
    Cooking Burgers With Lasers - Safety Third 80

    enOctober 05, 2023
    What was the initial name of the podcast discussed?
    What game was mentioned alongside the podcast topics?
    Why is consistency important in branding?
    What extreme experiments were discussed during the podcast?
    How do advanced technologies affect cooking methods?

    • Discussing the importance of brand consistencyBrand consistency can make content easier to understand and describe, but maintaining a theme across multiple channels can be challenging. Understanding the basics and setting limits are important.

      Consistency in branding, whether it's a name or a theme, can greatly benefit a channel or podcast. This was discussed during the SaveTrack podcast, where they pondered the idea of changing the name from "Sufficiently Advanced" to something more personal. The Michigan Lottery's Cashpop game was also mentioned, with listeners encouraged to know their limits and understand the rules. During the podcast, they humorously debated about renaming the podcast, considering names like "Nigel" or "Michael," and how people often refer to content creators by their YouTube channel names instead of their real names. They acknowledged that having a strong brand can make it easier for others to understand and describe the content. However, they also noted the challenges of maintaining a consistent theme when producing a variety of content across multiple channels. They suggested the importance of being able to succinctly describe a video or podcast episode to someone else as a way to ensure its accessibility and appeal. The Michigan Lottery's Cashpop game was used as an analogy for setting limits and knowing the rules, emphasizing the importance of understanding the basics before diving in. The SaveTrack podcast continued with a discussion about a salt fork video, where a creator attempted to make a fork from a block of salt, and the group found the struggle and eventual success entertaining and relatable.

    • Exploring the absurd: Finding entertainment in seemingly nonsensical problemsThe struggle to understand the reasoning behind seemingly nonsensical ideas can lead to engaging and entertaining content. Embracing the absurd and experimenting with new things, even if they may seem nonsensical at first, can lead to interesting discoveries and learning.

      The relatability and intrigue of attempting to solve seemingly nonsensical or obscure problems, as seen in the example of making a fork out of salt, can make for engaging and entertaining content. The struggle and effort put into such endeavors resonate with viewers and create a sense of relatability. Additionally, the veneer of absurdity can pique curiosity and encourage viewers to consider the reasoning behind the attempt. The charm of such content lies in the balance between the seemingly nonsensical idea and the effort put into making it work. The struggle and potential failure add to the entertainment value, making the story more compelling. Furthermore, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding the "why" behind an idea or project. While some ideas may seem obscene or nonsensical at first, they can still hold merit and be worth exploring. The struggle to understand the reasoning behind such ideas can lead to interesting and entertaining content. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the idea that suffering or struggle can lead to better stories. The most miserable scenarios can make for the best content, as viewers can relate to and find entertainment in the struggles and efforts of the creators. Lastly, the discussion touches upon the importance of experimentation and trying new things, even if they may seem nonsensical or absurd at first. The potential for discovery and learning can make such endeavors worthwhile.

    • The Power of Redemption in Content CreationExperimenting with different approaches, even if they fail initially, can lead to successful outcomes when presented as a redemption story. YouTube's algorithm rewards engaging narratives and stories, so finding the balance between nonsensical ideas and justification is crucial.

      Experimenting with different approaches in content creation, even if they don't initially succeed, can lead to successful outcomes when presented as a redemption story. The speaker shared an example of a cat scratching post project that didn't do well the first time but did well when they redid it and shared the background story. This approach establishes a clear statement and engages the audience's curiosity, making them want to understand the pipeline of the project. The speaker also mentioned that sometimes they stumble upon good ideas by accident and that their channel thrives on the redemption narrative. However, they struggle with feeling the need to justify their ideas and overexplain their content to make it purposeful. Ultimately, they recognized that YouTube's algorithm rewards engaging narratives and stories, making it essential to find the balance between nonsensical ideas and justification.

    • People are attracted to extreme and entertaining contentViral videos often lack substance but generate excitement and motivation through their extreme nature, inspiring creators to continue producing engaging content for their audience.

      People are drawn to extreme and entertaining content, even if it's not entirely truthful or meaningful. The speaker mentions various examples of viral videos and their impact, including the "Last One to Take Their Hand Off the Lamborghini" challenge and the "Chasing the Dragon" video series. These videos, while often hollow and purposeless, generate excitement and motivation due to their extreme nature. The speaker also reflects on their own content and how they are able to revisit topics, drawing comparisons to their height difference and the changing levels of juice within a pumpkin. Despite the challenges and harsh feedback, the focus remains on creating good videos for their audience.

    • Collaboration and Communication in Content CreationEffective communication and collaboration are essential in content creation. Be open to feedback, stay adaptable, and communicate regularly to ensure both parties are satisfied with the progression of the content.

      Effective communication and collaboration are crucial in content creation. The speakers discussed their experiences of working together on YouTube videos and how they checked in with each other throughout the editing process to ensure they were both satisfied with the progression of the content. They also highlighted the importance of being open to feedback and trying new ideas, even if they don't initially go as planned. The speakers also mentioned the influence of audience reactions and the evolution of content sharing on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying adaptable, communicative, and open-minded in the creative process.

    • Adapting to TikTok's short-form contentTo succeed on TikTok, creators must adapt to the platform's short-form format, focus on grabbing attention immediately, and let go of the need to explain everything.

      Transitioning from long-form content to short-form platforms like TikTok requires a significant shift in approach. The creators discussed their experience of moving from educational videos to TikTok Shorts, which was initially challenging due to the different audience behavior and content expectations. They were paid by TikTok for educational content, possibly funded by a government grant, but eventually stopped receiving payment. The creators had to adapt quickly to the short-form format, letting go of the need to explain everything and instead focusing on grabbing attention immediately. They also shared how their own biases and fears, such as algorithm changes and inappropriate content, influenced their behavior on the platform. Despite the challenges, they found that focusing on simpler, more engaging content led to success. The experience served as a reminder that adapting to new platforms and audience expectations is essential for content creators in the digital age.

    • Reminiscing about the joy of digging a hole and imagining progressing to heavy machineryThe speaker reflects on the satisfaction of manual labor and the potential for technological advancements to make tasks more efficient.

      The speaker expresses a desire to dig a hole, reminiscing about the challenges and satisfaction of the task. He starts with a shovel and imagines progressing to heavy machinery. The speaker also shares an experience of casting an ant hill in aluminum, turning it into a sculpture. The conversation then shifts to the idea of using molten aluminum to exterminate ants, considering it a more honorable approach. The speaker also ponders the possibility of creating an "unpolished" content piece, such as an ant burger video. The conversation then explores the idea of cooking with a laser, discussing the challenges of heating up metal and cooking food from the inside out.

    • Exploring the possibility of cooking from the inside out with advanced radiation technologiesThe idea of cooking from the inside out using advanced radiation technologies raises questions about energy density and particle interactions, but the process would be challenging due to the need to penetrate food without damaging the outer layers.

      The discussion explored the possibility of using advanced radiation technologies, like gamma knives, to cook food from the inside out. The idea of cooking from the inside out raises intriguing questions about the energy density and specific particle interactions within these technologies. However, the process would be challenging, as it would require penetrating the food without damaging the outer layers. The conversation also touched upon the motivations behind such explorations, which can stem from personal experiences or a desire to solve problems. Ultimately, the discussion showcases the creative and curious nature of brainstorming sessions, where seemingly unrelated ideas can intersect and lead to intriguing discoveries.

    • The power of simplicity and relatability in absurd ideasEmbrace the absurd and keep it simple, people can understand more than expected, and relatable content resonates with audiences.

      Simplicity and quick, sarcastic motivation can be more effective in absurd ideas rather than over-explaining and justifying every step. The speaker mentioned their tendency to overexplain and how people can understand more than expected, especially with the help of video context. They also shared their experience of making things for their cat and the relatability of such simple ideas. The speaker also acknowledged the fun in creating content related to nostalgic toys and cardboard bricks, despite sometimes doubting if people would be interested. They plan to explore this on a second channel while continuing to regulate their main channel's content.

    • Exploring new content avenues with hamsters and thermochromatic paintContent creators experiment with new ideas, like using thermochromatic paint for hamster cages, but must consider challenges like vulnerability and unexpected outcomes.

      Content creators often find themselves wanting to explore different avenues for their work beyond their main channel. This can include live streams, director's cuts, and even entirely new projects. For instance, using thermochromatic paint for a hamster cage that changes color when it gets too hot is an intriguing idea. However, implementing this idea requires careful consideration, as thermochromatic pigment is vulnerable and needs a black backing and resin coating to be effective. Content creators may also have had experiences with hamsters leading to unexpected outcomes, such as unexpected pregnancies or accidents. Despite these challenges, the desire to experiment and create new content drives them forward.

    • Animals' surprising abilities to escapeBe cautious and secure habitats for small animals as they can escape from seemingly secure containers or environments. Animals' cleverness and agility can lead to unexpected discoveries, like beehives, which can attract rodents.

      Animals, especially small ones like dwarf hamsters and rats, have surprising abilities and can escape from seemingly secure containers or environments. The speaker shared personal experiences of observing his hamster escaping from a Rubbermaid container and a rat jumping over eight feet high to evade him while he was working on the ceiling. These incidents highlight the cleverness and agility of these animals, making it essential to be cautious and secure their habitats properly. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the unexpected discovery of a beehive in their attic, which attracted rodents. The discussion then veered off into various humorous and absurd ideas for dealing with rodents, such as giving them guns or letting them go on a farm. Overall, the conversation underscores the unpredictability and resourcefulness of animals.

    • Exploring Extreme Experiments in TV ProductionSpeakers discussed the use of drones with lasers, animals in experiments, and ballistics gel in TV shows, expressing awe at past boundary-pushing content. They emphasized the importance of trusting instincts over analytical methods and shared challenges of collaborating over video calls.

      The discussion revolved around various extreme experiments and materials used in TV shows and documentaries, specifically mentioning the use of drones with lasers, animals in experiments, and the production of ballistics gel. The speakers expressed their amazement at the past TV content that pushed boundaries and their current attempts to recreate some of these experiments. They also touched upon the cost and production process of ballistics gel, which requires a significant amount of energy and time to maintain a high temperature before it starts liquefying. The speakers also shared their thoughts on the importance of trusting one's gut instinct when evaluating the authenticity of visual content, rather than relying solely on analytical methods. The conversation ended with a mention of the challenges of collaborating on projects over video calls and the benefits of being able to share visual content easily in person.

    • YouTube's Algorithm Places More Emphasis on Impressions Than CTRImpressions are now more important than CTR for YouTube video performance, as the algorithm prioritizes showing videos to viewers likely to be interested. Cooking is a suggested strong niche due to its universal appeal and daily relevance.

      Impressions play a crucial role in video performance on YouTube, surpassing the significance of click-through rates (CTR). Impressions indicate the algorithm's confidence in a video, and a low CTR can result from being shown to a larger audience. The algorithm is now more adept at determining which viewers will be interested in a video, making thumbnails less influential. Subscriber numbers also hold less weight, and new channels with small subscriber bases can still thrive. Cooking is suggested as a strong niche due to its universal appeal and reliance on food for daily life. The YouTube algorithm is currently testing and adjusting its approach to shorts, potentially favoring smaller creators and lesser-known videos.

    • The Excitement of Receiving Unexpected PackagesPeople enjoy the surprise and mystery of opening unexpected packages, but too many can lead to feeling overwhelmed. Individuals have unique preferences for opening methods and some even enjoy consuming certain foods during the process.

      People get excited about receiving unexpected packages, even if they don't know what's inside. This excitement can lead to various package opening techniques, from the simple punch and rip method to more elaborate and time-consuming methods. The mystery of the contents can evoke feelings of Christmas morning or even primal instincts. However, receiving a large number of packages or unexpected items can also lead to a sense of being overwhelmed. Additionally, people have different preferences for opening packages, such as in the shower or with tools, and some even enjoy eating certain fruits while doing so. Another topic that came up was the hypothetical scenario of fighting an equivalent weight in ants, which brought up discussions about their intelligence, strength, and strategies. Overall, the conversation showed that people find joy in the unexpected and the mystery that comes with it.

    • Understanding ant behavior and capabilitiesPrepare and tire out ants before attacking, some ants have painful bites or stings, technology advancements help in dealing with ant invasions

      Ants, despite their small size, can pose a significant threat if they work together. If one were to face an ant invasion, a successful strategy would be to tire them out first before launching a full attack. Additionally, some ants, like fire ants, have a nasty bite and sting that can cause harm. The conversation also touched upon the advancements in technology, such as how lasers have become more portable and powerful over the years. The speakers also shared their personal experiences with ants, including encounters with large ant colonies and painful bites. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of preparation and understanding the capabilities of one's adversaries, whether they are ants or other challenges in life.

    • Exploring the potential of photoreactive materials and lasersPhotoreactive materials could generate power through lasers or magnets, and lasers can be used for reverse spray painting with unique textural effects on surfaces like concrete.

      The discussion touched upon various topics, including the potential use of photoreactive materials, the limitations of small devices, and the effects of lasers on different surfaces. The speakers explored the idea of using a large number of photoreactive materials to generate power through various means, such as lasers or magnets. They also discussed the possibility of using lasers for reverse spray painting and the unique textural effects it produces on various surfaces, particularly concrete. However, they acknowledged that the concepts involved require a significant amount of mathematical understanding and that some words, like "electrocuted," have colloquial meanings that can be misleading. Despite the challenges, the speakers remained enthusiastic about the potential applications of these technologies and the possibilities they open up for innovation.

    • Planning safe and feasible open-source eventsEnsure participant preparation, consider logistical challenges, and prioritize safety and feasibility when organizing open-source events.

      Creating events for open-source communities involves careful planning and consideration for safety and feasibility. During a discussion about an egg drop event, the speakers revealed that they ensured the participant was well-prepared before pushing the makeshift plane off a high ledge. They also considered and discarded the idea of power tool racing due to its high stakes and logistical challenges. Instead, they opted for the more manageable Pinewood Derby race. Safety concerns also extended to potential radiation hazards from certain exhibitor applications. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of creating events that are accessible and engaging for the community while ensuring safety and feasibility.

    • Allowing unapproved contraptions at events can lead to harm, insurance complications, and unnecessary rulesEvent organizers must prioritize safety and adherence to rules to ensure a successful and incident-free event

      Allowing unapproved and potentially dangerous contraptions at events can lead to significant issues. These issues include potential harm to individuals, insurance complications, and the creation of unnecessary rules and practices. The speaker shared an experience where Tesla coils were a point of contention, as they posed a risk of high voltage and radiation, and could potentially result in insurance claims. Despite the willingness of the Tesla coil owners to bring them under supervision, the potential risks outweighed the benefits. The speaker emphasized that it's crucial to ensure that all participants follow the rules and are truthful on their applications to avoid any unwanted complications. Additionally, the speaker expressed excitement about inventive and novel ideas, such as a glove applicator machine, that surpassed initial expectations. Overall, the key takeaway is that event organizers must prioritize safety and adherence to rules to ensure a successful and incident-free event.

    • Embracing Failures and Sharing the JourneySharing the process and behind-the-scenes struggles of unconventional projects, even if they don't turn out perfect, can add value for creators and their audience due to human fascination with disasters and compelling stories.

      Sometimes the most unconventional ideas, even if they don't turn out perfect, can lead to interesting content. The creators discussed their experiences with spending resources on extravagant projects, some of which didn't make sense or didn't turn out as planned. Instead of shying away from these failures, they suggested sharing the process and the behind-the-scenes struggles with their audience. They also mentioned the human fascination with disasters and how they often make for compelling stories. So, in essence, embracing failures and sharing the journey can add value for both the creators and their audience.

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    To join Rob’s one-off masterclass on omnipresence and content repurposing then go to www.rob.team to join it for FREE!



    1. Your content needs to be interesting not vanilla. Sitting on the fence does not make you viral!

    2. Interview someone people want to listen to. You can partner and/or leverage someone else’s audience.

    3. Ask for people to share your content.

    4. Leverage trends. When something is trending/topical that already has discussion and debate, leverage that energy, especially if you can get it early.

    5. Layer key words and names in your main content so that it trends and is picked up by searches.

    6. Repurpose your content! Ensure you are leveraging any content you create, repurpose it and create omnipresence. This is a huge way to go viral.


    “Too many people are scared of criticism, scared of feedback, scared of a bit of noise and hate on social media”


    “I get 100% more shares when I actually ask”


    “I could have been Jesus online – could have gone viral!”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    • Newsjack
    • Create your own accountability
    • Be disliked and be authentic



    “You need to be creating content simultaneously”

    “All of this content is in the media everyone’s talking about it in my niche…I can leverage the energy, the anger of that content”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com


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