
    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's efforts to overturn election results failDespite claims of widespread voter fraud, Trump's attempts to change the outcome of the 2020 election through legal challenges and pressure on officials ultimately failed due to lack of evidence and constitutional limitations.

      Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election through legal challenges and pressure on Republican officials ultimately failed due to a lack of evidence and the constitutional limitations on his actions. Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud were dismissed in numerous court cases, and despite having the support of many in his party and the country, he was unable to change the outcome of the election. The election wasn't close enough to steal, and the lack of a solid case, combined with the actions of some Democrats and Republicans, prevented Trump from taking further steps to stay in power.

    • Judiciary upheld election law during disputesDespite Trump's efforts, courts rejected fraud claims due to lack of evidence and specific allegations

      The judiciary system upheld the law and the constitution during the 2020 election disputes, despite the efforts of Trump and his team to prove voter fraud. Key Republicans in key states played a crucial role in rejecting the fraud claims, but relying on individuals rather than institutions is not a reliable solution for the future. The Trump administration's appointment of right-wing judges over the last four years, including the Supreme Court, did not help their cause, as they failed to find a judge willing to entertain their claims. The lack of a legal case and specific allegations, along with the absence of proof, made it impossible for the courts to throw out ballots on the basis of alleged fraud. Ultimately, the judiciary's rejection of the Trump campaign's claims is a positive outcome for the country, as it upheld the integrity of the electoral process.

    • Focusing on preventing votes before an electionPolitical parties find it more effective to restrict voting access to prevent alleged fraud than to challenge election results post-facto. Trump's unsuccessful lawsuits illustrate this, and future efforts are expected to focus on this strategy.

      It's more effective for political parties to prevent votes from being counted before an election rather than trying to overturn the results after. This was evident in the unsuccessful Republican post-election lawsuits. Moving forward, they are expected to focus on restricting voting access to prevent alleged fraud. Trump continues to claim that the election was rigged, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and many of his supporters believe him. This disinformation and conspiracy theories are a significant threat to democracy and could lead to long-term voter suppression efforts. The misinformation bubble on the right is a major issue, and addressing it requires recognizing that many Americans are not exposed to mainstream news and are instead consuming right-wing propaganda. The threat is complex, and there are no easy solutions, but making voting easier is a crucial step towards mitigating its impact.

    • The Importance of Local and State ElectionsDespite the focus on presidential elections, the integrity of local and state races is crucial. Addressing conspiracy theories and engaging disbelievers is necessary to ensure fair elections and maintain democratic processes.

      The integrity of elections and the importance of local and state races cannot be overlooked. The events following the 2020 presidential election have highlighted the need for faster vote counting, more paper records, and power for Democrats to implement changes. However, a significant challenge lies in reaching those who believe in conspiracy theories and ignoring them is not an option due to the disproportionate voting power they hold. The past shows that even seemingly immutable issues can change, and the attempted coup should serve as a reminder of the importance of local and state elections. Furthermore, the refusal of some Trump supporters to vote in Georgia due to baseless claims of election rigging could potentially harm Republicans in the state.

    • Georgia's Political Landscape Heats Up Amid Election Controversy and Upcoming Senate RunoffsTrump's attacks on Kemp and concerns over Dominion voting machines fuel controversy, Republicans urge large voter turnout for Senate runoffs, Biden's diverse personnel appointments add to political news

      The political landscape in Georgia is heating up as President Trump continues to attack Governor Kemp for not intervening in the election results, despite it being illegal. This comes as Lynn Wood, an attorney, is urging people not to vote in elections with Dominion voting machines, not realizing that these machines would still count absentee ballots. Republicans are growing concerned about the situation, especially with Trump planning a rally in Georgia on December 5th. The controversy could extend beyond the special elections, as Brian Kemp is up for reelection in 2022 and may face a primary challenge. Progressive groups are using this situation to their advantage, boosting comments on social media platforms to fuel the fire. The upcoming Georgia Senate runoffs between Loeffler, Perdue, Warnock, and Ossoff are essentially a primary, and Trump is expected to urge supporters to vote for the Republican candidates despite his belief that the election was rigged against him. It's crucial for both sides to assume a large voter turnout and to try to win the elections. However, it would be a real shame if someone used Trump supporters' statements about boycotting the runoffs to influence Georgia Republican voters. The Biden administration's personnel announcements, which have been diverse, experienced, and reflective of Biden's policy and political views, add another layer to the political news.

    • Biden's Cabinet Picks Signal Focus on Diplomacy and International CooperationBiden's cabinet and national security team selections prioritize diplomacy, international institutions, and learning from past mistakes. They include experienced diplomats, lawyers, and foreign policy experts, as well as the first Latino and first woman in key roles.

      President-elect Joe Biden's cabinet and national security team selections reflect his focus on international cooperation, diplomacy, and legal frameworks. Tony Blinken as Secretary of State, Avril Haines as Director of National Intelligence, and Jake Sullivan as National Security Advisor bring a wealth of experience, intelligence, and a commitment to learning from past mistakes. Their backgrounds in diplomacy, law, and foreign policy suggest a prioritization of peaceful solutions and international institutions. Biden's choices also highlight the importance of diversity, with the first Latino and first immigrant (Alejandro Mayorkas) to run Homeland Security and the first woman (Linda Thomas-Greenfield) as US Ambassador to the UN. Overall, these picks signal a foreign policy approach grounded in diplomacy, international organizations, and a commitment to learning from the past.

    • Biden's Respected Cabinet PicksBiden's diplomatic picks, including Sullivan, Klain, Mayorkas, Thomas-Greenfield, and Blinken, are respected figures. Some Republicans threaten confirmation battles, but Biden should remain focused on securing confirmations and normalizing relations.

      President-elect Joe Biden's cabinet picks, such as Jake Sullivan, Ron Klain, and Alejandro Mayorkas, are respected figures across the political spectrum. These individuals have shown empathy and understanding towards opposing sides and have been praised for their accomplishments. Biden's selections for key diplomatic roles, like Linda Thomas-Greenfield and Tony Blinken, are expected to strengthen the Democratic Party's stance on diplomacy and engagement in international relations. However, some Republican senators have threatened confirmation battles, with Marco Rubio criticizing Ivy League education and John Cornyn demanding disclosure of past clients. Biden should remain clear-eyed about the political motivations behind these objections and work to secure confirmations where necessary, potentially through bipartisan cooperation or by winning key Senate races in Georgia. Ultimately, these appointments represent a step towards normalizing relations and reducing the post-9/11 military presence that has defined recent foreign policy.

    • Political Gridlock in the Senate Over Biden's Cabinet NomineesSenate's refusal to confirm Biden's nominees, including DNI, could result in national security & economic consequences. Biden team must pressure Senate with vetting materials & public messaging. Alternative methods like recess appointments or Vacancies Reform Act may be necessary.

      The current political gridlock in the Senate, specifically regarding the confirmation of President Biden's cabinet nominees, is a cause for concern. The refusal of some Republicans to confirm these nominees, including the Director of National Intelligence, could result in significant national security and economic consequences. The Biden team needs to provide the standard vetting materials and use public messaging to pressure the Senate into confirming these nominees. If the Senate continues to obstruct, the Biden administration may need to explore alternative methods such as recess appointments or the Vacancies Reform Act. The potential obstruction could also impact the Georgia Senate elections, potentially leading to legislative gridlock and an ineffective government. The appointment of Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary is a significant announcement for Biden's economic team, marking the first woman to hold the position. Overall, the political climate in the Senate and the potential consequences of obstruction are issues that require close attention.

    • Biden's Economic Team: Highly Experienced and ProgressiveBiden's economic team is composed of experienced, progressive policymakers. Controversies surrounding some nominations have been overblown, and the real challenges to progressive policy outcomes are likely to come from a Republican Senate or right-wing judges.

      The selected members of President-elect Joe Biden's economic team are highly experienced, progressive policymakers, and their appointments are not expected to be the main obstacle to progressive policy outcomes. Controversies surrounding some nominations, like Neera Tanden's for OMB and Brian Deese's for Deputy National Security Advisor, have been overblown, with critics focusing on perceived online behavior rather than policy merits. Deese, for instance, has a strong record of fighting for climate change and economic policies, having worked on sustainable development at BlackRock before returning to government service. Janet Yellen, nominated for Treasury Secretary, is widely respected across the political spectrum and has a history of standing up to Wall Street and advocating for climate change as a systemic risk to the economy. The real challenges to progressive policy outcomes are likely to come from a Republican Senate or right-wing judges striking down executive actions.

    • Biden's Economic and Communications Team's Commitment to Addressing Economic Inequality and Wage GrowthThe Biden administration's economic team, led by progressive figures, is using executive power aggressively to combat economic inequality and wage growth, while the communications team's diversity and campaign experience will be crucial in restoring press relations and implementing messaging priorities.

      The Biden administration's economic team, led by progressive figures like Neera Tanden, Heather Boushey, Jared Bernstein, and Cecilia Rouse, is committed to using executive power aggressively to combat economic inequality and wage growth. Previous administrations, including the Obama administration, faced criticism for not taking enough risks with executive actions. The new communications team, led by women like Kate Bedingfield, Jen Psaki, Corinne Jean Pierre, Pili Tobar, Ashley Etienne, and Symone Sanders, brings valuable campaign experience and understanding of the Biden-Harris administration's messaging and priorities. The team's diversity and experience will be crucial in restoring relations between the press and the White House. The Biden administration's focus on using every available lever of government to address climate change and economic inequality, along with its commitment to taking risks with executive actions, sets it apart from previous administrations.

    • Rebuilding the White House communications shopThe Biden team faces challenges in reaching the entire country through digital platforms and dealing with a fragmented media landscape, but is well-prepared and focused on reaching people directly.

      The incoming Biden administration faces significant challenges in restructuring the communications shop in the White House to effectively navigate the media landscape of 2020. While restoring integrity to the briefing room is important, the bigger challenge is reaching the entire country through digital platforms and dealing with the fragmented media landscape. The team, led by Jen Psaki as press secretary, is well-prepared for this challenge, having successfully navigated it during the campaign. However, they will need to ignore some criticism from the press and focus on reaching people directly. The relief of seeing competent and honest individuals taking on these roles is a significant takeaway from the recent appointments.

    • Israeli assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist raises diplomacy concernsThe assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist by Israel could complicate diplomacy efforts by the incoming Biden administration in its attempts to rejoin the JCPOA and negotiate with Iran. The outcome depends on how all parties involved handle the situation.

      The assassination of a top Iranian nuclear scientist, which is believed to have been carried out by Israel, comes at a critical time as the United States is transitioning to a new administration under President-elect Joe Biden. The assassination has led to speculation that the purpose was to make diplomacy more difficult for the new administration in its efforts to rejoin the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) and negotiate with Iran. Congressman Joaquin Castro, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, expressed concern about the timing and potential for retaliation from Iran, but emphasized that the success of this intended effect depends on how the situation is handled by all parties involved. Additionally, Castro highlighted the importance of fighters like Nira Radia, who have remained committed to their causes despite criticism and adversity.

    • Assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist could lead to increased tensionsThe assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh raises concerns about potential US involvement and could lead to increased tensions in the Middle East. The Biden administration must prioritize containing the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing climate change, rebuilding alliances, and promoting human rights and democracy.

      The assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh could potentially lead to increased tensions and instability in the Middle East, and there are concerns about the precedent it sets for targeting scientific and political figures. The US has a complex relationship with Iran, and the circumstances surrounding the attack raise questions about potential US involvement. The Biden administration's foreign policy team, which includes experienced individuals, is expected to face significant challenges in restoring the US's reputation and addressing pressing global issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic. A priority for the new administration should be working to contain the spread of the virus both domestically and internationally. Additionally, addressing climate change, rebuilding alliances, and promoting human rights and democracy are crucial areas for the Biden administration to focus on in order to build back better after the damage caused by the previous administration.

    • Rebuilding America's reputation on the global stageThe Biden administration can restore US influence by rejoining international agreements, countering China, asserting congressional powers, prioritizing diplomacy, and addressing climate, human rights, and diversity in foreign policy.

      The new US administration under President Biden needs to re-engage with the international community and rebuild America's reputation on the global stage. This can be achieved by rejoining international agreements like the JCPOA and Paris Climate Agreement, and actively working to counteract the influence of countries like China. The House Foreign Affairs Committee, under new leadership, can help shape US foreign policy by asserting its constitutional powers, particularly in regards to war powers, and prioritizing diplomacy and engagement with allies. Additionally, addressing issues like climate change, human rights, and diversity within the diplomatic corps through a foreign policy lens is crucial. The State Department, which has seen a significant loss of morale and talent under the previous administration, must be rebuilt and made to reflect the diversity of the country.

    • Addressing underrepresentation in diplomatic appointmentsCongressman Joaquin Castro is advocating for legislation to increase diversity in diplomatic appointments, emphasizing the importance of intentional action to address the long-standing issue of underrepresentation of African American and Latino career ambassadors.

      There is a significant underrepresentation of African American and Latino career ambassadors in the United States. This issue has persisted for a long time, and the numbers are disproportionately low compared to the population. Congressman Joaquin Castro is addressing this issue through legislation aimed at improving diversity in diplomatic appointments. It's crucial that we prioritize this issue and make a conscious effort to increase representation. The lack of diversity in this area is a problem that has eluded us for years, and it's important that we address it intentionally. The podcast "Pod Save America" discussed this issue, and Castro shared his thoughts on the matter. The podcast team also acknowledged the importance of addressing this issue and emphasized the need for intentional action.

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    The First (and Last?) Debate

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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
    enJune 23, 2024

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

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    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

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