
    Colton Underwood (A CHD Exclusive)

    enDecember 15, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Colton Underwood's Unique and Complex Coming Out JourneyColton Underwood's story highlights the importance of empathy, open-mindedness, and challenging toxic societal pressures towards acceptance of all sexual identities.

      Everyone's coming out journey is unique and complex, and it's important to approach these stories with empathy and an open mind. Colton Underwood, the former Bachelor star, shared his controversial and heartfelt story of hiding his sexual identity and the consequences that followed, including a suicide attempt. He decided to document his coming out process to provide a relatable experience for those going through similar struggles and to call out the communities that need to do more work towards acceptance - the church and sports. Colton acknowledged his role in the situation but also highlighted the societal pressures that pushed him to hide his true identity since childhood. His story serves as a reminder that everyone deserves to live their truth, and it's crucial to challenge toxic masculinity and homophobia in our society.

    • Struggling with Homophobia and Fear of OutingGrowing up, fear of being outed and homophobia kept the speaker from living authentically and fully experiencing life. Normalizing being LGBTQ+ and reducing stigma can help individuals come to terms with their sexuality and live authentically.

      Growing up, the speaker was taught that being gay was a sin, making it difficult for him to openly explore his feelings and come to terms with his sexuality. He faced homophobia and fear of being outed in various environments, including the locker room, leading him to avoid situations that could potentially reveal his sexuality. The speaker felt the need to hide his identity and even avoided showering with his teammates to prevent any unwanted attention. This fear and shame kept him from living authentically and fully experiencing life. The hope is that media like the speaker's series will help normalize being LGBTQ+ and reduce the stigma surrounding coming out.

    • The speaker's journey to come outDespite societal pressures, it's important to share our truths and allow others to understand and support us.

      The speaker, despite experiencing discomfort and confusion during his first sexual experience in high school, chose to hide his feelings rather than come out due to societal pressures and the fear of being labeled. Later in life, when he decided to come out on reality TV, only a few people were already aware of his sexuality. The speaker's father's supportive reaction was a turning point for him, and he encourages giving people a chance and allowing them to understand and support us, even when we may be hesitant to share our truths. The speaker's decision to hide his sexuality in the past and the societal pressures that influenced him are reminders of the importance of creating safe spaces for individuals to explore their identities and express themselves authentically.

    • Navigating the Complexity of Homophobia and Internalized Shame in Locker RoomsSocietal norms and internalized homophobia can create a confusing and isolating environment, preventing individuals from emotionally connecting with others and exploring their identities. Creating safe spaces for self-expression is crucial in breaking the cycle of shame and self-repression.

      The speaker experienced a confusing and isolating environment in the locker room, where homo-erotic comments and homophobic slurs coexisted. This internalized homophobia prevented the speaker from exploring their feminine side and emotionally connecting with men, leading to a cycle of shame and self-repression. Despite regrets about missed opportunities for love and support, the speaker felt unable to open up to others due to fear of judgment and the desire to avoid potential negative consequences on their future. This complex dynamic highlights the harmful impact of societal norms and the importance of creating safe spaces for individuals to explore their identities.

    • Exploring sexuality: fear, shame, and internalized homophobiaFormer Bachelor contestant Colton shared his experience of suppressing feelings, anxiety about discovery, and importance of being honest and authentic during sexuality exploration

      Coming out and exploring one's sexuality can be a complex and challenging process, filled with fear, shame, and internalized homophobia. Colton, a former Bachelor contestant, shared his experience of suppressing his feelings and attempting to live a straight life, only engaging in sexual encounters with men when he was single and uncommitted. He expressed anxiety about potential discovery and the potential consequences, including outing himself and facing judgment from others. Despite the fear and shame, Colton emphasized the importance of being honest and authentic, encouraging others to embrace their own journey towards acceptance and self-discovery. His story highlights the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their sexuality and come to terms with their identity.

    • Exploring sexuality during adolescence can be challenging, especially when it goes against societal norms.Personal stories and open conversations can help challenge and change harmful cultural norms around LGBTQ+ issues in sports.

      Coming out and exploring one's sexuality during adolescence can be a challenging experience, especially when it goes against societal norms. In the case of Colton, he had a deep respect for his high school coach who acted as a father figure to him. However, the coach's response to Colton coming out was disappointing, and he missed an opportunity to use his platform to shift the narrative around LGBTQ+ issues in sports. Colton's fear of how his small town and former school would react to his coming out was realized when he received a homophobic message from a student. This experience highlights the importance of collective efforts and open conversations to challenge and change harmful cultural norms. While one person cannot change it alone, sharing personal stories and experiences can help bring about change.

    • Impact of Words and Actions on LGBTQ+ CommunityAdults, including teachers and coaches, should take a stand against homophobic comments and create an inclusive environment to prevent harm to individuals in the LGBTQ+ community.

      Words and actions, especially in school environments, can significantly impact individuals, particularly those in the LGBTQ+ community. The speaker shared her experience of facing homophobic comments in a locker room and how it affected her. She emphasized that such incidents can keep people in the closet and cause harm. She encouraged adults, including teachers and coaches, to take a stand against such behavior and create an inclusive environment. The speaker also acknowledged her privilege and used her platform, gained through her experience on the Bachelor, to start conversations and raise awareness about these issues. Additionally, she promoted various brands and products during the podcast, including David's Bridal, COSIS, and Shopify.

    • A former football player's journey of self-discovery after retirementTaking a break from routine and exploring new opportunities can lead to personal growth and self-acceptance.

      The speaker, a former football player, faced a significant transition in his life when he had to retire from football due to an injury. Feeling lost and unsure of what to do next, he asked for permission from his father to take a year off and explore new opportunities. During this time, he also came to terms with his sexuality and appeared on a reality TV show as a means to travel and experience new cultures. The speaker emphasizes that his intentions for being on the show were not solely for fame or Instagram followers, but rather for personal growth and enjoyment. The experience allowed him to embrace new opportunities and broaden his horizons, ultimately leading him to self-acceptance and a new chapter in his life.

    • Colton's past experiences shaped his time on The BacheloretteColton's journey on The Bachelorette was influenced by his past experiences and survival mechanisms. He discussed the acceptance of gay individuals in the entertainment industry and his fear of being outed. Colton's experience highlights the importance of self-acceptance and societal change.

      Colton's experience on The Bachelorette was shaped by his past experiences and survival mechanisms, which included compartmentalizing his feelings and navigating the presence of many attractive men. Colton, who is gay, discussed the lack of homophobia in the house due to the acceptance of gay individuals in the entertainment industry. He also mentioned his hesitation towards strong women due to his fear of being outed, but now surrounds himself with strong, loving women in his professional life. Despite his struggles with the franchise after being eliminated, Colton's experience highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the need for societal change regarding the stigma surrounding being gay.

    • Pressure to continue a narrative in reality TVReality TV can put pressure on individuals to conform to narratives, even if they're not authentic, and coming out or sharing personal experiences can be scary but also empowering.

      The entertainment industry, including reality TV shows like The Bachelor, can put pressure on individuals to continue a narrative, even if it's not authentic to their personal experiences or truth. The speaker in this conversation shares their experience of feeling trapped in a virgin narrative, which they didn't want but couldn't escape due to marketing and audience expectations. They also discuss the fear of coming out and the desire to "level up" and avoid potential negative consequences. Ultimately, the speaker found gratitude in the experience, recognizing that it could have been much worse and that they were able to use the platform to share their story honestly.

    • Struggling with public speculation and blackmailDespite the emotional toll of hiding one's sexuality and dealing with blackmail, it's empowering to stand up for oneself and live authentically.

      The pressure to hide one's sexuality in the public eye can be exhausting and overwhelming. The speaker shares their experience of being speculated as gay and being blackmailed, leading to a point of intense paranoia and fear. They had to maintain a public persona while dealing with their personal struggles, which was emotionally draining. Despite the challenges, the speaker found the strength to refuse to give in to the blackmailer and ultimately came out on their own terms. It's empowering to see how they refused to let anyone have power over them and chose to live authentically. The speaker also mentions how the experience led them to prioritize their mental health and seek professional help.

    • Navigating Emotions on The BachelorDespite the challenges and uncertainty, some Bachelor contestants find love and personal growth, but the experience can be emotionally taxing and confusing.

      The Bachelor's experience can be emotionally taxing and confusing, even for those who ultimately find love. Colton, for example, felt torn between his duty to the show and his growing feelings for Cassie. He was nervous about their first night together and felt uneasy about the situation, leading him to struggle with whether to continue on the show or leave. Despite these challenges, Colton saw something special in Cassie and believed she could help him change for the better. Ultimately, their relationship continued after the show, but the experience left him feeling both relieved and unsure. Colton's experience highlights the complex emotions and decisions that come with being on the Bachelor, and how even those who find love must navigate the unique challenges of the show.

    • Navigating Complex Relationships and Respecting BoundariesIt's important to respect boundaries and privacy while exploring sexuality and identity. Listening and taking things in can lead to personal growth and peace.

      Sexuality and identity can exist on a spectrum, and it's important to respect boundaries and privacy while navigating complex relationships. Colton, a former Bachelor contestant, discussed his experience as a gay man who is still attracted to women. He believes that many people share similar experiences and that the concept is not strange. Colton also reflected on the end of his relationship with Cassie, which was brought to a halt during the COVID-19 pandemic. He acknowledged that he had things to address and talk about but respected Cassie's request for privacy. During his Netflix special, Colton met with a mutual friend and fellow gay man who confronted him about the hurt he caused Cassie. This conversation made Colton realize the importance of listening and taking things in, rather than overcompensating or hiding in plain sight. Since coming out, Colton has found peace in slowing down and taking things in, rather than feeling the need to constantly distract himself or have the most to say in a room. He has not spoken with Cassie since the special, but respects her privacy and the boundaries she has set.

    • Complexity of people and past mistakesRecognize everyone's complexity, own up to mistakes, seek help, and learn from experiences

      People, including public figures, are complex and make mistakes. The Netflix series discussed the intersection of coming out and past mistakes, acknowledging the importance of owning up to one's actions while also seeking help and growth. The speaker shared their personal experience of reaching rock bottom and the importance of acknowledging and addressing trauma, even if it's difficult or private. They emphasized the importance of recognizing that everyone goes through challenging times and that there is hope for improvement. Despite criticism and negative headlines, the speaker encourages listeners to look for relatable experiences and learn from them, rather than judging or dismissing.

    • Fear of judgment and consequences of coming outFear of judgment and potential consequences can lead individuals to hide their truth and even self-medicate. Trust and coming out to supportive people can ultimately lead to love and support.

      Fear of judgment and the potential consequences of coming out, especially in the public eye, can lead individuals to hide their truth and even turn to substances to numb the anxiety. The fear of blackmail and the financial gain that could come from selling personal information is a real concern for many, especially in industries like Hollywood. The speaker in this discussion shares her experience of living with social anxiety and how she was prescribed medication to cope. However, she never fully trusted anyone with her secret and found comfort in self-medicating. She was paranoid about the potential consequences of her secret being leaked and the impact it could have on her career. It wasn't until she came out to her professional team that she gained the confidence to come out to the rest of her family and friends. Despite the initial shock and discomfort from some family members, she ultimately received love and support. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of trust and the power of coming out, even in the face of fear and potential consequences.

    • Colton's emotional coming out journeyColton learned the importance of honesty and seeking help for mental health struggles despite negative reactions.

      Colton Underwood's coming out was a deeply personal and emotional experience for him, shaped by the support of his loved ones and the skepticism of the public. Despite the negative reactions, he learned the importance of being honest with himself and seeking help for his mental health struggles. The leaked show and public backlash were unexpected and hurtful, but he's come to terms with it and is focusing on owning his truth and moving forward in his life. Through therapy, he's gained a better understanding of himself and the traumas he's faced, and is committed to continuing his healing journey.

    • Navigating new experiences in a gay relationshipBeing in a relationship with someone who accepts and supports you fully can lead to healthier and more authentic connections, allowing you to be your true self and explore new aspects of yourself.

      Coming out and being in a relationship with a man for the first time brought new experiences and vulnerabilities for Colton Underwood. He shared that being in a room full of gay men was uncomfortable as he had never before been in a space where everyone knew he was gay. Colton also discussed how his relationship with his boyfriend has been healthier than past relationships with women, as there's no pressure or secrets, and he feels he can be his true self. He shared an example of how his boyfriend saw a side of him that no one else had, allowing him to be goofy and feminine, which was never allowed in his past social circles. Colton also mentioned how his boyfriend's experience and support have been valuable to him as he navigates this new chapter in his life.

    • Embracing Self-Acceptance for HappinessGive yourself permission to explore, reject toxic relationships, and embrace joyful experiences for self-love and healthy relationships.

      Self-acceptance and giving oneself permission to explore and be true to oneself are essential for happiness and freedom from shame and guilt. Colton Underwood's journey to self-acceptance, particularly in regards to his sexuality, has been a transformative experience for him. He encourages everyone, regardless of the issue they may be struggling with, to give themselves permission to explore, say no to toxic relationships, and say yes to things that bring joy and fulfillment. Additionally, Colton's experience highlights the harmful effects of societal homophobia and the importance of challenging and rejecting such beliefs. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize that everyone deserves to feel fully themselves when in love and that self-love is the foundation for healthy relationships.

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    Monique can be contacted via her website: https://www.moniquedebosemusic.com/

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammoniquedebose/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iammoniquedebose



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    How do you learn to own and love every part of who you are, even those parts that are hidden in shadow, buried deep inside?

    And how do you create the level of self-acceptance needed to feel both safe and free within yourself, as well as with others?

    Monique DeBose is a transformational entertainer, an award-winning jazz singer and playwright, a diversity consultant and a leadership coach with a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology. For the past 20 years, she's been on a mission to help women integrate all the parts of themselves. To turn their fears and insecurities into their strength. To express themselves fully. To choose MORE for their lives.

    For Monique the answers lie in allowing herself to experience the constant dance between those human feelings of resistance and fear & her spiritual journey to self-acceptance and safety deep within. We hear how, in her own inner work and in her work with clients, she uses her music, art and creativity to bypass the ‘tricky mind’ and get to the deep innate wisdom stored in our bodies throughout our many life experiences.

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    MORE ABOUT MY GUEST: MONIQUE DEBOSE Monique DeBose is an award-winning singer, songwriter and spiritual coach. A leading vocal improvisationalist (having studied under Rhiannon and Joey Blake of the renowned Bobby McFerrin Voicestra), Monique has toured and entertained audiences throughout the world, performed at TEDx and spoken as part of the United Nation’s SDG Action Zones event, with the mission of helping people to transition beyond seeing in “black” and “white” so they can begin to live life in full colour.

    Monique can be contacted via her website: https://www.moniquedebosemusic.com/

    Or on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammoniquedebose/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iammoniquedebose



    Sue is on a mission to STOP women playing small so that they can create the legacy they want to leave in the world.  With over 30 years coaching and leadership experience, Sue loves nothing more than disrupting the unhelpful thinking that often holds women back, so that they can think, dream and BE bigger in leading the change they want to see.  Coaching internationally, Sue’s clients are primarily world-changing women who want to lead with confidence, increase their impact and live a life that matters.



    Sign up for regular updates:  Mission Mojo Sign-Up

    Join the Women on a Mission Community:  Facebook Group

    Connect with Sue at: suerevell.com | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram



    Practice Solutions is a leading values-based consultancy supporting teams, organisations and leaders to meet the challenges of delivering care and support in the 21st Century. For over 20 years, we have been supporting organisations to confidently lead, manage, sustain and improve services that ensure the well-being of their teams and the communities they support. We offer a range of expertise from leadership, organisational development & transformational change, to digital and creative services, communication and engagement.

    For more information check out our podcast or get in touch via our website or social media platforms:

    Podcast: Joining The Dots with Practice Solutions

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/practice-solutions

    Twitter:   https://twitter.com/Pracsolutions

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pracsolutions

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/practicesolutions



    Episode 40: Looking back on "Done With Hiding!" with Monique DeBose

    Episode 40: Looking back on "Done With Hiding!" with Monique DeBose

    Stepping out of the shadows can be a scary thing to do, particularly when you’ve spent a lifetime playing things safe. Whether it’s playing small to protect ourselves, or dimming our light to make other people feel more comfortable around us, there are many ways in which we learn to contain what we think, what we say and what we do.

    And when the moment comes to step into our mission it can feel completely overwhelming to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight, even though we know it’s what we were born to do.

    In this week’s episode we look back at my conversation with Monique DeBose, award-winning jazz singer, songwriter, playwright, diversity consultant and spiritual coach. As we listened to the many contexts in which women hold themselves back, we also witnessed what it is to experience that change in power and energy when we own who we truly are, and become unapologetic for sharing that with the world.

    This Insights episode is all about the dance with resistance that we experience whenever we are ready to take the next step up in our life and leadership. Understanding our own experience of this deeply personal part of us that exists to keep us safe, so that we can work with it to help us soar.

    If you’re ready to step into your own spotlight, take a listen.


    Sue is on a mission to STOP women playing small so that they can create the legacy they want to leave in the world.  With over 30 years coaching and leadership experience, Sue loves nothing more than disrupting the unhelpful thinking that often holds women back, so that they can think, dream and BE bigger in leading the change they want to see.  Coaching internationally, Sue’s clients are primarily world-changing women who want to lead with confidence, increase their impact and live a life that matters.


    Episode 39:  Done With Hiding! with Monique DeBose

    Episode 25:  If Not Me, Then Who? with Emma Barnes

    Free Guide: Being Unstoppable by Sue Revell



    Sign up for regular updates:  Mission Mojo Sign-Up

    Join the Women on a Mission Community:  Facebook Group

    Click the following links to connect with Sue at:  Her website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram


    Practice Solutions is a leading values-based consultancy supporting teams, organisations and leaders to meet the challenges of delivering care and support in the 21st Century. For over 20 years, we have been supporting organisations to confidently lead, manage, sustain and improve services that ensure the well-being of their teams and the communities they support. We offer a range of expertise from leadership, organisational development & transformational change, to digital and creative services, communication and engagement.

    For more information check out our podcast or get in touch via our website or social media platforms:

    Podcast: Joining The Dots with Practice Solutions

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/practice-solutions

    Twitter:   https://twitter.com/Pracsolutions

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pracsolutions
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/practicesolutions