
    Choose Your Enemies Wisely | Ash Wednesday with Patrick Bet-David

    enNovember 15, 2023
    What role do surprises play in business success?
    How has the internet changed information consumption?
    Why is inside knowledge important in business?
    How did the speaker reinterpret his mother's call?
    What motivates individuals to develop relationships with others?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Excitement of Surprises and KnowledgeStay informed, be adaptable, and embrace surprises in life and business for a competitive edge. Inside knowledge and tricks can be valuable, but be cautious of fake news and scams on the internet.

      The importance of surprises and knowledge in business and life. Patrick Bet-David, the guest on the show, emphasized the excitement of living in America, where one can voice their opinions and compete, even with enemies present. He also shared his love for surprises and how they add an element of excitement in the marketplace. While some people may not enjoy surprises, those who are gullible can be great targets for jokes and pranks. In business, having inside knowledge or a trick that others don't have can give you an edge. However, it's important to note that the internet has made it easier for fake news and scams to spread, creating a generation gap in how information is consumed and treated. Patrick currently runs nine companies and shared some insights on how he manages them, but the conversation also touched on the importance of responsibility and propriety in sharing information. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying informed, being adaptable, and embracing surprises in both personal and professional endeavors.

    • Starting a business despite initial rejectionPersistence and determination can lead to success, even when faced with initial rejection. Explore new niches and topics to find success.

      Persistence and determination can lead to success, even when faced with initial rejection. The speaker shares his experience of proposing innovative ideas to his employer and being met with indifference. Instead of giving up, he decided to start his own business and saw significant growth. Throughout his entrepreneurial journey, he continued to produce valuable content for other business owners. However, an unexpected turn came when he started interviewing mobsters for his content, which gained massive views. Despite initially being hesitant, he found success in exploring new niches and topics. The speaker also highlights the importance of understanding power dynamics and the potential for abuse of power, particularly in relation to income tax. Overall, his story underscores the importance of staying true to one's interests and pursuing opportunities despite initial setbacks.

    • Taxes paid by a small percentage vs. larger percentage of Americans1% of Americans paid 42.3% of taxes while bottom 50% paid 2.3%, underscoring financial disparity. Importance of transparency and trustworthy media, with alternative platforms gaining popularity.

      The concentration of tax payments is heavily skewed towards a small percentage of the population, while a larger percentage pays a much smaller proportion. For instance, 1% of Americans, like Mitt Romney, paid 42.3% of the taxes, while the bottom 50% paid only 2.3%. This disparity, which was a topic of controversy during Romney's presidential campaign, opened the door for criticism. However, it was Romney's offhand comments about putting a dog on the roof of his car that proved to be the final straw for many voters. Another significant point raised in the discussion was the power and influence of media, which was described as the most powerful pillar to climb in America but also the hardest one. With the decline of trust in both media and the US government at an all-time low, the importance of independent and trustworthy sources of information has become increasingly apparent. The rise of podcasts and other alternative media platforms is a testament to this trend. So, in essence, the discussion highlighted the importance of financial transparency and the power of media in shaping public opinion. It also underscored the growing significance of alternative media platforms in a world where traditional sources of information are losing credibility.

    • Personal Experiences and Business Insights on Wealth and CharacterWealth can either amplify good or bad character. As ethical individuals, strive to behave generously and fairly, regardless of financial situation.

      Personal experiences and business interactions can shape our perspectives on complex issues like wealth distribution and the value of hard work. The speaker shares his upbringing in a family divided by political ideologies and his subsequent exploration of the validity of each side's beliefs. He then relates an experience in business where he observed the impact of wealth on people's character. The speaker concludes that wealth can either amplify good or bad character and that as ethical individuals, we must strive to behave generously and fairly, regardless of our financial situation.

    • One person's belief can lead to transformative experiencesBelief in someone else's potential can lead to transformative experiences, even if they come from a different background or past.

      No matter one's background or past, anyone can have a transformative experience and find their way to faith. The speaker, who grew up in Iran and faced challenges believing in God due to the violence and conflict in his country, eventually found himself in the United States military, where he was exposed to Christianity through a fellow soldier. Despite initially resisting, the soldier's persistence and belief in the speaker's potential led him to accept the Bible given to him as a gift. This experience marked a turning point in the speaker's life, leading him to become a Christian and eventually start several businesses. The story serves as a reminder that sometimes, all it takes is one person's belief in another to help them find their way to faith and personal growth.

    • Exploring Different Belief SystemsThrough personal exploration, the speaker found respect and deeper meaning in various religions and belief systems, and learned the importance of commitment and self-discipline in his own life.

      The speaker went on a personal journey to explore various religions and belief systems, including Mormonism, Scientology, Islam, and Christianity. He was initially skeptical and even annoyed by some aspects of these faiths, but he eventually found respect for their unity and commitment to their beliefs. The speaker became a Christian at the age of 25 and learned the importance of commitment and self-discipline through a challenge to abstain from sex for a month before getting married. Despite initial reservations and misunderstandings, he ultimately found deeper meaning and connection with his partner through this experience.

    • Finding strength through faith and supportDuring tough times, faith and believing in support can provide confidence and strength to overcome challenges.

      Even during difficult times in life, having faith and believing that someone has your back can provide the confidence and strength to overcome challenges. The speaker shares his personal story of going through a rough patch in his relationship and feeling helpless, but then receiving a call from his estranged mother at a pivotal moment. He interprets this as a sign from God, and this experience gives him the confidence to continue on his spiritual journey and make decisions with the belief that he is not alone. The fear of losing this support and favor drives him to be the best version of himself.

    • The importance of cherishing relationships and fear of losing themFocus on nurturing relationships, doing our best, and respecting boundaries, rather than striving for perfection or putting undue pressure on loved ones.

      Cherishing and nurturing our relationships, whether they are with family members or long-time friends, is a priority that should not be taken for granted. Fear of losing these relationships and the favor they bring can be a powerful motivator to work hard and make the most of the opportunities we have. This fear can coexist with love and a sense of duty to make the most of our talents and abilities. It's important to remember that we don't have to strive for perfection, but rather focus on doing our best with what we have, and taking things one step at a time. Additionally, it's essential to respect the boundaries and privacy of those we care about, and not put undue pressure on them. The speaker's anecdote about his marriage illustrates this idea, as he emphasizes the importance of respecting his wife's privacy and taking their relationship one year at a time.

    • Surround yourself with trustworthy and supportive peopleChoose reliable 'running mates' for growth and success, communicate expectations and boundaries clearly.

      It's essential to surround yourself with trustworthy and supportive people, or "running mates," as the speaker refers to them. These individuals provide perspective, understanding, and encouragement, especially during challenging times. They help you maintain focus on your goals and keep you grounded. The speaker emphasizes that these relationships are crucial for personal and professional growth, particularly in industries where loyalty can be fleeting. He also stresses the importance of being clear and consistent with your expectations and boundaries, as demonstrated by his experience with Johnny Boy. Ultimately, the people you choose to have in your inner circle can significantly impact your journey towards success.

    • The importance of a supportive team for successHaving a team of constructive critics and honest individuals is essential for success, even for leaders. A strong support system helps navigate challenges and complexities, and recognition for accomplishments may not come until after one's death.

      Having a team of supportive and honest individuals around you is crucial for success, even for those in leadership positions. This team should not consist of "yes men," but rather individuals who provide constructive feedback and help make informed decisions. This concept was illustrated through the story of Mike Tyson's corner team forgetting to bring the necessary equipment to attend to his injuries during a fight. Additionally, even the greatest and most accomplished individuals make mistakes and face challenges, and having a strong support system can help navigate through these complexities. It's important to remember that recognition and credit for accomplishments may not come until after one's death, and having a team that provides support and feedback during the journey is essential.

    • The importance of empathy and grace in building relationshipsExtend grace to others, have open and honest conversations, and recognize everyone's struggles to build strong relationships and achieve success.

      Empathy and grace are essential in building strong relationships and achieving success. The speaker shared an experience from his past where he learned the importance of being careful in judging others and extending grace when faced with difficult situations. He applied this lesson in his personal and professional life, which helped him build meaningful connections with high-profile individuals. The speaker also emphasized that everyone has their own struggles and imperfections, and instead of focusing on these, it's essential to have open and honest conversations. He shared how this approach helped him form friendships with people he never thought he would connect with, including Chris Cuomo and Robert Downey Jr. The speaker's past experiences, including his time in the army and his desire to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger, shaped his perspective on life and success. However, he clarified that his admiration for Schwarzenegger did not include the negative comments he made about individual freedom.

    • From bodybuilding to finance: The power of determination and resourcefulnessIdentifying and utilizing one's strengths, along with perseverance and creativity, can lead to unexpected opportunities and success, even without a college degree or traditional background.

      Determination and resourcefulness, even at a young age, can lead to unexpected opportunities and success. The speaker, Fortin, shares his story of starting as a bodybuilder and eventually transitioning into a career in finance. He highlights his ability to sell and love for numbers as key factors in his journey. Fortin's unique approach to job applications, using humor and confidence, also played a role in his employment at Morgan Stanley Dean. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, such as being a refugee and not having a college degree, Fortin's resilience and natural talents allowed him to build a successful career. This story underscores the importance of identifying and utilizing one's strengths, as well as the value of perseverance and creativity in achieving goals.

    • Choosing the right enemy for growthIdentifying someone who challenges you can fuel personal growth and success, as seen in examples from business, sports, and personal experiences

      Choosing your enemies wisely is a crucial factor in achieving success. According to the speaker, who has experience recruiting and observing thousands of agents, there are three key elements that distinguish those who make it from those who don't. The first is having experienced unconditional love from someone. The second is having someone you deeply wanted to win over but who betrayed you. And the third is choosing the right enemy, which brings out a side of you that helps you tolerate pain and compete at the highest level. The speaker uses examples from business, sports, and personal experiences to illustrate this point. For instance, Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, and Elon Musk all had enemies that drove them to greatness. It's important to note that this isn't about friendly competition or comparing yourself to others. Instead, it's about identifying someone who has spoken or acted against you in a way that motivates you to improve and push yourself to new heights. The speaker emphasizes that this is a powerful affirmation and a key component of successful business planning.

    • Choosing the right enemies for growthFocus on significant challenges, not petty disputes, to fuel determination and achieve goals.

      Choosing your enemies wisely is crucial for success. As the speaker shared, he used to pick his enemies petty and immaturely, but after reading a quote from Charles McKay, he realized the importance of facing real challenges and proving doubters wrong. The speaker emphasized the importance of being willing to put in the work and face rejection, and how these experiences can fuel our determination to achieve our goals. He encouraged listeners to preorder the book "Business Planning for the Audacious Few" and follow Patrick Bet-David for more insights on entrepreneurship and success. The speaker also mentioned how he learned to pick his enemies wisely and focus on significant challenges rather than petty disputes. This mindset shift has helped him grow both personally and professionally. Overall, the speaker's message was about the importance of staying focused on meaningful goals and not getting distracted by trivial conflicts.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-28-2024

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-27-2024

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    Use Promo Code COMRADEKAMALA for $15 off Mug Club TODAY ONLY: https://mugclub.rumble.com/support/promo/COMRADEKAMALA

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-dnc-tim-walz

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-20-2024

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 20, 2024

    Kamala’s Drunk Communist Economic Policies Explained | GUEST: Paulo Figueiredo

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-19-2024

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 19, 2024

    Why is “Conservative” Fox News Covering for Kamala?

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    Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are in North Carolina this week to talk about the American economy, reports yesterday indicated United States officials gave Iran the names of the Mossad officials responsible for the death of Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, a shocking report now denied, Fox News is posting woke headlines highlighting underreported crime statistics, and more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    Go to www.cbdistillery.com and use promo code CROWDER for 20% off!

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-15-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

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    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 15, 2024

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    John Vervaeke: Website | Patreon | Facebook | X | YouTube

    Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh: LinkedIn

    Taylor Barratt: LinkedIn | X 


    The Vervaeke Foundation

     Authentic Relating Toronto 

    Authentic Relating Toronto | Meetup.com

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    00:00:00 — John Vervaeke sets the stage, introducing this captivating episode alongside his esteemed guests, Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh and Taylor Barratt.

    00:03:11 — Together, our guests discuss the intriguing world of their latest creation, the "Self as Instrument Development" course, providing a tantalizing glimpse into its essence.

    00:14:00 — Barratt unveils the intricate process of reverse-engineering the essential qualities required to become a "full stack human being."

    00:16:13 — Kobayashi-Hsieh draws inspiration from the legendary Bruce Lee's martial arts odyssey to illustrate the development of universally applicable capabilities.

    00:25:59 — Taylor delves into the realm of training emotional expression and the art of harnessing anger in a healthy and constructive manner.

    00:27:29 — Vervaeke vehemently asserts that empathy, often hailed as a virtue, doesn't quite fit the bill.

    00:31:52 — Taylor Barratt underlines the significance of judiciously bestowing power and responsibility upon trainees, a theme that resonates throughout their discussion.

    00:35:24 — Ethan delves into the fascinating world of conceptual maps, like the triune mind, and their role in nurturing cognitive abilities.

    00:39:00 — John probes further, seeking clarity on the course's target audience and the most opportune time to embark on this enlightening journey.

    00:41:04 — John encapsulates the core essence of their discourse: the pursuit of virtuous service.

    00:44:42 — John's vision crystallizes as he eloquently articulates the noble objective of educating individuals for a life of virtuous service.

    00:47:34 — Ethan asserts his authority with grace, acknowledging that they don't possess all the answers in this profound exploration.

    00:49:30 — Taylor sheds light on the course's methodical approach, emphasizing the importance of laying a solid foundation before diving into practical applications.

    00:50:25 — John interjects to clarify that their course doesn't just offer an optimal grip but rather a meta-optimal grip, a crucial distinction in their journey of self-discovery.

    00:56:02 — In a poignant conclusion, Ethan leaves us with a lasting thought, emphasizing that it's not just about the practices but the profound "way of being" that truly matters.


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    By: LKstudio

    Total Episodes: 30

    Topics:society & culturerelationships