
    Podcast Summary

    • Political standoff between Biden and Trump over immigration policyDespite low approval ratings for Biden's border policy, he opposes a deal in Congress due to potential political gains, while high numbers of unprocessed applications and a surge in immigration under Trump continue to fuel the debate.

      The current political standoff between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump regarding immigration policy and the southern border is a complex issue with significant political implications. Trump is opposing a deal in Congress that would address illegal immigration due to potential political gains for Biden. Meanwhile, Biden's border policy and handling of immigration have low approval ratings, and the number of applications in the system not being processed is at an all-time high. Trump's previous administration saw a surge in immigration, but the lowest numbers were under President Obama. The debate over border control and immigration policy continues to be a contentious issue in American politics.

    • Different Approaches to Immigration under Trump and BidenThe Biden administration's more welcoming stance towards immigration has led to a surge in immigrants coming to the US, causing a border crisis. While some argue for existing legislation to address it, others see it as an opportunity to help Trump's election chances.

      The Trump and Biden administrations have had vastly different approaches to immigration, with Trump focusing on a tough stance and Biden signaling a more welcoming America. This shift has led to a surge in immigrants coming to the US, and while Biden is now offering a solution, some Republicans are opposing it to help Trump's election chances. Alfonso Aguilari, a former chief of the US office of Citizenship who worked under President George Bush and now supports Trump, believes that existing legislation is sufficient to address the border crisis, which Biden created by eliminating effective measures. Despite the political maneuvering, the ultimate goal should be finding a solution that benefits America.

    • Adherence to existing laws can resolve the immigration crisisThe immigration crisis can be addressed without new legislation by enforcing current laws effectively. Politicians should focus on this instead of using the issue for political gain.

      The current immigration crisis at the border does not require new legislation, but rather adherence to existing laws. Alfonso argues that the administration can fix the issue without passing new bills and that Democrats are using the need for legislation as a political ploy. He also disputes the notion that illegal immigration increased under the Trump administration and emphasizes that Republican senators involved in bipartisan negotiations are well-intentioned but may be playing into the Democrats' hands. The focus should be on enforcing current laws effectively, and any future conversations about legislation should be postponed until the situation is under control.

    • Border crisis caused by Biden admin's immigration policiesThe border crisis is driven by the Biden admin's liberalized policies, creating incentives for illegal entry. Potential solutions include strengthening asylum laws and sending a clear message to deter illegal entry.

      The border crisis at the US southern border is not solely a problem that can be solved through new legislation, but rather a result of the Biden administration's liberalized immigration policies. The administration's actions have created an incentive for individuals to attempt to enter the country, regardless of whether they have a legitimate claim for asylum. Some believe that the administration could address this issue through executive actions, such as strengthening asylum laws and sending a clear message that those without legitimate claims will not be allowed to enter the country. It's important to remember that this is a complex issue with political implications on both sides, and it's crucial for all parties involved to work together to find a long-term solution.

    • Immigration policy debate: Political nature and lack of compromiseThe deeply political nature of immigration legislation and border security continues, with both sides unwilling to compromise and effective enforcement of existing laws often lacking. Critics argue against the need for new legislation, citing potential political motivations and lack of effectiveness.

      The ongoing debate around immigration legislation and border security highlights the deeply political nature of the issue, with both sides unwilling to compromise and commitments to enforce existing laws often lacking. Alfonso Aguilar, a Trump campaign advisor, argued against the need for new legislation, expressing skepticism that it would effectively address the situation at the border. He also criticized the timing of the bill, suggesting that it was a political move by Democrats. The conversation also touched upon the potential consequences for politicians who deviate from the party line, with examples given of senators facing backlash for their positions. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the complex and contentious dynamics surrounding immigration policy in the United States.

    • 80-year-old woman wins historic $83 million lawsuit against Trump for defamationWoman wins $83M for Trump's defamatory remarks, marking a significant moment in holding him accountable for sexual misconduct allegations

      E. Jean Carroll, an 80-year-old woman, has become a hero for women in America and beyond after winning a historic $83 million lawsuit against Donald Trump for defamation. Trump, who had previously been found liable for sexually abusing Carroll, was using her as a campaign issue, labeling her a "ridiculous woman" and the charges against him as "jumped up." The size of the payout, which included $65 million in punitive damages, has forced Trump to acknowledge the legal consequences of his actions for the first time. This civil case, which came after Carroll's initial allegations in 2019, saw Trump attempting to re-litigate the issue of sexual assault, but the judge quickly dismissed this line of argument. Trump's inflated claims of wealth notwithstanding, the judgment and subsequent payout mark a significant moment in holding Trump accountable for his actions.

    • Trump's Legal Battles: Accountability Through the Legal SystemDespite Trump's attempts to downplay legal consequences, courts can impose substantial fines. His focus on public opinion and weak courtroom performance can impact 2024 campaign.

      E. Jean Carroll displayed remarkable resilience in the face of death threats and lawsuits from Donald Trump. Despite his attempts to downplay the significance of the civil damages awarded against him, the courts have the power to impose substantial fines, which Trump's legal team failed to effectively challenge. Trump's focus on the court of public opinion and performative outside courtroom actions, rather than the actual application of the law, could be a central theme in his 2024 campaign. Roberta Kaplan, Carroll's lawyer, capitalized on Trump's vanity by emphasizing his wealth during public appearances, which Trump did not contest. However, Trump's legal team's lackluster performance inside the courtroom allowed the judge to uphold the damages, leaving little room for appeal. This dynamic highlights the importance of the legal system in enforcing accountability, even in the face of public opinion.

    • Donald Trump's Legal Woes and the Super BowlTrump faces potential fines from ongoing lawsuits, including one from E Jean Carroll. The Super Bowl features the Chiefs and 49ers, and Taylor Swift's influence could impact the 2024 election.

      Donald Trump's financial issues continue to mount, with potential fines looming from ongoing legal cases. E Jean Carroll's lawsuit against him is likely to come from his personal wealth, and Trump may find it challenging to fulfill financial obligations in unconventional ways. Meanwhile, in unrelated news, the Super Bowl will feature the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers, with Travis Kelce of the Chiefs in a high-profile relationship with Taylor Swift. Swift's influence could potentially impact the 2024 presidential election, as she has leaned more democratic in her public statements, and Biden is currently struggling to gain support from younger voters.

    • Celebrities like Taylor Swift navigate political stances carefullyTaylor Swift's stance on women's rights could influence the election, but endorsing Biden may lead to controversy.

      Public figures, including celebrities like Taylor Swift, cannot avoid taking a stance on political issues in today's society. Swift has navigated this carefully, framing her politics around women's rights, despite being from a Republican state with conservative views on abortion and LGBTQ+ rights. In a documentary, she criticized her senator Marsha Blackburn for voting against women's rights and against the Violence Against Women Act. Swift's potential endorsement of Joe Biden could significantly influence the election, with 18% of respondents in a poll stating they would be more likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by her. However, this could also lead to controversy, as Trump capitalized on Hollywood endorsements against him in 2016. Biden's focus on working-class voters and lack of a traditional Democratic convention performance may impact his decision to fully embrace Swift's endorsement.

    • Taylor Swift's endorsement of Joe BidenTaylor Swift's support for Joe Biden through quotes can resonate with a large audience and carry a powerful message due to her immense popularity.

      The influence and endorsement of cultural icons like Taylor Swift can significantly impact political campaigns. During the discussion, it was mentioned that Taylor Swift's support for Joe Biden through her quotes expressing the importance of equality and safety for various marginalized groups can carry a powerful message that might resonate with a large audience. This kind of endorsement can be more impactful during a public appearance, such as a convention, where the artist has control over the narrative and there are no follow-up questions. Taylor Swift's immense popularity, with comparisons being drawn to pop culture legends like Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley, highlights the potential reach and impact of her support for Biden.

    Recent Episodes from The News Agents - USA

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    Biden's TV debate disaster - will he now be replaced?

    This was a TV debate unlike any other. Excruciating doesn’t even cover it.

    Whilst Trump confidently lied his way through the facts, Biden barely reached the end of his sentences without meandering off into a far distant phrase.

    It was painful to watch and it will raise serious questions now amongst senior Democrats. Can they, must they replace Joe Biden as their presidential candidate?

    And if so who will be the first top figure to say it out loud?

    We take you through the most painful moments of the night and the conversations after the debate and ask if the voters will forgive this more easily - or if it’s time to take drastic action to save the Democratic Party from disaster in November.

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents - USA
    enJune 28, 2024

    Biden freezes, Trump rambles: Who's winning the cognitive war?

    Biden freezes, Trump rambles: Who's winning the cognitive war?

    Biden's appearances at the G7 photo call and the Democrat fundraiser have raised eyebrows because of video circulating that appears to show him freezing at certain moments.

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    What's going on? Why are Dems so defensive? And why is Trump mixing up his own doctor's name when he talks about his superior cognitive abilities.

    It's all shaping up to be a bizarre first TV debate 9 days from now - and we may - may see one more candidate on the stage in the shape of Robert F Kennedy JR.

    Later, what's going on at the Washington Post - that bastion of investigative reporting. Mutiny in the newsroom currently over their newish British publisher - and his past role working for Murdoch. We speak to writer for The Daily Beast, Harry Lambert.

    And why is the Governor of Maryland pardoning hundreds of thousands of convicts?

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents - USA
    enJune 18, 2024

    America Q & A: Hunter Biden, Deep Fakes, and best campaign moments.

    America Q & A: Hunter Biden, Deep Fakes, and best campaign moments.

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    Your questions answered - and we have one for you. Help us spot the audio deepfake.

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents - USA
    enJune 12, 2024

    How is Donald Trump planning his revenge?

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    Donald Trump is wondering aloud what prison would be like.

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    And whilst one trial is behind us, another has just kicked off.

    Hunter Biden, the President's only living son, is in court in Delaware on charges of falsification after he bought a gun as a drug addict. But can Democrats use this moment to their advantage?

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Video Production: Rory Symon

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents - USA
    enJune 06, 2024

    Donald Trump: guilty on all counts

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    But let’s not let this moment of history escape - a former and possible future president who is now a convicted felon. What happens to his freedom, his vote and his temper now? And how should the Democrats play it?

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Video Production: Rory Symon

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents - USA
    enMay 30, 2024

    The Trump trial is over. Will he be found guilty?

    The Trump trial is over. Will he be found guilty?

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    All this, while the Biden campaign sweats over stuttering polling data and a president who is apparently obstinate and determined to run the campaign his way. How can they turn the tide?

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Production: Abigail Brierley

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents - USA
    enMay 29, 2024

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    What has happened to rational discourse in America?

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents - USA
    enMay 21, 2024

    "He should go to jail!" Michael Cohen tell's Donald Trump's trial

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    If the adult porn director Stormy Daniels was the star witness of the Trump trial last week, this week it got even hotter. Trump's former fixer, friend and lawyer took the stand.

    Except now, Michael Cohen is no friend of Trump. What's more, he's a convicted felon, a liar and a perjurer. Will his presence as a key witness help or hinder the prosecution?And does it matter that he's told a jury he'd like to see Trump jailed?

    Later, why are 21 foreign born sailors still stuck on the cargo ship that collapsed the Baltimore bridge?

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents - USA
    enMay 15, 2024

    Stormy Daniels takes the stand against Donald Trump

    Stormy Daniels takes the stand against Donald Trump

    In a surprise move, the sex worker and pornstar Stormy Daniels appeared as a witness yesterday in the trial of Donald Trump to reveal details of the night they spent together in a Nevada hotel room.

    The details were specific, and to some ears rather lurid - and included a description of her beating him on the backside with a rolled up magazine. None of this is illegal - but what might be is the money she alleges he paid her to hush it up - money from his campaign funds.

    Later, we revisit dog murderer-in-chief Kristi Noem's fortunes as a potential VP pick. And ask what happened overnight in Indiana.

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA"!

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

    Find our store here: https://store.global.com/collections/the-news-agents

    Should a president be able to "assassinate" his political opponents?

    Should a president be able to "assassinate" his political opponents?

    Is Trump above the law and should he have immunity from a case involving his actions around the January 6th insurrection?

    That's what the Supreme Court has spent the last week arguing about. Amazingly, they might be making a case for why he checks notes... IS immune.

    We hear from The New York Times Supreme Court supremo Adam Liptak.

    Later is Joe Biden wise to joke about his age at the White House Correspondents Dinner?

    And why did Trump's potential vice president pick shoot dead her pet puppy - and then boast about it?

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA".

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    Foster- https://bigthink.com/the-well/dispatches-podcast-episode-1-cosmos/

    Stepman- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-noon/id1557719559

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    White House Message To Migrants: "The Border Is Not Open"

    White House Message To Migrants: "The Border Is Not Open"
    As a major pandemic-related immigration policy is scheduled to end, the Biden administration is warning the tens of thousands of migrants hoping to cross into the U.S. via its southern border that they should instead apply for asylum using the government's app or through a processing center in their home countries.

    This episode: White House correspondent Tamara Keith, White House correspondent Franco Ordoñez, and national political correspondent Mara Liasson.

    The podcast is produced by Elena Moore and Casey Morell. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

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