
    CMLC 2024-07-28 Sermon (Contemporary)

    enJuly 29, 2024
    What does Ephesians say about predestination and salvation?
    How does God call us to reach out to others?
    What can we learn from Saul's transformation to Paul?
    Why is aligning our goals with God's will important?
    How can we develop patience and faith in God's timing?

    Podcast Summary

    • God's plan for us and reaching out to every familyGod's plan for us goes beyond our individual understanding and involves reaching out to all families, recognizing the mysteries and trusting it's part of His overall story of hope and salvation.

      God's plan for us goes beyond our individual understanding or experience. In the book of Ephesians, we've learned that being predestined by God is not about some people being predestined for damnation, but rather about God's overall story of hope and salvation. And being fellow citizens in God's kingdom means reaching out to those who are different from us, not just those who are similar. God calls us to be one church, learning and growing from each other. Today, we're exploring the idea of reaching out to every family in heaven and on earth, recognizing that there may be mysteries to uncover, but trusting that it's part of God's plan for us. We're all part of a larger story, and God invites us to be connected to each other, regardless of our differences.

    • Ireland, unexpected twistThe speaker's love for Irish music led her to Ireland decades later for a journey filled with mystery, beauty, and an unexpected romantic pursuit, reminding her of God's presence in all experiences.

      Ireland holds a special place in the speaker's heart as a land of mystery and beauty, where they felt a strong connection to God and the unknown. The speaker's love for Irish music during her teenage years sparked her curiosity and desire to visit the country, which she finally did decades later. During her trip, she discovered that someone she had grown up with was romantically pursuing her, adding an unexpected twist to her journey. The experience reinforced the idea that God is present in all aspects of life, even in the most unexpected moments.

    • Trusting God's TimingIt's important to trust God's timing and have faith that opportunities will arise when they're meant to, even if it's not immediately clear why.

      Sometimes in life, we may encounter situations or people that we connect with deeply, but the timing may not be right. It can be frustrating and confusing why it takes so long for opportunities to arise. However, it's essential to trust that God is working in the background, even when we may not fully understand it. The strength to accept the mystery and believe that God is still at work requires faith and patience. It's a common temptation to push and try to control the situation to make it fit our desires, but Paul, as depicted in the letter to the Ephesians, was once that person. Instead, we should trust in the divine plan and have faith that everything will unfold as it should in due time.

    • Goals and God's waysOur pursuit of goals should not compromise God's laws and ways, as shown by Saul's persecution of Christians and the importance of aligning goals with God's will.

      Our pursuit of goals can sometimes lead us to compromise God's laws and ways. The story of Saul, who became Paul, serves as a reminder of this. Saul, before his conversion, was so focused on preserving what he believed to be God's ways that he persecuted Christians. This is a stark reminder of how far we may be willing to go to achieve our goals. In my own life, I once pursued a relationship with the belief that it was where I was meant to be, only to realize that in doing so, I was becoming a person who ignored my inner voice and let others dictate my actions. This is a dangerous path, as it can lead us away from God's plan for our lives. Therefore, it's essential to ensure that our goals align with God's will and that we don't compromise our values or morals to achieve them.

    • Present moment, Embracing diversityStay true to ourselves and God's calling in the present moment, embrace diversity, and reflect God's love and acceptance for all people, rather than excluding certain groups based on perceived differences or judging others.

      It's essential to stay true to ourselves and God's calling in the present moment, rather than being overly focused on future goals or judging others based on their differences. The discussion drew parallels between Paul's struggle to reach out to the Gentiles in biblical times and our modern-day tendency to exclude certain groups from God's plan due to their perceived differences. We may overlook our own shortcomings while scrutinizing others, forgetting that we all struggle with sin and are deserving of God's forgiveness. By focusing on our personal growth and embracing diversity, we can better reflect God's love and acceptance for all people.

    • Relationship truthsBeing truthful and supportive in relationships helps foster personal and spiritual growth, while failing to challenge each other's actions and beliefs risks losing sight of God's will.

      While striving for personal growth and saving for the future, it's essential to consider the people we surround ourselves with and the truths we share with them. It's easy to become callous or cruel in our pursuit of our goals, but it's crucial to remember that our closest relationships may be the hardest to speak truth to. We may fear losing their support or damaging the bond, but if we fail to challenge each other's actions and beliefs, we risk losing sight of God's will. By being truthful and supportive, we can help each other grow and create a community that fosters personal and spiritual development.

    • Staying true to oneselfIt's essential to remain faithful to our beliefs and values, even if it means standing alone, and reevaluate our relationships based on personal growth and values.

      It's important to stay true to ourselves, even if it means standing alone at times. We often cling to our inner circles for comfort and validation, but at the cost of denying truth or compromising our beliefs. However, it's crucial to evaluate if these groups align with our values and goals. Paul's experience in the Bible serves as an example. He could have manipulated his situation in prison to fit in with the Jewish community, but instead, he chose to stay true to his faith and spread the gospel. Ultimately, we may need to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the discomfort of standing alone for what is real and true. This doesn't mean abandoning our relationships but rather reassessing them in the context of our personal growth and values.

    • Staying true to beliefsJesus remained firm in his beliefs despite opposition, extending salvation to all, inspiring us to hold fast to our convictions and show compassion to all.

      Jesus, despite facing opposition from those in his community, remained firm in his beliefs and did not compromise who he was or who he intended to reach out to. He did not waver in his conviction that he was the Son of God and the Messiah, and he extended salvation to the Gentiles. Even when faced with persecution, he did not back down, as he knew he could not deny the truth. This story serves as a reminder that staying true to our beliefs, even in the face of adversity, is essential. We may not always know where our convictions will lead us, but we must hold fast to them and have the courage to proclaim them, just as Jesus did. Additionally, the story highlights the importance of extending compassion and salvation to all, regardless of background or community.

    • Trusting God's planFocus on following God's call in the present moment, trusting that He is working in ways that may not always be obvious, and be open to hearing what others need.

      Rather than trying to manipulate situations or people to achieve our desired outcomes, we should focus on following God's call in the present moment. We don't have control over the ultimate goals or outcomes, but we can trust that God is working in ways that may not always be obvious. It's important to be open to hearing what others need, even if it means letting go of relationships or goals that don't align with God's plan for us. We're not meant to try to force people or situations into our desired mold, but to trust that God is doing more than what's apparent and to follow His lead.

    • God's mysterious plansGod's plans are deeper than our understanding and involve unexpected joys and growth, even when we don't know where He's leading us. Trust in the present moment and follow Him.

      God's plans are deeper and more profound than our understanding, and we are called to trust and follow Him in the present moment, even when we don't know where He's leading us. God's plans often involve things we never imagined or wanted, but they ultimately bring about good and align with His paths for us. We may not be able to make sense of His plan or change the world according to our desires, but we can trust that God has it figured out and that He is calling us to action right now. Trusting in the mystery of God's plan and focusing on the present moment can lead to unexpected joys and growth. Even if we don't know where we're going or what God has in mind, we can trust that He is working through us and that all He's asking of us is to follow Him in the present.