
    Comedian Simon Evans Learns the Life-Changing Truth About His Dad

    enJuly 12, 2023
    What philosophical questions arose from Simon Evans' discovery?
    How does financial control relate to the truckers' demo in Canada?
    Why does Simon Evans find political power paths challenging in the UK?
    What does Simon mean by 'have we met?' in relation to memory?
    How does Geoff Norcott perceive risks in edgy comedy commentary?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering donor-conception and societal controlThe discovery of being donor-conceived led to a profound sense of connection with half-siblings and philosophical questions, while societal control through financial services was highlighted during protests and continues to shape narratives and limit access to information.

      The discovery of being donor-conceived and the revelation of a large-scale sperm donor scandal brought about profound philosophical questions and a sense of connection with hundreds of half-siblings for Simon Evans. This experience was further compounded by the realization of the increasing control and manipulation of financial services and platforms, as seen during the truckers' demo in Canada and the weaponization of financial services. The combination of these personal and societal realizations left Simon reflecting on the quiet authoritarianism that continues to shape narratives and control access to information. Despite attempts to resist, the chilling effect of this control remains a constant concern.

    • Comedian Geoff Norcott discusses the evolving role of comedians in commentaryGeoff Norcott reflects on the shifting landscape of comedy, sharing his experiences with writing for publications and transitioning into commentary, while offering insights on edgy comedy and societal issues.

      Comedian Geoff Norcott reflects on the changing landscape of comedy and commentary, discussing the potential risks and rewards of expressing opinions beyond jokes. Norcott shares his experiences with writing for publications and his transition into a more commentator role. He also touches on the debate around comedians commenting on societal issues and offers his perspective on edgy comedy. Additionally, Norcott shares a personal revelation from his current show, "The Work of the Devil," about discovering he was donor conceived. Despite the potential risks, Norcott enjoys the opportunity to offer a unique perspective on various topics and believes comedians should be allowed to explore different avenues beyond stand-up comedy.

    • The Blurred Lines Between Nature and TechnologyThe speaker's personal story of discovering his biological father's use of artificial insemination and his own experience with hormone replacement therapy lead to a discussion on the ethical implications of technological advancements in creating families and their impact on traditional notions of identity.

      The lines between nature and technology are becoming increasingly blurred, leading to ethical questions about the implications of these advancements. The speaker, Simon, shares his personal story of discovering that his biological father had fathered hundreds of children through artificial insemination. He also discusses his own experience of having low testosterone levels and the impact it had on his life before and after hormone replacement therapy. The speaker expresses shock and horror at the technological methods used to create families, but later acknowledges that he himself is a product of such methods. He also touches upon the broader societal issue of decreasing testosterone levels in men and the potential consequences of this trend. The discussion raises questions about the moral and ethical implications of technological advancements and their impact on traditional notions of family and identity.

    • Exploring personal growth during challenging timesAllowing oneself to evolve and adapt is crucial for avoiding repetition and staying authentic in personal growth and self-improvement.

      Personal growth and self-improvement can lead to a renewed sense of energy and productivity, even during challenging times. This was the experience of the speaker after undergoing a procedure. However, the effects are not permanent, and it's essential to keep pushing forward. The speaker also shared that his persona as a stand-up comedian has evolved over the years as he tried on different masks to find what resonated with audiences. He found that allowing himself to evolve and adapt was crucial to avoiding repetition and staying authentic. The pandemic forced him to reconsider his identity, leading him to explore his roots and question his assumptions about himself. Ultimately, the journey of self-discovery and personal growth is an ongoing process, filled with twists and turns.

    • Backgrounds and experiences shape identitiesGrowing up in less privileged backgrounds and becoming a father can lead to profound identity shifts. New information and experiences can cause paradigm shifts in understanding the world.

      Personal experiences and backgrounds, no matter how different they may seem, can shape our identities and perspectives in profound ways. The speaker shared how growing up in a less privileged background resonated more with him than the one he had pretended to be part of as a stand-up comedian. He also mentioned how becoming a father brought about a paradigm shift in his life, allowing him to see his past experiences in a new light. The speaker referenced Thomas Kuhn's idea of a paradigm shift, explaining how our understanding of the world can change when new information is introduced. Additionally, the speaker discussed the challenges of fatherhood and how it impacted him and his wife differently. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of acknowledging and embracing the complexities of our backgrounds and experiences in shaping our identities and perspectives.

    • The complexities of starting a familyStarting a family requires open communication, alignment of values, and a commitment to raising children. Societal trends indicate we're below replacement level fertility, so discouraging language may deter people further. The experience can be compared to setting up a business, with disruptions and rewards.

      Having children can be a life-changing experience that challenges the priorities and expectations of individuals and couples. As the speaker and his wife have discovered, the domestic environment becomes more complex, and the commitment to raising children is enormous. Before starting a family, it's essential to have serious conversations about values, priorities, and goals. However, societal trends indicate that we're already dipping below replacement level fertility, and anything said that may deter people from having children could be detrimental. The speaker also draws a parallel between having children and setting up a business, emphasizing the disruptive yet rewarding nature of both endeavors. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges that the decision to have children is a significant one, and it's crucial to approach it with open communication and alignment of values.

    • Religion's Impact on Identity and RelationshipsTraditional religion shapes individuals' roles, priorities, and relationships through enforced fertility and responsibilities, potentially disrupting identity and challenging beliefs.

      The role of traditional religion in enforcing fertility and responsibilities has significant impacts on individuals' lives, particularly in terms of identity and relationships. The revelation of one's biological father can disrupt one's sense of self and challenge long-held beliefs. Men, in particular, may experience changes in testosterone levels and priorities, leading to altered domestic and professional roles. The speaker shares his own experiences and observations, highlighting the complexity of identity and the potential disconnect between public and private personas. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the profound influence of societal expectations and personal experiences on individual development.

    • Exploring the Influence of Genetics and Upbringing on IdentityGenetics and personal experiences shape our identities. A DNA test can provide a newfound sense of connection to one's past, but both nature and nurture contribute to who we are.

      Our genetic makeup and personal experiences can significantly shape our identities and how we perceive the world around us. The speaker, who has a complex relationship with her Jewish identity, shares how her upbringing and experiences have influenced her sense of self. She also discusses how the political climate and the rise of identity politics led her to explore her genetic heritage. The results of her DNA test not only provided her with a newfound sense of connection to her past but also reinforced her belief in the role of genetics in shaping one's traits and identity. Ultimately, she recognizes that both nature and nurture play a role in who we are, but our genetic makeup can be an essential piece of the puzzle.

    • Genes and environment shape personalityGenes influence personality, but the exact expression can differ greatly between individuals, and non-shared environment plays a role in personality development, but it's largely a mystery

      A significant portion of our personality traits are influenced by genetics, but the exact expression of these traits can vary greatly between individuals, even within the same family. The non-shared environment, which includes factors outside of the family or close friends, plays a role in personality development, but it is largely a mystery. This understanding can help alleviate pressure on parents to control every aspect of their child's upbringing and allow for more enjoyment in the parenting experience. Observing the differences between siblings, especially those with a shared genetic background, can provide insight into the complex interplay of nature and nurture in personality development.

    • Exploring the complexities of identity and heritageDiscovering one's ancestry can reveal intriguing family dynamics and challenge traditional notions of identity, particularly for groups like the Ashkenazi Jews with distinct ethnicities and interconnected familial relationships.

      Identity and heritage are complex issues that go beyond just religious or cultural affiliations. The discussion around Alan Coren's background and David's discovery of his ancestry highlights the complexity of ethnicity and the challenges in defining one's identity. The Ashkenazi Jews, in particular, provide an interesting case study due to their distinct ethnicity and the prevalence of interconnected familial relationships. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the emotional impact of discovering that a parent is not biologically related to you. It's an intriguing question that many people ponder, and it underscores the complexity of family dynamics and the role of genetics in shaping our identities.

    • Beyond Biology: The Complexity of Human ConnectionThrough personal experiences, the speaker explores the depth of human connection that goes beyond biological relations, questioning its origins and the complexities of family dynamics.

      Our sense of connection and kinship with people can go beyond just biological relations. The speaker shares her experiences of feeling a strong bond with people who she later discovered were not actually related to her, but whom she instinctively felt a connection with. These feelings were not present with her biological father or other close relatives, leading her to question the origins of these bonds. She also reflects on the complexity of family dynamics and the unexpected challenges that come with forming new family connections later in life. Ultimately, this discussion highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing the unique and complex ways we form connections with others.

    • Discovering the truth about one's originsAcknowledging and embracing the past, even with challenges, is crucial for personal growth and understanding resilience in the face of adversity.

      The truth about one's origins, even if it deviates from what one might have believed or hoped for, carries a profound significance. The speaker's discovery of his biological father's use of donor sperm brought a sense of relief but also a recognition of the inescapable reality that he exists only under those specific circumstances. This realization, though bittersweet, underscores the importance of acknowledging and embracing the past, even when it presents challenges. The speaker's father, who endured numerous hardships and losses, serves as a powerful reminder of resilience and the ability to create meaning and richness in life despite adversity.

    • A father's deep-rooted passion for aviationSpeaker is inspired by father's dedication to aviation, reflected in his creation of over a thousand model planes, including a de Havilland Mosquito. Grandfather's connection to the Mosquito, having worked on its production during WWII, highlights a sense of duty and selflessness often missing today.

      The speaker is deeply grateful for the passion and commitment of their father towards aviation, which they find both inspiring and slightly incomprehensible due to their own differences. The father's dedication was evident in his creation of over a thousand intricately detailed model planes, particularly the de Havilland Mosquito. The speaker also shares a connection with the poet Don Patterson, who wrote a fierce defense of his own father in a poem called "The Elliptical Stylus." The speaker's grandfather, born in the 1920s, also had a deep connection to the Mosquito plane, having worked as a master joiner on its production during World War II. He felt compelled to join the war effort despite the risks, reflecting a sense of duty and selflessness that the speaker believes is less common in today's age of individualism.

    • Connecting with something larger than ourselvesRecognize the importance of serving something beyond ourselves daily for personal growth and positive change.

      The ability to connect with something larger than ourselves and feel a sense of belonging is a primal human emotion that has been gradually diminished in today's era of individualism. This sense of commitment to something beyond ourselves can bring fulfillment and is something we all have the power to cultivate. However, the constant temptations of individualism, such as social media, can be unsatisfying and distract us from making a positive impact on ourselves and others. The speaker encourages us to recognize this and make a conscious choice to serve something beyond ourselves every day. This can lead to personal growth and the ability to bring about positive change in the world. The studies in positive psychology emphasize this idea, highlighting the importance of being part of a community and working towards shared goals.

    • Contributing to a common goal brings greater happinessActively volunteering, working in a group, or organizing events fosters deeper relationships and a sense of value

      Actively contributing to a common goal with a group of people brings greater happiness and satisfaction than passive activities. This was emphasized through the discussion of the impact of volunteering, working in a band, and even organizing a community event like a basketball tournament. The speaker shared his personal experience of how such contributions changed his relationships with others and instilled a sense of value. Another powerful learning came from his experience with improv, which taught him the importance of trust, support, and adaptability in a constantly evolving environment. These experiences have shaped his perspective and made him appreciate the power of communal efforts towards a shared goal.

    • Exploring vulnerability and trust through real-time collaborative activitiesEngaging in improv and other collaborative activities offers immense satisfaction and value by pushing past comfort zones and building trust, but it's crucial to avoid hiding and address the AI threat's potential implications.

      Engaging in real-time collaborative activities, such as improv, can provide immense satisfaction and value through vulnerability and trust. This process involves taking risks and exposing oneself, which can lead to memorable moments and personal growth. However, it's essential to constantly push past comfort zones and avoid finding tricks to hide. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing the AI threat in a more significant way, as the conversation around it in the real world may not fully capture its potential implications.

    • Experts' warnings about AI risks not always given same attentionSupport experts' AI warnings, find ways to mitigate job loss, and implement new economic models if necessary.

      While experts in various fields, such as climate change, often demand more resources and action when raising alarms, the situation with AI seems different. AI experts are expressing genuine concerns about existential risks, but their warnings are not always given the same attention or resources. This disconnect can lead to feelings of demoralization among young people whose jobs may be at risk due to automation. To address this, some suggest a new economic model where those who own robots are taxed, but the implementation of such a model faces challenges. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having experts in government to make informed decisions, especially during crises like the pandemic. In summary, it's crucial to listen to and support experts' warnings about AI, while also finding effective ways to mitigate the potential negative impacts on jobs and the economy.

    • The Challenges of Pursuing Political Power in the UKComedian Simon Evans discusses the difficult journey to political power in the UK, his new show at Edinburgh Festival, and the intriguing concept of 'have we met?'

      The traditional route to political power in the UK comes with limited incentives, making it a challenging path for individuals. Simon Evans, a comedian, touched upon this during an interview. He also mentioned that he will be performing a new show at the Edinburgh Festival, which will then tour, and encouraged listeners to follow him on Twitter and join their exclusive member feed for extended interviews. Another intriguing topic that came up was the phrase "have we met?" and its connection to memory. Simon shared that he's written a lot about this concept, and it holds deeper meanings, particularly regarding his family relationships. He also mentioned that there are certain subjects he avoids making jokes about, but he didn't elaborate on why. Overall, the conversation covered various aspects of life, comedy, and personal experiences, providing an engaging and thought-provoking discussion.

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    Directed by Chase McCants  


    We are a proud member of Circle270Media  

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    Episode 199 "A Beautiful Journey"

    Episode 199 "A Beautiful Journey"
    End of the year wrap up episode! Host Justin Foster and co-host Kristie Marie talk about our highlights of 2016 and set our resolutions for the new year. Plus, McDonald's serves kale, Justin tries to sell his clothes, and technological advances made because of porn. Subscribe in iTunes! www.fosterthepodcast.com Justin Foster www.justincomic.com @justincomic

    Confronting Feelings About Adoption

    Confronting Feelings About Adoption

    Mia was born in Colombia and adopted by an Italian-American family in New Jersey. Her childhood was idyllic, but as a young adult, she found herself grappling with feelings of, less than-ness around her Colombian heritage. She’s trying to figure out how to simply be Mia, embracing all of her culture and identity. 

    Well…Adjusting is an editaudio original. It is exec produced by Steph Colbourn and Robin Hopkins. Thank you to Maria Passingham, Kathleen Speckert, and the whole editaudio team. 

    Follow Robin @realrobhops on IG/Twitter/TikTok and on Substack

    Follow editaudio: twitter: @editaud_io IG: editaud.io

    If you’d like to be a guest on a future episode of Well…Adjusting email hello@editaud.io

    Well…Adjusting is a podcast that is intended for entertainment purposes. It is not meant to be used for therapy or medical advice.  If you need help from a licensed professional, you can text "MHA" to 741-741 and speak with Crisis Text Line.

    Our Expert of the Day, Shannon Gibney, is a mixed Black transracial adoptee author and professor. She lives with her family in Minneapolis. You can follow her here

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