
    Closing a Higher Percentage of Deals Through Belief | Ep 310

    enJune 17, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Belief in what you sell is a continuum, not a binary questionDeeply understanding prospects' needs and having conviction in the value you're offering can significantly impact sales success. Focusing on belief continuum instead of just belief can increase sales effectiveness and success.

      Belief in what you're selling is not a binary question, but rather a continuum. The extent to which you believe in your product or service can significantly impact your sales success. The speaker in this video emphasizes the importance of having conviction in what you sell, which comes from deeply understanding your prospects' needs. He suggests that focusing too much on the skill of selling can be shortcut by having a strong belief in the value you're offering. The belief continuum is a powerful concept that can help salespeople close a higher percentage of deals and more deals overall. By asking yourself "to what extent do I believe in what I'm selling?" instead of just "do I believe in it?", you can increase your sales effectiveness and success.

    • Understanding Prospect's Problems is Key to Sales SuccessShift focus from product education to prospect education, deeply understand their pain points, and believe in your ability to help for effective sales

      The key to effective sales lies not only in having strong sales skills but also in deeply understanding the prospect's problems. Most sales training focuses too much on product education and not enough on prospect education. By shifting the focus to the prospect and their pain points, salespeople can increase their conviction in the product's ability to solve those problems, leading to higher closing percentages. This conviction can even surpass the impact of sales skills alone. The belief that a salesperson has in their ability to help the prospect can be as high as 100, while sales skills may only reach a maximum of 10. Therefore, even a less skilled salesperson with a strong belief in their ability to help can still close deals. Successful businesses are often founded by individuals who have personally experienced a problem and then created a solution for it, allowing them to deeply empathize with their customers' needs. In summary, the ability to understand and believe in the prospect's problems and the product's solutions is a crucial factor in successful sales.

    • Belief in product is crucial for sales successDeep conviction in a product and strong work ethic significantly increase sales closing percentage

      Conviction plays a crucial role in sales. It's not just about getting the prospect to say yes or having the right tonality, but also about the salesperson deeply believing in the product and its ability to solve the prospect's problem. Sales is a transfer of belief, so a salesperson with weak conviction cannot fill an empty cup with enough belief for a prospect to make a purchasing decision. The extent of a salesperson's belief in the product can significantly impact the closing percentage of an individual or team. Another important factor is work ethic, which can be seen in the number of deals closed and closing percentage. While having the right closing techniques is important, a strong work ethic and deep conviction in the product can be even more impactful for sales success.

    • Following up with leads more frequently boosts salesA strong work ethic and persistence in following up with leads can help increase sales despite a lower closing percentage

      Having a strong work ethic can help make up for a lower closing percentage in sales. This means following up with leads faster and more frequently, providing more opportunities for conversions. The expert salesperson aims for both a high closing percentage and a large number of units sold. The variables at play are skill, conviction, and work ethic, but conviction counts twice due to its impact on following up consistently. In a thought experiment, if you could go back in time and convince your past self to invest in a successful venture, you would likely need to follow up multiple times to persuade them. This demonstrates the importance of persistence and work ethic in achieving success.

    • Belief in the product is key to successful salesConviction in a product drives sales success, sales managers should focus on instilling belief in their team, and lack of belief negatively impacts sales performance

      The belief a salesperson has in what they are selling is more crucial than the selling skills they possess. The speaker emphasizes that true conviction in the product or service being sold is what drives successful sales. This perspective shift is especially important for sales managers, who should focus more time on instilling belief in their team rather than just teaching sales skills. The speaker uses the example of religious movements to illustrate this point, as these groups often prioritize belief over sales techniques. Ultimately, if salespeople do not fully believe in what they are selling, it will negatively impact their sales performance. While sales skills are important, they are not as significant as the belief in the product or service.

    • Sales effectiveness relies on salesperson's belief in productA salesperson's strong belief in their product significantly improves sales skills and motivation to follow up with leads.

      The effectiveness of sales depends heavily on the salesperson's belief in the product or service they are selling. If a salesperson truly believes in what they are offering, they are more likely to invest time and effort in perfecting their skills and connecting with potential customers. According to the speaker, this belief is a crucial aspect of Simon Sinek's "Start with Why" philosophy. For salespeople, it's not a matter of whether they believe, but rather how much they believe. If they can reach a full belief, they will have an easier time selling and will be motivated to follow up with leads promptly and passionately, knowing the positive impact their product can have on people's lives.

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