
    Disastrous Biden Poll, and How Australia Cracks Down on Illegal Immigration, with Kmele Foster, Inez Stepman, and Paul Murray | Ep. 717

    enFebruary 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Border Security Deal Faces Opposition Amid Immigration Crisis and Trump's LeadThe US Senate's border security deal faces opposition due to concerns over amnesty and insufficient security measures. The immigration crisis at the border continues, with Trump leading Biden on related issues.

      The US Senate's border security deal, despite its nearly 400 pages, faces significant opposition from both parties due to concerns over effective amnesty and lack of sufficient border security measures. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump maintains a strong lead over President Biden on various issues, including the economy and border security, according to new NBC polling. The immigration crisis at the southern border continues to escalate, with the infrastructure and policy framework in disarray. Despite promises from consecutive administrations to address the issue, there seems to be a lack of political will to resolve it. The border crisis has real-life consequences for American cities and people, yet there's no clear solution in sight. The immigration issue, which consistently ranks high in polls, underscores the need for comprehensive reform and effective border security.

    • Busing Migrants to Blue Cities Shifts Narrative to National IssueTrump's political strategy of busing migrants to blue cities has shifted the immigration issue from a border problem to a national concern, with Trump leading on key issues in the NBC poll and Democrats facing complications due to Biden's age and perceived weakness.

      The political strategy of busing migrants to blue cities has been effective in bringing the immigration issue to the forefront of Americans' minds, making it no longer just a problem for border states. This strategy has been hailed as a brilliant move, as it has forced people to interact with the crisis in a tangible way and has shifted the narrative from Texas's problem to a national issue. Furthermore, the NBC poll shows a significant shift in public opinion towards Trump over Biden, with Trump leading on key issues such as the economy, border security, and crime. These numbers suggest that Trump is likely to win the next election if nothing changes. The Democrats' predicament is further complicated by Biden's age and perceived fecklessness, as well as the fact that there is no clear alternative candidate. Trump's own legal issues may also come into play and potentially impact the outcome of the election. Additionally, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is currently outperforming both Trump and Biden in polling, but her chances of securing the Republican nomination are uncertain as the base continues to favor Trump.

    • Economy and Border Control in US Presidential ElectionTrump's economic improvement and border control efforts give him a strong case for re-election, while Biden's promises of normalcy have not been met.

      The economy and border control are significant issues in the upcoming US presidential election. The economy, which was a top concern for both Democrats and Republicans before the pandemic, has seen a significant improvement under the Trump administration, leading to substantial approval ratings. The border control issue, which was previously a secondary concern for Democrats, has now become a top priority due to the increasing number of immigrants entering the country illegally. Trump's argument for re-election is that he made the economy better for working-class Americans and started to address the open border issue, despite the limitations of the current system. Biden's case, on the other hand, is weaker this time around as his presidency has not brought about a return to normalcy as promised. While it's impossible to predict unforeseen events, Trump currently has a strong case based on economic improvement and border control. However, it's important to note that the Trump administration could have done more with the power it had, and structural changes are needed to effectively address the immigration issue.

    • Immigration and Democracy: A Complex IssueThe immigration issue in the US remains unresolved despite both parties controlling the White House, and some argue that focusing on criminal prosecutions against former presidents weakens the case for democratic principles.

      The immigration issue in the United States has been a long-standing problem that requires serious attention from the government. Both the Biden and Trump administrations had control of both houses in the White House but failed to pass meaningful legislation or provide adequate resources for processing asylum claims. The speaker argues that most asylum seekers are not genuine and could have sought asylum in Mexico or other countries. However, the focus on immigration has been overshadowed by the criminal prosecutions against former President Trump, which some argue weakens the Democrats' case for protecting democracy. The speaker also points out the irony that in their efforts to hold Trump accountable for his actions regarding the January 6th Capitol insurrection, the Democrats are compromising their democratic principles by pursuing criminal charges and attempting to get him removed from the ballots in unprecedented ways.

    • Questionable legitimacy of investigations against TrumpDespite multiple investigations and trials, their impact on Trump's political standing may be minimal due to perceived political motivations and weak cases.

      The legitimacy of the institutions and individuals going after Donald Trump for various investigations and trials is becoming questionable, making Trump's argument of being persecuted seem more valid. The most likely trial to take place before the November elections is the Stormy Daniels hush money payment case in New York, which many consider to be the weakest and most politically motivated case against Trump. The postponement of the January 6th federal prosecution in DC and the ongoing investigation in Georgia further support this notion. The volume and complexity of these cases may ultimately result in them having minimal impact on Trump's political standing, as many people may view them as similar and without significant consequences.

    • Trump's Policies and Support Could Lead to Presidential WinDespite opposition, Trump's policies and support from groups like the Chamber of Commerce and National Review could help him win the presidency. Young voters are split, and a Trump conviction could swing the election, but the electorate's reaction to potential financial consequences is uncertain.

      Despite some people's opposition to Donald Trump, his policies and the support he's receiving from certain groups, such as the Chamber of Commerce and National Review, could potentially lead him to win the presidency. Meanwhile, young voters, who are often seen as a democratic demographic, are split between Biden and Trump, and may not turn out in large numbers on election day. Additionally, there is a possibility that a conviction of Trump could swing the election in Biden's favor. However, the electorate's reaction to Trump's potential financial consequences from legal decisions is unclear. Overall, the election is uncertain, and various factors could impact the outcome.

    • International conflicts and economic situation to impact electionUnpopular conflicts and economic issues to negatively affect Biden administration, attacks on opponents' mental acuity unlikely to sway voters, Nikki Haley's SNL appearance may not impact Republican primary

      The international conflicts and economic situation are likely to be the most significant issues influencing voters in the upcoming election. The president's involvement in unpopular conflicts and the economic situation are issues that are unlikely to improve in time to benefit the Biden administration. Additionally, attacks on opponents' mental acuity, such as Biden's recent campaign ad against Trump, are not expected to sway voters. As for SNL and Nikki Haley, her appearance on the show may not be an effective strategy for securing Republican primary nomination, as it is unlikely to reach or persuade Republican voters.

    • Nikki Haley's SNL appearance and Shane Gillis' hosting rolePoliticians and entertainers navigate controversy and potential backlash as they seek to broaden their appeal and engage with larger audiences, but their decisions may be met with criticism and calls for boycotts based on personal beliefs.

      The political landscape can be complex, and individuals, like Nikki Haley, may make strategic moves for various reasons. In this case, Haley's appearance on SNL could be seen as an attempt to broaden her appeal and potentially position herself for a VP role, as well as an opportunity to engage with a larger audience. However, her appearance was met with criticism from some conservative viewers who felt she was used to attack former President Trump. Meanwhile, Shane Gillis, a comedian who was previously canceled for offensive comments, is set to host SNL and partner with Bud Light, despite controversy surrounding both parties in the past. Ultimately, these decisions come down to personal beliefs and whether individuals choose to support or boycott these entities based on their actions and values.

    • Boys' bathroom tampon dispenser removal sparks gender divide conversationYoung men and women are increasingly polarized, with young women leaning left and young men leaning conservative, leading to disruptive incidents and the need for open dialogue to find common ground.

      The incident of boys in a Connecticut school removing a tampon dispenser from the boys' bathroom has sparked a larger conversation about the growing political divide between young men and women. The boys' reaction was seen as a form of rebellion against what some perceive as a stifling, matriarchal culture. This incident is part of a larger trend of young women leaning left and young men leaning conservative, which could have significant consequences for society. The boys' actions, while disruptive, also highlighted the importance of addressing issues that affect both genders, such as privacy concerns in bathrooms and locker rooms. The incident serves as a reminder of the need for open and respectful dialogue between men and women to better understand each other's perspectives and find common ground.

    • A discussion on transgender issues and the backlash against detransitionersThe handling of transgender issues in media and society requires constructive and respectful dialogue, acknowledging the complexity and sensitivity of the topic.

      There is ongoing debate surrounding the handling of transgender issues in media and society. In this discussion, Megyn Kelly and her guest, Camille Inez, discussed a New York Times article on detransitioners and the backlash against the author. Inez expressed her agreement with the article's message but found the tone irritating due to the implication that those questioning transgender issues were bigots. The conversation also touched on the parallels between immigration policies in the US and Australia, with Australia's strict stance on illegal immigration contrasting the US's more lenient approach. The tone of the conversation was open and honest, with both hosts expressing their opinions on these topics. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and sensitivity of these issues, with the need for constructive and respectful dialogue.

    • Australia's strict immigration policies: Deterrence and border controlAustralia's strict immigration policies, including mandatory detention, have been effective in reducing illegal arrivals and saving lives, despite criticism.

      Australia has implemented strict immigration policies as a means of deterrence due to the significant issue of illegal immigration and the associated risks, including thousands of lives lost at sea. The country's position is that coming to Australia illegally is not a right, but a privilege that must be earned through the proper channels. This policy, which includes mandatory detention for all unlawful arrivals, is controversial but seen by many as necessary to protect the country's borders and maintain order. It serves as a reminder for America and other nations that having a secure border and enforcing immigration laws is essential to maintaining a country worth living in. Despite criticism, Australia's approach has been effective in reducing the number of illegal arrivals and saving lives.

    • Debating immigration: Legal vs. Illegal and Offshore ProcessingBoth Australia and the US grapple with immigration debates, focusing on legal vs. illegal and employing offshore processing. Understanding these distinctions and maintaining secure borders while respecting humanity is crucial.

      Australia and the United States have similar debates about immigration, particularly regarding those seeking asylum. The discussion highlighted the differences between legal and illegal immigration, and the importance of having a clear understanding of this distinction. Australia's approach to managing asylum seekers arriving by boat includes offshore processing in countries like Nauru and Papua New Guinea, which is enforced by the military. This strategy aims to deter potential asylum seekers and ensure that they are processed in safe countries before being considered for entry into Australia. The United States could potentially adopt a similar approach, with the use of military or defense forces to secure borders and manage immigration. The debate also touched upon the importance of recognizing the humanity of asylum seekers while maintaining secure borders.

    • Australia's strong border commitment due to geography, history, and social welfareAustralia's border integrity is crucial due to being an island nation, historical experiences, and unique social welfare systems. Offshore processing facilities serve as deterrents, not desirable destinations.

      The Australian public's strong commitment to maintaining the integrity of their borders can be attributed to their unique geographical situation as an island nation, historical experiences, and differing social welfare systems. Despite criticisms of offshore processing facilities, they serve as a deterrent to prevent dangerous journeys and uphold the rule of law. While there have been issues and criticisms, these facilities are not intended to be desirable destinations but rather disincentives for irregular migration. The Australian psyche values the idea of sovereignty and order, which is deeply rooted in their history and identity as a nation.

    • Australian immigration detention system's legal challengesRecent high court ruling declared Australia's practice of indefinite immigration detention unlawful, but political responses limit access to the system, and the debate around immigration and border control remains contentious in both Australia and the U.S.

      The Australian immigration detention system has faced significant legal challenges, particularly concerning the issue of indefinite detention. The system, which includes both offshore and domestic detention centers, has been criticized for its treatment of asylum seekers and the lengthy detention periods. A recent high court ruling declared Australia's practice of indefinite immigration detention unlawful, but political responses have been swift to limit access to the system. The detention centers continue to house many individuals, and the debate around immigration and border control remains contentious in both Australia and the United States. The presence of sanctuary cities in the U.S. and the ongoing political debates around immigration policies add complexity to the issue. Ultimately, the resolution to these challenges requires a balanced approach that addresses both humanitarian concerns and national security interests.

    • No sanctuary for illegal immigrants or asylum seekers in AustraliaAustralia does not provide sanctuary for illegal immigrants or asylum seekers, and those who break the law face deportation. The cost of housing and processing them is significant but seen as an investment in upholding the country's principles.

      There is no sanctuary for illegal immigrants or asylum seekers in Australia, and those who commit crimes while on visas will face deportation. The idea of living in gated communities and expecting the country to provide the same privilege to everyone disregards the financial and ethical responsibilities of citizenship. The cost of housing and processing these individuals is significant, but it's seen as an investment in upholding the country's principles. The offshore processing centers serve as a deterrent and a means of ensuring that those who enter the country illegally or disregard its laws face consequences. The case of Novak Djokovic, who entered the country despite COVID-19 entry restrictions, illustrates the importance of adhering to the rules and respecting the country's sovereignty.

    • Australian Immigration Detention Centers: Comfortable 'Hotels' or Prisons?Australia houses unlawful migrants in detention centers, with varying conditions, while the US debates a bill on immigration reform, facing opposition from Republicans. Controversies surround illegal immigration in NYC, with criticisms of lenient bail policies and violent crimes committed by undocumented individuals.

      Immigration detention centers in Australia, often referred to as "hotels," house unlawful migrants, including high-profile individuals like tennis player Novak Djokovic. Conditions vary, with some resembling comfortable hotels and others more akin to prisons. The Australian government detains individuals to ensure compliance with rules and prevent them from hiding or breaking rules. The US is currently debating a bill on immigration reform, but it faces opposition from Republicans. Some argue that half a loaf is better than no loaf, but others criticize the bill for not doing enough to address the root causes of immigration and for including too many concessions for Democrats. The discussion also touched on the controversial issue of illegal immigration in New York City, where a law prohibits using the term "illegal immigrant" and there have been instances of violent crimes committed by undocumented individuals. The NYC DA, Alvin Bragg, has come under criticism for releasing some suspects without bail, only to have them flee and commit further crimes.

    • Prosecuting the Right People with the Right ChargesEnsuring justice requires prosecuting individuals for their actions, with fairness and respect for societal norms. Woke ideologies can distort societal values and lead to pressure on corporations to conform, diluting core values.

      Ensuring justice in a court of law involves prosecuting the right people with the right charges. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this process and criticizes the leniency shown towards certain crimes, particularly assaults on police officers. The speaker also discusses the issue of wokeism and its impact on various societies, including Australia, where corporations are pressured to conform to woke ideologies due to their listing on the stock exchange. This can lead to a reordering of societal norms and a dilution of core values. The speaker encourages open dialogue and individual expression, emphasizing the importance of understanding motivations and not being told what to think.

    • Backlash against social and cultural changes leads to creation of alternative institutionsPeople are creating alternative institutions and supporting businesses to uphold traditional values and build a robust alternative culture

      There's a growing backlash against social and cultural changes, particularly in relation to issues like transgender rights, race essentialism, and policing of language. People are seeking safe spaces and alternatives to the "wokeness" they find exhausting and intrusive. This is happening not just in America but also in other countries, including Australia. The response includes creating alternative institutions, such as schools and media, that uphold traditional values, and supporting businesses that align with those values. The goal is to build a robust alternative culture that can coexist with the dominant culture. It's a long-term project, but one that many believe is necessary to preserve their values and way of life. The conversation also touched on the importance of individual action, such as supporting alternative media and creating small-scale alternatives to large institutions. The conversation ended with the news of King Charles' cancer diagnosis and the anticipated arrival of Prince Harry in London.

    • British Monarchy's Succession Planning Amidst UncertaintiesThe Prince of Wales, William, has been preparing for the role of kingship his entire life. The importance of succession planning and addressing health issues promptly is highlighted.

      The possibility of a change in the British monarchy, whether due to the current king's health or other circumstances, is a real concern. Queen Elizabeth's long reign was an exception, and the constant training and preparation for the heir is necessary. The Prince of Wales, William, has been preparing for this role his entire life. The ongoing tension between the royal family and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has caused stress and controversy, but the focus should be on the king's health and well-being. The royal family has access to the best healthcare, and it's hoped that any health issues will be addressed promptly. The current situation serves as a reminder of the importance of succession planning and the unpredictability of life.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Biden's Dilemmas, Part 2: Children at the Border

    Biden's Dilemmas, Part 2: Children at the Border

    The number of unaccompanied children arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border is growing — and, with it, anxiety in the Biden administration.

    Newer concerns have mixed with longstanding ones to create a situation at the border that could become untenable.

    Today, in the second part of our series on what we’re learning about the Biden administration, we look at the president’s response to the growing number of minors at the border.

    Guest: Zolan Kanno-Youngs, a homeland security correspondent based in Washington for The New York Times. 

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

    It Could Happen Here Weekly 126

    It Could Happen Here Weekly 126

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