
    Compelled Speech - Law Society of Ontario

    enNovember 03, 2017
    What is the Law Society of Ontario's new requirement for lawyers?
    How does compelled speech differ from restricted speech?
    What are potential consequences for non-compliance with the new requirement?
    How do supporters of the policy describe its significance?
    What are professionals suggesting as forms of protest against the requirement?

    • New Law Society of Ontario requirement raises concerns about compelled speechThe Law Society of Ontario's new requirement for lawyers to produce a statement of principles expressing agreement and active promotion of inclusion, diversity, and equality sets a dangerous precedent for compelled speech in professional regulations.

      The Law Society of Ontario's new requirement for lawyers to produce a statement of principles expressing agreement and active promotion of inclusion, diversity, and equality is a concerning example of compelled speech. This goes beyond the issues raised by Bill C-16 and sets a dangerous precedent for other professional regulations. The distinction between restrictions on speech and compelled speech is crucial. While restrictions on speech limit what can be said, compelled speech requires individuals to express specific beliefs or opinions. The potential consequences, including the loss of the right to practice law, make this a significant concern for the legal community and beyond. It's essential for professionals to push back against such infringements on their freedom of speech and expression.

    • Ontario's requirement for lawyers to acknowledge commitment to addressing discriminationOntario's requirement for lawyers to sign statement acknowledging commitment to addressing discrimination raises concerns about compelled speech and potential misuse, with criticisms of its methodology and lack of concrete evidence.

      The requirement for lawyers in Ontario to sign a statement acknowledging their commitment to addressing systemic racism and other forms of discrimination goes beyond freedom of expression and enters the realm of compelled speech. This is a concern because it forces individuals to express opinions they may not agree with and potentially admit to being racist or misogynistic. The report justifying this requirement has been criticized for its methodology and lack of concrete evidence, and the ideological bent of the requirement raises questions about its validity and potential for misuse. The implications of this requirement extend beyond the legal profession and touch on broader issues of freedom of expression and individual rights.

    • Requirement for lawyers to acknowledge systemic racism raises concernsThis requirement could limit individual expression, impose a particular worldview, lead to cognitive dissonance, and result in ongoing scrutiny and potential consequences for non-compliance.

      The requirement for lawyers to make a statement acknowledging systemic racism in the legal industry and professing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusiveness raises significant concerns. These statements could potentially limit individual expression and behavior, impose a particular worldview, and even be used to question future actions and truthfulness. Moreover, the psychological implications of writing such a statement could lead to cognitive dissonance and a need to bring one's beliefs and actions in line with the statement. Furthermore, the potential enforcement of these statements by ethics committees could result in ongoing scrutiny and potential consequences for non-compliance. Overall, the implications of this requirement are far-reaching and could potentially undermine the principles of excellence, meritocracy, and honesty that are crucial for the legal profession.

    • The complexities of applying values and principlesThe application of values and principles can lead to ethical dilemmas, as seen in the Trinity Western law school case, where the law society's objection to the school's values was hypocritical and raised concerns about individual rights, inclusivity, and unintended consequences.

      The application of values and principles can lead to complex ethical dilemmas. The case of Trinity Western law school highlights this issue, as the law society's objection to the school's values was hypocritical since they too impose values on their members. It's ironic that the law society, an arm of the state with coercive power, is imposing values on lawyers in Ontario, while the association with Trinity Western is voluntary. Many lawyers are unaware of the issue or feel overwhelmed by the additional requirements, leading them to comply without question. This situation raises concerns about individual rights, inclusivity, and the potential for unintended consequences. It's essential to consider the implications of imposing values and principles, especially when there are differing perspectives and power dynamics involved.

    • Template approach risks infringing on lawyers' psychological integrityLawyers must protect their fundamental rights and credibility by opposing meaningless statement of principles templates.

      The proposed requirement for lawyers to sign a statement of principles using a template raises significant concerns. This template approach, reminiscent of McCarthyism, risks having meaningless words imposed upon individuals, infringing on their psychological integrity and fundamental principles. For lawyers, who often work in isolation, there's a risk of feeling alone in their opposition. However, it's crucial to recognize that there are many concerned lawyers, and collective action could lead to change. Additionally, clients value lawyers who stand up for their principles and differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Ultimately, lawyers' credibility is at stake, and they must protect their fundamental rights.

    • Concerns about self-regulation and penalties for non-compliance with DEI commitmentProfessionals face uncertainty regarding consequences for not declaring commitment to DEI, leaving them in a vulnerable position, and understanding implications of professional regulations is crucial.

      The requirement for lawyers to declare their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusiveness raises concerns about self-regulation and potential penalties. The lack of clarity regarding the consequences for non-compliance leaves professionals in a vulnerable position. Some suggest not filing as a form of protest and communicating the reason to the law society. However, drafting a personal statement of principles could be seen as an admission of guilt. The discussion highlights the importance of understanding the implications of professional regulations and the potential risks involved.

    • Forced public endorsement of principles infringes on freedom of speechIndividuals should not be compelled to publicly approve of laws or values, as it infringes on freedom of speech and could lead to class-based guilt and undermine individual justice.

      Individuals should not be forced to publicly endorse principles or values, even if they are in line with the law or regulations. This infringes on freedom of speech and can lead to a dangerous precedent of class-based guilt. The Supreme Court of Canada has made it clear that individuals are not obligated to approve of laws, even if they comply with them. This issue is not about whether lawyers are subject to anti-discrimination laws, but rather about the requirement to endorse them. The idea of class-based guilt is also concerning, as it could lead to individuals being judged based on their group association rather than their individual actions or guilt. This is a slippery slope that could undermine the fundamental principle of individual justice.

    • Lawyers' objection to signing statement of principlesLawyers can object to signing a statement of principles by filing a statement of objection instead, and a list is being compiled for support.

      The requirement for lawyers to sign a statement of principles raises concerns about freedom of speech and the potential misuse of power. If everyone objects, those in power would become all-powerful and discretionary in their decision-making. A potential solution is for lawyers to file a statement indicating their objection to the requirement, rather than a full statement of principles. This could be a simple and effective way to stand against the compulsion to speak or agree to something against one's will. Additionally, a list is being compiled for lawyers to sign up and show their support in objecting to this requirement. While there have been discussions about the possibility of a legal action, it may eventually lead to judicial review. Lawyers, as professionals, are well-positioned to challenge such incursions into essential rights, and their objection is crucial for preserving the English common law system.

    • Ongoing debate on proposed Statement of Principles for Ontario lawyersThe debate over the Statement of Principles for Ontario lawyers raises concerns about clear definitions and consequences for addressing systemic racism and discrimination, with some questioning its true intent and implications for the legal industry.

      The ongoing debate surrounding the proposed Statement of Principles for lawyers in Ontario highlights the need for clearer definitions and consequences when addressing issues of systemic racism and discrimination within the legal profession. The public's concern over the potential for compelled speech has evolved into a broader discussion on the underlying report and its claims of systemic discrimination. Some argue that the statement is not a speech obligation but a conduct obligation, yet the distinction remains unclear. The inconsistent messaging from supporters of the policy, describing it as both insignificant and essential, raises questions about its true intent and implications for the legal industry.

    • Lawyers' Equality and Inclusion Training Sparks DebateSome lawyers object to mandatory equality and inclusion training and signing statements of principles, arguing it's a politicization of the legal profession and a violation of intellectual integrity. Critics question the effectiveness of unconscious bias training and fear a domino effect of similar requirements for other professionals.

      The Law Society of Upper Canada is planning to require lawyers to complete equality and inclusion training and sign statements of principles, which some argue is a politicization of the legal profession and a violation of intellectual integrity. Critics argue that unconscious bias training, a proposed component of this requirement, has been debunked by scientists and is an inappropriate use of education. Some lawyers have expressed their intention to give up their licenses rather than comply with these requirements. The ethical obligations currently required of lawyers are neutral and non-political, while the proposed requirements have substantive political content. This issue raises concerns about the potential for a domino effect, with other professional organizations in Canada following suit, leading to a situation where professionals are required to espouse certain political and philosophical beliefs or risk losing their licenses.

    • Ontario's new requirement for lawyers to acknowledge commitment to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusionThe new requirement for Ontario lawyers to make a statement of principles goes beyond current rules of professional conduct, implying guilt and need for reeducation, and raises questions about freedom of thought and expression.

      The proposed requirement for lawyers in Ontario to make a statement of principles acknowledging their commitment to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion goes beyond the current rules of professional conduct, which primarily focus on prohibiting discrimination. This new requirement could have significant psychological and moral consequences, as it implies an admission of guilt and a need for reeducation. Additionally, the concept of equality is complex and can be interpreted differently, with formal equality (same rules for everyone) and substantive equality (equal outcomes for all) being opposing ideas. The implementation of this new requirement also raises questions about the potential infringement on freedom of thought and expression for lawyers.

    • Call for statements on systemic racism in legal profession raises concernsReport on systemic racism overlooks newcomer integration and diversity of thought, may promote opposite of true diversity

      The call for statements of principles and actions based on the report of systemic racism in the legal profession raises concerns about equality, personal beliefs, and the interpretation of data. The report's findings are based on the assumption of an equality of outcome doctrine, which assumes that every group should be equally represented at the outcome. However, if professionals disagree with these conclusions, they may be required to admit their culpability in the supposed systemic racism and corruption of the legal system. The data used in the report also overlooks the rate of newcomer integration into the profession and the importance of diversity of thought, opinion, and worldview for a pluralistic society. Furthermore, the objectives of promoting diversity through these recommendations may be the opposite of true diversity, as selecting for diversity based on race or gender does not guarantee diversity of thought or opinion. In fact, it may be a fundamentally racist or sexist claim to assume that selecting for diversity leads to diversity of opinion.

    • Diversity initiatives may inflame tensionsDespite good intentions, diversity policies could inadvertently fuel animosity and hinder social harmony. More nuanced solutions are required to balance free speech and diversity concerns.

      The push for enforcing diversity in thought and opinion based on racial or gendered backgrounds may not lead to social harmony as intended, but rather inflame tensions between groups. A lawyer's concern was raised that such policies could generate animosity towards certain groups. However, a motion to exempt conscientious objectors from adopting a statement of principles does not fully address the issue of compelled speech. The motion could still be interpreted as an objection to the values themselves rather than the compelled speech aspect. Therefore, more nuanced solutions are needed to address the concerns of free speech and potential unintended consequences of diversity initiatives.

    • Law Society of Canada's proposed values and recommendations sparks controversyThe Law Society of Canada's proposed statement of values and related recommendations, which require lawyers to acknowledge and promote principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion, have sparked controversy due to potential compelled speech component and concerns over infringement on freedom of conscience.

      The Law Society of Canada's proposed statement of values and related recommendations have sparked controversy due to their potential compelled speech component, which requires lawyers to acknowledge and promote principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion. The Supreme Court of Canada's upcoming decision on this issue is being closely watched to determine if there is a limit to the type of advocacy the society can pursue. Critics argue that the society should not be meddling with the thoughts and conscience of its members and that the recommendations, as a package, are objectionable due to their underlying philosophy promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion above other values. The first recommendation, which suggests reviewing and amending rules to reinforce these principles, could potentially regulate competence in a political or ideological sense, making it a contentious issue for those who do not align with these values. The proponents argue that this infringement on freedom of conscience is reasonable under the Charter's section one and the Oakes test analysis, as it aims to attain the objective of equality. However, critics remain concerned about the potential impact on the legal profession and the broader implications for Canadian values.

    • Shifting focus from formal equality to cultural competency, equality, and inclusion in the legal professionThe Law Society of Ontario is proposing changes to the legal profession, requiring young lawyers to demonstrate cultural competency, equality, and inclusion during licensing, and mandating diversity policies for workplaces with over 10 lawyers. However, concerns exist regarding the practical implementation and potential unintended consequences.

      The Law Society of Ontario is proposing significant changes to the legal profession, shifting the focus from formal equality to cultural competency, equality, and inclusion. These values will be required for young lawyers to demonstrate during the licensing process, and legal workplaces with over 10 lawyers will need to develop and maintain human rights diversity policies. However, there are concerns about how these values will be measured and enforced, particularly with regards to the definition of fairness and inclusion. The Law Society has been collecting demographic data on a voluntary basis for years, but there are concerns about the quality of the data and the potential resistance from certain groups to self-identify. Recommendation 12-2 suggests revising the rules of professional conduct to clearly identify systemic discrimination. Overall, these changes aim to promote diversity and inclusion in the legal profession, but there are valid concerns about the practical implementation and potential unintended consequences.

    • Revising professional conduct rules to address systemic discriminationThe Law Society of Ontario is planning to revise professional conduct rules to identify systemic discrimination as a breach, potentially leading to mandatory hiring based on race to remedy the situation, but legal implications and definitions are unclear.

      The Law Society of Ontario is planning to revise the rules of professional conduct to identify systemic discrimination as a breach of professional conduct requirements. This means that law firms could be assessed for their compliance with equality standards, possibly defined as equality of outcome or rate of transformation of demographic membership. If a firm is found not to be in compliance, it could be considered a matter of professional misconduct. The use of the term "systemic discrimination" suggests that every lawyer in the firm could be involved, but the exact definition and implications are unclear. The law society plans to conduct a benchmarking exercise and review inclusion assessments to determine where firms stand in terms of inclusivity compared to the industry as a whole. If a firm is found to be systemically discriminatory, it may be mandated to hire based on race to remedy the situation. However, it's unclear how this would be legal, and there may be potential for discrimination claims from candidates if race is used as a basis for hiring. The Human Rights Code and Charter of Rights and Freedoms allow for discrimination in certain circumstances to address systemic discrimination issues, but evidence would need to be presented to support such a program.

    • The Law Society's voluntary nature raises concernsThe Law Society's voluntary status and ill-defined values create potential for systemic discrimination and the need for clarity and transparency.

      The idea of the Law Society being a voluntary organization for lawyers to practice law is questionable, as it is mandated by the government and essential for legal practice in the province. The voluntary aspect is that lawyers can choose to adhere to the rules and values of the Law Society or leave the profession. However, the ill-defined values and potential for them to change over time raise concerns about inclusivity and the potential for systemic discrimination. The proposed creation of a specialized team to address complaints of discrimination adds to existing bodies and raises questions about their role and authority. Overall, the discussion highlights the need for clarity and transparency in the Law Society's values and processes to ensure fairness and inclusivity for all lawyers.

    • Debate over new team to enforce lawyer requirementsOngoing debate on new team may infringe on fundamental rights, public involvement crucial to influence outcome, concerns not yet fully addressed, forced speech element unlikely to change soon

      There is ongoing debate and concern regarding the creation of a new team within the Law Society of Ontario to enforce new requirements for lawyers and paralegals, which some believe could infringe on fundamental rights and freedoms. The Human Rights Code and the Law Society's requirements may not align, leading to the need for an additional bureaucracy to enforce the new rules. It's important for the public to be involved and express their concerns to the decision-makers, as the law society's mandate is to protect the public's interests. The public's involvement could potentially influence the outcome of the current motion before the law society. The scope of opposition has been broadened due to insufficient efforts to address the concerns raised so far. The forced speech element of the policy is not likely to be removed immediately, and other elements are consistent with it. The message overall is that there are many people who share these concerns and that the worst outcome would be for these concerns to be ignored.

    • Courageous individuals advocating for change in the legal systemOne well-written piece from a professor in New Zealand can spark international conversation and inspire change in the legal system, highlighting the power of advocacy and courage.

      Despite people's thoughts not always leading to action, there are courageous individuals who have taken a stand and advocated for change in the legal system. These actions, whether through writing to law societies, reaching out to offices, or publishing articles and blog posts, can have significant international impact due to rapid electronic communication. A well-written and thoughtful piece from a professor at the University of Auckland in New Zealand is an excellent example of this. The potential for one major jurisdiction or organization's progressive direction to spread rapidly makes it essential for those who share the same legal system to pay attention and engage in the conversation, whether they are for or against the change. Ultimately, the actions of these individuals demonstrate the power of courage and the potential for meaningful change through advocacy.

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    John Vervaeke is an associate professor of psychology and cognitive science at the University of Toronto. John researches and publishes on the nature of intelligence, rationality, wisdom, and meaning in life, emphasizing relevance realization, non-propositional kinds of knowing, and 4E cognitive science.


    This episode was filmed on September 5th, 2024.


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    Vervaeke Foundation Website: https://vervaekefoundation.org/


    John Vervaeke's Lectern (Walking the Philosophical Silk Road): https://youtu.be/Foz0VaTUuEw?si=odQyamOGhiOspuyk

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    For Vivek Ramaswamy:


    Preorder Truths: The Future of America First 

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    This episode was recorded on September 4th, 2024



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    “Am I Racist?” Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7PA_kshZh0


    Buy tickets on the website https://www.amiracist.com/ 

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    On X www.x.com/_JackSymes

    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
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    This episode was recorded on August 16th, 2024



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    On X https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 

    475. Threat From South America | Axel Kaiser

    475. Threat From South America | Axel Kaiser

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    Axel Kaiser Barents von Hohenhagen is a Chilean-German lawyer, Master in Investments, Commerce, and Arbitration, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Heidelberg (Germany). He is the co-founder and president of the Foundation for Progress in Chile, one of the most influential free-market think tanks in Latin America. He is an international lecturer and a best-selling author of several works that include his Tolkienian fantasy novel “The Book of Asgalard” (available only in Spanish). His book "The Street Economist" became the most sold economics book in the Spanish-speaking world in the last 20 years, playing an important role in Argentina’s current free-market movement.


    This episode was recorded on August 12th, 2024



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    For Axel Kaiser:


    On X https://x.com/AXELKAISER?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    “The Street Economist: 15 Economic Lessons Everyone Should Know” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Street-Economist-Economics-Lessons-Everyone/dp/1645720810

    “The Book of Asgalard” (Book)(Spanish only) https://www.amazon.com/El-libro-Asgalard-Axel-Kaiser/dp/8445016393 

    474. Why “Anti-Racism” is the Worst Form of Racism | Coleman Hughes

    474. Why “Anti-Racism” is the Worst Form of Racism | Coleman Hughes

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author, podcaster, and opinion columnist Coleman Hughes. They discuss his latest book, “The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America,” why color blindness should be re-implemented as a cultural goal, the Marxist actors who have deliberately moved to repel it, the need for a meritocratic system, and instances when racial discrimination is appropriate.


    Coleman Hughes is an author, podcaster, and opinion columnist who specializes in issues related to race, public policy, and applied ethics. Coleman’s writing has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Quillette, City Journal, the Spectator, and the Washington Examiner. He appeared on Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2021. In 2019, Hughes testified before the U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee at a hearing on reparations for slavery. In 2024, Hughes released his first book, “The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America.” He has appeared on prominent TV shows and podcasts including “The View,” “Real Time with Bill Maher,” “The Joe Rogan Experience,” and “Making Sense with Sam Harris.” Hughes is a columnist at the Free Press and a contributor at CNN.


    This episode was recorded on August 8th, 2024



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    Foundations of the West, out now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3ABnIgR


    For Coleman Hughes:


    Buy tickets to see Coleman Hughes in conversation with Josh Szeps on August 25th in Sydney and August 28th in Melbourne.


    Sydney link: https://festivalofdangerousideas.com/program/a-colourblind-society-uncomfortable-conversations/#tickets


    Melbourne link: https://www.ticketmaster.com.au/uncomfortable-conversations-live-with-coleman-hughes-and-josh-szeps-melbourne-28-08-2024/event/130060E1D02C314C


    On X https://x.com/coldxman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On youtube https://www.youtube.com/@ColemanHughesOfficial 

    473. The War on Children & the Language of Deception | Logan Lancing

    473. The War on Children & the Language of Deception | Logan Lancing

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author, speaker, and founder of ItsNotinSchools.com, Logan Lancing. They discuss the deceptive terminology of the postmodern Left and how the linguistic game hides a severe lack of substance, the true heart of Marxism as a theology, the indoctrination of our children at the institutional level, and the sacrifices it will take to truly right the ship.


    Logan Lancing is an author, speaker, and the founder of ItsNotinSchools dot com. He is best known for his public lectures on critical race theory, culturally relevant pedagogy, and queer theory. Lancing’s website explains what these “woke” theories are, identifies where they come from, and exposes how they show up in children’s classrooms nationwide.


    This episode was recorded on July 30th, 2024



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    Know what you children are being taught https://www.itsnotinschools.com/


    “The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Queering-American-Child-Religious-Poisons/dp/B0CSP4L1T9/ref=pd_lpo_sccl_1/138-3764402-1287437?pd_rd_w=J1eG0&content-id=amzn1.sym.4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_p=4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_r=FF9ME2FMJZ7DHXP3T72Z&pd_rd_wg=7dgdC&pd_rd_r=592af638-8ca4-4007-9820-2d0249e0e34c&pd_rd_i=B0CSP4L1T9&psc=1


    “THE WOKE WARPATH: How Marxists Use Race and Gender to Break America” (Book)


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    Welcome to Get 'Ah Grip!

    It's September 1st...
    Our deadline to withdraw our troops is officially over.
    "The War Is Over" they yell..."Success!" They cheer...
    Shamelessly they utter these words.
    We are here to tell you ourselves...This was no victory.
    Yes, our troops are finally home, on technicality "the war is over"...
    But our administration has failed us. They lied to us.
    They left Americans Citizens behind enemy lines. They Stranded Americans.
    They are telling us to trust...thats right, trust the Diplomacy of the Taliban...
    We advise you to sit down for this one...
    We have a lot to say about all of our "success".
    America Stand Up...And if you still stand behind what is happening...
    It's too late for you. IT IS WHAT IT IS...

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    Ep. 812 - The Most Far Reaching Censorship Campaign In American History

    Ep. 812 - The Most Far Reaching Censorship Campaign In American History

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the senate held a hearing with the “Facebook whistleblower” yesterday, setting the stage for the most far reaching censorship campaign in American history. Also, an ESPN anchor is pulled off the air after criticizing vaccine mandates. And Dave Chappelle has a new comedy special out. The media insists that it is “incendiary” and “bigoted,” so you know it must be good. Finally, race baiter Ibram X Kendi preaches his version of the Gospel message, and it is as heretical as you might expect.

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    #24 - Jordan Dittloff - Free Speech is Under Attack

    #24 - Jordan Dittloff - Free Speech is Under Attack

    Pietro is joined instead by Jordan Dittloff, federal Secretary of the Libertarian Party in Australia. They discuss the important topic of government giving powers to ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) which would allow them to censor free speech on the internet. 


    You can find Jordan at: 



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