
    Podcast Summary

    • Find high-quality hourly workers with SnagajobSnagajob offers businesses access to a large pool of over 6 million active hourly workers, simplifying the hiring process with a user-friendly interface and dedicated customer support.

      Snagajob is a comprehensive hiring solution for businesses, offering access to a large pool of over 6 million active hourly workers. This platform simplifies the process of hiring high-quality employees for various positions, including on-demand, temp-to-hire, part-time, and full-time roles. Snagajob's user-friendly interface and dedicated customer support team make it an essential partner for businesses looking to maintain a smoothly operating workforce. During the conversation, there were some unrelated topics discussed, such as Evan's potential job threat and the group's WiFi usage. The group also shared some personal quirks and experiences. However, the main focus remained on the benefits of Snagajob for businesses in need of hourly workers. If you're a business owner looking to hire hourly workers, Snagajob is a valuable resource. With its extensive talent pool and easy-to-use platform, you can quickly fill open positions with qualified candidates. To learn more, visit snagajob.com or text "snag" to 242424 to speak with an expert.

    • Misunderstandings and Blame Game in the WorkplaceClarify misunderstandings and address issues transparently to prevent conflicts, and remember that different people have unique needs and preferences when it comes to technology.

      Trust and responsibility are crucial in any environment, whether it's a workplace or a shared living space. In the discussion, the night manager got blamed for accessing a restricted website on the computer, which was actually used by someone else. This incident led to a broken computer and a blame game. It's essential to clarify misunderstandings and address issues transparently to prevent unnecessary conflicts. Moreover, the conversation touched upon the topic of computer systems, with Windows and Mac being compared. The argument about which system is superior is a never-ending debate, but it's essential to remember that different people have different needs and preferences. Some might prefer the flexibility and customization options offered by Windows, while others might find the user-friendly interface of Mac more appealing. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on individual requirements and comfort level. Lastly, the discussion also highlighted the idea of not caring about material possessions, such as not using phone cases, as a status symbol. While some might find it cool to show off their broken devices, it's important to consider the potential consequences of such actions. Overall, the conversation provided insights into various topics, from trust and responsibility to technology and personal preferences.

    • IPhone's glass back: A fragile designHandle iPhones with care to prevent costly repairs or replacements due to their fragile glass backs, which are harder to fix than the front and make iPhones more prone to damage.

      IPhones, despite their advanced features, are fragile and susceptible to damage, especially when it comes to their glass backs. This was discussed in detail as people shared their experiences of dropping, running over, and even putting their phones in strange places, only to have them shatter or malfunction. The back of the iPhone is now harder to fix than the front due to everything being glued to it. Additionally, the larger size of iPhones makes them more prone to being placed in precarious positions. It was also mentioned that while iPhones are waterproof, they cannot go in the water with a cracked back. Overall, it's essential to handle iPhones with care to avoid costly repairs or replacements.

    • Is a fanny pack cool or uncool? It depends.A fanny pack's perceived coolness depends on personal preference and context. Some find it functional and secure, while others see it as outdated.

      The use of a fanny pack or a satchel can be a matter of personal preference and practicality. For some, especially high rollers in Vegas, it serves as a functional and secure way to carry large sums of money. For others, it might be seen as uncool or outdated. However, when worn as a functional accessory, particularly as a fanny pack worn over the shoulder, it can be considered cool and practical. The speaker in this conversation had been using a fanny pack for its functionality during the 4th of July weekend, but had been receiving criticism for it. He defended its use by highlighting its practicality and security, and shared memories of seeing friends wearing it in similar situations. Ultimately, the decision to wear a fanny pack comes down to personal preference and the specific context in which it is being used.

    • The comfort and freedom of having a petHaving a pet brings unconditional love and acceptance, simplifying life by reducing worries about fashion and apartment searches. Utilizing services like Angi for home projects eases stress and allows focus on other aspects.

      Having a pet as a roommate can bring ease and simplicity to one's life. As discussed in the podcast, wearing unusual outfits without judgment is akin to having a pet who doesn't care about fashion trends or societal norms. Sydney's perspective on Mike's fashion choices highlights the freedom and comfort that comes with having a pet, who accepts and loves us unconditionally. Similarly, when it comes to finding a new apartment, having a pet-friendly option can alleviate stress and make the process smoother. Angi, a platform that connects homeowners with skilled professionals, can help simplify home projects and repairs, allowing us to focus on other aspects of our lives. In essence, having a pet and utilizing services like Angi can help reduce the number of things we need to worry about and make our lives more carefree and manageable.

    • The impact of clothing choices on confidence and perceptionEmbrace clothing choices with confidence, regardless of others' opinions. Comfortable and proud clothing boosts self-assurance and assertiveness.

      The way we perceive and approach our clothing choices can significantly impact our confidence and how others perceive us. Wearing something uncomfortable or out of the ordinary can cause anxiety and self-consciousness, while wearing something we're proud of and confident in can make us feel cool and assertive. However, the real key is to wear anything with confidence, regardless of what others might think. The speaker mentioned his admiration for a friend's linen shirt and his own reluctance to wear a pink Levi shirt, highlighting how our comfort zones can limit our fashion choices. He also shared an intriguing discovery about a circular TV being built in Vegas, which looks like a TV both inside and outside. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of embracing our clothing choices and wearing them with confidence.

    • Construction of a unique concert venue on the Las Vegas strip faced unexpected delaysUnforeseen circumstances, including COVID-19, prolonged the construction of a Las Vegas concert venue, resulting in memes and misconceptions about a man's image associated with the venue

      The construction of a unique concert venue on the Las Vegas strip took longer than expected due to unforeseen circumstances, including COVID-19. The venue, which features a distinctive eyeball design on the outside, is a state-of-the-art theater with a 5D experience. A popular meme involving a man named Barry, who unknowingly posed for adult photos before his death, has been associated with the venue. Despite the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Barry's story, his image has gone viral due to the size of his lower body part, which has become a meme. It is important to note that the man's name was actually Wardy Juerbet, and he died in 2016. The misconceptions and memes surrounding his image demonstrate the power of the internet to create and spread information, both true and false.

    • The Power of a Memorable NameA simple, easy-to-pronounce name can contribute to fame and recognition. Difficult names may require rebranding or shortening. Rappers have an advantage due to their ability to add multiple names or nicknames.

      Having a memorable and easy-to-pronounce name can contribute to fame and recognition. Names like Tony Hawk, Tiger Woods, and Mike are often favored due to their simplicity and ease of use. On the other hand, names that are difficult to pronounce or remember, such as Baby Gladys, may require rebranding or shortening to make them more appealing. The discussion also touched on the idea that rappers have an advantage in this regard, as they can add multiple names or nicknames to their stage names. Ultimately, the importance of a name should not be underestimated, as it can significantly impact how people perceive and remember individuals.

    • Friend's reckless driving showcases R6's durabilityFriend's wealthy background allowed him to walk away from destructive driving incident without financial consequences, but not all situations end the same way. Durability of R6 vehicles was proven, while neglecting maintenance led to issues.

      Despite the destructive actions of a friend, the reliability and durability of their high-performance vehicle stood out. However, it's important to note that not all instances of reckless driving result in the same outcome. The friend, Evan, was able to walk away from the situation without financial consequences due to his wealthy father. This contrasts with the speaker's upbringing and financial situation. The speaker acknowledged that they could have prevented some damage, but also appreciated the content Evan's actions provided for their videos. Ultimately, they acknowledged that their R6 vehicles could withstand more abuse than the Subaru, which blew up after only a few laps around the track. The discussion also highlighted the importance of maintenance, as neglecting an air filter led to issues with another vehicle. Despite the humor and camaraderie in their destructive activities, the group acknowledged the financial implications and the importance of responsible driving.

    • Accessing a reliable workforce with SnagajobSnagajob offers businesses access to a large pool of hourly workers, making it an ideal partner for filling various positions. The platform's ease of use and customer support streamline the hiring process.

      Snagajob is a valuable resource for businesses looking to hire high-quality hourly workers. With access to over 6 million active workers, Snagajob offers a diverse talent pool for various positions, including warehouse workers, retail associates, and even podcast producers. The platform's ease of use and dedicated customer support make it an ideal partner for businesses to keep their operations running smoothly. On a more personal note, the speaker shared a reflection on the power of memories and the connection between past experiences and present actions. She recounted a dream she had where she used an app to open her garage door and hide from the police. When she later discovered she could open her garage door with an app in real life, she had a moment of consideration before deleting the app to avoid any potential "bad juju" or unintended consequences. This anecdote highlights the speaker's superstitious nature and her belief in the potential impact of seemingly insignificant actions. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of having access to a reliable workforce and the significance of past experiences in shaping our present thoughts and actions.

    • People have unique habits and routinesEveryone has quirks and idiosyncrasies that make them unique, and these differences do not necessarily indicate any underlying mental health conditions

      People have unique habits and routines, some of which may seem odd to others. For instance, in the conversation, there were discussions about drinking water from specific sources, cutting fingernails in a certain order, and even drying off after a shower in a particular way. While some of these behaviors might seem odd, they are simply part of the individuals' routines and do not necessarily indicate any underlying mental health conditions like OCD. It's essential to remember that everyone has quirks and idiosyncrasies, and these differences make us who we are.

    • Individual temperature and material preferencesPeople have distinct temperature and material preferences, and what seems insignificant to one person may hold significant value for another

      People have unique preferences when it comes to temperature settings and material choices, even if they appear insignificant to others. In the discussion, Ken and the speaker expressed contrasting opinions on temperature control in their vehicles and the value of carbon fiber add-ons. While Ken trusts the automated settings in his Tesla, the speaker prefers manual control. Similarly, Ken appreciates the carbon fiber package in his Ford Bronco Raptor, despite its high cost and small size, for the long-term benefits and aesthetic appeal. These preferences reflect individual values and priorities, demonstrating that what seems insignificant to one person may hold great significance to another.

    • The Importance of Finding the Right Fit and Appearance for Your VehicleSize and fit significantly impact a vehicle's appearance. Finding the right fit for wheels, tires, and other customizations can enhance safety and aesthetics.

      When it comes to customizing a vehicle, finding the right fit and appearance can be a challenge. While there may be numerous options available, not all of them may look good or be practical. The importance of size and fit cannot be overlooked, as it can significantly impact the overall look of the vehicle. Some people may end up with smaller wheels or tires than intended due to various reasons, including safety concerns or personal preference. In an unusual turn of events, a sea otter in Santa Cruz has been stealing surfboards from surfers, adding an unexpected element to the discussion of customization and fit. The otter's aggressive behavior has disrupted the local surfing community, leaving many wondering about its motivations and methods. Ultimately, the importance of finding the right fit and appearance for one's vehicle, or even for a sea otter's preferred surfboard, remains a crucial consideration.

    • The ocean and its creatures are wild and unpredictableBelieve it or not, sea otters might not enjoy surfing and humans may face danger in the ocean from orcas and other creatures.

      The ocean and its creatures, despite some instances of friendly behavior towards humans, are ultimately wild and unpredictable. The speaker expresses a belief that a sea otter, or another ocean creature, may not be a fan of surfing or humans in general. The ocean can be dangerous, as shown by instances of orca attacks on boats, and humans should not put complete trust in it or its inhabitants. The speaker also mentions the evolution of pirate ships from using cannons to using fire hoses as a defense against poachers. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex and sometimes conflicting relationship between humans and the ocean.

    • Sea Shepherds disrupt whaling activitiesThe Sea Shepherds, a non-profit group, use smaller boats to ram and hinder whaling in international waters, believing it's harmful and against laws. Their actions are risky, but raise awareness and funds.

      The Sea Shepherds are a non-profit organization that uses smaller boats to ram and disrupt whaling activities in international waters. Their actions are driven by the belief that whaling is harmful to whale populations and goes against international laws. Despite the risks and the size disparity between their boats and the whalers', the Sea Shepherds continue their mission, raising awareness and funds through donations. The legality of their actions is questionable, as it depends on the jurisdiction of the boats involved, and there seems to be a lack of enforcement against whalers in certain areas. The situation can be compared to a dangerous and chaotic boat derby, with both sides trying to outmaneuver each other. Ultimately, the Sea Shepherds' actions highlight the complex and contentious nature of whaling and the challenges of enforcing international laws in the vast expanse of the ocean.

    • Jurisdiction and Ocean ActivitiesThe ocean's jurisdiction can be unclear, but people still engage in various activities like crabbing, crawfishing, and catfishing, and a popular trend is 'hot girl catfishing.' Snagajob helps businesses hire hourly workers.

      The ocean's jurisdiction can be unclear regarding ownership of unregistered ships, leading to potential confusion over nationalities. However, this doesn't prevent people from engaging in various ocean activities, such as crabbing, crawfishing, or even catfishing, which can be intriguing and satisfying. An intriguing video idea could be "hot girl catfishing," where individuals, particularly women, catch catfish with their bare hands. This concept has gained popularity on social media, but some may find the idea of sticking one's hand into catfish holes unsettling. Despite the potential discomfort, the experience can be a unique and honest way to connect with nature. Additionally, Snagajob offers a solution for businesses looking to hire hourly workers, providing access to a vast talent pool for various positions.

    • Find high-quality hourly workers with SnagajobSnagajob offers businesses access to over 6M active hourly workers, a user-friendly platform, and dedicated customer support for efficient and effective hiring.

      Snagajob is a comprehensive hiring solution for businesses looking to fill hourly positions efficiently and effectively. With access to over 6,000,000 active hourly workers, Snagajob offers a vast talent pool for various industries and job roles. From warehouse workers and retail associates to fitness trainers, bakers, stylists, bellhops, and even podcast producers, Snagajob has a suitable candidate for every position. The platform's user-friendly design enables businesses to post and fill available positions quickly. Additionally, Snagajob provides dedicated customer support to ensure a smooth hiring process. This partnership allows businesses to maintain a productive workforce, keeping their operations running smoothly. In summary, Snagajob's deep talent pool and easy-to-use platform make it an indispensable resource for businesses seeking high-quality hourly employees. Whether you require on-demand, temp-to-hire, part-time, or full-time workers, Snagajob is the go-to solution for filling your job openings. To learn more and speak with an expert, visit snagajob.com or text "snag" to 242424.

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    Ben & Evan Were Out of Control at NASCAR
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    CboysTV Reacts To Guy Getting Arrested In Their Merch

    CboysTV Reacts To Guy Getting Arrested In Their Merch
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    This week Off The Cuff returns for a delightful and inspiring conversation with Rocki Howard about training and equipping women of color for modern, higher-paying careers in tech, administration, HR, and more. Rocki is committed to helping women remain active in the workforce at every stage of their journey​​. She has spent 20-plus years in the human resource and talent acquisition space and is a firm believer in the power of helping people get jobs, in a culture where they are free to be themselves and change their lives. This belief has driven her career creating work cultures that allow companies to hire and retain the best talent.

    Currently, Rocki is the Chief Equity and Impact Officer at The Mom Project, helping to power the future of work one mom at a time. The Mom Project believes in the power of moms, and that diverse, talented, and committed moms are a force to be reckoned with. They believe that parenting skills sharpen business skills and know that when mom thrives, families thrive, business thrives, society thrives...and things change for the better.

    In this episode, Christina and Rocki discuss their passion for diverse workplaces while exploring THE RISE SCHOLARSHIP, a program committed to accelerating equity for moms and women of color by providing access to upskill tech certifications while harnessing the power of community and support - in six months or less, and at no cost to participants! Rocki points out the array of benefits that this program is offering while illustrating some of the perks and advantages that businesses and organizations see when investing in RISE. This is a truly inspiring conversation for women from all walks of life and a reminder of the life-changing power of equitable employment for women and moms.


    Topics Include: 

    • Opportunities For Women of Color In Today's Workforce
    • The Empowerment That Comes with Proper Training
    • How The Modern Workplace Is Transforming
    • The Life-Changing Power of The Rise Scholarship
    • How Investing In Rise Could Benefit Your Business


    To learn more about how to Partner with RISE, message Rocki Howard on LinkedIn or email her directly at rocki.howard@themomproject.com.


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    Steps to Data Literacy and DataOps

    Steps to Data Literacy and DataOps

    You want to use AI and sophisticated analytics to enable business outcome. Is your workforce data literate? Do you have a refined, automated, and process-oriented methodology for your data management and analytics needs? How can you enable your organization to exploit digital opportunities through Data Literacy and DataOps?

    Guest: Vijay Venkatesan, Chief Analytics Officer, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey

    Guest Bio: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/contributor/vijay-venkatesan/

    More on this Episode: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/steps-to-data-literacy-and-dataops/

    More on Big Data: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/topics/big-data/

    More on AI: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/topics/ai/

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    Human Capital & Organizational Leadership

    Human Capital & Organizational Leadership

    This week, on the Fitness + Technology podcast, host Bryan O’Rourke welcomes back Tom Johnston to the show. Tom is currently the CEO of TJ Coaching & Consulting which helps leaders align business strategy with people strategy to build high performance teams, increase employee engagement, and grow revenue. Today, Tom joins Bryan in a conversation around human capital and aligning organizational leadership with people’s strategy. 

    One Powerful Quote: 

    8:09: “Even the term leader is probably becoming one of the most overused business nomenclature terms today.”

    4-10 Bullet Points (w/ timestamps) - Highlighting key topics discussed:

    5:28: Bryan opens the show by asking Tom what he is seeing in the realm of organizational leadership and culture today. 

    8:09: Bryan and Tom discuss the notion of leadership and what it means to be in command.

    11:30: Bryan inquires with Tom about hard skills in legacy organizations and the heightened problem of job protection.

    13:49: Bryan and Tom talk about the inefficiency of human resources and how culture breeds strategy.

    18:38: Tom articulates on managing the workforce and burnout. 

    22:32: Tom describes implementing technology as tools to help guide leadership to make strategic decisions. Bryan argues with Tom on why this isn’t the case.

    36:31: Tom gives his final advice for listeners on enhancing culture and organization by having a people’s strategy. 

    Bullet List of Resources:



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    Getting Past BYOD Security Concerns

    Getting Past BYOD Security Concerns

    Even in our modern workplace, we’re still having discussions about gaps in our BYOD security policies or that many companies don’t even have one in place. If you listen to many blogs or vendor white papers, employees are utilizing workarounds, executives are being careless and many organizations are still living in the stone age. Aren’t we just peddling fear at this point? What do we have to do to put these concerns behind us? How bad is the problem really, and what can we focus on so far that’s actually worked as a benchmark moving forward?

    Guest 1: Dan Lohrmann, CSO, Department of Technology, Management & Budget (DTMB), Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Protection, State of Michigan

    Guest Bio: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/contributor/dan-lohrmann/

    Guest 2: Elayne Starkey, CSO, Department of Technology and Information (DTI), Delaware

    Guest Bio: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/contributor/elayne-starkey/

    More on this Episode: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/getting-past-byod-security-concerns/

    More on Security: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/topics/security/

    More on Mobile: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/topics/mobile/

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