
    Coding with the Open AI / Chat GPT API

    enMarch 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the OpenAI API with JavaScriptThe OpenAI API offers affordable AI functionality for developers, and Sentry.io helps diagnose and resolve website issues

      The OpenAI API is a powerful tool for developers to integrate artificial intelligence functionality into their projects, and it's becoming increasingly affordable due to recent updates. During this episode of Syntax, Wes, Barracuda, Boss, and Scott El Toro Loco discussed the basics of the OpenAI API and how to use it with JavaScript. Before diving into the OpenAI API, they took a moment to talk about their sponsor, Sentry.io. Sentry is a valuable tool for developers to diagnose and fix issues on their websites. Scott shared an experience where an uncaught error from an API caused his node process to crash, but with Sentry, he was able to quickly identify and resolve the issue. As they moved on to the OpenAI API, they mentioned that it's important to be mindful of costs since a single mistake could lead to unexpected expenses. However, recent updates have made it more affordable for developers to experiment with the technology. They provided an overview of what the OpenAI API is and how it can be used, with Wes leading the technical discussion. In summary, the OpenAI API offers an exciting opportunity for developers to incorporate AI functionality into their projects, and with recent updates, it's becoming more accessible and affordable. Sentry.io, on the other hand, is an essential tool for developers to diagnose and resolve issues on their websites, saving time and resources.

    • Exploring OpenAI's Affordable and User-Friendly APIOpenAI's API is now affordable, user-friendly, and easy to integrate with Axios for chat completion. Its straightforward methods and error messages simplify development.

      OpenAI's prices have become affordable, making it an accessible tool for developers to experiment with. The API is user-friendly, and using it involves signing up, obtaining an API key, and integrating it with Axios for easy implementation. OpenAI's API is straightforward, with methods for chat completion and simple error messages. It's refreshing to see an API that prioritizes ease of use by focusing on an API key for authentication, as opposed to complex OAuth processes. The API's integration with Axios also simplifies the development process. Overall, OpenAI's API is a streamlined and accessible solution for developers looking to add advanced language processing capabilities to their projects.

    • Cost-effective text processing with OpenAI's modelsOpenAI's text-based models offer affordable and efficient text processing, with a cost as low as 3 cents for a 25-minute podcast.

      OpenAI's text-based models, like GPT-3.5 Turbo, offer a cost-effective solution for processing text data. The cost is based on the number of tokens, which is roughly equivalent to 750 words per 1,000 tokens. With a price of $0.002 per 1,000 tokens, the cost for processing a 25-minute podcast is as low as 3 cents. However, the cost can increase depending on the size of the output. For instance, if you ask for a detailed summary or paraphrasing of a large text, the cost will be higher. The model's ability to process text makes it a valuable tool for various applications, including summarizing podcasts or generating bullet points from longer texts. However, for large-scale applications or businesses, the costs can add up. Overall, OpenAI's text-based models provide an affordable and efficient way to process text data.

    • Advanced language models becoming more affordablePrices of advanced language models are expected to decrease as technology evolves, but users may face unexpected costs and token limits.

      We're witnessing a trend towards more advanced and affordable language models, with Warp's new API being a recent addition to this landscape. These models, such as GitHub Copilot, offer significant assistance in coding and text generation but come with varying costs. The pricing for these models is not static and can change based on new releases, making it both an exciting and concerning prospect for users. The speaker noted that the cost of using these models, like GitHub Copilot, might be higher than anticipated, considering the amount of usage. However, they believe that the prices will continue to decrease as technology evolves and becomes more accessible to individual users. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the token limit on some models, which restricts the amount of text that can be processed at once. To work around this, users can employ summarization techniques, breaking down large chunks of text into smaller parts and summarizing them before passing them through the model. Overall, the conversation highlights the potential and affordability of advanced language models, with their prices expected to decrease as technology advances. However, the fluid nature of pricing and potential for new, expensive releases creates a balance of excitement and concern for users.

    • Understanding the costs of interacting with large language modelsInteracting with large language models like ChatGPT requires sending the entire context of the conversation, leading to increased token usage and costs. The models have a 'goldfish memory' and forget the conversation once the data is sent back, necessitating constant context sending.

      Interacting with large language models like ChatGPT comes with costs that go beyond just the monetary kind. Every interaction requires sending the entire context of the conversation, which can result in a significant increase in token usage. For instance, a 3¢ cost for a podcast summary might end up being 9¢ or 10¢ due to the model's need for the entire context to remember the conversation. The same applies to text-based interactions, where every follow-up question requires sending the entire transcript to provide context. This "goldfish memory" aspect of the model means that it forgets the conversation once the data is sent back, necessitating the constant sending of context. This was an interesting revelation for the speaker, who initially thought the model had some form of storage for content. Additionally, the popular myth about goldfish having a 5-second memory was debunked during the conversation. Another intriguing aspect discussed was the potential for fine-tuning these models with specific information, such as all transcripts, tweets, and show notes. While not currently possible with the latest models like GPT-3 and GPT-4, this feature could be a game-changer in the future. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding the underlying mechanics of these models and the costs associated with interacting with them.

    • Exploring the Use of AI for Generating CSS Interview QuestionsAI, specifically OpenAI's chat completion API, can generate valuable CSS interview questions, streamlining the process and ensuring thorough technical evaluation.

      The use of AI, specifically OpenAI's chat completion API, can provide valuable assistance in generating questions for interviews, particularly in technical fields like CSS. During their discussion, the speakers explored the idea of training the AI on their podcast's back catalog, specifically the potluck episodes, to ask them questions. They generated a list of potential CSS-related questions for an interview, demonstrating the API's ability to create thoughtful and relevant queries. The speakers also discussed the different APIs offered by OpenAI, with the chat completion API being the most popular and versatile for their use case. They explained the process of using the API, which involves setting the system prompt, user prompt, and assistant's response. They also touched upon the text completion API, which functions similarly but returns text instead of a chat interface. The speakers' conversation showcased the potential of using AI to generate interview questions, streamlining the process and ensuring that candidates are thoroughly evaluated based on their technical knowledge. While the idea of a "robot stumped" version was also floated, the primary focus remained on the practical applications of integrating AI into their interview process.

    • Struggles of AI models with textAI models excel at visual data but struggle with text, limiting their usefulness in complex scenarios. Continued development is needed to enhance their ability to understand and manipulate text, especially in relation to audio files.

      AI models, such as the one used for generating image variations, are impressive in their ability to understand and manipulate visual data, but they still face limitations when it comes to handling text. The model discussed in the conversation could generate new images based on given ones, but it struggled with text, only producing random letters instead. Another AI model mentioned, Whisper, excels at speech-to-text conversion, but it doesn't include speaker detection, making it less useful for transcribing complex conversations. Figma, a design software, was praised for its ability to understand and manipulate text layers, which the AI models seem to struggle with. Otter.ai, a transcription service, was suggested as a workaround for speech-to-text and speaker identification, but it requires manual input of speaker names. A relatedness API was also mentioned as a potential solution for suggesting related content based on audio and text files, which could significantly enhance the user experience. Overall, the conversation highlighted the progress and potential of AI models in various applications, but also emphasized the challenges they face and the need for continued development to overcome limitations. The ability to fully understand and manipulate text, especially in relation to audio files, remains an important area for improvement.

    • Improvements and Alternatives to ChatGPTGPT 4 has a larger capacity but higher cost, libraries like Langchain can optimize and execute models, and ChatGPT has limitations, requiring fine-tuning and understanding for optimal results.

      While the larger capacity of GPT 4 (up to 8,000 tokens, expandable to 32,000) is an improvement, it comes with a higher cost per token. Additionally, there are libraries like Langchain, which can be used to optimize and execute machine learning models efficiently. Langchain, specifically, is a JavaScript library that interfaces with various machine learning frameworks and allows for functions like summarization. However, the summarization feature may require some prompt massaging to achieve desired results. Furthermore, ChatGPT has limitations, refusing to engage in certain topics like performance enhancing drugs or illegal activities. It's important to remember that while these tools can be helpful, they do require some fine-tuning and understanding to get the best results.

    • Potential benefits and challenges of using advanced AI systemsEnsure trustworthy and unbiased information from advanced AI systems like OpenAI, be mindful and responsible in their implementation.

      As we move forward, the use of advanced AI systems like OpenAI could lead to a significant increase in information dissemination and automation. However, it's crucial to ensure that the information being provided by these systems is trustworthy and unbiased. The speaker expressed concerns about potential misinformation and the need for careful consideration when using such systems. Additionally, he shared a practical tip for developers working with OpenAI, suggesting the creation of a function to save replies to a file for easier review. Overall, the conversation highlighted the potential benefits and challenges of using advanced AI systems, and the importance of being mindful and responsible in their implementation.

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    Read this episode's corresponding blog post and transcript.


    01:15 Two upcoming June events: 1) Viva Round the World, and 2) AMA - SharePoint, OneDrive, Lists, and Stream

    04:30 Employee engagement

    08:53 Audio snippet of Rajesh Jha about ChatGPT and AI (from the Microsoft 365 Conference keynote)

    11:35 Teamwork

    13:51 Related items

    18:58 Announcements from Microsoft 365 Conference and Microsoft Build)

    26:35 Teasers


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    Chris McNulty |@cmcnulty2000 [co-host]


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    Microsoft Docs - The home for Microsoft documentation for end users, developers, and IT professionals. 

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    Upcoming events:

    Viva Round the World | June.2.2023

    CollabDays Netherlands | June.10.2023 Vianen, Utrecht

    365 EduCon - DC | June.12-16 Washington D.C. - USA

    AMA | SharePoint, OneDrive, Lists, and Stream | June.14.2023 at 10am PT (90 minutes)

    CollabDays - Central Europe | June.17.2023 Technopark Zuerich

    European Power Platform Conference | Jun.20-22 Dublin, Ireland

    Microsoft Inspire (Partner event) | July.18-19.2023 (virtual only)

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    Read this episode's corresponding blog post.

    Plus, click here for transcript of this episode.


    03:18 Sync Up podcast snippet with Stephen Rice and Arvind Mishra

    04:33 Employee Engagement

    09:30 Jason Moore on OneDrive innovation

    13:17 Teamwork

    16:15 Related Technology

    21:42 Teasers

    23:08 Jeff Teper and Rajesh Jha (Fireside chat on Office 365 customer journey)


    SharePoint Facebook | @SharePoint | SharePoint Community Blog | Feedback

    OneDrive | Website | Help and learning | @OneDrive | OneDrive community blog | Feedback

    Mark Kashman |@mkashman [co-host]

    Chris McNulty |@cmcnulty2000 [co-host]


    Sync Up - The OneDrive podcast with Stephen Rice and Arvind Mishra

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    Upcoming events:

    Microsoft Inspire (Partner event) | July.18-19.2023 (virtual only)

    365 EduCon - Seattle (plus PWR EduCon) | Aug.21-25.2023

    Microsoft Power Platform Conference | Oct.3-5.2023 (Las Vegas)

    365 EduCon - Chicago | Oct.30 - Nov.4, 2023 (Chicago, IL)

    European SharePoint Conference | Nov.27-30 in (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

    European Cloud Summit | Dec.4-6.2023 (Wiesbaden, Germany)


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