
    Covid-19 Crisis Day 6

    en-usMarch 30, 2020

    About this Episode

    Scot connects with a blast from the past and discusses the impact of the virus in fly-over country, Iowa.

    Special guest Dustin Thostenson of Delta3Consulting shares how the virus has impacted the Information Technology field, and how he is coping with Corona.

    Recent Episodes from Real Estate World

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    What is the future of sports and public transit?  

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    en-usApril 20, 2020

    A Creeping Normality Sets In . . .

    A Creeping Normality Sets In . . .

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    TROLL ALERT: Another trip down memory lane, but this time its the troll attacks on Scot's Angelic visage on the many bus benches that grace the Minneapolis landscape.

    The debate between public safety and economic security heats up as protests engulf the United States.  Many small business owners  facing economic ruin are getting creative in an attempt to save their business and safely serve their clientele.

    Give me a Roadie and the Bluegrass State!

    Give me a Roadie and the Bluegrass State!

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    The essential service of alcohol has been expanded in Minnesota - you can now get beer, wine and mixers to go from restaurants! Thank you Governor Walz for you courageous leadership on this very critical essential service.

    Kentucky is annexed into the Midwest Alliance!

    Fed up with the constant stream of negativity from the media, Scot commits to being the standard bearer for all things positive. 



    Covid-19 Crisis - Day 17

    Covid-19 Crisis - Day 17

    Scot risks total "protonic reversal" by taking his industry leading Real Estate show into un-chartered territory as he crosses streams and does the show live on his Tumor Tales youTube channel (tumor-tales.com.)  

    The little show with courage continues its quest to battle the fear that threatens to paralyze the nation via the COVID-19 crisis.  Join Scot in his determination to be a shining light to others and unwavering in his commitment to bring positive message to those in desperate need.

    Covid-19 Crisis - Day 15

    Covid-19 Crisis - Day 15

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    en-usApril 14, 2020