
    CMLC 2024-06-09 Sermon (Traditional)

    enJune 11, 2024
    What does God see us as, according to the text?
    How did the speaker feel during the math challenge?
    What does the old vs. new math debate illustrate?
    Why was the shift to new math met with resistance?
    What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, as mentioned?

    Podcast Summary

    • Forgiveness and ChallengesGod sees us as forgiven children, embracing challenges can lead to growth, and confidence in our abilities can help us overcome fears and tests

      No matter who we are or what we've done, God sees us as forgiven children deserving of His mercy and grace. This was beautifully expressed in the prayer at the beginning of the talk. Meanwhile, the anecdote shared by the speaker about his experience as a math teacher on Halloween brought to light the importance of embracing challenges and not being afraid of being tested. The speaker, dressed as a math teacher, was surprised when a child tested him with math problems. Despite the initial fear, the speaker was able to answer the problems correctly, leading the child to exclaim "evil!" and run away. This story illustrates the idea that sometimes we may be afraid of being tested or facing challenges, but with confidence and the right tools, we can overcome them. The old math versus new math debate mentioned in the talk is a reminder that change can be scary, but it's important to adapt and learn from it. Overall, the message is to approach challenges with confidence, knowing that God is always with us, providing mercy, grace, and the strength to overcome.

    • New Math ControversyThe shift from traditional math teaching methods to new math was met with resistance due to the unfamiliarity and the belief that students should focus on completing tasks for employment, rather than abstract reasoning and problem-solving skills.

      The shift from traditional math teaching methods to new math was a response to the changing educational landscape and the need to prepare students for complex problem-solving. This transition was met with resistance, as some people felt that math should remain the same and that those who struggled with new methods were being labeled as stupid. The discussion drew a parallel between the backlash against new math and the controversy surrounding New Coke in the 1980s. Both situations involved resistance to change and a reluctance to embrace the unfamiliar. The previous approach to math education focused on ensuring students could complete tasks and prepare for employment. However, with the advent of new math, educators began to prioritize teaching students how to reason abstractly, persevere through challenges, and critique others' reasoning. Despite these benefits, the shift to new math was met with skepticism and anger, with some people questioning why math needed to be changed at all. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of embracing change and recognizing that progress often involves navigating unfamiliar territory.

    • Discomfort and LabelingPeople's discomfort with something new or unfamiliar can lead them to label it as crazy, stupid, or evil, even if it's good and right. Our discomfort doesn't make something inherently wrong.

      People's discomfort with something new or unfamiliar can lead them to label it as crazy, stupid, or evil, even if it is good and right. In the Mark Gospel, Jesus' family and religious leaders questioned his sanity and labeled him evil because his work went beyond their comfort zone. Despite Jesus' healing, casting out demons, and proclaiming forgiveness, they dismissed it due to their discomfort. This behavior is not limited to the people in the passage, as we too might dismiss something miraculous or emotional as irrational. It's essential to remember that our discomfort does not make something inherently wrong.

    • Open-mindedness and deeper meaningBe cautious in judging things as evil or wrong without understanding God's perspective. Opportunities to spread the Word of God may not fit our preconceived notions but can be beneficial.

      We should be cautious in labeling things as evil or wrong without considering what God may be doing. In the discussion about Jesus and Satan, it was pointed out that if Satan were casting out evil or doing God's works, it would actually be beneficial to God's kingdom. However, Jesus emphasized the importance of binding Satan instead of serving him. Similarly, we should be open to opportunities to spread the Word of God, even if they don't fit our preconceived notions. The discussion also touched on the concept of the unforgivable sin, which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This may seem contradictory after a discussion about the forgiveness of sins, but it highlights the importance of recognizing and respecting the workings of the Holy Spirit. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being open-minded and understanding the deeper meaning behind actions and words.

    • Subtle forms of blasphemyBeing mindful of less obvious forms of blasphemy, like pride, condemnation of others, lack of self-awareness, and making excuses for our choices, is crucial for spiritual growth as they can be just as harmful as more obvious sins.

      While it's important to avoid actions that are considered blasphemy against God, such as worshiping other gods or committing murder, we should also be mindful of less obvious forms of blasphemy, like pride, condemnation of others, lack of self-awareness, and making excuses for our choices. These behaviors can be just as harmful to our relationship with God as more obvious sins. Jesus, in the context of the discussion, was responding to being labeled as unclean by the scribes, who were missing the point of what he was doing. The deeper question is whether our actions and attitudes truly reflect the love and mercy of God that we claim to follow. It's easy to let these slip by with our pride and lack of self-awareness, but they can be just as deadly to our spiritual growth.

    • Rejecting the Holy SpiritRejecting the Holy Spirit's affirmation of Jesus as the Son of God is an unforgivable sin as it's equivalent to rejecting God himself. Engaging with the complexities of God's word is crucial for spiritual growth and preparation for life's challenges.

      Denying the Holy Spirit's affirmation of Jesus as the Son of God and the bringer of repentance and salvation is considered an unforgivable sin. This is because the Holy Spirit is a part of God and rejecting it is equivalent to rejecting God himself. It's easy to simplify this concept to just believing in Jesus, but it's essential to understand the significance of the Holy Spirit's role in affirming Jesus and bringing salvation. Moreover, this discussion highlights the importance of grappling with complex ideas rather than settling for easy answers. Just as a teacher might be tempted to give students only easy problems to solve, it's easy to overlook the depth and complexity of God's word. However, failing to engage with these complexities can hinder our growth and development, much like how students who only receive easy problems may struggle when faced with more complex problems in their future careers. Therefore, it's crucial to approach God's word with a willingness to wrestle with its complexities and to seek a deeper understanding of its teachings. This approach will not only help us grow spiritually but also prepare us for the challenges and complexities of life.

    • Ignoring Holy SpiritIgnoring the Holy Spirit's convictions hinders growth and relationship with God; acknowledging wrongdoings and seeking forgiveness is essential for spiritual growth.

      Ignoring the convictions of the Holy Spirit and masking over our wrongdoings can hinder our growth and relationship with God. It's essential to listen and respond to the Spirit's promptings, acknowledging our need for forgiveness and allowing God to change us. The world and even ourselves may try to mask over things that God is not pleased with, but this does not negate the importance of repentance and hearing God's voice. We must not silence the Spirit's convictions, as doing so means rejecting the message of our need for forgiveness and growth. Let us strive to listen, learn, and grow in our faith by embracing the convictions of the Holy Spirit.

    • Forgiveness, SalvationThrough belief in Jesus and His salvation, all sins can be forgiven, and we are called to repent and follow God's spirit. No sin is unforgivable.

      Regardless of our sinfulness, we are all capable of receiving forgiveness through belief in Jesus and His salvation. Our sins do not define us, and we are called to repent and follow God's spirit. The belief in Jesus' forgiveness is a powerful force that can never fail us, and it is a gift that separates us from our past mistakes. It's essential to remember that no sin is unforgivable, and we should strive to listen to God's spirit and follow His son, even when we fall short. The gospel message of repentance and belief in Jesus' forgiveness is a source of strength and hope that will never fade. Thankfully, we can trust in God's mercy and love, which is always available to us.


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