsty faced a challenge in 2008 when she unexpectedly lost her job. This experience led her to reassess her approach to change and discover the true essence of making lasting life changes.

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    It’s significant to have clarity in navigating change, stating that, having a clear understanding of your core values and intentions is crucial. You have to recognize the messiness, experiment, and fail fast to be resilient and adaptable.

    Check out Kirsty’s book Untangled. You can find at untangledbook.com or on Amazon.

    To get tips, tools, resources and a bit of flavor of the change with Kirsty Maynor, visit her website: KirstyMaynor.com.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.



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