
    The TRUTH About Karma, Manifestation & FINDING YOUR PURPOSE | Sadhguru

    enNovember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The True Nature of Karma: Liberation and UnderstandingKarma is not about punishment, but about accepting and understanding the memories that shape us. Focus on living a clean and happy life, rather than trying to erase or forget experiences.

      Karma is not about fear and guilt, but about liberation and freedom. It is not about bad things happening to you as a punishment, but rather about understanding the complex memories and experiences that shape your personality. Karma is the accumulation of all these memories, both conscious and unconscious, and you have no control over what gets recorded in your mind. Trying to forget or erase memories is futile and often leads to them being amplified. Instead, the key is to accept that everything gets recorded and focus on living a clean and happy life. There is no need to eliminate the waste or trash, but rather to understand and transcend it.

    • Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Growth and WisdomOur choices and mindset shape how we perceive and respond to difficult situations. By choosing to see challenges as opportunities for growth, we can become wiser and create a more fulfilling life.

      Our choices and mindset determine how we perceive and respond to unpleasant situations in life. Sadhguru emphasizes that in every difficult moment, we have the choice to either become wise or wounded. By using the analogy of waste, he explains that just like waste can be turned into fertilizer and create something beautiful, we can choose to transform our challenges into opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Additionally, Sadhguru highlights the importance of utilizing the full potential of our being, including the immense memory stored in every cell of our body, instead of relying solely on our intellect. Ultimately, it is through expanding our understanding and embracing different dimensions of intelligence that we can lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

    • Finding Happiness Beyond Material WealthTrue happiness is not tied to material possessions or achievements; it stems from strong relationships, a sense of community, and focusing on lifting others up.

      Material possessions and external achievements do not guarantee happiness. The conversation between Lewis Howes and Sadhguru highlights that individuals who have less in terms of material wealth can still find joy and fulfillment through strong family connections and a sense of community. On the other hand, educated individuals with ample resources often struggle to find happiness because they rely on external factors for their well-being. The key lesson is that happiness comes from within and cannot be dependent on external circumstances or the opinions of others. Rather than focusing on competing and comparing ourselves to others, we should strive to lift everyone up and celebrate their successes, fostering a more compassionate and joyful world.

    • The Power of Identity and EmpowermentLimited identities can lead to destructive actions, emphasizing the need to expand our sense of self and embrace interconnectedness to prevent conflict and suffering.

      Limited identity and empowerment can lead to disastrous consequences. Sadhguru emphasizes that the extent of crime committed depends on how empowered an individual is and how limited their identity is. When individuals have a narrow sense of identity, such as being solely tied to their family, community, race, religion, or nationality, they can cause immense harm to others. Sadhguru points out historical examples where identity-driven conflicts, based on race, religion, and nationality, resulted in immense suffering and even the loss of millions of lives. To prevent such atrocities, it is essential to expand one's identity and embrace a cosmic identity that recognizes the interconnectedness of all beings.

    • The Power of Expanding Our Sense of SelfBy embracing the concept of oneness and expanding our sense of self, we can overcome limited identities and prioritize the well-being of all, leading to a more harmonious and interconnected world.

      Limited identity is at the root of many problems in the world today. When individuals or groups have a narrow sense of identity, they tend to prioritize their own interests over others and engage in harmful actions. This can lead to conflict, violence, and even terrorism. Yoga, in its truest form, teaches us to expand our sense of self and see everything and everyone as interconnected. When we experience this oneness, there is no need for moral commandments or boundaries because we naturally act in the best interest of all. While we may still need nations and borders for practical reasons, we should hold them lightly and recognize that they are not absolute. Economic equality is also essential if we want to truly break down barriers and create a world where everyone can move freely.

    • Embracing Diversity and Breaking Rigid IdentitiesTo nurture humanity, we must raise children as possibilities instead of confining them to predetermined identities, and strive for a more interconnected world that promotes wellbeing for all living beings.

      Identities and borders are not absolute. Sadhguru emphasizes that diversity is a natural aspect of humanity, as seen in India where people look and behave differently every few kilometers. Problems arise when identities become rigid and race or economic disparity are given too much importance. To nurture humanity, Sadhguru suggests raising children as possibilities and allowing them to explore their potential rather than confining them to predetermined identities. He proposes the idea of a global anthem that promotes wellbeing for all living beings, transcending national anthems. While national boundaries may have served certain conveniences, it is time to relax them and foster a reasonable level of economic parity for a more interconnected world.

    • Expanding Perspectives and Overcoming PrejudicesOur limited identities can lead to harmful actions and prejudices. Expanding our perspectives and becoming conscious can help us overcome these biases and foster empathy and understanding.

      Our limited identities can lead to harmful actions and prejudices. Sadhguru emphasizes the importance of expanding our perspectives and learning from different cultures. He warns that living in a limited atmosphere can cause us to become horribly prejudiced without even realizing it. He uses extreme examples like Adolf Hitler to highlight how individuals can believe they are doing the right thing even when causing harm. Sadhguru explains that every nation is responsible for taking lives and individuals often justify their actions as serving their country or God. He argues that our limited identities make us commit crimes and forsake our humanity. Additionally, he suggests that our accumulated memories, or karma, influence our actions and behaviors. To overcome this, he encourages becoming conscious and creating distance from our bodies and minds.

    • Breaking Free from Suffering Through Self-AwarenessLet go of negative thoughts and memories, detach from past experiences, and practice self-awareness to break free from suffering and live a vibrant life.

      Our karma, our past experiences and memories, can either serve as a platform for us to dance upon or as quicksand that sucks us in. Many people are constantly suffering because they hold onto negative thoughts and memories, allowing them to dictate their present and future. This suffering can even manifest as physical and mental illnesses. The key is to create a space between ourselves and our identities, to not be attached to them. By practicing self-awareness and disconnecting from our past, we can break free from suffering and live a more vibrant and exuberant life. This is the essence of the Inner Engineering process and the end of our suffering.

    • Rediscovering Our True IdentityOur bodies and thoughts are temporary, but our true nature is boundless. Through practices like yoga, we can dissolve the boundaries of our individuality and experience union with everything.

      Our true identity is not limited to our bodies or minds. As children, we naturally understood this, as we were more focused on exploring and experiencing life. However, as we grew older, societal influences and hormonal changes caused us to develop a stronger identification with our physical form and thoughts. But the truth is, our bodies and thoughts are just temporary and ever-changing. The essence of who we are goes beyond these boundaries. We have an innate longing for expansion and connection because our true nature is boundless. Through practices like yoga, we can consciously dissolve the boundaries of our individuality and experience the union with everything. This understanding of our true identity is not merely a philosophy, but the nature of existence itself. It's something that many only grasp when faced with their own mortality.

    • The Inner Experience of Love and JoyTrue love and joy come from within ourselves, not from seeking validation or happiness externally. Embrace authenticity, find sweetness within, and shift focus to expressing joy for the best moments in life.

      Love is not something we should seek externally or try to extract from others. It is not something that can be forced or controlled. Love is an inner experience, a quality of our mind, emotions, and energy. It is the sweetness and joy within us. When we depend on someone else to determine our love or happiness, we become slaves to their actions and words. True love and joy come from expressing ourselves authentically, embracing our own joy, and finding sweetness within. We must shift our focus from pursuing happiness to expressing joy, as that is where the best moments of our lives are found.

    • Creating a conscious and joyful world through observation and self-discovery.Embrace boundless existence, tap into inner wisdom, and create a positive impact on the world by experiencing life fully.

      Sadhguru's mission is to create a conscious and joyful world. He believes that humanity has never had better conveniences and comforts, and now is the time to transform the world into a more loving and exuberant place. He urges everyone to look and listen, to shut up and observe life as it is. By doing so, we can tap into the wisdom and knowledge that is already within us. Sadhguru doesn't believe in defining greatness, as it implies boundaries. Instead, he encourages us to go beyond limitations and embrace a boundless existence. Ultimately, his message is about experiencing life fully and creating a positive impact on the world.

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    Podcast Guest

    Daryl Van Tongeren, PhD

    Author of Humble 

    Instagram @darylvantongeren

    Website www.darylvantongeren.com


    Podcast Host 

    Yvette Le Blowitz 

    Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

    Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com

    Website www.feelgoodfromwithin.com

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    The podcast host and guest accept no liability arising directly or indirectly from use or misuse of any of the information contained in this podcast show and podcast episode conversation, or any trauma triggered or health concerns associated with it. If you are experiencing depression, mental illness, trauma or have any health concerns please seek medical professional help immediately.

    How To Get RICH And Die with ZERO REGRETS! (The Multi-Millionaire Secrets NO ONE Shares!) | Bill Perkins

    How To Get RICH And Die with ZERO REGRETS! (The Multi-Millionaire Secrets NO ONE Shares!) | Bill Perkins

    Today Lewis sits down with finance titan and entrepreneur Bill Perkins, delving into the secrets of achieving financial wealth while living a life with zero regrets. Perkins, a renowned figure in the energy trading industry and the author of "Die with Zero," shares his unique insights on balancing wealth accumulation with living life to the fullest. His remarkable journey from a New York City limo driver to a multi-faceted entrepreneur and philanthropist underscores the theme of making strategic life choices for financial and personal fulfillment.

    Buy his book, Die with Zero.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to balance enjoying life now while planning for a financially secure future, embracing Perkins' concept of "finite time and infinite money."
    • Strategies for making better financial decisions, drawing on Perkins' advice that "life is a series of choices."
    • The importance of not deferring life experiences for an uncertain retirement, challenging traditional saving norms.
    • Approaches to overcome common misconceptions about retirement savings that hinder financial freedom.
    • Ways to diversify income sources and embrace calculated risks for greater financial success.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1529

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more episodes like this one?

    Alex Hormozi: https://link.chtbl.com/1522-pod

    Jenna Kutcher: https://link.chtbl.com/1271-pod

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    Embrace GRATITUDE & Unleash a World of Positive Energy & Opportunities

    Embrace GRATITUDE & Unleash a World of Positive Energy & Opportunities

    What are you grateful for, and how do you express your gratitude? In this special episode, the transformative power of gratitude and its impact on personal and societal growth is explored through the experiences of three distinguished guests.

    Dr Joe Dispenza, a renowned expert in neuroscience and human potential, delves into the transformative power of living a life anchored in gratitude and service. He discusses how these principles can rewire our brains, leading to profound personal and societal changes.

    Renowned actor and singer Taye Diggs emphasizes the importance of embracing our unique identities and the power of positive self-perception. The conversation explores the concept of endless gratitude, where Diggs reveals how an attitude of thankfulness has transformed his life and career as a Tony Award-winning Broadway actor.

    Fab 5 star Karamo Brown shares his inspiring journey, highlighting the importance of embracing one's true self and the role of community in fostering personal growth. He emphasizes how gratitude can reshape our perspectives, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How gratitude and service can profoundly rewire our brains and instigate societal change
    • The power of embracing your community and giving back without receiving
    • The transformative effects of an attitude of thankfulness, especially in challenging times
    • The significance of authenticity and community support in personal growth, and why we should express gratitude to those who lift us up
    • How adopting gratitude as a core life principle can lead to a more fulfilling and genuine existence.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1534

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960


    Dr Joe Dispenza – https://link.chtbl.com/1494-pod

    Taye Diggs – https://lewishowes.com/podcast/taye-diggs/

    Karamo Brown – https://link.chtbl.com/1457-pod

    #392 – Joscha Bach: Life, Intelligence, Consciousness, AI & the Future of Humans

    #392 – Joscha Bach: Life, Intelligence, Consciousness, AI & the Future of Humans
    Joscha Bach is a cognitive scientist, AI researcher, and philosopher. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Numerai: https://numer.ai/lex - Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/lex to get special savings - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lex to get 15% off - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/joscha-bach-3-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Joscha's Twitter: https://twitter.com/Plinz Joscha's Website: http://bach.ai Joscha's Substack: https://substack.com/@joscha PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (06:26) - Stages of life (18:48) - Identity (25:24) - Enlightenment (31:55) - Adaptive Resonance Theory (38:42) - Panpsychism (48:42) - How to think (56:36) - Plants communication (1:14:31) - Fame (1:40:09) - Happiness (1:47:26) - Artificial consciousness (1:59:35) - Suffering (2:04:19) - Eliezer Yudkowsky (2:11:55) - e/acc (Effective Accelerationism) (2:17:33) - Mind uploading (2:28:22) - Vision Pro (2:32:36) - Open source AI (2:45:29) - Twitter (2:52:44) - Advice for young people (2:55:40) - Meaning of life

    Lewis Howes’ Year-End Solo Special: Lessons of Love, Health, and GREATNESS in 2023

    Lewis Howes’ Year-End Solo Special: Lessons of Love, Health, and GREATNESS in 2023

    Hey there, it's Lewis. Today I felt inspired to hop on the mic and share my top ten lessons of 2023 with you. This year has been a transformative journey, and I'm excited to reflect on the wisdom it has brought me personally. From taking leaps of faith in love and relationships to prioritizing health and finding inner peace, these lessons have shaped my path. So, let's embrace change, change our money mindset, prioritize love, and live with gratitude as we navigate this incredible journey together in 2024.

    First, let’s rewind. In 2023, we discovered that the real "win" lies in taking action, even if outcomes are uncertain, and we learned to prioritize our health, delve into the power of inner and outer cleanliness, and understand that peace is the highest form of wealth. We explored the relationship between respect and abundance and recognized the importance of setting agreements in our relationships. Love became a central theme as we understood that love is the key to falling in love with life and ourselves. And finally, we discovered the art of saying no to make room for more intentional "yes" moments.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The transformative power of taking a leap and embracing change, regardless of the outcome.
    • How to prioritize your health and make informed choices about nutrition, sleep, and well-being.
    • The importance of both external and internal cleanliness in your life and how they are interconnected.
    • The profound impact of inner peace and how to cultivate it amidst life's chaos.
    • The relationship between respect for money and attracting abundance, along with valuable insights from successful individuals.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1552

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOLO episodes from Lewis we think you’ll love:

    The Dangers of the Good Life – https://link.chtbl.com/1466-pod

    Crush Self-Doubt – https://link.chtbl.com/1459-pod