
    Confessions of a menopausal woman with Andrea McLean

    enDecember 05, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Achieve salon-quality manicures at home with Olive and JuneSave time and money with quick-drying polish lasting up to 5 days, enjoy full coverage in 1-2 coats, and strengthen friendships through candid conversations and support.

      Olive and June offers a convenient and cost-effective solution for achieving salon-quality manicures at home. With quick-drying polish that lasts up to 5 days, the system allows users to save time and money while enjoying full coverage in just 1-2 coats. Additionally, the bond between the hosts of "Giggly Squad" serves as an inspiring example of genuine female friendship, showcasing that it's possible to have fun and support each other despite disagreements. Another key takeaway is Andrea MacLean's advocacy for candid conversations about the menopause, as she continues to share her personal experiences and break the stigma surrounding this stage of life. Lastly, Blue Nile provides an excellent gift option for Mother's Day, offering a wide selection of beautiful jewelry pieces that can be shipped quickly with free shipping and returns.

    • From print to TV: Newsom Wynn's journey in journalismPersistence and adaptability are crucial for success in journalism. Keep pursuing opportunities and learn from setbacks.

      Persistence and adaptability are key to success in journalism, as demonstrated by Newsom Wynn's journey from a print journalist to a TV presenter. She started as a travel correspondent by hounding her local paper until they gave her a chance, then pursued a degree in journalism and moved to London to work for free. She eventually became a weather presenter by accident, but when she was made redundant, she used the opportunity to join GMTV as a reporter. Along the way, she faced her fears, such as her terror of heights while reporting from a balloon, but she persevered and learned valuable lessons. Despite the lack of technology to capture memories back then, she still holds those experiences dear in her memory.

    • Unexpected bath encounter leads to personal growthOur past experiences, even the strange ones, can lead to important realizations and personal growth.

      Our experiences, even the seemingly odd or embarrassing ones, can shape our lives in profound ways. Simon, the weatherman, and Andrea shared an unexpected moment of connection while taking baths on opposite sides of a wall. This experience, though strange, led Andrea to reflect on her own personal journey with hormonal health. Her struggles with acne as a teenager were the first indication of hormonal issues that would continue to impact her life. She found relief through the contraceptive pill, which improved her skin but also masked underlying hormonal imbalances. It wasn't until her late twenties that she was diagnosed with endometriosis, which had been causing her chronic pain for years. Through her book, Andrea uses her platform to discuss various gynecological topics, including menopause, perimenopause, postnatal depression, and endometriosis. Her personal experiences and journalistic background make her a valuable resource for understanding hormonal health. The unexpected bath encounter with Simon served as a reminder that our past experiences, no matter how unusual, can lead us to important realizations and personal growth.

    • Women's reproductive health struggles deserve compassionate careDespite challenges, women should be treated with kindness and respect during their reproductive journeys, and persistence can lead to achieving family goals.

      Women dealing with infertility and other reproductive health issues deserve compassionate and understanding care. The author's experience of being told she might not be able to have children and being met with a dismissive attitude from a healthcare professional was disappointing and shattering. However, she refused to accept this as her fate and chose to find alternative ways to achieve her goal of having a family. Despite the challenges, she persisted and eventually got married and underwent fertility treatments. The experience was physically and emotionally demanding, with constant monitoring of her menstrual cycle and the use of fertility drugs that caused strange side effects. The author's determination and resilience ultimately paid off, but she emphasizes the importance of treating women with kindness and respect during their reproductive journeys.

    • Pressure to have a baby in marriageDesire for a baby can strain marriage if not shared, infertility can lead to depression, and postnatal depression is complex and not just hormonal.

      The pressure to have a baby in a marriage can be incredibly intense and put a strain on the relationship if both parties are not on the same page. The speaker shares her personal experience of wanting a baby but not being able to conceive naturally, and the stress of this situation led to the end of her marriage. She eventually fell pregnant naturally, but later experienced postnatal depression after her second child was born. This depression was more severe than previous episodes and lasted longer, leading her to feel hopeless and like a failure. It's important to note that postnatal depression can be a complex issue and not just a hormonal imbalance. The speaker also mentions that she still has good relationships with both of the men in her life, and that her children were meant to be born in whatever way they came into the world.

    • Postnatal depression: Hormones, Circumstances, and StigmaPostnatal depression is a treatable condition triggered by hormonal changes, personal circumstances, and societal stigma. Seeking help is crucial for recovery, despite societal shame and disbelief.

      Postnatal depression is a complex condition that can be triggered by various factors, including hormonal changes, personal circumstances, and societal stigma. The speaker's experience of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed after having a baby while dealing with the end of her marriage and lack of support network led to feelings of darkness and hopelessness. She hid her depression due to shame and her partner's disbelief in seeking help. Eventually, she sought help from a GP, who diagnosed her with depression and prescribed antidepressants. The medication helped her regain her energy and improve her mood, but she chose to come off it during a difficult time, her divorce. It's important to remember that postnatal depression is a treatable condition, and seeking help is crucial for recovery. The stigma surrounding mental health can make it challenging to speak up, but it's essential to prioritize self-care and prioritize seeking help when needed.

    • Managing mental health and physical health during menopause transitionTapering off antidepressants during menopause requires sensitivity and professional help for managing both mental and physical health symptoms.

      Coming off antidepressants during the menopause transition can be a challenging experience. The speaker shared her personal journey of gradually reducing her antidepressant use while also navigating the early signs of menopause. She emphasized the importance of being sensible and not shocking the body by tapering off the medication. However, she also discovered that the menopause symptoms she was experiencing, such as night sweats, anxiety, and mood swings, could be contributing to her feelings of low mood and stress during a divorce. It was only when she realized the impact of these symptoms on her children that she sought professional help and was able to find relief through a specialist gynecologist. Overall, her experience highlights the complexity of managing mental health and physical health during the menopause transition.

    • Personal experiences and education shape menopause journeyProper education and open communication with healthcare providers are essential for making informed decisions during menopause, as individual experiences and family history can significantly impact the journey.

      Personal experiences and the level of education of healthcare providers can significantly impact the menopause journey for women. Jessica's mother, who experienced menopause in the 1980s, was initially misdiagnosed and dismissed by her doctor, but when she received proper care and was put on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), her symptoms improved dramatically. Jessica, who also faced early menopause, had a different experience when she was correctly diagnosed and started HRT at a younger age. The conversation also highlighted the influence of personal experiences and family history on our perceptions and decisions regarding healthcare. It's essential to remember that everyone's menopause journey is unique, and proper education and open communication with healthcare providers are crucial for making informed decisions.

    • Affordable at-home manicure kit from Olive and JuneLearn about the benefits of Olive and June's manicure kit and Clare Macintosh's advocacy for women's health education and self-advocacy during menopause and endometriosis.

      Olive and June offers a high-quality manicure kit for an affordable price, allowing for salon-worthy nails at home. The manicure system is quick-drying, long-lasting, and easy to use. Additionally, author Clare Macintosh emphasizes the importance of scientific evidence and education when it comes to women's health, specifically regarding hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer. Macintosh's book, The Good Menopause Guide, includes clinical references to support her claims and encourage women to take charge of their health and education. During this time in her life, Macintosh also dealt with endometriosis, which was managed through the use of a coil. Despite the challenges, she emphasizes the importance of advocating for one's own health and not living in pain.

    • Discovering unexpected health issues alongside endometriosisEndometriosis can cause various symptoms and may be accompanied by other health conditions. Seeking professional advice is crucial to fully understand treatment options and potential outcomes.

      Endometriosis can present with symptoms beyond just pelvic pain, and other underlying health conditions may be contributing to the discomfort. In this case, the individual discovered they had an engorged, twisted kidney and varicose veins, which were causing additional pain and were located on the same side as their endometriosis. After careful consideration, they decided to undergo a hysterectomy to address both their endometriosis and the kidney issues. The recovery process was challenging, both physically and mentally, but the individual was prepared for the physical symptoms. Their biggest fear was the emotional impact of losing their reproductive organs, but they found support and acceptance in their decision. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with endometriosis and its treatment is unique, and it's crucial to seek the advice of medical professionals to fully understand the options and potential outcomes.

    • Navigating HRT: A Journey of Emotions and AdjustmentsGoing through a hysterectomy and HRT involves emotional and physical adjustments. Finding the right dosage may take time, and it's important to acknowledge the grief of losing reproductive abilities.

      Going through a hysterectomy and starting hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be a challenging journey filled with emotions and adjustments. Estrogen, which is essential for various bodily functions, is found throughout the body, and finding the right HRT dosage can be a process of trial and error. The speaker shared her experience of increasing her estrogen levels until she felt normal again. She also mentioned having a moment of mourning for the loss of the ability to have a child, which brought her and her partner closer together. Writing about her experience helped her process the emotions and provide insight for others going through similar experiences.

    • Holistic Preparation for Surgery: Diet, Self-Care, and SupportFocus on diet, self-care, and mental preparation for a major surgery. Emphasize self-care, such as taking care of appearance and writing, to cope with emotional aspects. Start online conversations to provide support and information to others going through similar experiences.

      Preparing for a major surgery like a hysterectomy involves more than just medical arrangements. The speaker shares her experience of focusing on her diet, self-care, and mental preparation to help her feel better during the process. She emphasizes the importance of self-care, such as taking care of one's appearance and writing, to help cope with the emotional aspects of the surgery. Additionally, she shares how she started an online conversation to provide support and information to other women going through similar experiences, addressing the societal stigma surrounding menopause and aging. Overall, her approach highlights the importance of holistic preparation for a surgery, including physical, emotional, and social aspects.

    • Taking Action on Women's Health MisinformationInstead of feeling powerless about misinformation surrounding women's health, one woman took action by engaging with and helping others, writing a book, and advocating for better education for both women and doctors.

      Instead of feeling silenced and powerless about the lack of education and misinformation surrounding women's health issues, particularly hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the speaker decided to take action. She began engaging with and helping women who were seeking advice, and even went on to write a book to spread awareness and provide resources for both women and doctors. The speaker acknowledged that many doctors are not adequately educated on these topics and that patients often come to appointments armed with more knowledge than their doctors. The speaker also shared her personal struggles with anxiety and how she copes with it through simple methods like going for a walk and getting out of the house. Overall, the speaker's message is one of empowerment and taking action to address gaps in knowledge and resources related to women's health.

    • Practicing Self-Care in Stressful SituationsDeep breathing, meditation, finding peaceful moments, using meditation apps, and prioritizing self-care can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being in stressful situations.

      Taking care of oneself, especially in stressful situations, is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. This can be achieved through simple practices like deep breathing, meditation, and finding peaceful moments, even in the midst of chaos. The use of meditation apps and finding quiet spaces, even if it means locking oneself in a bathroom, can make a significant difference. Meditation can be practiced anywhere, including during a daily commute, and can help reduce stress levels and prepare individuals for the day ahead. It's essential to prioritize self-care, even when caring for others, as it can lead to better overall health and well-being.

    • Mother's Day Specials at Whole Foods Market: Flowers and TreatsCelebrate Mother's Day with Whole Foods Market's special deals on 15 stem bunches of tulips for $9.99 each with promo code PRIME, and indulge in festive treats like berry chantilly cake.

      Whole Foods Market is offering a special Mother's Day deal where you can buy a 15 stem bunch of tulips for just $9.99 each with the promo code PRIME. This is a great opportunity to add some color and beauty to your Mother's Day celebration. But Mother's Day isn't just about flowers. It's also about food. So, Whole Foods Market is also offering a variety of festive treats to round out mom's menu. Indulge in a delicious berry chantilly cake and other special treats to make this Mother's Day extra special. So, whether you're looking for a beautiful bouquet of flowers or some delicious treats to celebrate Mother's Day, Whole Foods Market has you covered. Use promo code PRIME to get your bunch of tulips for just $9.99 each and enjoy the rest of the Mother's Day offerings in-store.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    We look at what's happening in the working world, including policies and guidelines currently in use that support the menopause conversation and we challenge the Work-Life distinction as we consider our Wholebeing Happiness, our happy and successful, no matter what.

    Sign-up today for Julia's blog where she talks more about the Bardo, the transition time of Menopause and Midlife and how to use it to kick start your life going forward. Book a free 20 minutes consult session with Julia to look at your Menopause experiences and how we can coach together.


    There really is no better time to do this work together!

    All free Coaching Tools - https://happiness-matters.coach/free/

    Learn more at http://www.happiness-matters.coach
    or start coaching with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HappinessMattersCoach/

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    If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/


    In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

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