
    About this Episode

    Competition in its purest form is a good thing. Whether we are competing with our best self or someone else, competition can drive us to be better. But what happens when competition turns into coveting, an all-consuming desire that can engulf our time and energy? See if how you view other successful people looks more like competition or coveting.

    Recent Episodes from Start Here Coaching Services Podcast

    MIND FEED Powerful Affirmations

    MIND FEED Powerful Affirmations

    Have you heard of positive affirmations? By now, most people have. But do you know why they work and how to use them? This episode focuses on positive, or as I like to call them, powerful affirmations. Learn how affirmations can make powerful and lasting impacts on how you think, what you attract and overall life satisfaction. Visit www.YourMindFeed.com and get your easy to use MIND FEED Powerful Affirmation Books.

    Part 1: Why we don’t tell

    Part 1: Why we don’t tell

    The Me Too movement has pushed sexual assaults against women and children into the mainstream, however, for many, it is still a difficult subject to discuss. Now for a moment, consider the victims of sexual assault. Consider the assaults against them, their hidden shame, and the pain of sharing their horrific experiences with loved ones. Many victims are met with support, love and compassion. However, some victims are met with disbelief and sometimes blame.

     This episode shares some of the ideology, victim shaming and unintentional ignorance that allows sexual predators to hide in plain sight, while victims to go unnoticed and marginalized by the people closest to them.

    Nichole Schoonover

    Nichole Schoonover

    Nichole Schoonover is the co-founder of the Health, Wealth & Lipstick group for women. As a woman that works in the banking and mortgage industry, Nichole has a long history of educating women about credit and financial preparedness. Whether you are happily single or married, thinking about or going through a divorce, you will gain confidence as you learn how to make the best decisions for you and your family. Join the fearless Nichole in person at the next Health, Wealth & Lipstick the first Saturday of every month.

    Carol L. Hager

    Carol L. Hager

    Carol L. Hager is a woman on a mission to educate and empower women by teaching them how to build a sound “house of financial security.” As a financial advisor and widow, Carol works with clients and has first-hand knowledge of being suddenly alone and managing finances and a household 100 percent solo. Carol and co-founder Nichole Schoonover (featured in upcoming Episode 23) have created a safe educational space for women who find themselves suddenly alone due to divorce or losing a loved one.