
    Choosing a Therapist, Dealing w/ Resentment, & Telling Kids They're Adopted

    enApril 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Support During HardshipsSurround yourself with loved ones during difficult times, everyone experiences hardships, and be kind to others even if not close.

      Life can be unpredictable and painful, but it's important to surround ourselves with supportive friends and loved ones during difficult times. We heard stories on the show of people dealing with anger, family secrets, and challenging behavior in their children. But John took a moment to share his own personal loss and the impact of a friend's sudden death. He reminded us that everyone, including himself, experiences hardships and struggles. And even though we may not be close to everyone we encounter, their actions and presence can still leave a significant impact. So, let's remember to be kind, support each other, and make meaning in the face of adversity.

    • The Long-Lasting Impact of Deceit in Family DynamicsDeceit, even if rooted in love, can have lasting consequences and complex emotional impacts on family relationships.

      Life can take unexpected turns, and the choices we make, even if they were made with good intentions, can have lasting consequences. Ellen's story is a powerful reminder of this. She shared how her parents lied to her when she was eight years old, telling her they were going to Disney World but instead brought her to the United States as an undocumented immigrant. For nearly 20 years, she lived as an illegal immigrant while staying in touch with her family back home. However, her grandmother, who was a significant influence in her life, never got to meet her children or husband. Now, Ellen is in the process of getting her green card, but she feels bitterness towards her parents' decision and the heartbreak it caused her family back home. Despite her love for them, she struggles with the emotions of facing them again. This story highlights the complexity of family dynamics and the long-lasting impact of deceit, even when it's rooted in love. It's a reminder to cherish the present and the relationships we have, while acknowledging and working through the past.

    • Family dynamics and past traumasNavigating complex family relationships and past traumas can be difficult. Old decisions can bring joy and pain, and dealing with the aftermath requires patience and understanding.

      Navigating complex family dynamics and dealing with the aftermath of past traumas can be challenging, especially when the greatest joys and deepest wounds are intertwined. The speaker's parents' decision to move to America resulted in both the realization of their dream life and the infliction of a painful trauma on their children. Years later, the speaker confronted her parents about their decision and received a calm, apologetic response from her father, but a more defensive one from her mother. The speaker's younger brother, who was only two at the time of the move, is still in the process of obtaining legal status in the US, preventing him from leaving the country. The speaker is struggling with the anxiety of leaving home without knowing when she and her brother will be able to return. This situation highlights the complexities of family relationships and the long-lasting impact of past decisions. To move forward, the speaker is seeking ways to enjoy her time with her family without dwelling on the bitterness of the past.

    • Letting go of past hurts and regretsRecognize that those who caused harm likely did their best, focus on love and connections, and set bricks down to move forward

      Holding onto past hurts and regrets won't make things better. It's important to acknowledge the pain and trauma experienced, but also to recognize that those who caused harm were likely doing the best they could with the tools they had at the time. Letting go of the weight of these bricks can make the next steps in life lighter, even during difficult reunions. Practice reminding yourself that your loved ones did the best they could, and focus on the love and connections that still exist. This doesn't excuse past actions, but it can help bring healing and understanding. Remember, we're not trying to punish or seek answers that may not be attainable, but rather to set our bricks down and move forward.

    • Heartfelt conversations and understanding emotionsEffective communication and understanding emotions are essential in resolving conflicts and moving forward. Behaviors like stealing might be expressions of unmet emotional needs.

      Effective communication and understanding emotions are crucial in resolving conflicts and moving forward. In the first part of the discussion, a mother and her daughter reconciled after a heartfelt conversation, where the daughter expressed her feelings to her father, who apologized and acknowledged his mistake. They then moved forward, focusing on the positive anticipation of future events. In the second part, a mother sought advice on dealing with her son's long-term stealing behavior. The expert suggested that the behavior could be a form of communication, and the son might be trying to express feelings of not being seen or valued. The mother's husband worked out of town frequently, potentially contributing to the son's sense of independence and belief that he was an equal in the household. To address the issue, it's essential to understand the underlying emotions and establish clear consequences for the son's actions.

    • Exploring the Roots of a Teenager's MisbehaviorEffective communication, understanding underlying causes, and empathetic approach can help address a teenager's misbehavior, rather than relying on disciplinary actions alone.

      The teenager's sense of responsibility and disregard for rules may stem from his role as the "man of the house" and feeling disconnected from the family unit. The mother's attempts to discipline him through restitution and grounding have not been effective, and she wonders if a lack of communication and shared values might be contributing to his behavior. The suggestion is made that the mother spend more one-on-one time with him, listen to him, and try to understand what might be driving his actions. It's also possible that the chaos and stress in the household may be a factor, and the teenager might be feeling desperate for money or attention. Overall, it seems that a more empathetic and communicative approach could be beneficial in addressing the underlying issues.

    • Connecting with a troubled teenagerVulnerability, active listening, and shared family values are key to building a strong connection with a troubled teenager. Take them on a one-on-one date, share personal stories, and encourage open conversations. Develop a family value system to promote a sense of belonging and positive behaviors.

      Building a strong connection with a troubled teenager requires vulnerability, active listening, and the establishment of a shared family value system. The speaker shares his past experiences as a former teacher and a parent, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging a child's feelings and creating an environment where they feel heard and valued. He suggests taking the teenager on a one-on-one date, sharing personal stories, and encouraging open conversations about their interests and experiences. Additionally, creating a family value system and involving everyone in its development can help foster a sense of belonging and promote positive behaviors.

    • Setting clear boundaries and expressing loveRegular communication, love, and clear consequences help children understand values and improve behavior. A good therapist listens, reflects, and helps gain insight, not as a friend or advisor.

      Consistent communication and setting clear boundaries are crucial for addressing behavioral issues in children. The speaker suggests touching your child regularly and expressing love, while also establishing consequences for stealing. This approach aims to make the child understand that they are valued and that stealing goes against the agreed-upon values in the household. Regarding therapy, a good therapist is someone who listens deeply, reflects, and helps you connect the dots between your thoughts, actions, and consequences. They are not there to be your friend or give advice, but rather to hold a mirror up to your behavior and help you gain insight.

    • A good therapist challenges you and reflects your behaviors backFind a therapist who challenges you, provides honest feedback, and helps you see the world from different perspectives to make progress in therapy

      A good therapist challenges you and provides honest feedback to help you grow and develop new skills for better connections with yourself and others. They reflect your behaviors and experiences back to you, even if it may be uncomfortable or boring for them. A therapist's job is not just to be a friend, but to hold up a mirror and help you see the world from different perspectives. If you're not being challenged or working towards goals in therapy, it may be time to find a new therapist or approach. To find the right therapist, consider asking people you trust, checking with your insurance provider, and thinking about what type of therapist fits your needs. Don't waste your time or money on a therapist who isn't helping you make progress.

    • Starting uncomfortable conversations is necessary for growthApproach sensitive topics with age-appropriate language and openness to help children understand their origins without shame or awkwardness

      Starting a new relationship or having difficult conversations can be uncomfortable, but it's important to push through and continue the effort. Comparing it to working out, the first session might leave you feeling sore and uncertain, but it's necessary for growth. In the context of family dynamics, adopting children and discussing their origins can be a sensitive topic. It's crucial to approach these conversations with age-appropriate language and openness, allowing children to understand their origins without feeling shame or awkwardness. Remember, it's natural for children to ask questions about where they come from, and parents can use these opportunities to share the joy and miracle of life in an honest and exciting way. As parents, we may feel the weight of these conversations, but children typically do not carry the same baggage. By being prepared and open, we can help them grow up with a healthy understanding of their identity.

    • Preparing for deeper questions about origins and identityParents can create an open environment for discussing adoption and its complexities, utilizing resources and professionals to help navigate conversations, and affirming their role in their child's life.

      As children grow older, they will naturally ask deeper questions about their origins and identity. Parents can prepare for these conversations by creating an open and safe environment where hard topics are discussed honestly and without judgment. With the help of resources like children's literature and professional counselors, families can navigate these conversations and help their children understand their heritage and medical history. It's important for parents to always affirm their role in their child's life and never make them feel less than a biological parent. The use of technology and genetic testing is also changing the landscape of adoption, making it less closed and more transparent. Overall, parents should be prepared for these conversations and approach them with openness and honesty.

    • Navigating infertility and adoption challenges togetherCommunicate, love, and give each other space during trying times. Both parents play crucial roles and should never doubt their worth. Model healthy conversations and raise secure children.

      Going through the challenges of infertility or adoption can put a significant strain on a relationship, but it's essential to prioritize communication, love, and giving each other space to grieve. These experiences can also strengthen the bond between partners and create a safe and loving environment for children. It's important to remember that both parents play crucial roles in their children's lives and should never doubt their worth. By modeling healthy conversations and dealing with hardships together, parents can raise children who feel secure enough to approach them with their own challenges. As the speaker shares, "When the hard conversations come, and they will, they're not gonna go running to the hills. They're not gonna go running to the Internet. They're gonna go running to the 2 safest people they know in the world. That's James. That's you and your wife."

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    We worry that they may never catch up. What if they are "non-verbal" forever?

    I think a lot of times, we skip ahead. We worry that they may never talk but before anyone learns how to talk, they learn how to use non-verbal communication. 

    Non-verbal communication is things like gesturing, pointing, using our hands and bodies. 

    In this episode, I talk about how to teach your children how to use and understand non-verbal communication.

    Teaching my daughter Remy how to point gave her the ability to make choices and to let us know her needs. That right there is worth all the weight in gold.

    If you like this podcast, it would mean the world to me for you to rate and review it on iTunes. It only takes 2 minutes. But in doing so, you are helping other parents find this podcast and not feeling so alone.

    Thanks for stopping by. Hit me up on social media cause I would love to get to know you.


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    We are going through a series based on the book ESDM An Early Start For Your Child With Autism.

    I was lucky enough to have a parent training when Remy was first diagnosed with autism. A training taught with the principals in this book to teach parents how to work with their children.

    One thing I thought of while doing this training, was that I was shocked that this wasn't available to every single family when they got a diagnosis. I still think it should be. 

    But the amazing part, any one of us can learn because there is a book that teaches us.

    So today's topic is taught from chapter 5 and its a good one. Go get the book.


    I have a huge ask for you. If you like this podcast, would you leave a review on iTunes? It would mean the world to me and give me an idea of what you think of it but it also really helps other people find this show.

    I have a mission to share everything I have learned with everyone who is going through this type of journey and the more people that find the show, the more opportunity that parents won't feel so alone.

    Thanks so much. Enjoy the show. 


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    Theme composed by Matt Harvey.

    Additional Themes produced for [By The Mummers] performances composed by Jason Purdy.

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    Be sure to check out the show notes on our blog at  Harkla.Co/Podcast.

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    This podcast is brought to you by Harkla.  Our mission at Harkla is to help those with special needs live happy and healthy lives. We accomplish this through high-quality sensory products, child development courses, and The Harkla Sensory Club.

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